User blog:IMCR8Z/Plants vs. Zombies 2 World Idea: 30's Streets

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Howdy, neighbors! This here is my new world idea for Plants vs. Zombies 2!

Note: Any ideas that were already made by someone else on this wiki or other fanon wikis are purely coincidental, and should not be taken as plagiarisim.

World Features

Like Dark Ages and Cavia porcellus's Spooky Salem world, 30's Streets takes place at night, meaning sun doesn't fall from the sky. Unlike other worlds, the background and zombies of 30's Streets are in black and white, like an old movie, complete with some occasional grain in the background.

Being set in the streets of the 1930's Prohibition Era, fog returns. Unlike in PvZ 1, it does not always cover every lane, and can come in different patterns depending on the level. As in PvZ 1, Plantern, Blover, and Torchwood can clear out fog, and Sun Bean can also be used for this purpose, though not as effective. Unlike in PvZ 1, explosive plants can clear the fog in their range for a brief period of time. Sun-producing plants will also briefly clear all fog on the screen when using Plant Food, but the fog will immediately reappear once their PF effect ends. Lastly, Magnifying Grass's shots can clear fog on the same tile as the projectile, and will clear any fog on the current zombie it is targeting when using Plant Food.

The surprise attack for 30's Streets is "THE FUZZ!", where police cars drive onto your lawn and explode harmlessly, releasing the zombies that were imprisoned in them onto the lawn.

World description: "The year is 1934. The sale of brains has been outlawed, and profit of zombie gangsters is off the charts. Will you bring order to this fog-ridden city or will you be sleeping with the fishes?"

New items

  • 8 new plants
  • 30 levels
  • 1 Zomboss battle
  • 1 Endless Zone

Difficulty: Medium-hard


Goon Zomibe

Regular sleeping-with-the fishes zombie.

Toughness: Average

Speed: Basic

Almanac Entry: TBA

First Appearence: 30's Streets Night 1

Conehead Goon

His fishy cone helmet makes him twice as tough as regular goons.

Toughness: Protected

Speed: Basic

Almanac Entry: TBA

First Appearence: 30's Streets Night 1

Buckethead Goon

His rusty bucket greatly protects him from damage.

Toughness: Hardened

Speed: Basic

Almanac Entry: TBA

First Appearence: 30's Streets Night 4

Flag Goon

Marks the arrival of a crime "wave" of goons.

Toughness: Average

Speed: Hungry

Almanac Entry: TBA

Crime Boss Gargantuar

Gigantic zombie who will make an offer you can't refuse.

Toughness: Great

Speed: Hungry

Damage: Crushes plants with tommy gun.

Damage: Randomly shoots tiles with tommy gun.

Special: Hurls Henchman Imp when damaged.

Almanac Entry: TBA

First Appearence: 30's Streets Night 15

Henchman Imp

Wanted for being thrown over most of your defenses.

Toughness: Average

Speed: Hungry

Almanac Entry: TBA

First Appearence: 30's Streets Night 4

Cement Shoes Zombie

His cement shoes greatly protect him but make it hard for him to walk straight.

Toughness: Dense

Speed: Stiff

Special: Changes lanes as he walks.

Almanac Entry: TBA

First Appearence: 30's Streets Night 2

Petrol Bomb Zombie

Tosses bottles of gasoline that set your lawn on fire.

Toughness: Solid

Speed: Creeper

Special: Throws petrol bombs on the lawn, leaving firey tiles that can't be planted on.

Almanac Entry: TBA

First Appearence: TBA

Chainsaw Zombie

His chainsaw lets him slice through plants very quickly.

Toughness: Protected

Speed: Speedy (with chainsaw), Basic (without chainsaw)

Special: Eats faster than other zombies with his chainsaw.

Almanac Entry: TBA

First Appearence: TBA

Tommy Gun Zombie

His tommy gun lets him attack plants from a distance.

Toughness: Solid

Speed: Hungry

Special: Shoots plants with tommy gun.

