User blog comment:PepperToadstool01/Thanksgiving Contest!/@comment-25266642-20151112134735

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Cranberry Bomber.png

I made this one plant called Cranberry Bomber. I hope you like it!

Abilities n' stuff

  • Sun cost: 275
  • Recharge: Mediocre

What it does :3

She throws cranberries at random lanes (And yes it does have a delay) that are edible towards Zombies. When a Zombie eats one, it will explode in a 3x3 area, dealing 20 NDS.

Plant food effect!

Summons a massive Turkey on it's lane and makes it run over all of the Zombies in said lane. The turkey of course will kill them, yet it CAN kill a full-health Gargantuar. Pretty OP, amirite?

Le entry

Cranberry Bomber isn't your average gal. She likes explosions. But sadly, she's cool, and she's never seen an explosion in her life. Why is this? She says that cool guys don't look at explosions. But why don't they? The world may never know.