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my ideas! (Please dont copy)

Gatling Pea Fixed.png

i have this world idea about the world war and stuff, we could use some of the old plants like gatling pea, which every 10 seconds the gatling pea fires 20 peas at a time,

then there is tactical sunflower, everytime it gives sun, it also fires a flaming seed dealing damage.

After there is this new plant i made up called Berry Trap. when a zombie steps on Berry Trap, it deals damage then trips the zombies. When a zombie is tripped, they get stunned for 3 seconds and knocked back. Like Primal Peashooter Except the stun is longer. After a zombie stepped on Berry Trap, it explodes which slows zombies in a 3x3 area but the explosion doesn't do damage.

after Berry Trap there is seargent nut, it has the health of a tall-nut and every 8 seconds, it punches a zombie and knocks it back which can kill a conehead zombie. If the zombie that is knocked back bumps into another zombie, they both get knocked back and hit.

there is gonna be a thing called toxic gases, so i made this tree plant called Tree Burst. Tree Burst removes all toxic gases and fires 4 poisionous leaves that has the effect simalar when shadow shroom is eaten. The leave's poision's damage depends on if there is toxic gases or not.

Toxic gases

Toxic gases are gases that hurt plants but not zombies because they are already dead. Toxic gases kill plants over time and if Tree Burst is not used, all the plants in the lane with toxic gases will die, the gases can also be removed by fans such as blover or hurrikale.


some zombies are hard to kill so i will give you tips for killing them.

The first zombie is Sniper Zombie, when at least 5 tiles near a plant in the lane, it creates a wall which takes 4 seconds to build and the wall protects the zombies behind it. Then Sniper Zombie can freely shoot plants in the lane as long as the wall isn't destroyed. I'd recommend a melee plant that does tons of damage quickly like Seargent Nut or a knockback plant like Chard Guard. Chard Guard can knock the wall back which makes the Sniper Zombie vulnerable.

Basic zombies in the world are as you know, world war themed. They are called soldier zombies, the ones with coneheads have a brain sign on the cone and it has a strap.

Another zombie is Explosive zombie. It has a bazooka that shoots a very deadly rocket that has 1x3 range. Explosive Zombie shoots rockets every 7 seconds so i would recommend Tree Burst to poision the zombie which would die in 5 seconds when there are toxic gases and also Primal Wall-nut because it can take 3 rockets.

This zombie is the weakest and its called Scout zombie. It may be weak but very useful for the zombies, Scout Zombie creates an underground path that zombies can use as a sneak attack but cant attack when in the path. Explosives and traps are the only plants that can hurt the zombies when they are in the path. So i recommend that you use Berry Trap and explosive plants.

Stats of plants

Gatling Pea

recharge: fast

sun cost: 175 sun

damage per pea: normal

range: straight

Tactical Sunflower

recharge: fast

sun cost: 100 sun

sun production: 75 sun

damage: high

Berry Trap

recharge: slow

sun cost: 50

damage: medium

Range: 1x1

explosion range: 3x3

explosion effect: slowness

Seargent Nut

recharge: medium

sun cost: 150 sun

damage: very high

range: in front

Tree Burst

recharge: fast

sun cost: 25 sun

damage: medium or high

range: diagonally

special: activates when tapped on, then dissapears.

Plant food effects!

gatling pea: fires 20 giant peas and starts shooting 21 peas instead of 20. Everytime gatling pea is fed plant food, he gains a pea increase. The increase increases the peas fired at a time so feed plant food to gatling pea again and then he will now fire 22 peas at a time (last time it was 21)

tactical sunflower: tactical sunflower will fire 3 projectiles in the lane. Every time a zombie is killed by her projectiles then she gives 100 sun.

Seargent Nut: he will gain full health and have a bulletproof vest and a hard hat. Then Seargent Nut smashes the ground and damages zombies that are next to him.

Berry Trap: Berry Trap explodes in a 3x3 radius, then she regrows back. Zombies that are in the radius take damage and get slowed.

Tree Burst: removes and prevents all toxic gasses for 30 seconds. Then fires giant leaves diagonally.