User blog:Lily8763cp/PvZ: GW Saga Part 1

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Note:The following in a fan-made story, I'm not sure if I should put this in a thread and I don't go on the fan-fiction wiki . Pretty much, this is a fan-made series pretty much around the garden warfare 1/2 plot.


Main Characters


  • Sunflower-The newest plant in the L.E.A.F. agency, she grew in Zomburbia by an accident that happened 3 years before the events of the series. Due to not really knowing what's going on, she commonly makes accidents but tries to do the greater good.
  • Peashooter-A recent member of the L.E.A.F. agency like Sunflower, he's a little more experienced though doesn't fully get what he's fighting for. He has a crush on Sunflower but isn't sure if he should tell her.
  • Chomper-A gluttonous plant who's kind to every plant and is Cactus' second hand man despite the fact that she abuses or makes fun of him whenever she can.
  • Cactus-A very mean plant who commonly uses others to get her way, however, she's nice when necessary and has a deep history.
  • Citron-A bounty hunter who accidently traveled back in time with Future Cactus when he was trying to capture her. He actually assists the zombies for a bit before joining L.E.A.F. after being blackmailed.
  • Kernel Corn-A klutz who tries to be taken seriously. He also sometimes insults others by accident or "teases" someone for doing something he's done in the past.
  • Rose-A sorceress who has great magical powers and can see into the future. Citron and Kernel Corn constantly fight for her affection.
  • Crazy Dave-The "leader" of L.E.A.F. who's crazy, however, most of the time, he only plants new plants and brings plants to and away from their missions.
  • Zapea-A hyperactive Electro Pea who also makes electric puns.
  • Agent Pea-The leader of L.E.A.F. and Peashooter's grandfather, he's spent 15 years trying to defeat the zombies.
  • Shadow Flower-A world-famous thief who steals from zombies to give to members of the L.E.A.F. agency.
  • Vampflower-A Sunflower with an odd taste and Count Chompula's vampire bride.
  • Count Chompula-A vampire Chomper who sometimes eats weeds "on accident".
  • Yeti Chomper-A rare type of Chomper who's working for L.E.A.F. after zombies destroyed his home.
  • Future Cactus-Cactus' great granddaughter from the future who's wanted through space and time.
  • Zen Cactus-A blind cactus who uses her "eye" necklace to let her see, she also can see throughout time and is surprisingly powerful, but almost never fights.


  • Dr. Zomboss-The leader of the zombies, who have since taken over Suburbia. He mostly plans in the background, planning powerful weapons while his "Zombie Squadron" do most of the attacking.
  • Scientist-The 2nd in command and leader of the Zombie Squadron, his intelligence rivals almost Dr. Zomboss himself. He's created many things for the zombies, including a basic sketch for the Z-Mech, Heal Stations and the ZPG launcher on Foot Soldier's back.
  • Foot Soldier-3rd in command and Scientist "best buddy", despite not being the sharpest tool in the shed, he usually gets the job least, when no plants get in the way.
  • Engineer-A "smart-dumb" zombie who's smart at making robots...and stupid at mostly everything else.
  • All-Star-A football zombie who got armed with a football cannon and his trusty Imp Punt buddy, he usually simply helps instead of doing much due to him believing in teamwork...something most of the zombies don't believe in.
  • Imp Punt-A hyperactive and explosive Imp who uses All-Star as "his horse".
  • Captain Deadbeard-A pirate from a long time ago, he's almost always seen either looking for gold or petting his pet parrot "Squawk".
  • Super Brainz-A hero-wannabe who has gotten his wish granted through the power of science, however, he's sometimes delusional.
  • Imp-An imp crazy for technology, he's made tons of variants of Z-Mechs, however, most of these have exploded in his face after testing them out.
  • Park Ranger-A zombie who's actually a spy for L.E.A.F. due to his love of nature.
  • Roadie Z-A music-loving zombie who'd rather hear music than fight, much to Zomboss' annoyance.
  • Paleontologist-A scientist who thinks he's a dinosaur due to brain damage.
  • Lil Drake-A pyromaniac Imp who "bosses" Paleontologist around when he's in his dragon zombot due to mistaking it for a dinosaur.


