Community-built decks/Rustbolt

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link=Rustbolt 100px Science Hill (created by No Author)

PvZH Brainy Icon.png PvZH Hearty Icon.png
Learn the basics of zombie sciences! First go zombology teacher, genetic experiment, and chimney sweep with support of going viral. Frenzy will double amount of your attacks, as well as zombot drone engineer' buff. Finally finish you opponent off by playing gadget scientists!
Genetic ExperimentH.png x4 Healthy TreatH.png x3 Rolling StoneH.png x3 Chimney SweepH.png x2 Zombology TeacherH.png x4
Sumo WrestlerH.png x4 Zombot Drone EngineerH.png x4 Lurch for LunchH.png x2 Teleportation ZombieH.png x4 Going ViralH.png x4
MoonwalkerH.png x2 Gadget ScientistH.png x4

This article contains the various community-built decks for Rustbolt in Plants vs. Zombies Heroes. You are free to add your decks, but please refer to the rules page first.

link=Rustbolt 100px Downsize (created by ByeGuys)

PvZH Brainy Icon.png PvZH Hearty Icon.png
Downsize stuff. There are some times you want to kill those plants, some times you don't. Don't forget you can teleport-evolve Chum Champion to make all the weaklings die. Also, Rustbolt's signature superpower plus evolving Chum Champion kills any 6-or-less-powered plant. Combined with Rolling Stone, it can kill even 8 powered plants!
Rolling StoneH.png x4 Arm WrestlerH.png x4 Sumo WrestlerH.png x4 Team MascotH.png x4 Black HoleH.png x2
Weed SprayH.png x3 Teleportation ZombieH.png x3 LandscaperH.png x4 Cosmic Sports StarH.png x2 Zombie CoachH.png x3
Rodeo GargantuarH.png x3 Chum ChampionH.png x3

link=Rustbolt 100px Fusey Dizzy (created by HsweetStar)

PvZH Brainy Icon.png PvZH Hearty Icon.png
This deck features many Evolution zombies, Fusion ones and other helpful friends.
Black HoleH.png x1 Zombie Middle ManagerH.png x4 Jurassic FossilheadH.png x3 Cryo-BrainH.png x3 Transformation StationH.png x1
DuckstacheH.png x1 Mustache MonumentH.png x4 Lost ColosseumH.png x4 Zom-BlobH.png x4 Going ViralH.png x4
MedicH.png x4 Chum ChampionH.png x1 Primeval YetiH.png x4 Zombot Dinotronic MechasaurH.png x2

link=Rustbolt 100px Metal Armor Defense (created by Fairy27)

PvZH Brainy Icon.png PvZH Hearty Icon.png
This deck focuses on defense-based zombies, especially making them all to Knight of the Living Deads. Plants may not break that kind of defense.
Camel CrossingH.png x4 Chimney SweepH.png x2 Arm WrestlerH.png x2 Rolling StoneH.png x3 Beam Me UpH.png x2
ConeheadH.png x4 Flag ZombieH.png x2 Ra ZombieH.png x1 LandscaperH.png x2 Zombie KingH.png x2
Fun-Dead RaiserH.png x1 Rocket ScienceH.png x3 Trash Can ZombieH.png x1 BucketheadH.png x2 MedicH.png x3
Monster MashH.png x2 Hail-a-CopterH.png x1 Knight of the Living DeadH.png x4

link=Rustbolt 100px The Destroyer Menace Rises (created by The great mark)

PvZH Brainy Icon.png PvZH Hearty Icon.png
This deck is mostly based on destroying plants , and drawing extra cards, for getting early and easy very powerful zombie attacks
Arm WrestlerH.png x3 Paparazzi ZombieH.png x3 Rolling StoneH.png x3 Sumo WrestlerH.png x3 Beam Me UpH.png x3
Lurch for LunchH.png x2 Rocket ScienceH.png x3 Weed SprayH.png x3 TerrifyH.png x2 LandscaperH.png x3
Kite FlyerH.png x3 Mountain ClimberH.png x2 Monster MashH.png x2 Hail-a-CopterH.png x3 Portal TechnicianH.png x2

link=Rustbolt 100px Team Spirit! (created by Lily8763cp)

PvZH Brainy Icon.png PvZH Hearty Icon.png
This deck mostly has sports-themed zombie teammates, as well as having a good amount of tricks to use on the opponent. Zombie Coach and Team Mascot can assist their sports allies, and Flag Zombie will make their fellow teammates cheaper to use. Mountain Climber can also be used on heights to gain a boost in strength and health and Sumo Wrestler can move any plants that are in its way. The only problem with this deck is the like of anything amphibious, however, Rocket Science can get rid of plants in that lane with 4+ strength and Rolling Stone can get rid of plants in that lane with 2- strength.
Team MascotH.png x4 All-Star ZombieH.png x3 Arm WrestlerH.png x4 Mountain ClimberH.png x2 Flag ZombieH.png x4
Zombie CoachH.png x2 Brain VendorH.png x4 Pool SharkH.png x2 Sumo WrestlerH.png x2 Camel CrossingH.png x2
Monster MashH.png x2 TeleportH.png x2 Lurch for LunchH.png x3 Rocket ScienceH.png x2 Rolling StoneH.png x2

link=Rustbolt 100px Bulky science (created by TheFatManatee)

