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This will probably have no use because it's way too similar to the Outdated Template. If this did see the light of day though, I'd be used on articles with patch notes and stuff.

Refuses to be nerfed.
This page has content that has been changed in a recent update, changing the information.
Ancient Egypt
Mummy Zombie2.png
Description: He cries for his Mummy Mommy.
First appearance: First in most Ancient Egypt levels.
Health: Low as you'd expect. Toilet paper isn't the best means of protection or clothing.
Mummy Zombie Toughness: Ooh...toilet paper... how scary! Speed: Has an abnormal way of walking, which makes him slower than you'd think.
Ancient Egypt
Conehead Mummy2.png
Description: A cone was all it took to give him uniqueness.
First appearance: In this recent issue of "Egyptian Fashion Monthly"
Health: Like... x2 a Mummy Zombie's health. A Peashooter can still kill it.
Conehead Mummy Toughness: A cone. Not that formidable. A cone that size could be a nice substitute for an ice cream cone. Speed: Has the same dysfunction as his non-cone wearing companions.
Ancient Egypt
Buckethead Mummy2.png
Description: That bucket of his gives some good protection, but most of all, gives him higher rank over those other zombies.
First appearance: In a friendly game of Kick the Can. Or in this day and age, Kick the Bucket.
Health: Somehow a bucket gives him a lot more health than a regular zombie, despite the plants hitting the zombie, not the bucket.
Buckethead Mummy Toughness: The most threatening thing you could do with that bucket is remove it and fill it with sand. Who knows where you'll pour it. Speed: Same leg problem blah blah blah.
Ancient Egypt
Flag Mummy Zombie2.png
Description: Don't let that flag fool you. He's just a Mummy Zombie, but with a flag.
First appearance: Alongside a "wave" of zombies, whatever Popcap means by a "wave".
Health: Pretty low. Unlike Cones and Buckets, flags provide no protection.
Flag Mummy Zombie Toughness: Not very intimidating, but that flag makes him 100x cooler. Speed: I don't need to say it.
Ancient Egypt
Ra Zombie2.png
Description: Ra Zombie makes you laugh due to how pathetic it is.
First appearance: The Sun
Health: Less than a Zombie Chicken
Ra Zombie Toughness: As tough as a teddy bear Speed: Slower than Stinky the Snail
Ancient Egypt
Camel Zombies2.png
Description: Only the middle Camel likes Hump Day.
First appearance: In every version of Egypt in the media
Health: Depends on the humps
Camel Zombies Toughness: Have you seen how hard humps are? Speed: Slow, but not as slow as you'd think slow is slow
Ancient Egypt
Explorer Zombie2.png
Description: His main habit is to casually walk past your defenses after being randomly teleported to the future, with no signs of confusion or future shock
First appearance: Out of portals after Imps.
Health: Very low, but seems like a Gargantuar's health
Explorer Zombie Toughness: Fire isn't tough physically, but sure, it's tough Speed: Walking around at the speed of sound
Ancient Egypt
Mummified Gargantuar2.png
Description: The iconic face of the Sphinx, and crusher of plants.
First appearance: Way too often and frequently in Ancient Egypt's expansions. Seriously Popcap chill with the Gargantuars.
Health: Not in good shape. He may have a lot of health, but his body health is terrible. He's overweight and needs to cut back.
Mummified Gargantuar Toughness: As much as a casket with a crazy dude's face on it being held by a giant monstrous freak. Speed: Slow, but his walk rhythm is catchy.
Ancient Egypt
Imp Mummy2.png
Description: Very laid back, lazy, hates Mondays, and has an intense rivalry with Tomb Raiser Zombie.
First appearance: From Mummified Gargantuars. Either that or he's still sleeping.
Health: It's a tiny thing wrapped in toilet paper, what do you think?
Imp Mummy Toughness: He's lazy. He won't scratch. Speed: He lands on his four appendages and scuffles onwards.
Ancient Egypt
Tomb Raiser Zombie2.png
Description: His odd habit of using his own bones as weapons mystically create Tombstones in Plants' paths.
First appearance: Out of his doghouse.
Health: Like a Cone would do, it protects him a bit.
Tomb Raiser Zombie Toughness: He's more like a chihuahua than a pit bull in terms of toughness. Speed: Walks slow enough to finally reach your gravestone when you lose.
Ancient Egypt
Pharaoh Zombie2.png
Description: A pharaoh case provides great protection for it, until you break the seal, then it goes PvZ1 Newspaper on you.