  • An "intro" similar to the one shown in the beta of Garden Warfare 2 is shown, however, Rose is speaking in the background*
  • Rose:This used to be Suburbia, a place full of life and happiness...however...15 years ago, the zombies finally won and this place has since been in ruins. A place of darkness and despair...we've tried so hard to take it back, so hard for 15 whole years...but to no avail.
  • A sprout in the ground suddenly sprouts out, blooming into Sunflower*
  • Sunflower:...huh? Where am I? This place doesn't look that well...*walks around until she runs into a group of Browncoats* ...hi there?
  • Browncoat #1:Brainz?
  • Browncoat #2: *taps Sunflower* plant?
  • Sunflower:Plant? *looks around herself* I guess I am!
  • Browncoat #3: *yells as loud as he can* PLANT! PLANT!
  • Alarms nearby go off and multiple zombies rush towards Sunflower*
  • Sunflower:Hey! Talk about a rude welcome! Well, I gotta run *begins to rush away as fast as she can* SEE YA! *runs until she reaches a gate with a Garagantuar blocking it* Aw man, a dead end...and I'm surrounded!
  • Browncoat #1:BRAINZ!
  • Sunflower:At least let me go! I just...I don't know...bloomed? Whatever! Let me live please! *suddenly, a Corn Strike falls down and destroys the gate behind her* Huh? *a Garlic Drone suddenly begins to pick her up* Let me go!
  • Cactus:Hey, don't question it! We'll take you somewhere safe!
  • Sunflower:Who are you?
  • Cactus:I'm Cactus from the L.E.A.F. agency, just using my drone right now.
  • Sunflower:...L.E.A.F.?
  • Cactus: *throws Sunflower onto the hill* We'll explain on the way back, my "boss" Crazy Dave will pick you up soon, this will run out of...*Garlic Drone explodes*
  • Sunflower:What? Out of what?
  • The next scene starts with Sunflower getting in Crazy Dave's RV*
  • Sunflower:What's this about? What were those things before?
  • Kernel Corn:Why don't we introduce ourselves first? I mean, asking about the zombies before our names is kinda rude.
  • Cactus:You did that when you first joined.
  • Kernel Corn:Oh, right. Well, I'm Kernel Corn, pleasure to meet you!
  • Chomper: *rushes over and rapidly shakes Sunflower's hand* Name's Chomper! I hope we become great friends in the future!
  • name is Peashooter, nice to meet you.
  • Everyone looks at Cactus while they wait for her to introduce herself*
  • Cactus:I already told her who I am.
  • Kernel Corn:Well you're rude!
  • Sunflower:Well...she already did. Anyways, my name is Sunflower, it's my pleasure to meet all of you.
  • Kernel Corn:How long were you with those zombies?
  • Sunflower:I...I just bloomed?
  • All of them stare at Sunflower in shock*
  • Sunflower:...what did I say?
  • Chomper:NOTHING grows in that grass! How did you bloom in that grass? All the others plants withered or are lifeless mushrooms!
  • Sunflower:I...I don't know! I don't even know what "L.E.A.F." or a "Zombie" even is!
  • Peashooter:The "zombies" are those things you saw earlier, they eat brains, plant or human brains. They've taken over most of this land 15 years ago, I just joined recently but only really because my father and grandfather are in the agency.
  • Cactus:Shush, we're here. *the RV lands in "Suburbia" or what's left of the original area*
  • Sunflower:This place looks much better than that other place...seesh, what a place to bloom in.
  • Flag Weed: *rushes right in front of Sunflower* Oh, hello there! Are you new here? Well welcome to Suburbia! Hope you enjoy your stay! *rushes away*
  • Sunflower:Suburbia? and well...all the Weeds here seem so happy when you all look so serious.
  • Chomper:...I feel so bad for them.
  • Sunflower:Huh?
  • Kernel Corn:Due to the zombie population ever-growing, he have to mass-produce those Weeds and because we do...they're near mindless. This was the only thing we could do the catch up.
  • Sunflower:Oh...
  • Cactus: *taps Sunflower* Pst, here comes Rose.
  • Sunflower:Rose?
  • Cactus:She's one of the highest ranking members here.
  • Two Weeds are holding Rose's cape as she "walks" over, when she stops, she pats both Weeds on the head*
  • Rose:You two did a good job, anyways, who's this jolly new fellow here?
  • Sunflower:Me? Oh, right! I'm the only new plant here!
  • Rose:Correct, I heard you grew in Zomburbia?
  • Sunflower:Yes? You're going to call me crazy like the rest of them, aren't you?
  • Rose:No, I foresaw this 3 years ago, I saw a little plant blooming in this ruined place, a plant that would help us win this war.
  • Cactus:HER!?!?
  • Rose: *glares at Cactus* ...who do you think?
  • Kernel Corn:But, she's just a baby really, what can she do?
  • Peashooter:I'm sure she's really strong if Rose foresaw her helping us win.
  • Sunflower:I really don't know guys, maybe tell me more?
  • Rose:Very well.
  • scene cuts to back in Zomburbia, where a "shadowed" zombie is talking to a zombie in military gear*
  • ???:I expect you not to fail, get the plant and return, we can't let it escape.
