User blog:Plant Protecter/Plant Protecter's PvZ Fanfictions: A Tale of no Tail

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My twelfth fanfiction. Feedback is appreciated and I accept requests.

Special thanks to Fairy27 for requesting me to write this.

Note: This fanfiction takes place after other fanfictions, so some things might not make sense.


When Neptuna wakes up one morning, she finds out her wish has come true. But will this new change attract unwanted attention?

A Tale of no Tail

  • [The story starts above the ocean near a beach. The camera then submerges itself under the water, revealing a large coral reef filled with many types of sea life. The camera focuses on a small grey and blue fish with yellow spots and a yellow stripe. It swims towards the camera, looks at it in surprise, and swims away. The camera follows the fish to a house made out of sand and rocks. It quickly swims inside, swimming into a room where a zombie is seen sleeping. The fish then nudges the zombie in panic.]

???: (drowsily) "But mom, I don't wanna swim with the other schools to school..."

  • [The fish, failing to wake the zombie, bites their hand. The zombie then quickly sits up, revealing them to be Neptuna.]

Neptuna: (shocked) "OW!" (she looks angrily at the fish) "Tina, no! Bad fish!"

  • [Tina then lets go of her owner's hand and starts making panicked noises. Neptuna then glances at her window, revealing sunshine.]

Neptuna: "Look, Tina, I'll handle whatever problems you have after breakfast. Oh, if you find Octina, tell her we're going to meet Octo Zombie today."

  • [Neptuna throws away her seaweed blanket, and Tina looks in shock. Neptuna, not noticing the fish's look, swims past her. She makes it to her kitchen, where she opens her sand refrigerator and grabs some coral. She then starts chewing it.]

Neptuna: "The things I eat to have a balanced diet."

  • [Suddenly, a red octopus wearing a gold crown swims through the window. It stops, and stares at Neptuna, shocked.]

Neptuna: "There you are, Octina. We're leaving soon, so you should hurry up and get ready. There are some mini crab cakes in the fridge if you're hungry."

  • [Neptuna swims to the door and grabs her trident, which is resting near it. Behind her, Octina and Tina look at each other in disbelief. Neptuna turns around and notices this.]

Neptuna: (concerned) "You two OK? Why are you giving me those looks? Is there something I'm not aware of?" (angrily) "Did Octina squirt ink on my face while I was sleeping again?"

  • [Octina shakes her head while two of her tentacles cross to perform an "X". Neptuna, somewhat convinced, picks up Octina and puts her on top of her head.]

Neptuna: "I don't fully believe you, but I don't have time to find out what you two are looking at. Octo Zombie's waiting."

  • [She swims out of her house, while Tina follows her. She swims past Neptuna and swims in front of her face, causing her to stop.]

Neptuna: (annoyed) "Tina! What are you doing?!"

  • [Tina, now having Neptuna's attention, swims towards Neptuna's lower half, while Neptuna watches.]

Neptuna: "Tina, I honestly don't have time for any of your nons..."

  • [She looks down to where Tina is in shock. The camera moves down to reveal that Neptuna has a pair of zombie legs and is wearing an orange skirt that goes down to her knees. Her left eye twitches, before she screams in shock and swimming around in panic.]

Neptuna: (shocked) "I HAVE LEGS! I HAVE LEGS! I HAVE LEGS!"

  • [She then starts to slow down, while still being in shock.]

Neptuna: (shocked) "I have legs! I have legs!"

  • [She then completely stops moving, now having a plain look on her face.]

Neptuna: "I have legs."

  • [She then smiles.]

Neptuna: "I have legs." (elated) "I have legs!"

  • [She then starts celebrating while swimming around, while Octina and Tina watch her. She then grabs Octina and hugs her.]

Neptuna: (elated) "I have legs, Octina! Can you believe it?! I have legs!"

  • [Neptuna then stops hugging Octina and starts to think.]

Neptuna: (curiously) "How'd I get legs? I don't remember having legs yesterday, and I'm pretty sure this isn't a dream."

  • [Octina then starts speaking in incomprehensible noises, while Neptuna listens.]