First appearance: In a casket. Duh.
Health: As much as a casket
Pharaoh Zombie Toughness: The casket he has unfortunately has the same face as some deranged time traveling hippie from the future. Speed: What's up with Ancient Egypt and slow zombies?
Ancient Egypt
Zombot Sphinx-inator2.png
Description: A very ugly looking bot devised by the nefarious stunningly good looking Dr. Edgar George Zomboss.
First appearance: To try and cause pain and irritation, but his bosses are easy.
Health: Parsnip Plant Food effect. That's all that's needed.
Zombot Sphinx-inator Toughness: I said it looked ugly didn't I? Speed: Spawns zombies way too slow. Then again, Ancient Egypt zombies are slow.
Ancient Egypt
Egypt Rally Zombie2.png
Description: Don't let that flag fool you, he's just a Mummy Zombie, with a flag... and slightly faster and eats slightly faster.
First appearance: Alongside and actual wave of zombies. And by wave, we mean 2 Gargantuars and other zombies.
Health: Unlike a regular flag, this flag grants protection. We're not sure how that works either.
Egypt Rally Zombie Toughness: Not very intimidating, but that flag makes him 100x cooler...+1. Speed: Remember when I said Ancient Egypt zombies aren't fast? I take that back. Oh and he has the same problem as his fellow Mummy Zombie variants.
Ancient Egypt
Pyramid-Head Zombie2.png
Description: After mindless zombie slaves were building the Pyramidz of Giza, they soon realized they were building them on their faces. They stuck with it.
First appearance: Very early when you only have 1 Melon-pult and a few Kernel-pults out. Everyone should know what level I'm talking about.
Health: Same as a robotic football designed machine from the future. Technology sure hasn't changed.
Pyramid-Head Zombie Toughness: Pyramids look pretty menacing, don't they? Speed: Not too fast, but fast enough to classify as fast.
Ancient Egypt
Torchlight Zombie2.png
Description: Thankfully, this zombie isn't a fan of portals, and rather goes faster and has a menacing fiery deposition.
First appearance: To ruin your day.
Health: Feels like a Jurassic Gargantuar, but is actually just a Conehead.
Torchlight Zombie Toughness: Fire isn't physically tough. Though he has more fire around this time. Speed: Walking around at the speed of sound times infinity.

Pirate Seas
Pirate Zombie2.png
Description: Yo ho ho, Yo ho ho, twiddle dee dee and a bucket o' brains.
First appearance: With some accessories, like a sweet gold sweet tooth.
Health: We think he contracted scurvy, thus the gold tooth.
Pirate Zombie Toughness: Argh! Did that scare you? Didn't think so. Speed: Somehow still manages to create a new leg problem craze.
Pirate Seas
Conehead Pirate2.png
Description: The Conehead Pirate was told he could bring one thing aboard. Of course, that was a nice slick pylon cone.
First appearance: In this recent issue of "Pirate Fashion Monthly"
Health: Turns out that cone wasn't a bad idea to bring along after all.
Conehead Pirate Toughness: He can only say two things. Brains, and Brains (which means Brains). Speed: Sadly his cone doesn't give him the speed necessary to plunder some treasure.
Pirate Seas
Buckethead Pirate2.png
Description: Ditches common hard material made for buckets in favor of wood.
First appearance: In very large numbers in T Dynamic Difficulty on Pirate Seas - Day 18.
Health: We're not sure how wood protects this thing more than pylon, and the fact a Magnet-shroom attracts wood.
Buckethead Pirate Toughness: He's got a lot of wood on his head. Literally. A bucket of wood. Speed: If you notice, you can see that he walks slightly faster than his non-wearing bucket companions.
Pirate Seas
Flag Pirate Zombie2.png
Description: Raises a flag cause heck, why not?
First appearance: Alongside a whole army of Blover bait.
Health: As with his Egypt son-in-law, the flag provides no health benefit.
Flag Pirate Zombie Toughness: He's fragile, but luckily he has life insurance. Wait a sec... Speed: The flag doesn't make him any faster, but he looks pretty cool.
Pirate Seas
Swashbuckler Zombie2.png
Description: Swings in to steal the booty. Not the one you're thinking of.
First appearance: Out of the right side of the screen. Where are those ropes hanging from anyway?
Health: Very low, though his great great great great great great great great cousin fixes that.
Swashbuckler Zombie Toughness: A lanky ol' pirate ain't scaring no one. Speed: He can warp ahead 5 tiles, but somehow can't move 2 inches until he's dead.
