User blog:SerenityStars364/Top 15 most beautiful plants in PvZ2

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Hehehe! Why hello there. I'm Serenity-san and it's the TOP 15 most beautiful and gorgeous plants in Plants vs. Zombies 2 ever! :)


15. Stallia

Stallia's eyes look kinda pretty, but still. Her stalling effect looks brilliant!

14. Ice Bloom

Ice Bloom2.png
Ice Bloom is quite cool, and i wanted to use her to chill down the Explorer Zombie and the Torchlight Zombie's torches. However, her recharge is too slow.

13. Grimrose

Grimrose is better than Tangle Kelp in my opinion, because he can be used in any world, while Tangle Kelp can be only used in Big Wave Beach.

12. Hurrikale

Hehe! Hurrikale's design looks slightly pretty, even he can also chill down the Explorer Zombie, Prospector Zombie, Torchlight Zombie and their torches/dynamites.

11. Perfume-shroom

Perfume-shroom can be useful to charm dinos in her lane. But sadly, she is only used in Jurassic Marsh, and that's how the Areas have a LACK of dinosaurs.

10. Missile Toe

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Missile Toe looks beautiful with these "mistletoes" on her head, i can tap on her to hit a tile whenever she targets a zombie in there, but she is too expensive.

9. Moonflower

There's uh, Moonflower of course. She can power up other Shadow plants in a 3x3 area, and even her weak Plant Food effect only gives you a little sun.

8. Bombegranate

Even though, Bombegranate looks a bit pretty but still cool, her seeds can damage the zombie when they step on the seeds.

7. Enlighten-mint

Enlighten-mint is quite beautiful, and she's a better sun producer than the Primal Sunflower (Sorry), that's because she is invulnerable like the other mints and also she can boost the plants that are in her family too.

6. Blooming Heart

Blooming Heart2.png
Oh, here's the Venus wannabe named Blooming Heart. She's kinda weak but still, she can target a Excavator Zombie because he can't block lobbed-shots.

5. Shrinking Violet

Shrinking Violet2.png
Shrinking Violet is pretty cool while her coustumes look weird on her, she shrunk zombies in a 3x3 area, she can get rid of the Imps, Zombie Chickens, Ice Weasels and the Gargimp Legal.

4. Spear-mint & Conceal-mint

Spear-mint2.png Conceal-mint2.png

3. Enchant-mint


2. Winter-mint
