User blog comment:Snowttail/Grand PvZ Examination/@comment-5407503-20120922065759

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Very easy questions:

1. After Zombonis make an ice trail 2. I don't know 3. Big Time

Easy questions:

1. 4 2. 9 3. 48

Midding questions:

1. ZomBotany, 2. Homeowner is protagonist. Crazy Dave is deuteragonist. Dr. Zomboss is antagonist. 3. 4diamonds, 4. French Hat

Hard questions:

1. Hokey Pokey, 2. 4-7, 4-8 and 4-9 3. they cost 50 more sun for each one on the lawn. 4. ZomBotany 5. All your brainz r belong to us

Very hard questions:

1. I don't know 2. G 3. when you receive new things in adventure mode. 4. Dr. Zomboss 5. area and only 4 slots. 6. after 10 flags