Pirate Seas
Seagull Zombie2.png
Description: With the aid of his trusty Seagull companion, the Seagull Zombie's wits and the Seagull's lower back pain provides liftoff.
First appearance: Floating in mid-air. We're still not certain how that Seagull hasn't collapsed from back pain.
Health: Seriously though, that Seagull must be in some tough shape. Even a stick of butter kills them off.
Seagull Zombie Toughness: A Seagull with a hunched back may be formidable near the beach, but here maybe not. Speed: Faster than a regular zombie. With all that back pain the Seagull's got, its got some talent.
Pirate Seas
Barrel Roller Zombie2.png
Description: With a birth defect of having one arm slightly bigger than the other, he fulfills his life long passion of pushing a barrel around. Stopped with weed.
First appearance: Out of the devil's land from his Almanac picture. Like seriously Popcap fix that image.
Health: Pushing a barrel with deformed arms certainly isn't helping his arm grow bigger.
Barrel Roller Zombie Toughness: There's something special hiding in those barrels. Think of it like, Pop Goes the Weasel. Oh wait that's a Frostbite Caves thing ain't it. Speed: Despite having you know what, he can roll his barrel pretty fast.
Pirate Seas
Gargantuar Pirate2.png
Description: After having to walk the plank, these creatures found themselves Sharks to use to get back on board. The arm in its mouth is the former captain.
First appearance: To show you his sweet shark he found
Health: Unlike Pirate Zombie, we know he has Scurvy. Just look at his body!
Gargantuar Pirate Toughness: Finally the first zombie to look tough. I mean, he's got a shark for goodness sake. Speed: Has the same catchy foot stepping pattern has his Egyptian cousin twice removed.
Pirate Seas
Imp Pirate Zombie2.png
Description: His personal habits include hiding in barrels and cannons. They're shy little buggers. Unfortunately it doesn't help with all of them crammed in them.
First appearance: From cannons, barrels, even out of giant ship mechs. They must be cramp in all those spaces.
Health: His head is slightly deformed. Though we think all Imps have this dilemma. Oh and that gold tooth grew naturally. We're not sure how.
Imp Pirate Zombie Toughness: Imagine a baby saying "Argh." Speed: Launches right into action and scuffles onwards.
Pirate Seas
Pirate Captain Zombie2.png
Description: When Pirate Captain Zombie became a zombie, he lost his voice. Rough.
First appearance: To send his totally not stolen Parrot Pal from his uncle Captain Deadbeard to steal your plants.
Health: He may be dead, but he can still grow a beard like there's no tomorrow.
Pirate Captain Zombie Toughness: Probably the most looking pirate you'll ever see. Speed: He's slow as heck, but his companion flies in right into the Danger Zone.
Pirate Seas
Imp Cannon2.png
Description: Stuck with a wheel malfunction, the Imp Cannon comes to a halt launching Imps instead of just driving forward, crushing everything in its path. We believe it would still be stopped with weed.
First appearance: It's just a cannon... until the Imp head pops out.
Health: A lot more than you think. Zomboss must've spent all his money on making Imp Cannons bulky.
Imp Cannon Toughness: Nothing more formidable than a slowly ticking time bomb ready to rain Imps and ruin your day. Speed: Broken wheel, remember?
Pirate Seas
Zombot Plank Walker2.png
Description: A ship on a ship. Shipception
First appearance: In two VERY easy boss fights. Seriously never let an instant use plant be used in a boss battle.
Health: It's made of wood. It's very little. Plus Snapdragon should be able to burn it up anyway.
Zombot Plank Walker Toughness: Nothing says "fear me" than a giant ship with a giant eye with anchor legs. Speed: Like his Egypt mech, he spawns zombies very slow.
Pirate Seas
Jolly Roger Zombie2.png
Description: The most pirate name a zombie could be called.
First appearance: In like... 3 levels. No seriously, it only appears in 3 LEVELS.
Health: Flag provides no additional health benefits, but is said to of increased speed protocol in the upper body in just 30 minutes.
Jolly Roger Zombie Toughness: Not very intimidating, but he looks pretty Speed: Rumors say flags with 2 arrow on it will increase speed and health, but in actuality, Jolly Roger Zombie doesn't skip leg day. Just look at those undead calves!
Pirate Seas
Barrelhead Zombie2.png
Description: One day fishing for food in a barrel, the barrel got stuck on his head. He kept with it.
