Pirate Seas - Level 3-1

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Pirate Seas - Level 3-1 is the third level of Pirate Seas in Plants vs. Zombies Online. To gain access to this level, the player is forced to unlock the key gate with 15 keys. The Imp Pirate Zombie and Gargantuar Pirate make their appearance in this level.


  • Unfortunately, the player would have to encounter the Gargantuar Pirate as the third new zombie in this game. Luckily, there is only one of them, but it, along with the rest of the hordes of zombies can still cause a lot of problems for the player.


  • Start normally. Have at least 5 Sunflowers. You can then plant on top of them for more. Meanwhile, prepare yourself some Wall-nuts. Swashbuckler Zombie will come very quickly in all five lanes, so it is recommended to pick an another Wall-nut from other users in the beginning to be able to plant all five of them quickly.
  • As the Iceberg Lettuces are free, it can be used for delaying. However, as Snapdragon will remove the freezing effect, this will not be very effective later on. Use it to delay one of the first zombies and first Swashbuckler Zombies would be effective for delaying at the beginning. (Don't let Snapdragon's fire affects these first zombies until the freezing effect wears off. Use Wall-nut if needed for the Swashbuckler Zombies.)
    • As at first, you can only plant enough 4 Wall-nuts and 1 Snapdragon, Potato Mines can be used to take care of zombies in the unguarded lane while waiting for the Wall-nut to recharge. It can also be use to destroy tough zombies, especially the Gargantuar Pirate if needed. Note that it cannot be planted on planks.
  • Once again, Snapdragon along with defensive plants should be extremely useful in levels like these. With this combo, multiple zombies coming from the next waves should be stopped and being damaged all at once. Use Plant Food for help.
    • Plant as many of them as you can behind your Wall-nuts. Note that the level will get crowded very quickly. Plant quick and correctly.



Plants vs. Zombies Online levels
Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum
Ancient Egypt
Pirate Seas
Far Future
East Sea Dragon Palace