User talk:Camwood777/Archive 3

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Cam's Talkpage
Another letter, duly delivered.

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how to add basic info missing from plant infoboxes

Hi, I'm sending this since you're a Content Moderator I'd call it an important content-related matter. If you can help in any way I'd appreciate it.

(Also posted in Forum of Wisdom > Questions and requests branch > [[Thread:904018]] )

A basic statistic (an "in-game statistic", I guess, as it's not included in the game's almanac - by the way, do we have a definition of where this wiki gets its "in-game statistics"?) seems to me to be missing from our plant info boxes (or "tabbers", possibly, if that's what we're calling them now, I don't know, I'm old & & grumpy & can't follow all these ridiculous changes of name that keep happening to everything). 

Namely, attack trigger location (if I was a military person I might know a better term for this, but I'm not). Meaning what lane or lanes, in relation to the plant in question, does a zombie need to appear in in order to trigger the plant's attack? Sometimes it's the same lane (e.g. Peashooter) sometimes it's the whole lawn (e.g. Electric Blueberry) sometimes it's the same lane & 2 adjacent (e.g. Threepeater). (Of course with non-attack plants, e.g. Sunflower, it's not applicable.)

Related questions I have are, is any editor able to add such extra info/content to infoboxes? If so, do you know of a guide/tutorial that should show me how? I've looked at a few and they haven't helped.

Thanks very much.  Philologia (talk) 08:06, March 19, 2017 (UTC)

IDontCareAboutHistory – Haunted Mystery Machine go vroom vroom

[Warp thing]



Shooting Starfruit HD.png
Zambiealex – -- We are no strangers to love. Supreme Lord of Supremeness II
Oh, you are so sweet! Thanks! :3
Decidueye by animhaw-damj5pu.jpg
Decidueye! – Dropping by to leave you a message!
I assume this is a reference to those articles on the SCP wiki? BallisticPlanet

SO icon.jpg
Someone – Someone is leaving some messages in someone's talk page sometime.
I'm having my public exam. I'll be active again in May. I have to follow other wiki management in advance of writing my history page.

Someone 08:25, April 5, 2017 (UTC)

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Zombiecrab – Simply Super!
Hey, Camwood, could you please send me a message or something before you delete a page that has a decent amount of things on it, that you are deleting because it is a spoiler ability, so that I can copy the CSS code of it to my Drive or to Word, so that way, when it IS released, I can just copy/paste the code back into the "Source Editor" of a new page? Please? It would be really nice of you.

Not trying to be rude, or anything.

 Zombiecrab (talk) 02:58, April 13, 2017 (UTC)Zombiecrab

Camo Cactus GW2.png
Zombiecrab – A True Sharp Shooter.
Well, do you know who deleted the page then? I didn't realize that it was going to be deleted, by the way. I just later searched for it, and it was gone, and I found the deletion messages. Was it BF10 who did that?

 Zombiecrab (talk) 03:06, April 13, 2017 (UTC)Zombiecrab

Word of Advice:
You might as well want to not react much on things that other users done wrong. Let them have their "fun" without giving them much attention that's not needed so that they'll enjoy their "consequence" later.

AWikiBoy521 (talk) 02:19, April 20, 2017 (UTC)

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Zombiecrab – Simply Super!
Do you mind if I fix an error on your "History of the Wiki" page (nice job in that by the way, very detailed, but maybe we should add some more modern history to it, like the flood of bad users that made some staff members leave, and people who have been promoted to Rollback, Any Mod position, Admin, and B-crat)? If you don't want me to edit it, the error that I want to fix is "nade", a typo you made under the "2009" area. 

Also, just saying, that page could be really impressive and detailed (even more so than it already is), if more is added to it! Too bad we can't make it an official wiki page, because that vote was opposed...

Zombiecrab (talk) 00:45, May 2, 2017 (UTC)Zombiecrab

Shooting Starfruit HD.png
Zambiealex – -- We are no strangers to love. Supreme Lord of Supremeness II
Congrats on being admin! I knew you will win!

ThisUserLikesOreo - I like your sketchers.

Talk PageContributions - Blogs
And your reason behind this stuff is..?

 ThisUserLikesOreo   Message Wall  Blog  Contribs   07:06 UTC, 5/21/2017 

07:06, May 21, 2017 (UTC)

i didnt know itd be derailing considering that the wiki drama is a huge part of the wiki's presence and our community. and also, i'm not targetting anyone?? i mean, i mentioned you, but theres a ton of other people who cuased worse drama, so dont flatter yourself. 

so yeahMental Skillness (talk) 21:09, May 22, 2017 (UTC)

how does belittling and laughing at something so old and pointless add fire??? i'm trying to say how dumb it was, the real perpatrators are the one you interpreate it as fuel, it's extremely counter productive to laugh about something old and dumb to make it come back??Mental Skillness (talk) 21:15, May 23, 2017 (UTC)

this all turned into drama because of the way people interpretated, and like i said, i dont see how it's derailing, drama is definitely a huge flaw with a community, and i thought discussing it was a good idea. surely with people who get triggered THIS easily really make it bigger than it should be. if anything, you guys are fueling the fire, not me.

