Pirate Seas - Level 2-3
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Pirate Seas - Level 2-3 is the second spin-off level of Level 2-1 of Pirate Seas in Plants vs. Zombies Online. In order to get all 3 stars, the player must not let the zombies trample the flowers or lose any lawn mowers. When this level is finished for the first time, the player will get 5 Snapdragon Puzzle Pieces.
- This level has two separate planks. Horde of zombies will walk on these two planks while the Swashbuckler Zombies land on the other lanes. The mast goes to the first lane, which means the player needs to increase their defenses on these two lanes and must find a way to beat all the zombies on these two lanes at once, which makes it hard.
- You will not have enough time to plant enough Twin Sunflowers. Plant 5 Sunflowers first while using Iceberg Lettuces to delay zombies and set up your defenses with Snapdragons and Wall-nuts. The flowers should be right between the Snapdragon and Wall-nut combo to max out Snapdragon's potential.
- Plant the first two Snapdragons on the second and fourth lanes would help it deal damage to all lanes. Plant the third Snapdragon in the middle to increase their attack to the Swashbuckler Zombies.
- Before the first two Swashbuckler Zombies come, you won't have enough time to plant Wall-nuts for those plankless lanes. Quickly prepare yourself with Sunflowers. Meanwhile, you should have enough sun for a Bloomerang. Quickly plant it on the lane which has the Wall-nut in lower health. Then plant a Bloomerang on the other lane with plank.
- Note that the level will get crowded very quickly. Plant quick and correctly so you can destroy them all.
- Keep an eye on Zombie Parrots. Quickly replace the stolen plants.
- Keep replacing Sunflowers to block Swashbuckler Zombies and Wall-nuts, as it'd be a long time until the Wall-nut got recharged for blocking Swashbuckler Zombies. Use Iceberg Lettuce for delaying zombies shortly.
- Always keep an eye on the flowers if you want to earn the star.