Daily Challenge (PvZH) strategies/Puzzle Party (Witty Wednesday)/Week 34

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November 29th, 2017

Synopsis: You play as Huge-Gigantacus fighting against Beta-Carrotina on turn 15. Beta-Carrotina has 15 health and you (Huge-Gigantacus) have 1 health. On the field, there is a Blockbuster on the heights and the in third lane, a Carrotillery with a Jugger-Nut in front of it in the second lane, two Shelleries in the fourth lane, and a Spyris in the water lane. You are given two Surfer Zombies, a Fire Rooster, a Barrel of Barrels, and four Smoke Bombs.

  1. Play a Surfer Zombie in the water lane and another in either the heights or the third lane.
  2. Play the Fire Rooster in the fourth lane, causing it to deal 1 damage to both Shelleries, taking them out.
  3. End the "Zombies Play" phase. In the "Zombie Tricks" phase, play the Barrel of Barrels on Fire Rooster. Then, use Smoke Bomb on it and move it to the second lane, dealing 1 damage to Carrotillery and taking it out. Next, use Smoke Bomb to move the Fire Rooster again to the lane with Blockbuster to destroy it. After that, use Smoke Bomb on the Surfer Zombie in the lane with the remaining Blockbuster and move it to the lane with Jugger-Nut. Finally, use Smoke Bomb to move the Fire Rooster to the lane with Blockbuster, taking it out.
  4. Start the "Fight" phase. If you did it right, all your zombies will deal a total of 15 damage to Beta-Carrotina to defeat her.