User blog comment:Fnafan97/How Could You Make Swabbie Better?/@comment-24951189-20180408140403

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Swabbie's fine. It's not god-like since 1-attack cards are easy to block, but its a cheap way for new players to get Imp/Pirate combos. Not powerful, but it occasionally lets a lower-level players get in a good move.

Now yes, Puff Shroom and Goat work better than Swabbie, but that's more about tribe synergy than the card itself. Swashbuckler, Imp Commander, and Toxic Waste Imp rely on it surviving to do damage. It's pretty hard to find fault.

Honestly, there are a lot more card that need attention- Monster Mash, Cakesplosion, Sizzle, Lightning Reed, Celestial Custodian, and Cone Zone to name a few.