User blog:Venera651/PvZH--Kalos

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Kalos is a plant hero in Plants vs. Zombies Heroes, and the leader of the PvZH Kabloom Icon.pngKabloom and PvZH Brainy Icon.pngBrainy classes. His signature superpower is Lucky Karat, which gives a random Plant (ally unit) +3StrengthPvZH.png and draws a card.

He is the hero version of Hypno-shroom.


Kalos' name seems like it's based off the region from Pokemon[1], but it is actually based off a reworking of Anton Sokolov from Dishonored (don't ask where I got Kalos from Sokolov).


Hero Description

He had that staff custom-made. Too bad it directed the hero ray from him.


Kalos has the power of brute strength and extra attacks--a deadly combination if used correctly. Tough Plants like Mushroom Ringleader and Poison Oak benefit from Lurch for Lunch and Electrician. Pineclone helps to reuse "When Revealed" Zombies and provides more oppurtinities to lay heavy damage with bonus attacks.


Kalos, as he likes to brag over and over again, has the power of cheap bonus attacks in his invisible hands. He also has plants that make more plants such as Shroom for Two and Pear Pal. He has heavy-hitters such as Mushroom Ringleader and Zapricot as well as units that CAN grow in strength such as Zombot Drone Engineer and other science zombies. While he can't operate in the amphibious lanes, Rocket Science and Berry Blast help keep the waters empty.

The Brainy class is oddly less powerful than normal, as most work well with the Tricks Phase for the Zombie side; these cards include Beam Me Up, Teleport, and Hail-a-Copter. At this rate, they just create reliable units with neat stats for their cost. However, they still count as tricks and still buff Paparazzi Zombie. Keep this in mind when playing as Kalos.

Unfortunately for our favorite egotistical hallucinogen, Kalos' cards tend to have dismal health. Aside from Buff-Shroom in mushroom decks, there is no reliable way to keep allies from dying soon. Luckily, bonus attacks take full advantage of a unit's StrengthPvZH.png as soon as it's played. Kalos also lacks reliable methods of keeping spam units in check without the use of Sour Grapes and Kernel Corn. Luckily, Kalos has spam of his own, with card draw to keep his units coming.


Kalos can remove weak cards with Berry Blast and strong ones with Rocket Science, but he overall lacks hard removal. Take advantage of this with aggro decks, using lots of little guys to overrun the board; at the very least, they'll take down his mushrooms with them. PvZH Strikethrough Icon.pngstrikethrough can get rid of Team-Up plants, and only Electrician has an effect when revealed, albeit a useful one. Try to get rid of hard-hitting plants when you see a tombstone pop up or block it with a cheap plant like Potato Mine.

Since Kalos has the Plants phase all to himself, mushroom decks should be concerning, as Kalos can easily pull off a Mushroom Ringleader + Lurch for Lunch combo and land a heavy hit. Gravestone decks should put a stop to his bonus attack frenzy, and if that can't help, at least try to keep empty lanes covered in case he spawns an PvZH Anti-Hero Icon.pnganti-hero plant.

Strategy Decks

link=Kalos 100px Bonus Boom

With all these new cards, it'd only make sense that Kalos would theorize how they worked--use Pear Pairadise to double up on Zombies and therefore draw more cards AND do more bonus attacks, get more brains with Medulla Nebula and Shroom for Two, and use Pineclone to buff everbody just a tiny bit.
Shroom for TwoH.png x4 Blooming HeartH.png x4 Berry BlastH.png x4 Lurch for LunchH.png x4 Medulla NebulaH.png x4
ElectricianH.png x4 Kite FlyerH.png x3 Rocket ScienceH.png x3 Mushroom RingleaderH.png x4 Pair PearadiseH.png x3
PinecloneH.png x4 Neutron ImpH.png x3


  • Kalos really likes bonus attacks.
    • In fact, the phrase "bonus attack" appears on this page 8 times.
  • Kalos' flavor text refers to the fact that, other than his supposedly superior intelligence, Kalos has no superpowers. Rather, his staff obtained powers from the staff. Since he owns the staff, he technically owns the power within.
  • Kalos is the first fanon hero from Venera to receive an updated deck following the Galactic Gardens update.