Almanac Entry: TBA

First Appearence: TBA

Zombot Godfather

The law-breaking crime boss robot from the 1930's.

Toughness: Undying

Speed: Hungry

Damage: Fires a tommy gun to tear down most of your plants in a lane.

Special: Tosses a grenade to create fog.

Almanac Entry: TBA

First Appearence: 30's Streets Night 30



Planterns clear out fog in the streets of the 30's.

PVZ30 Plantern.png

Costs: 75 sun

Area: 3x3

Recharge: Mediocre

Almanac Entry: TBA

Plant Food Effect: Increases range to 5x3 for a limited time.

Unlocked: After completing 30's Streets Night 1


Scaredy-shrooms are long-ranged mushrooms that hide when zombies get too close.

PVZIAT Scaredy-shroom.png

Costs: 50 sun

Range: Straight

Damage: Normal

Special: Hides when zombies get near, preventing it from being eaten.

Almanac Entry: TBA

Plant Food Effect: Gets out of hiding and shoots a ton of spores in it's lane.

Unlocked: TBA


Pult shrooms toss one mushroom at a time, then two, and then three.

PVZ30 Pult-shroom.png

Costs: 125 sun

Range: Lobbed

Damage: Light (each mushroom)

Firing Speed: x1/2 at first, then x1, then x1 and 1/2

Special: Increases rate of fire over time.

Recharge: Fast

Almanac Entry: TBA

Plant Food Effect: Grows to full size and throws mushrooms at every zombie on screen.

Unlocked: TBA


Poppies toss pins and explosive pineapples at zombies.

Costs: 150 sun

Range: Straight (pins), Lobbed (pineapples)

Damage: Normal (pins), Heavy (pineapples)

Pineapple Area: 3x3

Recharge: Fast

Almanac Entry: "Poppy remembers the old days. Now he can't tell the difference between his left leaf and right leaf. 'I risked my roots being over there!'. His everyday hobbies include: Watching his doorstep, hiding, and attacking anyone who comes near."

Plant Food Effect: Lobs a giant pineapple grenade which does heavy damage to the zombies hit, does major splash damage, and releases fragments that do light damage to every zombie on the screen.

Credit to Octometaknight for giving the idea for Poppy.


Vacuum-shrooms steal cones and other non-metallic objects from zombies.

Costs: 175 sun

Area: 1x6

Special: Removes non-metallic objects from zombies.

Recharge: Sluggish

Almanac Entry: TBA

Plant Food Effect: Sucks up all non-metallic objects in it's lane and spits them back out as projectiles, each doing 15 damage.

Unlocked: TBA


Dart-shrooms shoot flaming, poison, and frozen darts at the zombies.

Costs: 200 sun

Range: Straight

Damage: Moderate (flaming dart), Heavy (poison dart), Normal (frozen dart)

Special: Poison darts damage zombies over time.

Recharge: Mediocre

Almanac Entry: TBA

Plant Food Effect: Fires a lot of darts of each type.

Unlocked: TBA


Roto-shrooms spin wildly when zombies get near, doing heavy damage.

Costs: 150 sun

Area: 3x3

Damage: Heavy

Recharge: Fast

Almanac Entry: TBA

Plant Food Effect: Spins so fast it creates a tornado that does 25 damage to all zombies in a 3x3 area and spits out survivors into other lanes.

Unlocked: TBA


Shield-shrooms project a holographic regenerating shield in the three lanes ahead of it to block zombies.

Costs: 150 sun

Toughness: Elevated (shield), Medium (mushroom)

Range: 3 lanes

Special: Shield regenerates health over time.

Recharge: Sluggish

Almanac Entry: TBA

Plant Food Effect: Same as Infi-nut, but with more health.

Unlocked: TBA


Tap on an Evil-shroom to sacrifice 3 plants for a powerful attack.

Costs: TBA

Damage: Huge

Area: Full Board

Usage: Tap on an Evil-shroom, then tap on the three plants you want to sacrifice.

