User blog comment:TheBlueCreeper78/ PVZ Heroes Card Ideas/@comment-26916914-20171219012550

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You don't need to put Zombie after most of these. Anyways, this is my opinion on most of these so let me finish them later.

Cowboy Zombie is directly weaker than Conehead Zombie, except if you consider tribes.

Cart-Head Zombie might work due to it being Knight of the Undead or whatever its called with less strength and a lower cost.

Prospector Zombie is partially Crazy in a sense, but it could work. However, I don't see what makes this Prospector Zombie. I mean I don't see how its abilities were inspired.

Pianest Zombie has Deadly which only Sneaky has. Also, it has a straight up cost reduction without any other conditions, which seems more of a Hearty thing.

Chicken Wrangler Zombie could just be worded, When Destroyed: Make Zombie Chickens next door. That aside, Zombie Chickens are Sneaky with the only reason that this is Beastly being that it has Pet and it has Frenzy.

Mystery Poncho is weak and it is always favorable to get Armored 1. +2 Health is not worth much at all, which is why things like Photosynthesizer or whatever conjures a card. Armored 1 doesn't seem to be worth 3 Brains either if it is random. I would make it give a Zombie both of those things.

Bull Stampede should be Crazy.

Mining Dynamite should cost 2 Brains since it is Bungee Plumber with 2 damage to the Plant Hero as well.

Minecarts should be Hearty.

Futuristic Zombie is really underpowered. Flag Zombie and Interdimensional Zombie overshadow it.

Jetpack Zombie should be Sneaky or Beastly. There is absolutely no reason why the class system should be broken over this.

Blastronaut Zombie has the same problem. Remove it and it should still be fine, as it's a better Bloomerang.

Holo-Head Zombie will not work. Armored in the class with GLASS CANNONS. It won't fit in Hearty either since Hearty doesn't have Bullseye.

Shield Zombie should be Hearty. It's also basically Zombot Battlecruiser.

Robo-Cone Zombie is just another variant of your Armored 2 Zombies. Anyways, its too strong. 3/7 Stats are annoying for most people (Wing-Nut), and giving it Armored 2 at the cost of 1 extra Brain doesn't help.

Mecha-Football Zombie should be Sneaky. also again with Armored 2 on an already good Zombie.

Garganuar Prime does not need Armored. It directly conflicts with how it has a pure Destroy ability.

Bug Bot Imp is worse than Lep Imp, and other things like that.