User talk:Light Bomber/Archive 1

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No need for clues

Green Shadow.png
Lord Zhangus – Who you gonna call? Green Shadow!

Xenons – Tombstones!
As I've said on the Chat, I can't answer you properly, considering that everything I say will be buried under comments like "undertale sux" or "lol underfail", so if you really want to have a discussion, feel free to tell me exactly what you find bad about it, and then I will answer.
Oh, and don't worry about Talk Pages getting too long. A lot of users got into debates this way, and Talk Pages can be shortened and categorized.
- Xenons (talk) 17:32, April 1, 2016 (UTC)

Re: UT

Xenons – Tombstones!
I see what you are talking about, and I would entirely agree with you if it wasn't for the fact that [ACT] and [MERCY] are not the only options you can take in the game. This game is not just "Let's make friends with everyone!", which is made clear by the huge variety of endings. It gives you the power to do whatever you please and you can stop playing the game at any point. Sure, everyone will go for at least one Pacifist Run, but is pleasing the characters of a story something bad? That's the decision players took and there isn't a single thing that forced them to play Pacifist (in fact, the characters tell you in several Neutral Endings that they understand how things are and wish you the best from then on).
Now, this is what I don't exactly understand. Are you talking about the fact that the characters react in a negative way if you kill people? If yes, then... what did you expect? This game is taking morals to a real-life level, so it's only logical for the characters to be upset once they see their loved ones die. In your vision, is it a bad thing that this game is different from the others?
I know you are probably talking about what people said about the Genocide Route (which, of course, involves killing every possible monster you can). You know, it punishes you for doing it and then playing Pacifist, but the truth is that there are exactly two frames and one line of text different from a True Pacifist ending, marking the fact that the monsters will never get a good ending from then on. If you think that this is only a simple game, then why would it bother you, considering the whole gameplay remains exactly the same?
I remember that you said (in Chat) you are just as bad for killing Zombies in PvZ, but that's honestly one of the worst comparisons possible. In PvZ, you are attacked by huge hoards of Zombies, characters which first act and then think. I'll give you that various description have shown them having emotions and everything, but even with that in mind, what do you think a hundred Zombies would do once seeing a human between them? The Zombies in this game really are monsters and although diplomacy is the first thing to try in a real-life scenario, if you're given no other choices when attacked, then... you have to fight back.
In Undertale, however, you are given the choice to do something other than fighting, and, as I've said earlier, it's entirely up to you if you want to befriend the characters or kill them. The game doesn't force you to go either way, while PvZ forces you to fight back.
If you're talking about fans who tell others they're monsters for doing Genocide, then yes, you're right to call them idiotic. It's their copy of the game, it's entirely up to them how they want to play the game and how they want to see it. However, this problem comes from "that" side of the fandom, and not the game itself, so don't let it influence you.
The game went into two years of hard work, so calling it "joke game" isn't quite appropiate. The game takes you +4 hours to complete it on a normal playthrough, after all, and, again, the battle system is something unique. In normal RPGs, a normal turn means you deal damage, enemy deals damage. In Undertale, however, not only you can decide whether you want to Fight or Act, but the battle itself is bullet hell themed. If you are good you can avoid getting damage completely.
That, unfortunately, is false. There are a lot of people who are bad to others without caring at all, doing it just for fun or because they want to be above others. Undertale's main lesson is that just because you can do something, that doesn't mean you have to, and, in my opinion, the message is delivered perfectly.
Now, I understand if you aren't really into games that go so deep or games that have as one of their purposes to make you try to think of your real-life actions, but saying that "The game forces you to play Pacifist" or "The game should encourage you play it in all ways" is just flat-out wrong. It's literally your choice what you will do.
- Xenons (talk) 19:18, April 1, 2016 (UTC)

Question: Is April Fools Day on both 4/1 and 4/2? Hello there I am somebody (talk) 21:19, April 2, 2016 (UTC)

About something so-called "strategies section"

They always go before the Gallery section. Oh, also, could you make your strategies section sounds more strategies-like?  I feel like yours sounds like opnions about a plant rather than how to use it.
Can you use your signature next time? I have no idea how to know who you are with that.
I'm sorry, i normally do these, thinking that helps you build a strategy, by saying it's main strengths and what should go with them (Such as carrot truck going behind sunproducing plants, and things like winter melons on front) I only do these, since i think that is kinda helpful, i'm sorry if it does not actually help, and sounds like me saying some gibberish about a plant, this is the closest i can do to a strategy section, that barely anyone even bothers reading or doing.
I'm sorry, if this is not really useful, i leave it before galleries since it's a bit of text, so it would make more sense to be before images, if it feels so useless or opiniated, you can delete these sections (Also, some aren't made by me, like the ones towards the international plants) And again, sorry if they sound so opiniated.

