User blog:Plant Protecter/Fanfiction: Journey to the Centre of Hollow Earth

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My 16th fanfiction. As always, I appreciate feedback and accept requests.

Special thanks to NgThang for suggesting this.

NOTE: This fanfiction is centred around the Colossal Fossils and Triassic Triumph sets. Characters from these sets will be featured.


Sweet Potato and Parasol Zombie convince the others to visit Hollow Earth, a recently discovered area lost in time, filled with prehistoric characters and dinosaurs.

Journey to the Centre of Hollow Earth

  • [Outside the Earth's atmosphere, Huge-Ginganticus is resting on Meteor Z, talking to Dr. Zomboss on his videophone.]

Huge-Gigantacus: "You want me to what?"

Dr. Zomboss: "Bring Meteor Z down to my base. I want to study it, to see if I can harvest its extraterrestrial energy."

Huge-Gigantacus: "Will do, Zomboss."

  • [He gets on his Terror-Former 10,000, and pushes a button, causing two mechanical arms to come out of it. The arms then start slowly pushing Meteor Z towards Earth.]

Dr. Zomboss: "Be careful, Giganticus. You don't want the meteor to-"

  • [Meteor Z slowly starts gaining speed due to the Earth's gravity, before moving out of the Terror-Former 10,000's grip and plummeting to Earth.]

Dr. Zomboss: (panicked) "Quick, catch it! If it gets destroyed, I may never find out the full extent of its energy!"

  • [Huge-Giganticus and his Terror-Former 10,000 quickly flies towards Meteor Z and grabs it. He tries to slow it down, but to no avail, and he screams as it gain some more speed. The scene changes to a spring, where Meteor Z and Huge-Guganticus suddenly smash through the Earth's crust near it. It cuts to deep within the Earth, where Huge-Giganticus, his Terror-Former 10,000 and Meteor Z have stopped falling.]

Dr. Zomboss: (shocked) "Huge-Giganticus, are you OK?! And where are you?!"

  • [Huge-Giganticus gets up, dazed, before focusing and looking at something off-screen in wonder. He then turns his videophone in the direction he' should looking at.]

Dr. Zomboss: "Looks like we've stumbled across something BIG. Take some photos and come back with Meteor Z. I feel an evil plan coming."

  • [He is heard laughing evilly as the screen fades to black.]


  • [At the Zomburger, most of the main characters are talking, when Sweet Potato, Parasol Zombie and Excavator Zombie (who looks slightly annoyed) run up to them.]

Sweet Potato: (excited) "Hey guys!"

Parasol Zombie: (excited) "Guess what?"

Ghost Pepper: "I don't know and I honestly don't care."

Sweet Potato: "Quick, follow us!"

  • [The rest of the characters follow them to a building near the Zomburger, where a group of TV screens are showing the Plant News Network.]

Hot Date: "Hi, and welcome to the Plant News Network. As always, I'm Hot Date."

Button Mushroom: "And I'm Button Mushroom."

Hot Date: "Today's major news story: Yesterday, Dr. Zomboss and Huge-Giganticus have discovered a new location deep inside the Earth dubbed 'Hollow Earth'."

  • [A picture of a prehistoric land appears.]

Button Mushroom: "According to pictures, Hollow Earth is a prehistoric area, untouched by modern civilisation. There are even rumors that there are ancient plants and zombies living there, never before seen by our era's eyes."

Hot Date: "In other news, the tomato-based super villain known as 'The Ketchup Maniac' has attacked Brain Vendor's brain stand, just for using ketchup!"

  • [A picture of Ketchup Mechanic wearing a leaf mask appears.]

Hot Date: "However, she has been deemed an extremely minor threat, due to no one in Suburbia/Zomburbia being allergic to tomatoes or ketchup."

  • [The channel changes to an ad, and Sweet Potato and Parasol Zombie turn to their friends.]

Sweet Potato: (excited) "Isn't it amazing?"

Bikini Zombie: "I suppose so, but I'm more of a mustard person."

Parasol Zombie: (annoyed) "No, she means about Hollow Earth."

Shrinking Violet: "It seems exciting!"