Neptuna: "Last night? What do you mean- Ooooh."

  • [The screen flashes white, and it shows the surface of the ocean at night. Neptuna is seen staring sadly at a beach, where faint music is heard and bright lights are seen. She then sighs.]

Neptuna: (sadly) "It's so unfair. Everyone else gets to go on land. Even you, Octina. But I had to be the one who is half-fish with a tail, restricted to only bodies of water without the help of a fish tank." (she looks up) "I wish I had legs so I could go on land and be normal for once."

  • [Her eyes widen as she spots a shooting star.]

Neptuna: "A shooting star. Maybe it'll grant my wish."

  • [She glances at the beach party, before submerging. The shooting star then crashes into a nearby island. The camera zooms towards a crater on the island, when Starfruit dizzily climbs out.]

Starfruit: (dizzily) "That is the last time I try to be a shooting star."

  • [He dizzily walks off-screen. The screen flashes white, and it returns to showing Neptuna.]

Neptuna: "You think the shooting star actually granted my wish?"

  • [Octina nods, and Neptuna places her on top of her head. She then starts swimming towards the beach.]

Neptuna: "I wonder what Octo Zombie will think of my legs."

  • [The scene cuts to the beach, where Octo Zombie is seen waiting, tapping his foot in impatience.]

Octo Zombie: "Where is she? She's usually here about now."

  • [Octo Zombie's large orange octopus starts pointing towards the ocean. Octo Zombie looks where it's pointing to, and sees Neptuna at the surface of the ocean, waving.]

Neptuna: "Hey, Octo Zombie! Come here, I have a surprise for you."

  • [Octo Zombie, curious, approaches Neptuna.]

Octo Zombie: "What's the surprise? Are we going on another date? I can get the fish tank."

Neptuna: "No need for that thing anymore."

  • Neptuna swims closer and then she slowly stands up, revealing her legs to Octo Zombie. He and his octopi look in shock.]

Octo Zombie: (shocked) "Y-you have legs! And an orange skirt!"

Neptuna: "Yes, I do."

Octo Zombie: (shocked) "B-but how?!"

Neptuna: "I have no idea."

  • [Octo Zombie recovers from the shock.]

Octo Zombie: "So you're OK with having legs now?"

Neptuna: "Of course! Finally, I will be able to go on land without a fish tank, and I'll be able to things I've never done before, like walking up stairs!"

Octo Zombie: "Walking up stairs isn't really exciting."

Neptuna: "For you, maybe. But I've always wondered what it's like. But first, I want to do this thing called "walking". I hear it's fun."

Octo Zombie: "OK. First, you get your foot and-"

Neptuna: (confused) "Foot?"

Octo Zombie: "The thing at the end of your leg."

Neptuna: "Oh, you mean this?"

  • [She raises her right leg and wiggles her toes.]

Octo Zombie: "Yes. So, you get you foot and put it in front of the other foot."

Neptuna: "Like this?"

  • [Neptuna puts her right foot infront of her left, but she lands on the side of her foot, causing her to fall face first into the sand.]

Octo Zombie: "No, not exactly."

Neptuna: (muffled) "Just help me up."

  • [Octo Zombie helps Neptuna up from the sand, while Octina brushes sand away from her face.]

Octo Zombie: "It's OK, sometimes it takes a few tries before people can walk. How about you try and copy me?"

Neptuna: "Alright."

  • [Octo Zombie starts walking, with Neptuna copying him. She then steps on her foot, causing her to flail her arms around before falling onto the sand again.]

Octo Zombie: "You OK?"

  • [Neptuna uses her arms to lift her body away from the ground. She then rolls onto her back and looks at Octo Zombie with an annoyed look on her face.]

Neptuna: "Is walking always this hard?"

Octo Zombie: "Not really. Though it does take a few tries to get the hand of it."

Neptuna: "But I wanna walk now! And I don't want to spend the rest of my morning falling face first into sand."

  • [Octo Zombie looks at Neptuna, and then focuses on her trident. Suddenly, a light bulb appears above his head, which his blue octopus notices.]

