User blog:GamesterD/PvZH Saga Issue 12: Ice Zombie Cometh

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Insert something here. If you haven't started, read the first PvZH Saga here. GW2 sagas are here. PvZ2 belongs to here. PvZH and PvZ2 links are in my userpage. Sorry, too lazy to post them here.


  • Crazy Waves Water Park, Suburbia*

Green Shadow: *Slides down a slide and into a pool*Solar Flare, are you sure you don't wanna go in here?

Solar Flare: *On a raft drinking a slurpee*I'll evaporate the water you know. It's not an option.

Spudow: *Helping a little Potato Mine keep aloft in the water*Well that's so sad for you. Being in a water park is exciting. Why did you come here though?

Solar Flare: I have nothing to do honestly. *Puts on her goggles and slurps*Just hope nothing bad happens.

Green Shadow: *Slaps herself*Great. Now sooner or later we're going to be attacked by some zombies.*All the plants gasp*Don't worry, we'll take care of them if they come.

Spudow: Not very encouraging.

  • Exactly 62 yards away*

Brain Freeze: *Wandering on the road with humans running away from him*What to do on my free time. I only have 2 hours left.*Brain Freeze sees the water park*Oh, I know what to do. I just need some convincing to get in.*Runs somewhere else*

  • Sometime later*

Solar Flare: Guys, I need to get a refill, do you mind holding my raft for me?

Green Shadow: Sure.

Solar Flare: Thanks. *Flies off somewhere else*

Spudow: *Puts a bunch of plants on Solar Flare's raft*Get off as soon as you see a flower with goggles OK?

  • Exactly 60 yards away*

Solar Flare: *Lands on the ground with an empty canister*Sir, I need to get a refill of a Fertilizer Slurpee.

Slurpee Vendor: Sure, coming right up!*Grabs the canister and refills it with green ice*Here you go. Hey, you know how to get in the water park right?

Solar Flare: *Begins slurping the ice*Yeah, you wanna go there?

Slurpee Vendor: Sure, it'll extend my business.

Solar Flare: OK.

  • Sometime later...*

Green Shadow: brought this vendor to sell some slupees eh?

Solar Flare: *Kicking off some plants off her raft*Yeah, so?

Spudow: *Catching the plants that Solar Flare is kicking off*Well, you shouldn't trust anybody you know. I mean the vendor is gone right now.

Solar Flare: Wait, what?*Looks at the slurpee place with nobody to be seen*Where is he?

Some Random Plant: EEEK!!!

Green Shadow: Oh what now? *All the plants are now looking at Brain Freeze in a ducky tube*

Brain Freeze: Just a dip?

Solar Flare: *Goes into fire mode*No way.

Brain Freeze: Why do you think I went here in the first place?

Green Shadow: The usual terrorism of zombies. Duh.

Brain Freeze: I swear, I just want to get in and have some water fun.

Spudow: Yeah right.

Brain Freeze: Please?

All the Heroes: NO!!!

Brain Freeze: Please?

Some Random Plant: OK!

Brain Freeze: Thank you.*Goes into the pool*

Spudow: Oh gosh, no!!!*Attempts to life Brain Freeze out of the pool with no avail*

Solar Flare: Oh I hate to do this. *Goes into the water which begins to evaporate*

Brain Freeze: Does this pool have a heater? I don't like being warm so don't mind this.*Brain Freeze claps underwater which freezes every plant in the pool along with the pool itself*Oops.

  • Exactly 36 yards away*

Neptuna: *In a fish market, disquised as a fisherwomen with a human holding a zombie fish*And have a good day sir. Enjoy your Zalmon.

Electric Boogaloo: *Underneath the stand of Neptuna's market*Are you sure that's edible?

Neptuna: To you, yes. To him, no.

Electric Boogaloo: But do you really have to sell some zombie fishes here? You know we're here to track Brain Freeze down for being out for too long.

Neptuna: Eh, don't mind that.*Talks to another human*Hello there. Would you like a Zeel?

Electric Boogaloo: Christ.*Notices some ice trails*I think I know where to look first.

  • Back at the water park*

Brain Freeze: *Riding around an ice rink carrying ice blocks with plants in them*Whee!!!