Fishy Imp: "And we should care because?"

Sweet Potato: "Think about it. A whole new place, JUST discovered yesterday. Think of the adventure!"

Parasol Zombie: "And of the scientific discoveries! We could meet our ancient ancestors!"

Sunflower: "But how do we actually GET to Hollow Earth?"

Sweet Potato: "We'll show you! Just follow us, it's on the outskirts of town."

  • [Sweet Potato and Parasol Zombie zoom down the road, with the others following them. The scene changes to the spring from earlier, except there is a large hole next to it. The characters arrive.]

Parasol Zombie: "Here we are!"

Zombie Commander: "Hey guys! I found the tunnel to Hollow Earth!"

  • [She is seen looking into a medium-sized hole.]

Parasol Zombie: "That isn't it, that's the geyser called Ol' Unfaithful."

Zombie Commander: "Why is it called Ol' Unfaith-"

  • [The geyser erupts, and Zombie Commander is blasted up into the air, screaming.]

Parasol Zombie: (yelling) "Because it's completely random! You can't trust it to go off when you need it to!"

  • [Sweet Potato, Parasol Zombie and Excavator Zombie approach the tunnel to Hollow Earth, and stand at its edge.]

Excavator Zombie: "Parasol Zombie, why'd you bring me here? I was busy digging our swimming pool."

Parasol Zombie: "I'd thought you deserved a break. You're always digging holes."

Excavator Zombie: "But I like digging holes, and tunnels."

Sweet Potato: "How are we going to get down there anyway?"

  • [Zombie Commander then falls from the sky onto them, pushing them into the tunnel, much to the shock of the other characters.]

Imp, Imp Mermaid Zombie and Fishy Imp: (shocked) "MOM! DAD!"

Shrinking Violet: (shocked) "Sweet Potato!"

  • [The scene changes to the characters falling down the tunnel, screaming. The scene changes again to a cave illuminated by blue crystals, with a gigantic mushroom in the middle. The characters fall onto the mushroom, and bounce off it, onto the ground.]

Zombie Commander: "That was AWESOME! I want to go again!"

Parasol Zombie: (angrily) "Well then, when we get out of here I'll push you down the tunnel myself!"

  • [Most of the characters then fall onto the mushroom, bounce off it and land on the ground (except for Ghost Pepper, who gently floats down).]

Sweet Potato: "Is everyone OK?"

Toadstool: "I can't feel my legs."

Weasel Hoarder: "What legs?"

Blooming Heart: "Look, it's the cave's entrance."

  • [Everyone goes to the entrance, and they look at something off-screen in wonder/interest.]

Glitter Zombie: (in wonder) "Wow..."

  • [The camera moves to show a prehistoric area with patches of lush vegetation. There are multiple dinosaurs (both normal and plant) are seen flying, grazing or drinking water at a lake. Some mountains and caves are also seen.]

Bikini Zombie: (in wonder) "Cool..."

Weasel Hoarder: (sweaty) "No, hot. It's so humid in here."

Sweet Potato: "Now we need to be very careful. We don't know the dangers of the-"

  • [Zombie Commander then runs in front of the group, before falling face first in front of Primal Potato Mine. He then explodes, launching her into a small forest.]

Sweet Potato: "Oh no. After her!"

  • [The other characters run after her, but Weasel Hoarder slows down, panting.]

Weasel Hoarder: "This place is sooo hot... It was a mistake to come here. Good thing I didn't bring my weasels today. And it's a good thing I've got more airy clothing."

  • [Weasel Hoarder jumps into a bush, and her boots and weasel scarf and belt are seen being thrown out. She then emerges wearing a fur tank top and fur shorts.]

Weasel Hoarder: "Not the best clothing in this situation, but it'll do." (yawns) "Heat exhaustion sure make you tired. I'm sure I'll be safe taking a nap here."

  • [She uses her clothes as a pillow, and takes a nap. Seconds later, three humanoid shadows loom over her. She is then dragged off-screen. The scene changes to Zombie Commander crashing into the ground infront of a pyramid-like structure with a giant mustache on it. The other characters find her.]