Octo Zombie: "Hey Neptuna, how about you use your trident to support yourself while you walk?"

  • [Neptuna's eyes widen, and she looks at Octo Zombie while smiling.]

Neptuna: "That's a great idea! Why haven't I thought of that?"

Octo Zombie: "Well, you have only been trying to walk for the last five minutes."

  • [Neptuna uses her trident to sit up, and then to stand. She starts slowly walking, using her trident as support. After a couple of seconds, she walks faster and smoother, still using the trident as support.]

Neptuna: "It's working. I'm walking, and I'm not falling over or tripping over my feet."

Octo Zombie: "OK, now if you think you can, try walking without the trident."

  • [Neptuna hands her trident to Octo Zombie, and then start singing to walk. She occasionally wobbles, but after a few seconds, she is walking without wobbling.]

Octo Zombie: "See? It's not that hard."

Neptuna: "Remember I only got my legs today."

Octo Zombie: "How about we go stroll around town?"

Neptuna: "Sure."

  • [The two zombies walk off-screen, while a shadowy figure can be seen watching in the bushes. The figure then disappears into the bush. The scene changes to the Arcade, where a nerdy-looking Zombie is seen playing an arcade machine. Bikini Zombie then walks up to the zombie.]

Bikini Zombie: "Arcade Zombie."

  • [Arcade Zombie, not noticing his mother, jumps back in fright, causing him to lose the game he was playing.]

Arcade Zombie: (frightened) "M-mom! W-what are you doing here?"

Bikini Zombie: "I need your help with something."

Arcade Zombie: "Doesn't Glitter Zombie usually help you?"

Bikini Zombie: "Yes, but she's got a hair appointment and I don't want her to miss it."

Arcade Zombie: "Oh. So what do you need help with?"

Bikini Zombie: "Just follow me."

  • [Bikini Zombie exits the Arcade, with Arcade Zombie following behind her. The scene cuts to Octo Zombie and Neptuna walking through town. They pass Trash Can Zombie who, distracted by the fact Neptuna now has legs, bumps and falls into a trash can. Neptuna then turns towards Octo Zombie.]

Neptuna: "I don't like the looks everyone's giving me."

Octo Zombie: "Relax. They just haven't gotten used to you having legs."

Neptuna: "I guess."

  • [In front of them, Parasol Zombie and Zombie Commander are talking to each other while walking.]

Zombie Commander: "I'm just saying, if it's called a remote control, why is it in my house, which is near me and not remote?"

Parasol Zombie: (annoyed) "Zombie Commander, we've been not over this! Its name has nothing to do with its location. It's called that because..."

  • [Parasol Zombie and Zombie Commander stop with surprised looks on their faces. They watch as Octo Zombie and Neptuna walk past them. Parasol Zombie and Zombie Commander then look at each other in disbelief.]

Parasol Zombie: (in disbelief) "Was that Neptuna?!"

Zombie Commander: (in disbelief) "Her? She couldn't be the same mer-zombie we tried to hunt last month."

Parasol Zombie: "But she has the same octopus and everything. Well, everything except for the legs."

Zombie Commander: "I'm calling witchcraft. Anyway, it won't save her."

Parasol Zombie: "Won't save her from what?" (her eyes widen) "You're not thinking of trying to hunt her again, are you?"

Zombie Commander: "Once a mer-zombie, always a mer-zombie, even if she has legs."

Parasol Zombie: "But she has legs now. She can live a normal life, not being half-fish anymore. It'd be cruel to hunt her when she still needs to adjust to her new-found life. So I'm not going to join you again."

  • [Parasol Zombie starts walking away.]

Zombie Commander: "Fine. But when I catch her, I'll just study her to see how she grew legs, and I'll present the findings to the scien-specific comm-unity and I'LL get that science award you always wanted."

  • [Parasol Zombie's eyes widen in shock. She then turns around and angrily looks at Zombie Commander.]

Parasol Zombie: "Don't make me laugh. There is NO way you have enough brain cells to do that, and you wouldn't DARE try that."

Zombie Commander: "Try me."

  • [They both angrily stare at each other, before Parasol Zombie stomps her foot onto the ground.]

