User blog:Milesprower2/MP2's Present Blog

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When a present is taken, it will be replaced instantly, so you can always pick any number from 1 to 25.

List of Items

Jack-in-the-Box (4%): Current score is halved.

Basketball (28%): 10 points.

Fertilizer (20%): 25 points.

Watering Can (16%): 50 points.

Gold Watering Can (12%): 100 points.

Bug Spray (8%): 250 points.

Corn Cob (4%): 500 points.

Chocolate (8%): 25 points and you can pick another present.


You must sign up to be on the leaderboard. Sign up slots are reopened until ten people have signed up.

  1. Wintermelon (3,226 points)
  2. MVZMW (3,145 points)
  3. Minh (2,955 points)
  4. Pman (1,544 points)
  5. TMA (916 points)
  6. Heatballer (379 points)
  7. CC00 (250 points)
  8. Peter (200 points)
  9. SuperGuy (25 points)
  10. ???

Points Pot

This is the pot that contains points for anyone who has been inactive on this game. These points will be given away at random.

Current Pot: None.


Here, you can buy stuff with your points! Fill out plant and zombie collections by buying them from this shop! Once you buy a plant or zombie, I will make a section about your collected plants and zombies. You can always sell something for half of the price of buying it if you want to, or if you get duplicates. If it cannot be bought by normal means, then the resale price is 250 points.


Here are the plants for you to buy!

Peashooting Collection

  • Peashooter. Cost: 100 points.
  • Snow Pea. Cost: 175 points.
  • Repeater. Cost: 200 points.
  • Threepeater. Cost: 325 points.
  • Split Pea. Cost: 125 points.
  • Gatling Pea. Cost: 250 points.
  • Total cost: 1,175 points.

Sun Collection

  • Sunflower. Cost: 50 points.
  • Sun-shroom. Cost: 25 points.
  • Twin Sunflower. Cost: 150 points.
  • Total Cost: 225 points.

Aquatic Collection

  • Lily Pad. Cost: 25 points.
  • Tangle Kelp. Cost: 25 points.
  • Sea-shroom. Cost: N/A. To get it, you must win it in special events or get it from a Mystery Vase.
  • Cattail. Cost: 225 points.
  • Total Cost: 275 points.

Catapult Collection

  • Cabbage-pult. Cost: 100 points.
  • Kernel-pult. Cost: 150 points.
  • Melon-pult. Cost: 300 points.
  • Winter Melon. Cost: 200 points.
  • Total Cost: 750 points.

Defensive Collection

  • Wall-nut. Cost: 50 points.
  • Tall-nut. Cost: 125 points.
  • Pumpkin. Cost: 125 points.
  • Umbrella Leaf. Cost: 100 points.
  • Total Cost: 400 points.

Spring Plants Collection (from PvZCC)

  • Slow Moss. Cost: 50 points.
  • Snap Pea. Cost: 225 points.
  • Cotton Wall. Cost: 75 points.
  • Magnet Traplant. Cost: 75 points.
  • Remote Melon-bomb. Cost: 50 points.
  • Growing Clovers. Cost: 225 points.
  • Turnip-mine. Cost: 125 points.
  • Chameliplant. Cost: N/A. To get it, you must win it in special events or get it from a Mystery Vase.
  • Total Cost: 825 points.

Adventure Plants Collection

  • Aspearagus. Cost: 125 points.
  • Beet. Cost: 100 points.
  • Magnet Plant. Cost: 100 points.
  • Flaming Pea. Cost: 125 points.
  • Shamrock. Cost: 125 points.
  • Bamboo Shoot. Cost: 175 points.
  • Chilly Pepper. Cost: 100 points.
  • Beeshooter. Cost: N/A. To get it, you must win it in special events or get it from a Mystery Vase.
  • Hard-nut. Cost: N/A. To get it, you must win it in special events or get it from a Mystery Vase.
  • Acespearagus. Cost: N/A. To get it, you must win it in special events or get it from a Mystery Vase.
  • Power Flower. Cost: N/A. To get it, you must win it in special events or get it from a Mystery Vase.
  • Beetboxer. Cost: N/A. To get it, you must win it in special events or get it from a Mystery Vase.
  • Ice Queen Pea. Cost: N/A. To get it, you must win it in special events or get it from a Mystery Vase.
  • Shamrockstar. Cost: N/A. To get it, you must win it in special events or get it from a Mystery Vase.
  • Bamboom. Cost: N/A. To get it, you must win it in special events or get it from a Mystery Vase.
  • Total Cost: 850 points.


Here are the zombies for you to buy!

