User:123WL/Designed Plants2

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He picked the ladder up for $8.99.
A work in progress is being carried out on this page by 123WL, and it may undergo critical changes while this message remains in place.
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Engineer SmileBfN.png
They can be tough nuts to crack.
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Note: These may ruin the balance! And without clear explanations, they are all based on the international version of Plants vs. Zombies 2. If there is any similarity, it is pure coincidence.


Plant Iris to petrify zombies.


Short description

Petrify zombies

Almanac entry

Iris uses iris eyes to petrify zombies.

Special: heavily damages and stuns zombies which cannot be petrified


Plant Food effect

Petrify 4 random zombies.

Enchant-mint effect

When boosted by Enchant-mint,

Level upgrades
Mastery upgrades
  • Damage Pierce
  • Chance to Boost

Spider Ivy

Plant Spider Ivy to produce venomous spiders which make webs.


Short description

Produces venomous spiders

Almanac entry

Spider Ivy produces Acromantula, which will make webs on random tiles.

Special: spiders leave venom on the tile after being destroyed


Plant Food effect

Throw spiders into the random times to form a spider nest, which will constantly summon spiders.

Ail-mint effect

When boosted by Ail-mint,

Level upgrades
Mastery upgrades
  • Damage Pierce
  • Chance to Boost

Haunting Plantern

Sacred Coffee Bean

Supreme Umbrella Leaf