Elemec (talk) 01:10, April 6, 2016 (UTC)Elemec
==Re: UT==

Xenons – Tombstones!
The point still stands. In these games, the only way to win the game is by killing the enemies. In Undertale, you're given the choice to either end the battle peacefully or slain the enemy, so, again, it's up to you. At the end of the day, you're not a bad person for killing people in any video game, because they are just a simulation. You don't harm anyone in our reality.
Genocide's purpose is to show how much you can bring yourself to lead the story to a bad ending from which there is no recover, even though you have the power to finish it on a good note. Tell me, just why should the characters encourage you to kill the people they love? I mean, the Pacifist route shows what the game mainly has to offer and it also rewards you by giving everyone, even small creatures like Froggit, a happy ending. Why would the game have to reward you for becoming its villain?
Truth be told, there are two reasons why people like playing Genocide, that being the two Geno-exclusive bosses: Undyne the Undying and Sans. They are known to be the two hardest bosses of the game, so if you're looking for reasons to play Genocide, there you have it. If that isn't enough, and you still desire a good ending after finishing Genocide... I don't know what I can say anymore.
Additionally, the jumpscare happens only if you refuse to Erase the world. It's not exactly supposed to scare your socks off, but merely showing Chara's amusement to your dumb decision (because what's the point of keeping the world if you've already killed it almost completely?). If you choose to Erase the world, Chara will call you a great partner and won't even use the jumpscare.
I'll give you that several Undertale fans tend to overestimate the game, treating it as God's gift to humanity. I suppose some people can go overboard, but that usually happens because of the initial hype and experience upon playing the game. After some time, most people will see it as a normal game, with unique mechanics and treat it as such.
Of course, I won't force you to like the game, and if you don't see it like other people do, it's simply your opinion.
As a matter of fact, though, a demo of Hard Mode exists, but it's unknown if it will be completed or not. I personally want to see it done, since I'm really into Bullet Hell games and, judging by the fact that the two known humans will share the same name, there may be plot changes as well in this Hard Mode timeline.
Nah, you weren't really rude, at least not as much as IMCR8Z (which is exactly one level above kids who play CoD). We could've had a nice talk if it weren't for the fact that the Chat was literally flooded with "undertale sux".
- Xenons (talk) 19:10, April 8, 2016 (UTC)

Re:Your honest message to me Queen of Magic

Hey Elemec. I appreciate your honesty in telling me why you think I seem to "bug" with you.
Now, on to about everything you said. Yes I always seem cheery, happy, optimistic and all other synonyms. That's true. I display a sweet, active, and an optimistic personality in this wiki. I also apply this personality in real life. But despite that, there are times that I fall into pools of sadness. One example is that I was shattered in the inside when I had experience a severe family problem in the 7th grade. Other times, I come across hostile and aggressive when I have to deal with freaks who try to ruin me up. So yeah, I'm not always "happy-go-lucky" a hundred percent. But I don't always really show how miserable I currently am mainly because some would come off as too depressing to even talk about in public chat. If you notice, I hardly talk about any of the miserable things I get about my life. I, however, don't use my optimistic personality to cover it up. I only talk about any miserable area in my life only I feel like it.
I ain't sure why me being so optimistic and all seems to bug you. If you don't mind me asking, is there something wrong that's going in your life? Like there's something that's making you miserable right now?
As for the chat tag, you may try dealing with what it looks like. It won't be changing for the next several weeks or months.
Anyway, that's all. Respond any time soon.
Sunflower power! Pinkgirl234 Talk page Check all the things that I have done!22:06, April 14, 2016 (UTC)

Hey there

Hello! I've been into ROBLOX lately. There are PvZ games. Some good some bad. Hello there I am somebody (talk) 23:00, April 14, 2016 (UTC)

About your list of scrubs

May I be on there? Hello there I am somebody (talk) 02:39, April 16, 2016 (UTC)

Shooting Starfruit HD.png
Zambiealex – -- We are no strangers to love. Supreme Lord of Supremeness II
Thank you, Elemec. I also see you added me to your list of friends. Thanks.

Re:Drawings Queen of Magic

Hey Elemec. Thanks for coming out clean. I'm glad for your honesty. And don't worry, I'm not at all mad.
Sunflower power! Pinkgirl234 Talk page Check all the things that I have done!18:39, May 11, 2016 (UTC)

Dont let go
Yeah, Im doing well. I'm busy with stuff. Copper Freddy (talk) 22:45, May 12, 2016 (UTC)

Chemist – Drawing by Princess Kitty.
TALK CONTRIBS BLOG – Xeon fanboy, hates one shoe, loves a pair of shoes
OK. Actually you cant edit user tags without admin rights. I actually thought you'd like it (seeing that you really know lotsa Linux distros).