Headwear Collection

  • Conehead Zombie. Cost: 75 points.
  • Buckethead Zombie. Cost: 125 points.
  • Football Zombie: Cost: 175 points.
  • Digger Zombie. Cost: 125 points.
  • Giga Football Zombie. Cost: 300 points.
  • Total Cost: 800 points.

Shield Collection

  • Newspaper Zombie. Cost: 75 points.
  • Screen Door Zombie. Cost: 100 points.
  • Ladder Zombie. Cost: 150 points.
  • Target Zombie. Cost: 125 points.
  • Trash Can Zombie: Cost 50 points
  • Total Cost: 500 points.

Swimmer Collection

  • Ducky Tube Zombie. Cost: N/A. To get it, you must win it in special events or get it from a Mystery Vase.
  • Snorkel Zombie. Cost: 75 points.
  • Dolphin Rider Zombie. Cost: 100 points.
  • Total cost: 175 points.

Team Collection

  • Dancing Zombie. Cost: 350 points.
  • Backup Dancer: Cost: 100 points.
  • Zombie Bobsled Team. Cost: N/A. To get it, you must win it in special events or get it from a Mystery Vase.
  • Gargantuar. Cost: 300 points.
  • Imp. Cost: 50 points.
  • Total cost: 850 points.

Spring Zombies Collection (from PvZCC)

  • Eskimo Zombie. Cost: 100 points.
  • Spring Zombie. Cost: 250 points.
  • Hay Fever Zombie. Cost: 100 points.
  • Brave Zombie. Cost: 125 points.
  • Botanophobia Zombie. Cost: N/A. To get it, you must win it in special events or get it from a Mystery Vase.
  • Total Cost: 575 points

Adventure Zombies Collection

  • Barrel Zombie. Cost: 100 points.
  • DJ Zom-B. Cost: 150 points.
  • Rocket Zombie. Cost: 200 points.
  • Conga Leader Zombie. Cost: 225 points.
  • Conga Dancer Zombie. Cost: N/A. To get it, you must win it in special events or get it from a Mystery Vase.
  • Ice Block Zombie. Cost: 125 points.
  • Imposter Zombie. Cost: 125 points.
  • Mall Cop Zombie. Cost: 200 points.
  • Weightlifter Zombie. Cost: 225 points.
  • Gas Can Zombie. Cost: 250 points.
  • Total Cost: 1,700 points.

Mystery Vases

Mystery Vases allow you to get random plants and zombies, and they can come at a cheaper price.

  • Standard Mystery Vase. Gives you any random plant or zombie. Cost: 50 points.
  • Silver Mystery Vase. Increased chance of getting plants or zombies you don't have. Cost: 150 points.
  • Gold Mystery Vase. Always gives you something you don't have. Cost: 250 points.
  • Plant Vase. Gives you a random plant. Cost: 100 points.
  • Zombie Vase. Gives you a random zombie. Cost: 100 points.
  • PvZCC Vase. Gives you a random PvZCC plant or zombie. Cost: 100 points.
  • Adventures Vase. Gives you a random PvZA plant or zombie. Cost: 125 points.
  • Combination Vase. Gives you a combination of two Plants. These have a high resale value, and only rarely appear in special events. Cost: 500 points.

​Custom Colors

These are custom colors for links to your userpage. They WILL override your staff color if you have one. If you buy a color when you have already bought one, you'll have to pick which one you want to color your userpage link.

  • Grey. Cost: 1,000 points.
  • Green. Cost: 2,000 points.
  • Dark Blue. Cost: 2,000 points.
  • Purple. Cost: 2,000 points.
  • Pink. Cost: 2,000 points.
  • Or any color you want that doesn't look too much like a staff color. Cost: 5,000 points.

​Other Items

These are other items which can be useful. You can only have one Perk at a time, and only one Zombifreeze or one Zombie Zapper at a time.

  • Plant Perk. Doubles the points from your next present. Doesn't affect Jack-in-the-Boxes. Cost: 50 points.
  • Mega Perk. Quadruples the points from your next present. Doesn't affect Jack-in-the-Boxes. Cost: 100 points.
  • Zombifreeze. Stops the effects of the next Jack-in-the-Box you get. In other words, your next Jack-in-the-Box doesn't do anything. Cost: 250 points.
  • Zombie Zapper. Makes the next Jack-in-the-Box you get DOUBLE YOUR SCORE. Cost: 1,000 points.

Limited Edition

There is a limited amount of each of these items, so get them before they're gone!