Parasol Zombie: (angrily) "That's it, I've made my mind. We are going to hunt Neptuna, and I will be the one to study her and get that've award, not you!"

  • [She walks away, determined. Zombie Commander then smiles.]

Zombie Commander: "Reverse psycho-logy DOES work. And people say I'm stupid."

  • [She starts walking, before walking into a streetlight. The scene changes to the Lost City, where Octo Zombie and Neptuna are standing outside an ancient temple. Neptuna is looking at all the stairs leading to the temple's entrance.]

Neptuna: "Woah. That's a lot of stairs."

Octo Zombie: "You wanted to walk up stairs, didn't you?"

Neptuna: "Yes, but I think that's too many stairs."

Octo Zombie: "Just copy me, OK?"

  • [Octo Zombie walks up some of the stairs. He turns and motions Neptuna to come with him.]

Neptuna: "OK, here goes."

  • [Neptuna starts walking up the stairs.]

Neptuna: "Hey, this isn't that bad. Not as exciting as I thought, but still interesting."

  • [As Octo Zombie and Neptuna walk up the stairs, Bikini Zombie and Arcade Zombie is seen watching them from a nearby bush, while Bikini Zombie is staring angrily at Neptuna.]

Arcade Zombie: "Mom, why are we here? This isn't Parasol Zombie's house, or Toadstool's, or Gold Leaf's, or that cave with the giant boulder." (he spots Octo Zombie and Neptuna) "Hey, isn't that Octo Zombie and his girlfriend."

Bikini Zombie: "Just checking on Octo Zombie."

Arcade Zombie: "You're not jealous of Neptuna, are you?"

Bikini Zombie: "Me, jealous of her? Never."

Arcade Zombie: "Mom."

Bikini Zombie: "OK, so I may be a tiny bit jealous that Neptuna is Octo Zombie's girlfriend. But I was married to HIM for just over twenty years. How could I NOT occasionally miss him?"

Arcade Zombie: "When you're dating someone? Look, promise me you won't try and do anything to Neptuna, or her octopus."

  • [Bikini Zombie sighs, and turns to Arcade Zombie.]

Bikini Zombie: "Fine. For you, I won't."

Arcade Zombie: "Thanks."

  • [The camera changes views, revealing Bikini Zombie has her fingers crossed. At the entrance of the temple, Octo Zombie and Neptuna look at the view.]

Neptuna: "The view's beautiful."

Octo Zombie: "Isn't it?"

Neptuna: "Now that I've walked up stairs, I wanna try roller skating."

Octo Zombie: "But you've only had your legs for 2 hours. Isn't it a bit early to do that?"

Neptuna: "But what if my legs disappear tomorrow? I want to use them while I have them."

Octo Zombie: "I know the perfect place."

  • [The scene changes to a roller rink, where Octo Zombie and Neptuna are putting on roller skates.]

Neptuna: "Have you tried roller skating before, Octo Zombie?"

Octo Zombie: "Yes, actually. In fact, I taught my children how to roller skate. But they're better than me now."

  • [They start skating. Nearby, Parasol Zombie and Zombie Commander are seen skating together while looking at Octo Zombie and Neptuna.]

Parasol Zombie: "So, have you have any plans to get Neptuna?"

Zombie Commander: "Why are you asking me? YOU'RE the ideas person."

Parasol Zombie: "It was your idea to try and hunt her like a moose."

Zombie Commander: "Well, I do have an idea, but now I'm not sure how to do it-"

  • [Parasol Zombie grabs the collar of Zombie Commander's shirt and pulls Zombie Commander towards her. She then angrily stares into her eyes.]

Parasol Zombie: (angrily) "Look, I am not going to let you jeopardise our mission just because you don't know how to do something. We are going to get what we need, you understand?"

  • [Zombie Commander nods, and Parasol Zombie drags her to the exit.]

Zombie Commander: (under her breath) "I don't wanna do this anymore..."

  • [The scene cuts to the beach, where Octo Zombie and Neptuna are strolling near around. Neptuna sighs, catching the attention of Octo Zombie.]

