User blog comment:Pvztheroist/something funny/@comment-25812019-20160505230500

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It's clear what we can see here. Your thoughts about the looks of an average chat mod of this wikia; A fat, white clothed, star wars nerd. Yes, things can be satire, but this is simply offensive to chat mods. You are basically saying they are fat nerds goofing around their computers, editing stuff here to become chat mods. If you actually looked at the facts and statistics correctly, you will see that everybody here has a life and clearly nobody here striped as an "average chat mod".

Your grammar, uh... Gruesome. I don't know how but you managed to put the quotation marks in the middle of your sentence, and, worst of all, even fail to write your Username (seriously dude). Even tho you have been improving somehow since the last chat appearence i've seen.

However, The comic shows that you are actually angry or disatisfied about your ban from chat. From what i've seen a couple time ago, when you were banned, i remember exactly that you were swearing at users on chat due to them disagreeing with your "theories". From a few months to now, i'm not sure if you have improved or not, but chat mods clearly won't ban anyone for no reason because they were democractly voted by the community.

On a side note: What's the deal with virgin hot necrophile ladies? That is so... uncasual.