User blog:Drek'TharSuperSword/May 5 is here! Here's the surprise...

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So here it is. We're on May 5 now. Now, for those who ask "what's this surprise all about?" well then here's the answer.

It's both the PvZ's 8th anniversary AND my 5 years on the wiki! :P

Apparently it was really a coincidence. I've never thought I joined the wiki on PvZ's 3rd anniversary. I've never known the release date of PvZ back then so yeah.

But that's not just that. Let me tell you a story.

I've come a long way, from just a random user with poor English and editing skills, to a much more responsible admin.

Seriously, my first mainspace edit was on Gargantuar and at that time I was just randomly tossing all "weaknesses" (even those that are obvious like instant kills) and obviously it got undone. Didn't care much back then. Around a year prior to that I visited the Crazy Dave page, but back then I had no interest in creating a new account.

Back then I only use this really sluggish USB broadband modem that is only capable of delivering speeds of up to 10 KB/sec. Imagine that. Sometimes it's not even gonna connect to the internet, which p**ses me off obviously. But somehow I managed to survive it. I can even chat sometimes, albeit with annoying sluggishness of it.

Interestingly, less than 3 months later, Meyguhmein promoted me to chatmod for no reason. I think he did it just for funsies or something, or maybe because I actually wanted adminship back then but got rejected, so he promoted me to chatmod instead.

Apparently, I was 11 back then, and I registered BEFORE the COPPA law of having to be 13 y/o exists. When it does exist, I disguised as a "20 y/o man". Now THAT'S the untold story of me for those of you not familiar with the background.

Nothing really special happened though, but the wiki was MUCH MUCH more peaceful back then. We never had to deal with drama and whatnot, so all we did was to edit, chat, leave message, blog, and so on, without having to worry about someone getting mad at you for no reason.

There was a vandal at that time too, called Nazi Peashooter681. It wasn't much of a hassle to deal with him, since he only made few sockpuppets like Hail Nazi Peashooter and Nazi Peashooter Is Back.

People I knew that's now inactive at that time are CrazyPingu54 (former admin), Hoanganhminh, Meyguhmein, Snowttail (the first actual person to send message on my talk page) AjCatlove (basically "our Zambiealex" in 2012, since he was a councilor too back then, before he disabled his account), Gregory Exploit (former crat). There were very few users and maybe that's why we lived peacefully. There was this user called Dcoetzee (which is apparently a former Wikipedia admin until 2015!) who published his User file format, although his tool doesn't seem to work properly. His file format research was quite detailed but some were still unknowns until a few years later (2016) where I revealed that some of the offsets are related to Limbo Page stuff.

2013 was pretty OK with some slight bumps. I wanted to enter PvZA in closed beta stages but I never make it due to slow network. I broke my modem at that time and bought another one, but is faster. Also, I wanted to play PvZ2 soft release but I don't have an iOS device (it was released to iOS first just like most apps made by those devs who think iOS is much more profitable than Android). Another interesting thing pointed out by Issa is that I actually wanted to quit the wiki just because I couldn't manage to become an admin (something that would actually happen, but around 3 years later), but I actually ditched that plan, considering the wiki was pretty fine. On the other hand there was this user called Ḡwẵine Ḹٍٍkƨ Ĺiĸe Ͼềлȑềd (it's hard to copy his username due to those characters), who did some wiki revamp, which includes major overhaul of the wiki design. Those lawn backgrounds were actually done by him, if you're asking. He also accepted requests of putting music to userpages that autoplays (which is kinda annoying but we were having so much fun back then).

2014 is where things go quite downhill. I feel bored of editing. GW1 came out that year but my PC wasn't powerful enough to run it, so I ran away (no pun intended!) in April 19 and never came back until Dec 7, where I made some minor activity. Apparently on Feb 23 that year, I turned 13 so I'm legally eligible to "join" the wiki. Was demoted in November due to inactivity of course. 

2015, I came back. The wiki wasn't too much heated up, but the community started to struggle. Drama shows sometimes, but not too frequent. I was promoted to discussion mod. Soon I realized that the number of active people has dramatically increased in a span of a year!

2016, things started to get messed up. More and more drama, Discord being pushed in which literally made The Lawn barren in only a month. This actually caused even more trouble since those chatmods were supposed to guard the lawn instead of Discord! Discord is out of our responsibility since it's not actually part of the Wikia domain anymore. However, there was one good thing in 2016: I became an admin! My dreams I always wished from 3 years ago actually came true, after 2 attempts actually.

2017, Since we haven't end this year yet, I can't draw a conclusion of whether the wiki will go darker and darker by those problems or not. Was demoted back on March due to slight inactivity but finally managed to regain the rights. Now, here it is. My 5 years on the wiki as well as PvZ's 8th anniversary. Half a decade spent on this thing! Proof? ------------->

Yeah. Nice number right? Did the 6969th edit on May 5 :P

That's it for now. I'll update this whenever I get more details of my past.