User blog comment:LettuceBirb/PvZ Port Ideas/@comment-37209390-20191017130157

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Sea-shroom (too complex but I just had to):

Can only be planted in wet sand, like Lily Pad:

Like Puff-shroom, it would disappear after 60 seconds (maybe longer).

  • When on sand: First zombie that steps on it will get stunned. In this form its lifetime won't tick down, but the stun effect lasts shorter when its lifetime also got shorter. Disappears.
  • When on water: Basically a Puff-shroom, but has its own gimmicks. Lifetime ticks down in this form, but its attacks grow stronger and faster (and it will also inflate visually). When its lifetime reaches 0, all zombies in a 3x3 area are poisoned.

Plant Food:

  • Sand: Spawns more Sea-shrooms in a + shape.
  • Water: Poison all zombies, shoot 60 spores. Other Sea-shrooms also shoot 60 spores.