How do you make user tags? Supreme Lord of Supremeness II (talk) 17:26, May 18, 2016 (UTC)

where are you
come to chat pls
Gargantuar Blitzer (talk) 21:16, May 26, 2016 (UTC)

Dont let go
Thanks Elemec for putting up a link to a PvZH download. Hope it works :D Copper Freddy (talk) 21:01, June 2, 2016 (UTC)

Official HD MC Zom-B.png
Microphone DJ 125 – As we approach the final months of 2016...
Hey! Wanna be friends? Chatting with you has been a pleasure for the past few months. The Battle Manager  11:39, June 8, 2016 (UTC)

Plant Protecter – Ready to protect plants!
I would like a background for my Userpage. Maybe some sort of blue. 20:21, June 17, 2016 (UTC)

Plant Protecter – Ready to protect plants!
I would like green for the background and light blue for the border. 20:37, June 17, 2016 (UTC)

Avatar Sized Protanly.png
Protanly – Plants Vs. Zombies Wiki Moderator
Look up some CSS tutorials online if you aren't fluent in CSS yet, and need to figure out how to change fonts, font size, bg's, etc.

In terms of where everything is, I've used "general" identifiers at the top which aren't really changed much by me, and I've left specific things like messages at the bottom. That should be straight forward for the most part since they are labelled really well.

Dont let go
Well, late reply, but yeah.
I know there's alot of drama, and I understand everything. I feel so sorry to see you go, but I know it's your choice. If you do leave, I hope you come back soon. It was a great time having you, but I know there's going alot (even me having breakdowns.)
And yes, it's ok. I get really worried, but I now know you were sleepy.

Re:Regarding Sly

I requested to block him, as he gave out the school that he goes to, and with that, breaking a rule in the TOU. Though, I must have felt a bit too sensitive and serious during that time when I saw him as what you post on the internet is cached and saved forever.

I will consider and take the time to think of what I did. I'll send an apology for requesting to block him.

Yappat (talk) 21:42, June 25, 2016 (UTC)

RE: Your request

{{Template:Wordbubble/Itsleo20 no2
|text = Thanks, I forgot about this awesome song.}}-A wild Shroomish has appeared! 00:27, June 28, 2016 (UTC)

LOL what? Queen of Magic

A blank, white avatar? Did you know Someone wore that kind of avatar once? :P

Sunflower power! Pinkgirl234 Talk page Check all the things that I have done!11:07, June 28, 2016 (UTC)

Dont let go
Alright, sorry for late reply. Unfortunately, no, I don't have any game that we've known to play. However, I'm thinking about playing Team Fortress 2, but storage is a bit low. And as always, I'm fine. It's just there's really not much going on for me, I'm getting bored and bored. But yes, I am fine today. Nothing happened. Coppernicus (talk) 13:09, June 29, 2016 (UTC)

I'm very worried.

Dont let go
eyyyy, I noticed you stepped down from Chat-Mod. Why?
Also, I'm starting to get very worried as I'm about to reach 100 mainspace edits, but I know about what I did in the past...... I'm thinking rather to go as Discussions Moderator.

Dont let go
Ehhh, ok. Looked at it.
But I still have concerns regarding applying for a position now, I'm worried about the wikia's dramas and my own mistakes. But the worst is Cam may even commit suicide or start a murder spree. Coppernicus (talk) 21:49, July 4, 2016 (UTC)

Apricot Worbubble.png

Electronic Plants - Some say that Zombies aren't easily shocked!?!

So, are you really leaving? Well it is really sad how one of my best friend will leave this wiki.(or become mostly inactive) I guess we won't meet again? Well, I'll miss you. Goodbye..... Electronic Plants!!! 08:43, July 5, 2016 (UTC)

Signature Queen of Magic

Here is your signature, Elemec. You can go ahead study and mess around with the source code. Though to be honest, you should have given me a visible image instead so I can easily know the best height to modify the size of the image.

Sunflower power! Pinkgirl234 Talk page Check all the things that I have done!15:46, July 10, 2016 (UTC)

Dont let go
It's quite hard to say, the background is a template, so I was able to add a shade to it. But I really want a background styled like yours, Elemec.

