User talk:SolarQuatz22809

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Re:Story + A bunch of other messages Queen of Magic

Apologies for the late message but here are the answers anyway:

  1. No, the story won't be in the form of a video. It will be in the form of written text.
  2. I can embed audio to the story for music.

  1. Senpai is a popular Japanese term that you use to address someone older than you or most notably, to the person you admire the most. And when I do mean admire, it doesn't necessarily always have to be your crush. It can be your friend, sibling, etc.
  2. I don't have a planned date on when exactly I will release the story but I am currently trying to update it more often.
  3. Thanks! :)
  4. :3

Sunflower power! Pinkgirl234 Talk page Check all the things that I have done!04:01, April 23, 2016 (UTC)