Gold Leaf: "Zombie Commander, are you O... What is that?"

Sweet Potato: "Looks like some kind of... Mustache Monument."

Bikini Zombie: "Who in the world would build a monument dedicated to mustaches?"

Excavator Zombie: "I like it."

???: "Hey, you!"

  • [The characters turn to see Elderberry angrily looking at them.]

Elderberry: (angrily) "Get off my lawn!"

Ghost Pepper: "What are you going to? Yell at us until we leave?"

Elderberry: "Exactly. Now, GET OFF MY LAWN!!!"

  • [The others cringe at the volume of his voice, and quickly leave. Elderberry then smiles and leaves. The others exit the forest and soon find a stream filled with green goop.]

Sweet Potato: "This stream looks weird. I though pollution didn't reach hundreds of metres below the Earth's surface."

Parasol Zombie: "Of course! This isn't pollution, this is primordial soup!"

Bikini Zombie and Toadstool: (curious) "Soup?"

Parasol Zombie: "Indeed. It is a chemical environment in which the first biological-"

  • [Bikini Zombie and Toadstool rush past Parasol Zombie towards the soup, with the latter looking at them in shock.]

Parasol Zombie: (panicked) "Stop! You don't know the dangers! Your DNA might affect the life inside the soup! It could reconstruct your DNA and turn you into some... monster! It could-"

Toadstool: "Parasol Zombie, it's soup. SOUP. Since when has soup reconstructed someone's DNA?"

  • [Bikini Zombie puts her hand in the soup, but when she tries to take it out, it doesn't budge.]

Bikini Zombie: "Huh. It's a bit stuck."

  • [She pulls harder, but her arm snaps off and sinks into the soup.]

Bikini Zombie: (shocked) "It ate my arm!"

Ghost Pepper: "A fine example of food fighting back."

  • [The soup bubbles, and a large zombie-shaped blob of primordial soup with two eyeballs and an arm floating around inside jumps out of the soup and lands in front of the characters, who are startled by it.]

Toadstool: "I think I lost my appetite."

Fishy Imp: "It looks icky, like some kind of Zom-Blob."

Parasol Zombie: "This is why you shouldn't drink primordial soup."

Bikini Zombie: "Give me back my arm!"

  • [She puts her other arm inside the Zom-Blob, but instead of getting her arm back, she is sucked inside the blob, shocking the others.]

Dusk Lobber: "A food-loving zombie being eaten by what she thought was food. Poetic justice, or just bad luck?"

Glitter Zombie: (angrily) "Spit out my mom right now!"

  • [She charges off-screen, and the camera moves to reveal she was also eaten by the Zom-Blob.]

Zombie Commander: (panicked) "SELF-PRESERVATION!!" (picks up and throws Sweet Potato at the Zom-Blob and runs away) "You'll never eat me alive!"

  • [An angry Sweet Potato is seen floating around inside the Zom-Blob, who starts slowly moving towards the others.]

Imp: "Oh no."

  • [The others start running in the direction Zombie Commander ran, with the Zom-Blob following them. The scene changes to the inside of a wooden hut, where Weasel Hoarder is waking up.]

Weasel Hoarder: "Not the best nap I've had, but-"

  • [She realises that there's a female zombie in battle armour staring face-to-face with her, causing them both to scream in fright. Weasel Hoarder hides under the hammock she's sleeping in, while the other zombie is running into other rooms, yelling.]

???: "Hey everyone, she's awake!"

  • [After a few moments, the zombie from before, plus four other female zombies in battle armour, approach Weasel Hoarder.]

Weasel Hoarder: (scared) "W-who are you? Are you going to eat me? D-don't, I'm low in vitamins."

???: "No, we aren't going to eat you. We rescued you."

Weasel Hoarder: (confused) "Re-rescued?"

???: "Yes. We found you passed out on the edge of our territory. So we brought you back here."

???: "So, what's a fellow zombie warrior woman doing in our territory? We haven't seen you here before."

Weasel Hoarder: (confused) "Warrior woman?"