Mental Skillness (talk) 23:07, May 24, 2017 (UTC)

but some of these white knights have actually never participated in the drama, and because they're a large following of people, they can't be warned?? i'm just trying to have a proper conversation, but these people just keep butting in and screaming 'OUR FEELINGS ARE HURT' 


Mental Skillness (talk) 23:22, May 24, 2017 (UTC)

but these arent vietnam war victims/ people who participated in the drama

and if people cant have an argument about something they're too sensitive to comprehend, that is their fault, as that's a pretty immature reaction to an actual issue in the community

and this entire situation just shows that the community can create drama out of something that simpleMental Skillness (talk) 23:37, May 24, 2017 (UTC)

oh ok, i was planning on not reporting you since you seem to lack the understanding of my point, and i have mercy for those people.

but if you really feel like prouncing around, giving me really stupid warnings for minor things, go right ahead. all i've been doing is defending myself from the people who kept deleting my replies for no reason, even if they went with W-C's post, which wasn't deleted and followed its status.

this is mainly why i didn't you want you ot be admin, because like the general population of wikians, they lack an understanding of how drama is handled, and have an extremely (but you are to an unhealthy extent) sensitive outlook. on everything. 

Mental Skillness (talk) 23:27, May 27, 2017 (UTC)

have you not been listening to what i've been saying the entire time??? i said it wasnt derailing due to being on-topic as i explained numerous times, and so did another mod, but said that it was negative, but that's obviously not an applicable reason to disable speech.

the reporting thread is not a threat, you misused your powers. and this "threat", is part of what you do. when someone crosses paths with you, and gets in the way, you play victim. thats what you always do. i'm not going to to be defeated, no matter how hard you try to censor me

i've seen you outside the wiki, you're extremely salty and condescending. Harsher than me (on reddit, and on discord). overall, salty fits. which i know it isnt relevant, but i'm just saying, i'm not falling for this victim stuff.

and way to talk about threatening, when you literally just threaten my own well-being on the wiki because i pointed out your actions are mis-use and abuse of the system. good day.

Mental Skillness (talk) 01:28, May 28, 2017 (UTC)

Belle The Villain of the Wiki
Hello Camwood. I am messaging you today to talk about some things about the last two days. First and foremost, I wanted to ditch my Rollback rights due to sucking at them. I never use them and never know how to do so effectively. Second, I respect your opinion on your review for me. My life has been very hard over the past couple years. In case you do not know, I have autism, so it is a big challenge. I know I need more self confidence, and some of my friends are helping out with this. And the evaluation thing does my help. So here is my idea. You could demote me for now, until I can become one a Discussion mod. This will help my attitude and hopefluly, boost my confidence. Please message me back to share your thoughts on this. I am sorry if I have offended you in any way. You are a great admin, and I contact you because i trust you. I hope to hear from you soon
CITRONtanker (talk) 11:07, June 3, 2017 (UTC)

ThisUserLikesOreo - I like your sketchers.

Talk PageContributions - Blogs
No, I don't. Sorry. Btw, why are you asking me that?

 ThisUserLikesOreo   Message Wall  Blog  Contribs   17:27 UTC, 6/5/2017 

17:27, June 5, 2017 (UTC)

Aight, I sent you a request. I actually had an account, but it was unused.  ThisUserLikesOreo   Message Wall  Blog  Contribs   19:37 UTC, 6/5/2017 

19:37, June 5, 2017 (UTC)

ShroomstagramUser – Get wasted!
Look, this isn't a Disney movie.  There's no good guy or bad guy here.  We're just 2 admins. Dealing with problems.  Your's are personal and more severe, I can understand.  I'm sorry for what you are going through, I truely am, but you can't just assume people know what you're going through, and make a big fuss about it when no one knows what's going on.  I know you're a good person and mean well, but your recurring problems are still there.  I'll admit, I could have been a bit nicer when critiquing you, but I'm not changing my score.  I never intended to make you look like the average drug dealer, but at the same time, you shouldn't try to turn me into a Jafar or a Scar.  I just want a truce so that we can move on with this, long story short.  And before you say anything, DON'T use that hypocracy crap as an excuse to continue this mess.  I'm no mastermind, believe me.  I want you to be a good admin, and no one should be harassing you, but you make it seem everyone IS harassing you, or just like Terry. Just trust me on this, follow the advise given on my blog, somewhat, and just ignore Terry.  If Terry continues harassing you, I'll deal with her. So, truce?

Kitty Cat :3 22:24, June 21, 2017 (UTC)