Solar Flare: *Thinking*Drat. I don't think he did it on purpose. By this point I can tell if zombies are sarcastic or not. I do need to rescue everyone though.

Brain Freeze: *Skates toward the frozen hot tub*Why not have a cool bath. It's not exactly warm but I'm fine in it.*Goes into the cold tub and sleeps instantly*

Solar Flare: *Still thinking*I sense some heat still in here*Maybe I can.*Begins to slowly melt the ice*YES! Just need to melt a little more...

Brain Freeze: *Re-awakens*It's getting hot for some reason. Refreshments away!*Re-freezes everything*

Solar Flare: *Now even more frozen*Ugh!!! Well now I know that I have to heat up at the right time. Just need to melt a little but not noticable.*Begins to melt the ice in a slower pace*

  • 5 minutes later...*

Brain Freeze: *Wakes up and gets out of the rink*Ya know, I'll go skating once more*Grabs his ice blocks and lays them off somewhere else*

Solar Flare: He's off! Now I can melt with whethever pace I want.*Begins to melt rapidly*YES! My head's free. Just need my body and I'm home...*Water suddenly sprays upwards in the pool with Neptuna and Electric Boogaloo on the top*

Brain Freeze: *Turns around and sees the two zombies*Oh hi there. How are you two...

Neptuna: IDIOT!*Smashes her trident on Brain Freeze's head*You were supposed to come back to HQ 30 minutes ago!

Electric Boogaloo: *Checking the frozen and very inaccurate clock*Actually he's only 3 minutes overdue for his break.

Neptuna: Oh shut up.

Solar Flare: *Thinking to herself*So he was here just for fun. Maybe zombies aren't all that bad. But I still need to get out of here.

Neptuna: You know what. *Summons an octopus and wraps it around Brain Freeze*You're coming with us.

Brain Freeze: But I wanted to have fun.

Neptuna: Yeah right. You just wanted to take over the water park.

Solar Flare: *Now speaking*Actually...*Melts the ice, turns into fire form, and wraps all three zombies with vines*He kinda did both.

Brain Freeze: *In a suprised manner*So are you on my side or their side.

Solar Flare: The plant side you idiot. And I'm taking you, you're fishy friend...

Neptuna: I'M NOT A FISH!!!

Solar Flare: Sure Princess Sushi. And I'm also taking...*Looks at Electric Boogaloo carefully*uh...this hands...err, I mean ugly dancer.

Electric Boogaloo: *Staring at Solar Flare as well*Well, umm, you in many ways.

Solar Flare: *Raises an eyebrow and let's EB go*So're actually not as angry as Fish Lady here and not as dominant as Yeti MacDonalds as well. What do you want.

Electric Boogaloo: *Thinking to himself*Honnestly a personal...*Winks at were nervously*...fight later in the future and to get the dance off outta here.

Solar Flare: *Grins*Sure.

Brain Freeze: Can I just play in the water for a while legitimently?

Solar Flare: After some adjustments? I'll be alright.

Brain Freeze: What are these adjustments?

  • Sometime later...*

Brain Freeze: *Stuck in a ducky tube in the water with the park all melted down and flooded*This is what I get I guess.

Green Shadow: *Staring at him along with Spudow*You froze this, you'll be immobile for a while.

Spudow: Be glad we're not capturing you. That dancer really saved your yeti butt.

Green Shadow: *Looks at where Solar Flare is with a piece of paper*I swear, they exchanged phone numbers.

Brain Freeze: Really?

Spudow: *Gets a bomb ready*Don't say anything. Your ride back home ain't going to be pretty. Chompzilla's throws aren't something to get thrown by.

Brain Freeze: What?

Solar Flare: *Flies back and does a trollface*Wow, Chompzilla told me how much she hates you. You're going to have a bad time.

The End.


  • To be honest, this is probably my worst saga yet.
  • Crazy Waves Water Park is based on...Crazy Waves Water Park.
  • The Random Plant link is the Random because I had no idea who to chose for those two lines.
  • Solar Flare mentioning and doing evaporation is a refrence where in AtP Solar Flare cannnot go in water without evaporating the entire liquid.
  • Neptuna and EB are Brain Freeze's teammates in the missions, so they're in.
  • This PvZH saga confirms that SF and EB like each other.