Recharge: Slow

Almanac Entry: TBA

Plant Food Effect: TBA

Unlocked: TBA

Doom-shroom (Premium)

Doom-shrooms destroy every zombie on the screen, but leave a crater that can't be planted on.

PVZ30 Doom-shroom.png

Costs: 450 sun

Damage: Massive

Area: Full Board

Special: Leaves an unplantable crater on it's space after exploding.

Recharge: Very Slow

Almanac Entry: Doom-shroom is the ultimate zombie-busting tool from the year 2999. He cannot be bargained with. He cannot be reasoned with. He will never feel pity, or remorse, or fear. Many plants wonder if he's a real plant at all.

Plant Food Effect: N/A

Money Cost: $4.99

Pyro-shroom (Gem Premium)

Pyro-shrooms use a powerful flamethrower to roast zombies in it's range.

Costs: 250 sun

Damage: Moderate

Area: 3x5

Recharge: Fast

Almanac Entry: TBA

Plant Food Effect: Creates a ring of fire that does huge damage to any zombie near the Pyro-shroom.

Gem Cost: TBA

Identity Leaf (Gem Premium)

Identity Leaves instantly kill the first zombie they meet and steal their identity, giving them different abilities.

Costs: 225 sun

Damage: Massive

Range: Close

Special: Steals the abilities of the first zombie they encounter. Dig up an Identity Leaf to reset it.

Recharge: Sluggish

Almanac Entry: "Escaped from the zombie clutches of Death Valley, the Identity Leaf has decided to even out his evils and use his abilities of ventriloquism against his captors."

Plant Food Effect: Steals the identities of 3 random zombies on screen and uses them one at a time for a short time, then permanently keeps a random one of the identities.

Costume: None, but you can view it's transformations in the almanac by pressing the costume changer button, although this has no effect.

Gem Cost: 64 gems

Credit to Octometaknight for letting me use his Lime of Crime as the Identity Leaf

Brain Buster

The Brain Buster unique to 30's Streets is called "Shoot Em Up!". Best described as a cross between Whack a Zombie and Heavy Weapon, "Shoot Em Up!" arms the player with a Plant-like Tommy Gun that fires peas, and they must tap to shoot the attacking zombies. Below shows how many hits each zombie takes.

  • Goon Zombie - 1 hit.
  • Conehead Goon - 2 hits, 1 for cone.
  • Buckethead Goon - 3 hits, 2 for bucket.
  • Flag Goon - 1 hit.
  • Cement Shoes Zombie - 3 hits, 2 for cement shoes, but shifts between other lanes a lot.
  • Petrol Bomb Zombie - 1 hit, explodes when shot, damaging all zombies nearby.
  • Chainsaw Zombie - 1 hit, moves very fast.
  • Crime Boss Gargantuar - 10 hits, throws Henchman Imp after taking 5 hits.
  • Henchman Imp - 1 hit.

Sometimes zombies will drop sun. Below shows the tems that can be purchased with sun in "Shoot Em Up!" levels:

  • Upgrade Gun: Increases the ammount of shots your Tommy Gun can fire before having to reload by 1 (default ammo is 5, maximum is 10) Costs: 75 sun at first, then increases by 75 each time it is purchased.
  • Wall-nut
  • Chomper (regardless of whether or not you have purchased it)
  • Cherry Bomb
  • Doom-shroom (regardless of whether or not you have purchased it)
  • Jalapeno (regardless of whether or not you have purchased it)
  • Potato Mine


To be added

Endless Zone

The Endless Zone for 30's Streets is called Papa Zomboss's Mansion and is unlocked after completing 30's Streets Night 17.

The starting plants are:

The plants you can't get are:

In addition to the cards found in other Endless Zones, there is now a card with some fog on it. Selecting it will reduce the ammount of fog in the next level by 1 column. 

Please let me know what you think in the comments section below. Thanks!