Octo Zombie: "What's wrong, Neptuna?"

Neptuna: "I've enjoyed our time together, with the roller skating and such, but I'm starting to miss having a tail."

Octo Zombie: "But why? I thought you liked having legs."

Neptuna: "I do, but when you live with a tail for most of your life, you start to miss it when it suddenly disappears."

Octo Zombie: "I've never experienced living with a tail, but I'm sure that's how a person feels if they were to."

  • [As he is comforting Neptuna, Bikini Zombie and Arcade Zombie are watching them from a nearby bush, with Bikini Zombie staring angrily at Neptuna.]

Arcade Zombie: "Mom, I thought you said we'd stop spying on Octo Zombie and his girlfriend."

Bikini Zombie: "I'm just worried about him."

Arcade Zombie: "Mom, are you OK?"

  • [Bikini Zombie angrily looks him.]

Bikini Zombie: "I am fine! I am completely fine, and you can't change that!"

Arcade Zombie: "Mom, did you eat breakfast today?"

Bikini Zombie: "Well, no, I was busy, but-"

Arcade Zombie: "There's the problem; you haven't eaten breakfast. You know how you missing breakfast makes you a bit crazy. I'll just go and-"

  • [Before Arcade Zombie can leave, Bikini Zombie grabs his shoulder and turns him towards her.]

Bikini Zombie: (angrily) "You aren't going anywhere. You are going to stay here with me, and even though I have had no breakfast, I am completely sane!" (stares into Arcade Zombie's eyes) "I am complete sane I tell you! Completely sane!"

  • [Her right eye twitches, and she turns around, while Arcade Zombie stares in surprise. In a bush near them, Parasol Zombie and Zombie Commander are looking at their target.]

Parasol Zombie: "There she is. Have you got the weapon?"

  • [Zombie Commander holds Camo Ranger's Camo Surprise.]

Zombie Commander: "Yes, but-"

Parasol Zombie: "But nothing. You have the weapon, now aim and fire away."

Zombie Commander: "But I'm feeling that this is bad somehow."

Parasol Zombie: "Don't chicken out now. And beside, this was your idea in the first place."

Zombie Commander: "I know, but after trying to hunt Neptuna last time, I don't wanna do it. They look so happy."

Parasol Zombie: "So? What do you care?"

Zombie Commander: "They remind me of me and Edgar."

Parasol Zombie: "First, it's "Edgar and I". And second, didn't you two break up?"

Zombie Commander: "Yes, but I'm sure he's going come back any moment now."

Parasol Zombie: "Hasn't been two months?"

Zombie Commander: "Yes, but-"

Parasol Zombie: "Face it, Zombie Commander. He's moved on."

  • [Zombie Commander, realising what Parasol Zombie means, sighs while a saddened look forms on her face.]

Zombie Commander: (saddened) "You're right."

Parasol Zombie: "Of course. Now fire the weapon."

Zombie Commander: (saddened) "No. I'm not in the mood, and I don't wanna disturb them."

Parasol Zombie: "Well then, let me do it."

  • [Parasol Zombie grabs the Camo Surprise and tries to take it. Zombie Commander refuses to let her take it.]

Zombie Commander: "I don't wanna let you have it."

Parasol Zombie: (angrily) "Give it now!"

  • [As they struggle to gain control of the Camo Surprise, making them not focus on where they're moving, causing them to stumble into the bush Bikini Zombie and Arcade Zombie are, and causing them to bump into Arcade Zombie, who falls forward.]

Bikini Zombie: (shocked) "Parasol Zombie! Zombie Commander! What are you two doing here?"

Parasol Zombie: "We may ask you and-"

  • [She looks at Arcade Zombie (who is dusting himself off) in curiosity, while Zombie Commander stares at him.]

Parasol Zombie: "I'm sorry, who is this?"

Bikini Zombie: "My son."

  • [Arcade Zombie waves at them nervously.]

Parasol Zombie: "Arcade Zombie? I always thought he was less... buff."

Arcade Zombie: (nervously) "I-I get that a lot."