???: "Sorry, we forgot to introduce ourselves. I'm Raptor Rider, and these are my friends, Stego Rider, Bronto Rider, Ankylo Rider, and Metal Rider."

Weasel Hoarder: "Metal?"

Metal Rider: "I was given a giant metal dinosaur from the heavens."

Bronto Rider: "Together, we are one tribe of warrior women zombies!"

  • [The warrior women chant, while Weasel Hoarder watches in confusion.]

Stego Rider: "So, what dinosaur do you ride?"

Bronto Rider: "You ARE a warrior woman, right? Because if you're not, you're an intruder."

Metal Rider: "And we don't appreciate intruders in our territory."

Weasel Hoarder: "Actually, I-" (sudden idea) "Well, I was actually going to be trained to ride a dinosaur yesterday, but my tribe was attacked by a large group of plant dinosaurs. They wrecked everything, and I was forced to hide. When I came out, everything's was destroyed, no one was left. So I started looking for another tribe for help. That's believable, right?"

  • [She laughs nervously as Raptor Rider stares at her with squinted eyes. After a few seconds, before smiling.

Raptor Rider: "I know how you feel. We all were part of different tribes who rode only one kind of dinosaur. At least, before the plants attacked."

Ankylo Rider: "How about we train you, so you're able to ride a dinosaur?"

Weasel Hoarder: (smiling) "Sure."

  • [The scene changes to the outside of the hut, where Weasel Hoarder (now wearing battle armour and face paint) and Bronto Rider are standing next to a Brontosaurus.]

Bronto Rider: "Riding a Brontosaurus requires good climbing skills, as well as good balance, as to not fall off the actual dinosaur. Let me show you."

  • [She starts climbing the dinosaur's neck, before quickly sliding down.]

Weasel Hoarder: "Um... I sort of have a problem with-"

Bronto Rider: "Here, let me help you getting up."

  • [Bronto Rider picks up Weasel Hoarder and throws her on top of the Brontosaurus' head. She then looks down in fright, before clinging onto the dinosaur's head for dear life.]

Bronto Rider: "Oh, you're afraid of heights, aren't you?"

Weasel Hoarder: "Is it that obvious?"

  • [The scene changes to Weasel Hoarder with Metal Rider and the Zombot Dinotronic Mechasaur.]

Metal Rider: "You have to be careful getting onto my dinosaur; his metal skin is slippery at times."

  • [Weasel Hoarder tries climbing into the Mechasaur, but slips and falls off.]

Metal Rider: "Like that."

  • [The scene changes again to Weasel Hoarder with Ankylo Rider and an Ankylosaurus.]

Ankylo Rider: "Now the thing with the Ankylosaurus is that it comes with its own built-in club." (holds the dino's tail) "Useful for clubbing enemies on the head. You try swinging it over your head."

  • [Weasel Hoarder grabs the dinosaur's tail, and starts swinging the tail above her head. However, her arm then breaks off, sending the tail in Ankylo Rider's direction, hitting her on the head.]

Ankylo Rider: (stunned) "That... smarts..."

  • [She falls over, stunned. The scene changes to Weasel Hoarder with Stego Rider and a Stegosaurus.]

Stego Rider: "What the Stegosaurus lacks in brains, it more than makes up for in brawn."

Weasel Hoarder: "How small is its brain?"

Stego Rider: "About the size of a walnut."

  • [Primal Wall-nut is seen being chased by Bronto Rider, who is holding a spear. Weasel Hoarder looks at the Stegosaurus' head, and looks back at Primal Wall-nut.]

Weasel Hoarder: "Pretty sure his brain's smaller than that."

  • [The Stegosaurus looks angrily at her, before turning around and leaving.]

Stego Rider: "Oh, you shouldn't of said that. Stegosauruses get easily offended. Come back, Stegosaurus. She didn't mean it!"

  • [She runs after the dinosaur. The scene changes to Weasel Hoarder with Raptor Rider and a Velociraptor.]

Raptor Rider: "You haven't had much luck with the other dinos, but I'm pretty sure a Velociraptor will be the dino for you. It's low to the ground, easy to mount, has a more controllable weapon AND has high self-esteem, so it isn't easily offended. The perfect all-round dino. Plus, it's very affectionate."

