Squash (character)

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Not to be confused with Squash, a plant from Plants vs. Zombies 2.

Squash was a chef and the accused in the third case of Plants vs. Zombies: Plant Detective Club.

Student Era

Before he became a chef, he was a student and learnt that lilac is a plant from the Brassicaceae family. He learnt that the Chinese name of Brassicaceae, "Family of Cross-Shaped Flowers", originated from the cross-shaped petals of such flowers. However, he did not know that mutated lilacs can have 5 petals instead of usual 4.

Buying Money Bag

From a random stall, he bought a money bag with 5 lilac flower patterns. He did not know that the petals of those flowers have 5 instead of 4 flowers. He would continue to use the money bag to hold coins when he conducts his business at his youtiao stall, and often dirties the coins inside with oil.

Unlucky Encounter

One day, due to not having a lot of customers, he delayed the closure of his stall to try to sell the leftover youtiaos. A Basic Zombie in business suit visited his stall and ordered youtiaos. Squash also gave a free cup of soya milk. He then put the coins he left on a disk into his money bag. Suddenly, the Basic Zombie walked to him and grabbed his money bag. and proceeded to leave the scene. Squash immediately stopped him and started an argument. This commotion would later attract Chief Threepeater and Zomboss. He and the Basic Zombie were cross-examined by Zomboss. But, as Squash did not know that the lilac patterns on the money bag had 5 petals, he was deemed the true culprit of the case and was handcuffed by Chief Threepeater.

Court Trial

Wall-nut rushed to the scene before the investigation ended. He questioned if Zomboss's questioning was really a well-constructed argument. This led Zomboss to call journalists and Crazy Dave to start a court trial. A provisional court is therefore built at the Plants and Zombies Free Trade Market. Peashooter and Sunflower then proved that the coins in the money bag were all soaked in oil, which could only been have touched by Squash, instead of the Basic Zombie. Squash then received acquittal and was recommended to quit touching coins after touching oily youtiaos.


Student Era

Lilac (丁香) is not under the Brassicaceae family, but instead the Oleaceae family.


  • How Squash holds items is unknown.