User blog:Sucksthemost/PvZ1 expansion levels

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  • Wave progressions: For every 1 wave:
    • If there is one zombie, the next wave will be triggered when the zombie loses half or more of its original health, or gets insta-killed.
    • If there is more than one zombie, the next wave will be triggered if half the number of zombies get killed. (if there are odd number of zombies, letting the no. be x, then no. of zombies needed to be killed before progressing to the next wave = x/2-1)
    • If these conditions are not fulfilled, then the next wave will be triggered after a certain time limit. This time limit is the same as the original pvz1.
  • Zombie Yeti1.png will drop a new plant or 1 diamond (after being killed for the first time, or if there are no plants to be unlocked in that level) when killed for this mode. These yetis will appear in every level.
  • To unlock this mode, player must complete the entire adventure mode at least once, AND purchase the 7 seed slots perk from the store.
  • For all levels in this mode, the player always starts off with 75 sun.

Level 1

  • Here, the Zombie Yeti drops the plant Stallia2.png when killed for the first time.
The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost lane.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Note(s)
1 Imp1.png None
2 Conehead Zombie1.png None
3 Pole Vaulting Zombie1.png None
4 Imp1.png Conehead Zombie1.png None
5 Pole Vaulting Zombie1.png Imp1.png None
6 none Imp1.png Imp1.png Necromancy! @ C6; 2 graves are spawned.
7 Flag Zombie1.png Conehead Zombie1.png1 Conehead Zombie1.png2 Conehead Zombie1.png3 Conehead Zombie1.png4 Conehead Zombie1.png5 Imp1.png None 1st flag!
8 Imp1.png1 Imp1.png2 Imp1.png3 Imp1.png4 Imp1.png5 None
9 Buckethead Zombie1.png1,3,5 Imp1.png2,4 None
10 Rally Zombie2.png Pole Vaulting Zombie1.png1,3,5 Buckethead Zombie1.png2,4 Conehead Zombie1.png None 2nd flag!
11 Imp1.png1 Imp1.png2 Imp1.png3 Imp1.png4 Imp1.png5 None
12 Conehead Zombie1.png Conehead Zombie1.png Imp1.png Imp1.png None
13 Rally Zombie2.png Conehead Zombie1.png1 Buckethead Zombie1.png2 Conehead Zombie1.png3 Buckethead Zombie1.png4 Conehead Zombie1.png5 Imp1.png3,5 None 3rd flag!
14 Zombie Yeti1.png Imp1.png1,2,4 Pole Vaulting Zombie1.png1,3,5 Necromancy! @ C7 (3 graves are spawned)
15 Buckethead Zombie1.png2,4 Pole Vaulting Zombie1.png2,4 None
16 Imp1.png1 Imp1.png2 Imp1.png3 Imp1.png4 Imp1.png5 Imp1.png1 Imp1.png2 Imp1.png3 Imp1.png4 Imp1.png5 None
17 Conehead Zombie1.png1-5 None
18 Rally Zombie2.png Buckethead Zombie1.png1-5 Conehead Zombie1.png Conehead Zombie1.png Pole Vaulting Zombie1.png1 Pole Vaulting Zombie1.png2 Pole Vaulting Zombie1.png3 Pole Vaulting Zombie1.png4 Pole Vaulting Zombie1.png5 Final wave!; Necromancy! @ C7; 5 graves are spawned.

Level 2

  • No new plants to be collected from this level.
The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost lane.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Note(s)
1 Zombie1.png None
2 Zombie1.png None
3 Conehead Zombie1.png None
4 Zombie1.png Zombie1.png None
5 Pole Vaulting Zombie1.png Zombie1.png None
6 Zombie1.png Zombie1.png Zombie1.png None
7 Pole Vaulting Zombie1.png Conehead Zombie1.png None
8 Buckethead Zombie1.png5 None
9 Rally Zombie2.png Zombie1.png1-5 Zombie1.png1-5 None 1st flag!
10 Conehead Zombie1.png1 Conehead Zombie1.png2 Conehead Zombie1.png3 Conehead Zombie1.png4 Conehead Zombie1.png5 Zombie1.png None
11 Pole Vaulting Zombie1.png1 Pole Vaulting Zombie1.png2 Pole Vaulting Zombie1.png3 Pole Vaulting Zombie1.png4 Pole Vaulting Zombie1.png5 None
12 Buckethead Zombie1.png1 Pole Vaulting Zombie1.png5 Conehead Zombie1.png5 None
13 Pole Vaulting Zombie1.png1 Zombie1.png Zombie1.png Zombie1.png Zombie1.png None
14 Buckethead Zombie1.png1 Buckethead Zombie1.png5 None
15 Zombie1.png1 Zombie1.png2 Zombie1.png3 Zombie1.png4 Zombie1.png5 Conehead Zombie1.png2 Conehead Zombie1.png4 None
16 Rally Zombie2.png Conehead Zombie1.png1 Zombie1.png2 Conehead Zombie1.png3 Zombie1.png4 Conehead Zombie1.png5 Dancing Zombie1.png2 Dancing Zombie1.png4 Zombie Yeti1.png None 2nd flag!
17 Pole Vaulting Zombie1.png1 Pole Vaulting Zombie1.png2 Pole Vaulting Zombie1.png3 Pole Vaulting Zombie1.png4 Pole Vaulting Zombie1.png5 None
18 Zombie1.png Zombie1.png Zombie1.png Zombie1.png Zombie1.png Conehead Zombie1.png4 None
19 Football Zombie1.png3 Pole Vaulting Zombie1.png3 None
20 Zombie1.png2 Conehead Zombie1.png2,5 None
21 Pole Vaulting Zombie1.png3 Conehead Zombie1.png1 Dancing Zombie1.png5 None
22 Conehead Zombie1.png1 Conehead Zombie1.png2 Conehead Zombie1.png3 Conehead Zombie1.png4 Conehead Zombie1.png5 Zombie1.png Zombie1.png Zombie1.png Zombie1.png Zombie1.png None
23 Pole Vaulting Zombie1.png1 Pole Vaulting Zombie1.png2 Pole Vaulting Zombie1.png3 Pole Vaulting Zombie1.png4 Pole Vaulting Zombie1.png5 None
24 Rally Zombie2.png Dancing Zombie1.png1,2,4,5 Conehead Zombie1.png1,3,5 Zombie1.png1,3,5 Conehead Zombie1.png2 Conehead Zombie1.png4 Conehead Zombie1.png2 Conehead Zombie1.png4 Final wave!; Necromancy! @ C7

