Plants vs. Zombies: All Stars/Walkthrough

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Chinese Dave Bust.png
This article is about content available solely in the People's Republic of China.
A plague has swept this era.
This article is about content that is no longer available. As such, it is archived.

Pre v1.0.81

Pvzas world1.png
American Suburbs (美国小镇)
Pvzas world2.png
Primitive Tribe (原始部落)
Pvzas world3.png
The Great Wall (万里长城)
Pvzas world4.png
Ancient Egypt (神秘埃及)
Pvzas world5.png
Pirate Seas (海盗湾)
Pvzas world6.png
Wild West (狂野西部)
Pvzas world7.png
Kongfu World (功夫世界)
Pvzas world8.png
Journey to the West (西游记)

After v1.0.81

Pvzas world1.png
American Suburbs (美国小镇)
Pvzas world2.png
Primitive Tribe (原始部落)
Pvzas world3.png
The Great Wall (万里长城)
Pvzas world4.png
Ancient Egypt (神秘埃及)
Pvzas world5.png
Pirate Seas (海盗湾)
Pvzas world6.png
Wild West (狂野西部)

Pvzas world7.png
Kongfu World (功夫世界)
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