  • [The Velociraptor starts affectionately licking Weasel Hoarder, who smiles. After a few seconds, the dino stops.]

Weasel Hoarder: "I think I'll go with the Raptor."

Raptor Rider: "Good. You'll get your own Velociraptor later, but for now you can share mine."

  • [Ankylo Rider suddenly runs outside towards them.]

Ankylo Rider: "There's been a disturbance in our territory. We're going to go check it out."

Raptor Rider: "Come on, rookie. Let's see what's disturbing the wildlife."

  • [Raptor Rider and Weasel Hoarder mount the Velociraptor, and charge off-screen. The scene changes to another forest, where some of the main cast are still running from the Zom-Blob, who has now eaten most of the cast.]

Sunflower: "How is the Zom-Blob able to hold that many people?! You'd think it'd explode by now."

Ghost Pepper: "It technically has no physical boundaries preventing it from growing. It could eat all of us and still have room for more. I have a ghost friend who is like that. I don't visit him often."

  • [The Zom-Blob backs the non-eaten cast against a mountain, when a dinosaur's roar is heard. The Zom-Blob looks behind it, sees some rustling leaves, and regurgitates everything in it (sans its eyes) and quickly zooms into the bushes.]

Bikini Zombie: "Is this what it's like to be food?"

Sweet Potato: "But what could have caused it to run away like that?"

  • [The zombie warrior women and Weasel Hoarder appear on their respective dinosaurs.]

Zombie Commander: "Prehistoric warrior women! I always knew they existed!"

Glitter Zombie: "Do you think they're friendly?"

  • [The warrior women (sans Weasel Hoarder) get out spears and point them towards the cornered characters, shocking them and Weasel Hoarder.]

Zombie Commander: "Look! They're giving us gifts! They MUST be friendly."

  • [The scene changes to the hut from before, where most of the main characters are tied up. The warrior women and Weasel Hoarder (who is looking nervous) are looking at the others.]

Zombie Commander: "OK, maybe they're not friendly."

Toadstool: "At least they aren't cooking you."

  • [The camera moves to reveal Toadstool being tied to a spit, and roasted over a fire.]

Toadstool: "If they gonna eat me, at least have spices. I have mustard, ketchup, salt, pepper. I deserve to be eaten seasoned." (realisation) "Wait, what am I doing?!"

Raptor Rider: "What are you all doing here?"

Ghost Pepper: "We're just tourists."

Stego Rider: "Quiet, spirit. Just be lucky we can't catch you."

  • [Bronto Rider tries to grab Ghost Pepper, but her hand fazes through her.]

Ghost Pepper: "Stop that."

Excavator Zombie: "We were just exploring the area. It was only discovered yesterday."

Ankylo Rider: "Do you think we're dumb? We have been here for many years."

Sweet Potato: "Yes, but we're from a place high above yours."

Metal Rider: "Like the heavens? We have had many things fall from it, but no people. Stop pulling our legs."

Weasel Hoarder: "Can't we just let them go? They didn't really DO anything."

Stego Rider: "They're trespassers, rookie. We can't just let them go."

Ankylo Rider: "We have a way of dealing with trespassers." (grabs a spear) "Let me show you."

  • [Suddenly, futuristic humming is heard, and Beta-Carrotina, Ensign Uproot and Lieutenant Carrotron bust through one of the hut's walls. Ensign Uproot and Lieutenant Carrotron attack the warrior women, causing them to flee (except for Weasel Hoarder, who hides). The characters are then untied by Beta-Carrotina.]

Sweet Potato: (elated) "Beta-Carrotina! You've come to rescue us! But how'd you find us, or get down here into Hollow Earth?"

Beta-Carrotina: "I tracked Huge-Giganticus down here, and found Hollow Earth. I saw you getting captured a couple of seconds after I met this guy."

  • [She whistles, and Tricarrotops hops into the hut. Glitter Zombie gasps in delight, and skates to Tricarrotops, before picking it up and hugging it.]

Glitter Zombie: "It's so adorable!"