Level 3

  • Here, the Zombie Yeti drops the plant Chard Guard2.png when killed for the first time.
  • Stallia2.png slows the rate of which Gatling Pea Zombie fires its peas.
  • Pre-placed: Graves at C1,2,8,9, however, they can be damaged by attacking plants and absorb 30 peas worth of damage.
The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost lane.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Note(s)
1 Zombie1.png None
2 Conehead Zombie1.png None
3 Zombie1.png Zombie1.png None
4 Pole Vaulting Zombie1.png Zombie1.png None
5 Pole Vaulting Zombie1.png Zombie1.png Zombie1.png None
6 Pogo Zombie1.png Conehead Zombie1.png1 None
7 Gatling Pea Zombie1.png1 Gatling Pea Zombie1.png4 None
8 Gatling Pea Zombie1.png2 Pogo Zombie1.png None
9 Rally Zombie2.png Buckethead Zombie1.png1 Buckethead Zombie1.png2 Buckethead Zombie1.png3 Buckethead Zombie1.png4 Buckethead Zombie1.png5 Conehead Zombie1.png1 Conehead Zombie1.png3 Conehead Zombie1.png5 Gatling Pea Zombie1.png^1 Gatling Pea Zombie1.png^2 Gatling Pea Zombie1.png^3 Gatling Pea Zombie1.png^4 Gatling Pea Zombie1.png^5 First flag!; Necromancy! @ C2
10 Pole Vaulting Zombie1.png1 Pole Vaulting Zombie1.png2 Pole Vaulting Zombie1.png3 Pole Vaulting Zombie1.png4 Pole Vaulting Zombie1.png5 Pogo Zombie1.png Pogo Zombie1.png Pogo Zombie1.png None
11 Gatling Pea Zombie1.png1 Gatling Pea Zombie1.png5 Football Zombie1.png1 Football Zombie1.png5 None
12 Dancing Zombie1.png2 Dancing Zombie1.png2 Dancing Zombie1.png4 Dancing Zombie1.png4 Zombie Yeti1.png Conehead Zombie1.png2 Conehead Zombie1.png4 Ambush at C8, all other uncleared graves atC8 and 9 will spawn more Conehead Zombie1.pngs
13 Pogo Zombie1.png2 Pogo Zombie1.png4 Buckethead Zombie1.png3 Buckethead Zombie1.png3 None
14 Rally Zombie2.png Pole Vaulting Zombie1.png2 Pole Vaulting Zombie1.png4 Football Zombie1.png1,5 Pogo Zombie1.png2 Pogo Zombie1.png3 Pogo Zombie1.png4 Gatling Pea Zombie1.png^1 Gatling Pea Zombie1.png^2 Gargantuar1.png^3 Gatling Pea Zombie1.png^4 Gatling Pea Zombie1.png^5 2nd flag!; Necromancy! @ C2
15 Buckethead Zombie1.png1 Buckethead Zombie1.png5 Zombie1.png2 Zombie1.png4 Gatling Pea Zombie1.png2 Gatling Pea Zombie1.png4 Conehead Zombie1.png3 Pogo Zombie1.png3 None
16 Dancing Zombie1.png2 Dancing Zombie1.png2 Dancing Zombie1.png4 Dancing Zombie1.png4 Pogo Zombie1.png2 Pogo Zombie1.png4 None
17 Buckethead Zombie1.png1 Buckethead Zombie1.png5 Football Zombie1.png1 Football Zombie1.png5 None
18 Gatling Pea Zombie1.png1 Pole Vaulting Zombie1.png2 Gatling Pea Zombie1.png3 Pole Vaulting Zombie1.png4 Gatling Pea Zombie1.png5 Zombie1.png Zombie1.png Zombie1.png Necromancy! @ C2; all uncleared graves at C1 and 2 will spawn more Zombie1.pngs
19 Rally Zombie2.png Pogo Zombie1.png2 Pogo Zombie1.png2 Pogo Zombie1.png4 Pogo Zombie1.png4 Buckethead Zombie1.png1 Football Zombie1.png1 Buckethead Zombie1.png5 Football Zombie1.png5 Gargantuar1.png3 Conehead Zombie1.png Conehead Zombie1.png Final Wave!; Conehead Zombie1.pngs spawn at C3, all other zombies spawn at C8, remaining uncleared graves besides those at C1 and 2 will spawn more Buckethead Zombie1.pngs

Note:Zombies with "^" means they spawn facing and walking backwards, functioning similarly to a Digger Zombie.