Daily Challenge (PvZH) strategies/Puzzle Party (Witty Wednesday)/Week 8

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May 31st, 2017

Synopsis: You play as Nightcap fighting against Impfinity on turn 7. Impfinity has 6 health and you (Nightcap) have 1 health. On the field (from left to right), there is a Barrel of Deadbeards, an Imp-Throwing Gargantuar, another Imp-Throwing Gargantuar and a Deep Sea Gargantuar. Also on the field is a Grapes of Wrath in the fourth lane (the only empty lane), however Impfinity will play a Newspaper Zombie in that lane at the start. You are given a Lightning Reed and a Bluesberry.

  1. Play the Lightning Reed in the second lane. It will block the Imp-Throwing Gargantuar and blow up the Barrel of Deadbeards.
  2. Play the Bluesberry in the third lane to block the other Imp-Throwing Gargantuar and do 2 damage to the Newspaper Zombie, making it become a 5/2.
  3. Start the fight. If you did it right, the Barrel of Deadbeards should explode due to the Lightning Reed, which will do 1 damage to the Newspaper Zombie and make it become a 9/1. The Newspaper Zombie will eventually destroy the Grapes of Wrath, which will then do 6 damage to Impfinity due to its ability, taking him out.