Board Thread:Plants vs. Zombies Heroes/@comment-5760976-20171020215325/@comment-33536776-20171104092854

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MyNameIsMyName wrote:
Zombotanist wrote:
B-doom13 wrote:

Zombotanist wrote:

Lily8763cp wrote:
Zombotanist wrote:
I don't know wether to count this pack opening as good luck or bad luck, what do you guys think?
Colossal pack v2.png
Well you got 3 legendaries and you could've gotten Gatling Pea, Gloom-shroom or Cob Cannon so I think you're good.
I would've preferred those tbh, any legendary without a "when played" effect is kinda trash imo, unless you build the whole deck around supporting it.
I see why u could say that, but all the Dino-Roars are pretty good.
Correction, any expensive legendary without a "when played" effect is mostly trash. 
How about Octo? It's usually a slow play but it's still really scary. Supernova is also a great legendary with nice stats and can easily screw your opponent over if they ran out of removals.

Supernova also wrecks Pineclones walls