First appearance: Very creepy. He can only see out of one eye hole.
Health: Wood has the same toughness as a disco-mech from the future. The future called, they want their uniquely high healthed zombies back.
Barrelhead Zombie Toughness: Not that threatening, until you realize it survived a Tangle Kelp encounter... twice. Just look at that dead seaweed on its barrel. Shocking. Speed: It's hard to walk when you can only look out of one eye. Probably should've cut another hole.
Pirate Seas
Pelican Zombie2.png
Description: Unlike his distant species, they don't suffer back pain and thus can travel the Zombie faster. They love going to the Caribbeans.
First appearance: In truckloads in Pirate Seas - Day 32. Also they appear very late.
Health: Sadly, the Pelican does not provide extra health for the Zombie. Maybe they should get a flag with 2 arrows on it...
Pelican Zombie Toughness: The pelican's voice is already nightmarish enough, albeit it being a slower Seagull noise. Speed: It's fast all right, but in game play it seems to be kinda slow.
Wild West
Cowboy Zombie2.png
Description: He doesn't prefer being called a "rootin' tootin' cowboy". It reminds him of plants. Rootin, see?
First appearance: With a sweet cowboy hat that makes him unique to every other basic zombie. Good going, Cowboy Zombie.
Health: Don't say it to him, but he has a severe case of the shindigs. He can't help but break down to a good ol' hootenanny.
Cowboy Zombie Toughness: Yee-haw! Did that scare you? Eh maybe. Speed: Cowboys apparently don't walk faster than mummies or pirates.
Wild West
Conehead Cowboy2.png
Description: How he found pylon in this day and age is a mystery to us all.
First appearance: In this recent issue of "Cowboy Fashion Monthly"
Health: He may look slick, but that slick cone doesn't protect him from the shindigs.
Conehead Cowboy Toughness: Nothing like a cone to make you more threatening. Speed: He's been practicing his square dancing. He plans to team up with another one and beat the Lily Pad duet in "Dancing with the Plants (& Zombies)"
Wild West
Buckethead Cowboy2.png
Description: Maker of the meanest, hottest, roughest and toughest chili around.
First appearance: With his chili pot on his hat. He uses the same pot every year in the Wild West Chili Competition. We do think it's quite unsanitary.
Health: Sadly, chili does not improve immunity to the shindigs.
Buckethead Cowboy Toughness: His chili is enough to give every plant the chills... except Chili Bean and ice plants... and fire plants... Speed: He's always smelling chili, but has yet to float cartoonishly above the ground to find it.
Wild West
Flag Cowboy Zombie2.png
Description: His flag attracts Cowboys for the wrong reason.
First appearance: With a sweet flag. This is hypothesized to be one of the earliest designs for the flag of Zomburbia.
Health: Like other distant relatives, the flag doesn't make him healthier.
Flag Cowboy Zombie Toughness: The flag is the least threatening thing about him. Just look at his boots! Speed: A flag is said to make anyone faster. What he fails to realize is that it's only flags with 2 arrows on it.
Wild West
Prospector Zombie2.png
Description: This ere' brainz be property of this ere' ol' coot.
First appearance: As one of the beard brothers. Pirate Captain Zombie is one of them.
Health: For an old scraggy guy looking for gold, he's doing pretty fine.
Prospector Zombie Toughness: His beard ain't scaring no one. Speed: He isn't so fas... WOAH. Look at him fly!
Wild West
Pianist Zombie2.png
Description: The mastermind behind the shindigs.
First appearance: With a very large piano that moves somehow.
Health: Health that actually makes sense. The plants hit the piano, thus it takes longer to kill it.
Pianist Zombie Toughness: Isn't that tough until you're a plant and see a piano about to run you over.. unless you're Spikerock, he doesn't mind it around 3 times, after that he just falls apart. Speed: He needs to slow down to rhythmically play his only known tune.
Wild West
Poncho Zombie2.png
Description: A zombie that is randomly a Basic or Buckethead. That's it. Oh and sometimes it isn't random.
First appearance: Every night at the spittoon to play blackjack. He's got no poker face, I'll tell you that.
Health: He may have a defect in his body, but chances say he may not. Who knows?
Poncho Zombie Toughness: Randomly will either be nice or the worst zombie around. Speed: He needs to walk suspiciously to keep that poncho up.
Wild West
Wild West Gargantuar2.png
Description: The Gargantuar that puts the brand in brand items. True story.