Copper Freddy (talk) 23:43, July 10, 2016 (UTC)

Dont let go
Is it alright I can look into the code of your background on your userpage? I would like to look through it, and see what I can do with it.  I don't know how to code really, but I'll see what I can do with the source. Copper Freddy (talk) 23:59, July 10, 2016 (UTC)

How to do the signature Queen of Magic

This is how you do the magic:

Typing {{User:Elemec/sig|~~~~~}} turns into

Light Bomber's Bomb.pngLight Bomber 's Mail 02:27, July 12, 2016 (UTC)

I hope this helps you, dear friend. ^^

Sunflower power! Pinkgirl234 Talk page Check all the things that I have done!02:27, July 12, 2016 (UTC)

Today is your BIRTHDAY!
July 12th is the day when you were...BORN! Happy birthday from Phantom of Ra!

ThisUserLikesOreo - I like your sketchers.

Talk PageContributions - Blogs
Happy birthday, Elemec! Here's an oreo cake for you.
 ThisUserLikesOreo   Message Wall  Blog  Contribs   09:19 UTC, 7/12/2016 

Hey mate! Happy Birthday!<--The Peanut CZAzure (talk) 12:02, July 12, 2016 (UTC)CZAzure

Newspaper Zombie – Come with us, and leave your Earth behind, bright and clear, we see the light.

--Newspaper Zombie (talk) 12:24, July 12, 2016 (UTC)

Happy birthday, mah good old user. Punching up and out! (talk) 15:11, July 12, 2016 (UTC)Karate-Chan

Phantom of Ra – Ra, Ra, Ra indeed!
Zombie vs. Zombie Arena Second Round #4, which includes you in it as a contender, is opened: Join or not, it's your choice.

SO icon.jpg
Someone – Someone is leaving some messages in someone's talk page sometime.
Someone 15:22, July 23, 2016 (UTC)

Sloth Gargantuar2.png
UnforgivingCold2016 – Me Smash!


Sloth Gargantuar2.png
UnforgivingCold2016 – Me Smash!
Thank you for helping me fix my wordbubble problem!


Shooting Starfruit HD.png
Zambiealex – -- We are no strangers to love. Supreme Lord of Supremeness II
Thats alright. I forgive you!

Sorry bro I just wanted to get the add 500 images badge to the galleryYoushallnotpassss (talk) 18:42, September 2, 2016 (UTC)

Copper Freddy – Every New User: What are Mainspace edits?
Hey Elemec, I know I may be writing this even though you're on chat, but it's not possible for me to do this anyway, so here it goes.
You see, the reason why I "gtg" on steam a lot is that I have really strict rules now, and I can't go on Steam that much anymore. Problem is, Steam plays a big ping, and I had no choice but to respond. so, rather, is it alright I can use Deviantart or AQW to talk instead?

Also, TLaPD is comin'. Are you gonna make a thread about it here or something?

Sunflower HD.png
Sure! InsertSun (talk) 02:34, September 3, 2016 (UTC)

I see you like Sonic Queen of Magic

Got any favorite sets of Sonic series?

Sunflower power! Pinkgirl234 Talk page Check all the things that I have done!16:55, September 4, 2016 (UTC) Queen of Magic

I liked the original Sonic the Hedgehog in Wii--the one where there is a character named Elise and where Sonic, Shadow, and Silver went all superhedgehogs together, Sonic Riders, Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity, Shadow the Hedgehog, Sonic and the Black Knight and bits of Sonic X.

Sunflower power! Pinkgirl234 Talk page Check all the things that I have done!18:18, September 4, 2016 (UTC)

Copper Freddy – Every New User: What are Mainspace edits?
Well, I'm not going into chat either, because of the same personal reason. Life is being a bit strict.

Anyways, I have a Voucher of Nulgath now, however it's the legend version. If it's legend, do i benefit from anything from it or just a item I can sell for about 250k gold? Ofc, I'm not planning to get membership at all.

Copper Freddy – Every New User: What are Mainspace edits?

Sorry if you haven't seen me for almost a week, I have school now.

Anyways, The next thing I want to do is to farm Vaden Helm Tokens. The bad thing? The tokens don't drop 100% and they expect us to pay a whole freaking stack of Vaden tokens! And I want to get Trislayer Wings for some reason.

Also, do you want to test it on Zambie?

oi m8, whyd you ban me

i didnt even say that word to anyone

and i never got warning or kick

boi thas against rules.

if you do that again i could report youFoxtail Firepaw Flames (talk) 18:09, September 10, 2016 (UTC)

boi, no one is that triggered easily, but if you want a reason to bull-use your ban hammer, go ahead, but the chatmod demotion consequences will get u later. Foxtail Firepaw Flames (talk) 18:17, September 10, 2016 (UTC)