Zombie Commander: (under her breath) "He's cute..."

Parasol Zombie: "Anyways, what are you and Arcade Zombie doing here?"

Arcade Zombie: "We've been following Octo Zombie and Neptuna."

  • [Bikini Zombie angrily glares at him, before turning to Parasol Zombie.]

Bikini Zombie: "And what are you doing?"

Zombie Commander: "We're trying to hunt Neptuna."

  • [Parasol Zombie angrily glares at her, before nervously looking at Bikini Zombie.]

Parasol Zombie: (nervously) "You're not angry at our plan, right?"

Bikini Zombie: "Angry? ANGRY?"

  • [She walks up to Parasol Zombie.]

Bikini Zombie: "I want to help."

  • [Arcade Zombie gasps in shock.]

Arcade Zombie: (shocked) "Mom. You wouldn't."

Bikini Zombie: "Quiet, Arcade Zombie. The adults are talking."

Arcade Zombie: (under his breath) "I'm nearly 20. I'm an adult."

Zombie Commander: "That's it, I don't wanna do this anymore."

Parasol Zombie: "I don't need you anymore, anyway. Bikini Zombie's replaced you."

  • [Zombie Commander glares at Parasol Zombie, before walking to Arcade Zombie and sitting next to him.]

Arcade Zombie: (nervously) "H-hi there."

Zombie Commander: "Hi. You OK?"

Arcade Zombie: (nervously) "Y-yeah. I-it's just I haven't really h-had experience with communicating with girls I'm not related to. W-well, that, and I'm afraid what my mom and her friend are planning."

Zombie Commander: "You got dragged into this as well?"

Arcade Zombie: (nervously) "Y-you could say that."

Zombie Commander: "It's weird. I origami-nally wanted to hunt Neptuna, but she and her friend remime-ed me of my no-longer boyfriend, and that caused me to remememember the times we shared toga-ther."

  • [Arcade Zombie looks at Zombie Commander in concern.]

Arcade Zombie: "I've heard mom talk about you. She says you're the stupid one."

  • [Arcade Zombie, realising what he said, covers his mouth, while Zombie Commander gasps in shock.]

Zombie Commander: (shocked) "What?! She no think me smart?!"

  • [She gets up and lunges at Bikini Zombie, causing a fight cloud to appear. Arcade Zombie and Parasol Zombie approach the fight cloud.]

Parasol Zombie: "You tell Bikini Zombie to stop fighting Zombie Commander!"

Arcade Zombie: "No, YOU tell YOUR friend to stop fighting my mom!"

  • [As the two argue, they get sucked into the fight cloud. The fight cloud then moves out of the bushes and towards Octo Zombie and Neptuna, catching their attention.]

Neptuna: "What a fight cloud doing here?"

  • [Octo Zombie throws two orange octopi into the fight cloud, causing it to disperse. It reveals Parasol Zombie and Bikini Zombie being bound in one octopus, and Zombie Commander and Arcade Zombie in the other.]

Parasol Zombie: (struggling) "Not again!"

  • [Octo Zombie and Neptuna angrily glare at Parasol Zombie and Zombie Commander.]

Octo Zombie and Neptuna: (angrily) "You two again?!"

Zombie Commander: (nervously) "Hi there."

Neptuna: (angrily) "What are you two doing here? Same as last time?"

Arcade Zombie: "Long story short, yes, but with Bikini Zombie in place of Zombie Commander."

Bikini Zombie: (angrily) "You traitor!"

Octo Zombie: "How could you, Bikini Zombie? I thought you were better than this."

Bikini Zombie: "I would be, if Neptuna was gone!"

Neptuna: "What have you got against me?"

Arcade Zombie: "She's jealous that you're with Octo Zombie, so she wants you to be gone."

  • [Neptuna looks at Bikini Zombie in anger.]

Neptuna: (angrily) "What?!"

Zombie Commander: "And Parasol Zombie wanted to study you."

  • [Octo Zombie looks at Parasol Zombie in disbelief.]

Octo Zombie: (shocked) "You wanted to do what?!"

