User blog comment:Jesus Valdes Aran/Hi, please help me./@comment-37771899-20200601053235

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Hi, constructing a poll alone would not help you so much. It is better for you to consider the pros and cons of each plant. For the 9 plants you suggest, I think grapeshot is decent, but not the best as it has free plants like Primal potato Mine as a competitor, cold snapdragon is an all-around good premium, only to be outclassed by seedium Pokra, cactus is completely outclassed by shadow peashooter and higher levelled laser beans, electric peashooter is good if you enjoy playing endless zones (but not for arena), toadstool has its uses, but is definitely nowhere near the best, UNLESS if you enjoy playing penny's pursuit (it can kill most zombies regardless of health for 5 seconds recharge), caulipower is powerful if you enjoy playing arena and penny's pursuit zombot fights in general (it is one of the BEST plants in arena), but it may not be so good for adventure mode (due to its recharge time), and caulipower is generally better than the blueberry. If you have trouble deciding you can buy plants that are good in virtually all cases, namely imitater and power lily (or both for better results, as power lily has a long recharge time).