Board Thread:Roleplaying/@comment-26826553-20160407130245/@comment-17699278-20160413120825

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It seems like everyone's busy with new RPs. Well, I'm free (but only if I can play to cafes like here) with constructing new RPs.

TAPA, I'll start giving trailers for "Terminator: The Winter Soldier" trailers...

Trailer 1...

(Somewhere, within the fortification separating Ukraine and Russia...)

(A plane passed by and dropped British soldiers)

Flak Cannon Operator: Enemy planes detected! Blast them to bits!!! *shoots down some planes*

Zombie Conscript #1: Some interfellows are behind the wall.

Zombie Conscript #2: Let's deal with them.

(Behind the wall, at Russia's side..)

Conscript #1: What's the deal comrades?

Bucky: *unfolds mask* We want to go pass the wall.

Conscript #2: Sorry comrade. You cannot pass the wall without detour permits. Zomboss' orders.

Randolf: If you don't want us to pass, *loads sniper* Then we'll make another way.

(A bomb was dropped to the wall)

Conscript #1: The British are dropping bombs! Let's deal with these folks later. *looks back*

Randolf: *aiming the flak cannon operator* *shoots, killing him instantly*

Conscript #2: REBELS!!! *all other conscripts started shooting*

Randolf: *within 10 seconds, killed all conscripts*

(Meanwhile, above Ukrainian airspace)

Arthur Skywing: *calling on walkie-talkie* Corporal Arthur here reporting with Eagle Patrol and my brother.

Harold Skywing: Hi!

Arthur: We are approaching the Russo-Ukrainian Wall to blow it up to bits.

Harold: Operation "Blow The Wall Up For Our Armor To Engage" commensing.

//Trailer 2 and 3 coming up. And I'll be making the thread.