  • [Neptuna and Octo Zombie then start arguing with Bikini Zombie and Octo Zombie, while Zombie Commander and Arcade Zombie watch.]

Zombie Commander: "Do you think we should help?"

Arcade Zombie: (seriously) "Somewhat. I have VOLUMES to say about what they're doing."

  • [He stands up, and walks towards the argument.]

Arcade Zombie: "Guys."

  • [The argument continues.]

Zombie Commander: "Guys!"

  • [Yet again, the argument continues.]

Arcade Zombie and Zombie Commander: "GUYS!!"

  • [The argument stops, and the zombie arguing look at the two.]

Arcade Zombie: "Octo Zombie. Neptuna. We would like to have this octopus stop binding us, and for us to speak to these two in private."

  • [Octo Zombie snaps his fingers, causing the octopus to stop binding them. Octo Zombie and Neptuna then move away from the two.]

Bikini Zombie: "What is it, Arcade Zombie?"

Parasol Zombie: "Yeah Zombie Commander, what is it?"

Arcade Zombie: "What is it? WHAT IS IT?!"

Zombie Commander: "Look at yourselves! You've tried to HUNT Neptuna! And for what?!"

Parasol Zombie: "A science award!"

Bikini Zombie: "Revenge!"

Arcade Zombie: "Those things are NO excuse. Bikini Zombie, you missed breakfast this morning. It's made you mad! You said you moved on from Octo Zombie!"

  • [He puts his hand in his pocket, and get out a gumball.]

Arcade Zombie: "Here mom, chew this."

Parasol Zombie: "There's no way she would eat that. Who knows how long it's been in your pocket?"

Arcade Zombie: "She loves gum. And besides, I've seen here eat gum from under tables."

  • [He tosses the gumball towards Bikini Zombie, who catches it in her mouth and eats it. She then seems to calm down and look less crazy than before.]

Bikini Zombie: "Thanks. I really needed that."

Zombie Commander: "And as for you, Parasol Zombie, hunting Neptuna just for a science award."

Parasol Zombie: "That, and to get that award, not you."

Zombie Commander: "I never wanted that award in the first place!"

Parasol Zombie: (curiously) "Then why did you say..."

  • [Her eyes widen as she realises she's been tricked.]

Parasol Zombie: "You used reverse psychology on me! You tricked me into joining you!"

Zombie Commander: "Yes, but now I don't want to hunt her anymore."

Parasol Zombie: (guiltily) "Now I feel bad for doing this. I don't need a science award, especially if it's at the cost of a relationship."

Bikini Zombie: (guiltily) "I feel bad too. I let myself go way too far."

  • [Arcade Zombie turns to Octo Zombie.]

Arcade Zombie: "Your octopus can let them go now! They've realised their mistakes."

  • [Octo Zombie snaps his fingers, causing the octopus to let go of Parasol Zombie and Bikini Zombie. They get up and walk towards Neptuna and Octo Zombie.]

Bikini Zombie: "Look, we're sorry for the things we tried to do today."

Parasol Zombie: "Our behaviour was unsatisfactory."

Octo Zombie: "It's OK. You've learnt your lessons, and now we can let bygones be bygones."

Neptuna: "That's good and all, but there is still one problem; how did I get my legs in the first place?"

Zombie Commander: "I have an idea how it may of happened."

  • [The screen flashes white, and Zombie Commander is seen watching TV in her house at night. A knocking sound can be heard, and she gets up and goes to the front door. She opens it, revealing a panicked Parasol Zombie holding a bubbling potion.]

Parasol Zombie: (quickly, in panic) "Zombie Commander I need you to dispose of this!" [hands her the potion] "Thanks bye!"

  • [She quickly runs off-screen, while Zombie Commander looks at the potion in confusion. She goes to the kitchen and empties the potion's contents in the sink.]

Zombie Commander: "I shouldn't be doing this, but I'm missing my TV time!"

  • [The scene cuts to underground, where the camera follows the path the potion takes through the pipes. Eventually, it ends up going out of a sewage pipe near the beach. The potion, glowing in the moonlight, moves out to sea. Underwater, the potion comes into contact with an anchovy swimming near the ocean floor, which causes it to become zombified, and its tail to disappear and be replaced by a pair of legs. The fish then stands up.]