  • Dynamite. Allows you to steal half the points from someone with less points than you. Cost: 250 points. Amount remaining: SOLD OUT!
  • Gloom-shroom. Limited Edition Plant. Cost: 500 points. Amount remaining: One.
  • Cob Cannon. Limited Edition Plant. Doubles the value of any Corn Cobs you get (does not stack with extra Cob Cannons, but does stack with Plant Perks and Mega Perks)  Cost: 1,000 points. Amount remaining: Two.
  • Catapult Zombie. Limited Edition Zombie. Increases the value of Basketballs 5x (does not stack with extra Catapults, but does stack with Plant Perks and Mega Perks)  Cost: 500 points. Amount remaining: SOLD OUT!
  • Crazy Dave. Halves the cost of all plants. Cost: 750 points. Amount remaining: SOLD OUT!
  • Dr. Zomboss. Halves the cost of all Zombies. Cost: 750 points. Amount remaining: One.
  • Mallet. Halves the cost of all Vases. Cost: 500 points. Amount remaining: SOLD OUT!

People's collections

Here is where people's collections are shown.


TheMostAwesomer's plants and zombies.

Sun Collection

  • Sun-shroom.

Team Collection

  • Gargantuar.


Wintermelon's plants and zombies.

Peashooting Collection

  • Gatling Pea.

Sun Collection

  • Sunflower.

Aquatic Collection

  • Sea-shroom.

Headwear Collection

  • Buckethead Zombie.

Adventure Zombies Collection

  • Imposter Zombie.

Limited Edition Items

  • Crazy Dave.


MeVsZombiesMeWin's plants and zombies.

Peashooting Collection

  • Peashooter.
  • Split Pea.

Sun Collection

  • Sunflower.
  • Twin Sunflower.

Aquatic Collection (Completed!)

  • Lily Pad.
  • Tangle Kelp.
  • Sea-shroom.
  • Cattail.

Adventure Plants Collection

  • Beeshooter.
  • Power Flower.
  • Ice Queen Pea.

Headwear Collection

  • Conehead Zombie.
  • Giga Football Zombie.

Shield Collection

  • Ladder Zombie.
  • Trash Can Zombie (x2).

Swimmer Collection

  • Snorkel Zombie.

Spring Zombies Collection

  • Hay Fever Zombie.

Adventure Zombies Collection

  • Gas Can Zombie.

Limited Edition Items

  • Catapult Zombie (x2).


Hoanganhminh's plants and zombies.

Peashooting Collection

  • Repeater.

Sun Collection (Completed!)

  • Sunflower.
  • Sun-shroom.
  • Twin Sunflower.

Aquatic Collection (Completed!)

  • Lily Pad.
  • Tangle Kelp.
  • Sea-shroom.
  • Cattail

Spring Plants Collection

  • Chameliplant.

Adventure Plants Collection

  • Beeshooter.
  • Power Flower.
  • Ice Queen Pea.
  • Flaming Pea.
  • Shamrock.
  • Shamrockstar.
  • Bamboom.
  • Chilly Pepper.

Headwear Collection (Completed!)

  • Conehead Zombie.
  • Buckethead Zombie.
  • Football Zombie.
  • Digger Zombie.
  • Giga Football Zombie.

Shield Collection (Completed!)

  • Newspaper Zombie.
  • Screen Door Zombie.
  • Ladder Zombie.
  • Target Zombie.
  • Trash Can Zombie.

Swimmer Collection (Completed!)

  • Ducky Tube Zombie.
  • Snorkel Zombie.
  • Dolphin Rider Zombie.

Spring Zombies Collection

  • Brave Zombie.
  • Botanophobia Zombie.

Adventure Zombies Collection

  • Barrel Zombie.
  • DJ Zom-B.
  • Ice Block Zombie.
  • Imposter Zombie.
  • Mall Cop Zombie.
  • Weightlifter Zombie.
  • Gas Can Zombie.

Limited Edition Items

  • Gloom-shroom.
  • Cob Cannon.
  • Catapult Zombie.
  • Mallet.


Heatballer's plants and zombies.

Sun Collection

  • Sunflower.


Pman's plants and zombies.

Sun Collection

  • Sun-shroom.

Aquatic Collection

  • Lily Pad.

Adventure Plants Collection

  • Beeshooter.
  • Power Flower.

Shield Collection

  • Target Zombie.

Swimmer Collection

  • Dolphin Rider Zombie.

Spring Zombies Collection

  • Botanophobia Zombie.

Adventure Zombies Collection

  • DJ Zom-B.
  • Gas Can Zombie (x2).

Limited Edition Items

  • Gloom-shroom.

Auction House

Here you can sell plants and zombies to the highest bidder!

You pick a minimum starting bid and the time the auction finishes, and then you wait to make some extra points! You'll probably get even more points if you pick a Limited Edition thing that has sold out.

Current Auctions


Special Events

None at the time.