Lieutenant Carrotron: "Here, we found out that carrots have evolved in a very different direction."

Ensign Uproot: "We've heard rumors that Dr. Zomboss is trying to build a base here. He might also get some of the prehistoric zombies to add to his army, and we can't let that happen."

Beta-Carrotina: "It's best for you to leave. Who knows what dangers lurk here."

Zombie Commander: "Exploding potatoes."

Ghost Pepper: "Extremly loud berries."

Sweet Potato: "Zombie blobs made of primordial soup."

Ensign Uproot: "Thanks for the heads up."

  • [The three space-themed carrots leave, and Weasel Hoarder comes out of hiding, attracting the attention of the others.]

Dusk Lobber: "What do you want, warrior woman?"

Weasel Hoarder: "Actually, I'm not a warrior woman."

  • [She takes off her battle armour and wipe off her face paint, and the other gasp.]

Imp Mermaid Zombie: (shocked) "Weasel Hoarder?! How did-but-just how?!"

Weasel Hoarder: "Long story."

Zombie Commander: "You can't be Weasel Hoarder. She's right here."

  • [She holds up Jurassic Zombie, who is holding a wheel of cheese.]

Ghost Pepper: "Zombie Commander, that's some kind of Primordial Cheese Shover."

  • [Zombie Commander looks at Jurassic Zombie, before throwing him out a window.]

Zombie Commander: "Close enough."

Weasel Hoarder: "Did none of you actually notice I was missing?"

Blooming Heart: "Well, there was a LOT that you missed."

Sweet Potato: "I think we've had enough adventure for today. How about we leave?"

  • [Suddenly, a roar is heard, and plant-dinosaur hybrids smash through the wall of the hut.]

Ghost Pepper: "Another chase?" (sarcastically) "Oh joy."

  • [A radish dinosaur hybrid roars, and the characters start running (with Glitter Zombie gently putting Tricarrotops down first). The dino-plants continues chasing the others, until they run into a cave, where there's a giant crater.]

Gold Leaf: "Oh no, dead end."

Dusk Lobber: "The dinosaurs are closing in on us!"

  • [The cave then starts to rumble, and a huge spout of water bursts from the crater, sweeping the characters into it. The scene changes to the spring from before, where a geyser erupts, sending the characters into the air. They then land on the ground.]

Blooming Heart: "Where are we now?!"

Parasol Zombie: "That was Ol' Unfaithful. It blasted us to the surface. We're out of Hollow Earth!"

  • [The others cheer, and start to leave. Zombie Commander gets up and looks down Ol' Unfaithful, while Parasol Zombie approaches her.]

Parasol Zombie: "Zombie Commander? Remember when you said you wanted to fall down the tunnel again? And remember when I said I'd personally push you down there myself?"

Zombie Commander: "Yes. Why do you-"

  • [Parasol Zombie suddenly pushes Zombie Commander into the tunnel, before leaving. In the cave below, Zombie Commander falls on a giant mushroom, and lands safely.]

Zombie Commander: "That's wasn't so bad."

  • [Ancient Vimpire then flies down from the cave's ceiling and attacks Zombie Commander, who falls over. After a "poof," Zombie Commander gets up and smiles, revealing a pair of fangs. She then turns into a bat and starts flying up the tunnel.]

Zombie Commander: "Revenge!"

  • [The tunnel then rumbles, and a huge spout of water once again blasts through the tunnel, throwing Zombie Commanders into the air. She later lands on the ground, where the vampire effect wears off due to sunlight.]

Zombie Commander: "Forget revenge. I'll get Parasol Zombie back later."




  • This was suggested to be a fanfic about Set 3, but I decided to include Set 4 characters anyway, because they're basically two halves of the same Set.

Cultural references

  • The fanfiction's title is a reference to the franchise Journey to the Centre of the Earth.
  • The geyser Ol' Unfaithful is a reference to the geyser Old Faithful.

Changed content

  • Sweet Potato wasn't a main character, but was changed to give her a major role.
  • The scene with the Plant News Network didn't exist. Originally, Parasol Zombie would have given the characters a newspaper with an article about Hollow Earth.