User blog comment:Wintermelon43/Bad luck with the plants in pvza...../@comment-5797509-20130630113906

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Also some more bad luckness:

Me:YES lawnmower boost! 

  • lawnmower only get's half of them because they wern't done coming while the other half had all died from the lawnmower*

Me (in head): WHAT?????? IN NEED TO USE 2 OR 3 LAWNMOWER BOOSTS? nope,not happening.

Me (now not in head):Well then, if you weren't done coming.... then have fun. 

  • plants wall-nut and a beet next to it*

That was good luck but it's hinting bad luck.It's hinting i need to use beets,cherry bombs, AND wall-nuts for battle now! (not counting sunflower and aspeargas)