User:Itsleo20/Igneous Cabbage

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Igneous Cabbage is the plant representation of Itsleo20.

Almanac Entry

Igneous Cabbage lobs flaming cabbages at zombies that deal damage over time and spread to other zombies.

Sun Cost: 300

DAMAGE: Moderate



SPECIAL: Cabbages deal damage over time and spreads to nearby zombies.

ALMANAC ENTRY: He had a horrible sunburn that burned his cabbages. (NO MY CABBAGES!!!!)

Igneous Cabbage
Sun cost: 0

Igneous Cabbage lobs fiery cabbages.

Igneous Cabbage once had a horrible sunburn.

Plant Food Ability

Igneous Cabbage launches Flaming Cabbages at all zombies dealing Huge damage each.


"Brassica igneum, te invoc!" - summoning the Igneous Cabbage

"Ego sum igneum brassica!" - when it is summoned.



  • It takes 2.8 seconds for him to reload.
  • His cabbages deal Light damage every second during his burn effect.
  • His cabbages spread if zombies are in a 3x3 radius of the burning zombie.
  • If you use bad translator on this plant, it becomes "Roche coal".

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