First appearance: To burn your butt with a "Z". He doesn't know if the Z is supposed to mean Zombies, Zomboss, or Zebra. Either that or he's holding it the wrong way, and is supposed to be an "N".
Health: Likes candy, but will probably lead to Diabetes if he doesn't stop.
Wild West Gargantuar Toughness: A giant creature in a hat with holes in it with a giant brand. This is what cows see. Now you know. Speed: That brand is a bit too heavy for plants, but just enough for a Gargantuar to hold and walk fast.
Wild West
Zombie Bull Rider2.png
Description: A world renown bull rider famous for his countless death defying bull riding antics. On one occasion, he rode a bull through rings... OF FIRE! Sadly, he's retired these days, and rides along with his Gargantuar buddy.
First appearance: In every rodeo book to ever exist. Just search up Z, you'll find him.
Health: All those years of bull riding have taken a serious toll on his health. For just 99 cents a day, you can help this bull riding veteran.
Zombie Bull Rider Toughness: He was a great bull rider, but we never said he was the roughest toughest bull rider. He's a softy, but loves the thrill of adventure. Speed: He's prone to crashing, then rides onwards.
Wild West
Chicken Wrangler Zombie2.png
Description: He thought they said "chicken" instead of "sicken". He was going to gather up all the sickened people in the ol' west, but is now stuck with the chicken hoarding gig.
First appearance: With a bunch of mystically disappearing chickens. Ooooh. Spooky! Popcap fix this glitch, it's been in the game FOREVER.
Health: He has a lot of peck marks, but he loves them all the same.
Chicken Wrangler Zombie Toughness: You'd be surprised how effective launching a bunch of chickens are to assert your dominance. Speed: Hop, hop, hop, CHICKENS!
Wild West
Zombie Chicken2.png
Description: The famous saying of the Zombie Chicken, "Ba-quack!", roughly translates to "Chickens will rule over plants and zombies! The time of the chicken-pocolypse is soon!" Yikes.
First appearance: To storm into defenses along side their fellow brother-ins. They're mostly inspired by Roman war tactics. Little do they realize the Roman Empire fell.
Health: As fragile as glass. But hey, free chicken on a barbeque, are we right?
Zombie Chicken Toughness: The ladies love him, but he always chickens out on dates. Speed: Pecking around at the speed of sound...
Wild West
Zombie Bull2.png
Description: This isn't the same famous Zombie Bull Rider riding the Zombie Bull. It's just a crazed fan wanting him to make a big comeback. The bull itself doesn't mind.
First appearance: To take no bull with anyone. Especially with the color red. He can't stand that.
Health: Despite being able to ride for days, he has crippling leg pain. He's a trooper, and sustains it.
Zombie Bull Toughness: You're a plant. Imagine a bull stampeding towards you. What would you do? Speed: Walks super casually, until it sees a plant. Then it goes ALL out.
Wild West
Zombot War Wagon2.png
Description: Another genius device created by Dr. Zomboss. What interesting qualities does it have compared to the other two? Well... uh... it has wheels! And uh.. a bull? Eh probably symbolizes something.
First appearance: To try and eat your brains, but then Winter Melon is used and you automatically win against it.
Health: Similar to the Plank Walker, it's made of wood and should be easily destroyed.
Zombot War Wagon Toughness: A giant eye and a giant bullseye. The Zombot also has perfect aim. What a coincidence! Speed: Slow slow slow slow slow. Zombots will get better than this, right?

Frostbite Caves
Cave Zombie2.png
Description: Grown with an albino head, he would unintentionally soon start a new gene pool that would recede after the Ice Age passed.
First appearance: With a sweet fur coat he got from skinning a wooly mammoth. At least, that's what he says.
Health: Has frost immunity. Why have other zombies not adapted this trait?
Cave Zombie Toughness: Unga Bunga! Did that scare you? Probably not. Speed: Despite being in snow constantly, they're still as fast as their time distant relatives.
Frostbite Caves
Cave Conehead Zombie2.png
Description: A cone in the Ice Age? These Conehead Zombies get more time paradoxical by the minute.
First appearance: In this recent issue of "Primal Fashion Monthly"
Health: A cone provides some resistance, but not much. Sucks too. It's his favorite piece of head-wear.
Cave Conehead Zombie Toughness: He lives in a cave all day, thus the long hair and beard. Too bad shaving equipment wasn't a thing in this time. Speed: A cone gives no speed benefits, maybe he should get a flag with 2 arr... wait we used this joke didn't we?