  • Military Zombie:Right "sir", I'll try not to let you down.
  • ???:and if you fail, you only got yourself to blame, remember that.
  • Military Zombie:But what if they already got it?
  • ???:Don't worry about that part, our newest "creation" will arrive soon to help you out.
  • Military Zombie: *bows down* Got that sir, I'll head off right away with an army.
  • ???:Good, don't fail us now.
  • Scene cuts back to Suburbia*
  • Sunflower: *looking in a telescope* What's that flag?
  • Kernel Corn:Don't know, nobody's ever touched it...not that we could've activated it.
  • Sunflower: *rushes to a cannon leading to it* I'll go check it out!
  • Cactus: *shoves Peashooter and Kernel Corn into the cannon* Then go get her! *launches cannon and sighs* I really need a break, a Sunflower saving us all? That sounds silly.
  • screen shows Sunflower walking to the flag*
  • Sunflower:Huh, a crank? *begins to crank up the flag, accidently activating it in the process* It glows too! How beautiful!
  • Kernel Corn: *holding a knocked out Peashooter in his arms, then drops Peashooter in shock* She...she activated the Flag of Power!
  • Peashooter: *wakes up* Huh? Flag of Power? She turned it on?
  • Sunflower:I...I didn't mean too!
  • Kernel Corn: *looks behind him* Guys...we got bigger problems...
  • Sunflower and Peashooter:Huh?
  • Both look back to see a whole army of Browncoat, Conehead, Buckethead and Flag Zombies approaching the flag of power, being led by the military-coated zombie*
  • Peashooter:Foot Soldier... *yells at the top of his lungs* WHAT DO YOU WANT NOW!?!?
  • Foot Soldier:Give us the Sunflower and nobody gets hurt! Boss' orders!
  • Sunflower:I don't want to come back after you tried to kill me!
  • Foot Soldier:That was before the news about you came up, you have great strength and we can't let you stay on their side!
  • Sunflower: *holding her head* Why does everyone say I'm special? Just because I was born on zombie grounds?
  • Kernel Corn:Come on, all plants are special, just focus and see what you can do!
  • Sunflower:...I'll try. *all 3 of them start firing at the zombies, taking tons of them down*
  • Foot Soldier:Ugh...*begins to aim his ZPG at Sunflower while whistling*
  • Peashooter:SUNFLOWER! LOOK OUT!
  • Sunflower:Huh?
  • Foot Soldier: *launches ZPG* FIRE!
  • Out of nowhere, Peashooter blocks the ZPG by firing himself into it, making him fall and hit the ground*
  • Sunflower:Peashooter! *rushes over to him* Are you ok?
  • Peashooter:...don't worry about me, you're more important than me!
  • Sunflower:No! I don't even know what's going on or what I can... *accidently creates a yellow beam that hits Peashooter* Huh?
  • Peashooter:What are you doing? *stands up* I feel great! You just made a ZPG blast pain that takes weeks to recover gone in like, 5 seconds!
  • Sunflower:I did? I mean...I did! This must be what Rose meant!
  • Foot Soldier:WHAT!?!? THAT'S...GAH! THIS MUST BE WHAT MY BOSSES SAID! *calls to the zombies still standing* GET THE GIRL NOW!
  • Kernel Corn:Ready Peashooter?
  • Peashooters: *shakes off* Yep!
  • Both fire their Butter Barrage and Chili Bean Bomb at zombies, leaving only Foot Soldier left*
  • Foot Soldier: *eyes grow wide in surprise and horror* Oh...uh...hey! We can talk about this! How about give us some weeds instead of the flower! That sounds fair, doesn't it?
  • off creep. *suddenly, a Corn Strike falls down and launches Foot Soldier away*
  • Foot Soldier: *screaming while flying away* THIS ISN'T THE END! WE'LL GET THE FLOWER AND WIN THIS, ONCE AND FOR ALL!
  • Kernel Corn:Good job Cactus!
  • Cactus:I released this a bit ago, I heard and saw everything, have to admit Sunflower, you're really something.
  • Sunflower:I...thanks!
  • Cactus:We'll bring you three back to the base soon.
  • Before the episode ends, Foot Soldier is seen in the graveyard talking to the "shadowed" zombie again*
  • ???:You failed us huh?
  • Foot Soldier:You don't get it! That Sunflower! She has some insane power! She can heal others...without any sort of invention!
  • ??? you did what I wished for you to do.
  • Foot Soldier:What? Actually, what about the "secret weapon" you mentioned earlier?
  • ???:Having the secret weapon have a living mind isn't sometimes the best, "it" was getting distracted, however, soon we'll launch another attack. Super Brainz?
  • Super Brainz: *flies down from the roof in front of Foot Soldier* Hello there fellow zombie, you called for me?
  • end of episode*


  • Most of the plant's personalities are from the Ask the Plants series, however, Rose is a more mysterious character than previously mentioned.
  • Citron is the only "main" plant not to appear in the first episode, this is due to him coming from the future in a later episode.
  • The "main plot" of Sunflower growing from Zomburbia is from the beta testing's (and possibly the full version's) intro, showing a Sunflower growing from Zomburbia and Crazy Dave questioning how a plant could grow there.

Link to part 2.