Anchovy: "Meep."

  • [The anchovy walks away, while the potion then moves towards Neptuna's house, where it spreads toward such the bedroom, where Neptuna is seen sleeping. Tina and Octoina see the glowing potion, and swim away from it in panic. The camera cuts to the outside of Neptuna's house, where glowing purple light is seen coming through the windows. The screen flashes white, and it returns to showing everyone at the beach.]

Parasol Zombie: (angrily) "You dumped my potion DOWN the drain?!"

Zombie Commander: "Hey, I don't even know what "dispose" means!"

Neptuna: "Wait. So you're saying..." (she points to Parasol Zombie) "You created the potion, and..." (she point she to Zombie Commander) "You made it end up in the ocean?"

Parasol Zombie: "Guilty as charged."

Zombie Commander: "What's an ocean?"

  • [Neptuna silently looks at the two of them, before running up to them and hugging them.]

Neptuna: "Thank you, thank you, thank you! You two made my wish come true!"

Parasol Zombie: "You're welcome."

Zombie Commander: "Can we stop the hug? I'm not the hugging type."

  • [She lets go of the both of them and turns to Parasol Zombie.]

Neptuna: "Since you're the one who made the potion, do you have some sort of antidote?"

Parasol Zombie: "Yes, but it is untested and somewhat dangerous."

  • [She takes out the potion from her satchel.]

Neptuna: "That's good enough."

  • [She grabs the potion, takes off the cork and drinks the potion. She drops the flask onto the ground, and in a flash of white light, she transforms into her usual self.]

Neptuna: (elated) "I have a tail again! I-"

  • [She suddenly starts gasping, startling everyone.]

Neptuna: (hoarsely) "Need. Water!"

  • [Octo Zombie quickly picks up Neptuna and throws her into the ocean.]

Parasol Zombie: "Wait, why did he throw Neptuna's into the water?"

Zombie Commander: "Duh. Mer-zombies are half-fish. They need water to survive."

Parasol Zombie: "Of course, the potion didn't just make her have legs, it must of made most of her fish genes get replaced with zombie genes! That's how she was able to survive on land."

Zombie Commander: "What genes? She wore a skirt."

  • [Parasol Zombie just stares at Zombie Commander, annoyed. Neptuna then emerges from the water.]

Neptuna: "Thanks Octo Zombie!"

  • [She waves to him and submerges below the water. Bikini Zombie then approaches Octo Zombie.]

Bikini Zombie: "I'm sorry for the whole "trying to hunt your girlfriend in jealously" thing. I was not thinking clearly. But now, I see that you and her are actually pretty perfect for each other."

Octo Zombie: "And I'm sorry for the whole "breaking up with you" thing. Technically, that led to this. But you DID always say you were annoyed with my octopi."

Bikini Zombie: "That is true."

Octo Zombie: "You know, I think you trying to hunt Neptuna was somewhat a good thing."

Bikini Zombie: "What? Why?"

Octo Zombie: "If you didn't, we wouldn't of forgiven each other."

  • [They start walking off-screen.]

Bikini Zombie: "How about we try to become friends?"

Octo Zombie: "That sounds like a great idea."

  • [As the two completely walk off-screen, Parasol Zombie, Arcade Zombie and Zombie Commander look at each other.]

Arcade Zombie: (curiously) "So what do we do now?"

  • [The other two shrug.]



  • After "Trap Tile Trouble"
  • Inbetween some events of "Breaking It Off"
  • A month after "Octo-Lovers"


  • When I first started working on this story, I accidentally named it "A Tail of no Tale." Homophones at tricky things sometimes.
  • I originally had Glitter Zombie get paired with Bikini Zombie, but I changed it to Arcade Zombie so that he would get introduced.
  • The anchovy's line is a reference to the anchovies that appear in the SpongeBob SquarePants franchise.
  • Some of the words Zombie Commander says, like "toga-ther", are suppose to be words purposely mispronounced, as to partially outline her stupidity.