PvZH Brainy Icon.png PvZH Hearty Icon.png
A science deck with hearty tricks to add what science zombies lack, bulk.
Zombot Drone EngineerH.png x3 ElectricianH.png x3 Mad ChemistH.png x2 Beam Me UpH.png x3 Hail-a-CopterH.png x3
Gentleman ZombieH.png x3 TricksterH.png x1 Sumo WrestlerH.png x3 Coffee ZombieH.png x2 Camel CrossingH.png x4
Rolling StoneH.png x3 Rocket ScienceH.png x3 Lurch for LunchH.png x3 TeleportH.png x1 Monster MashH.png x2

link=Rustbolt 100px Game Plan (created by GamerNerd i)

PvZH Brainy Icon.png PvZH Hearty Icon.png
This deck’s got a great game plan - taking advantage of the Sports cards in both the Brainy and Hearty Classes! It heavily relies on buffing Tricks and the Sports-specific buffs to succeed. Gentleman Zombie and Brain Vendor helps get Brains to use in the Tricks phase, Flag Zombie helps you get more out of those Brainz, and Paparazzi Zombie catches all the action with its personal buff. Zombie Coach and Team Mascot support the Sports Zombies that make up the majority of the deck. Throw in Coffee Zombie, Monster Mash, Camel Crossing, and Medic (with his “Gatorade”) to keep everyone refreshed, and it’s game time!
Camel CrossingH.png x3 TeleportH.png x2 Monster MashH.png x2 All-Star ZombieH.png x2 Rodeo GargantuarH.png x2
Fun-Dead RaiserH.png x2 Arm WrestlerH.png x3 Paparazzi ZombieH.png x3 Gentleman ZombieH.png x3 Brain VendorH.png x2
Pool SharkH.png x2 MedicH.png x2 Mountain ClimberH.png x2 Team MascotH.png x3 Flag ZombieH.png x2
Coffee ZombieH.png x2 Zombie CoachH.png x3

link=Rustbolt 100px Spell Slinger (created by cantoization)

PvZH Brainy Icon.png PvZH Hearty Icon.png
This deck is all about using spells to protect spell-generating zombies. It's an out-of-control late game winner. Make your opponents use their cc in the early game on your Chimney Sweep and Paparazzi, then safely play Kite Flyer, Mad Chemist, and Trick or Treater (can sub in another Mad Chemist) to become a card-slinging, spell-spamming, unbeatable machine. Is weak against: Strikethrough plants, Black Eyed Pea. Remove threats or reduce their strength where you can.
Camel CrossingH.png x3 Chimney SweepH.png x3 Paparazzi ZombieH.png x2 Rolling StoneH.png x2 TeleportH.png x1
Beam Me UpH.png x2 Zombot Drone EngineerH.png x2 Lurch for LunchH.png x2 TerrifyH.png x1 Brain VendorH.png x1
ElectricianH.png x2 Fun-Dead RaiserH.png x2 Kite FlyerH.png x3 LandscaperH.png x4 Rocket ScienceH.png x2
Trick-or-TreaterH.png x1 Weed SprayH.png x2 Mad ChemistH.png x1 Gadget ScientistH.png x2 Monster MashH.png x1
Hail-a-CopterH.png x1 Portal TechnicianH.png x1

link=Rustbolt 100px Iron Zombie (created by LemmiSlams)

PvZH Brainy Icon.png PvZH Hearty Icon.png
Its all about control! Rolling Stone, Weed Spray and Rocket Science make sure that dangerous plants go down. Armored zombies and Landscaper limit the offensive power of the opposing side. Fun-Dead Raiser and Kite Flyer makes sure that you're way ahead of your opponent in late-game. Medics, Coffee Zombie, Undying Pharaoh and Camel Crossing help make sure your hero and zombies stay alive. And don't worry if you don't have a Undying Pharaoh, another Medic will do as substitute.
Arm WrestlerH.png x2 Camel CrossingH.png x3 Rolling StoneH.png x3 ConeheadH.png x3 Flag ZombieH.png x2
Lurch for LunchH.png x3 TerrifyH.png x2 Fun-Dead RaiserH.png x3 Kite FlyerH.png x1 LandscaperH.png x2
Rocket ScienceH.png x3 Trash Can ZombieH.png x2 Weed SprayH.png x2 BucketheadH.png x2 MedicH.png x3
Coffee ZombieH.png x1 Undying PharaohH.png x1 Knight of the Living DeadH.png x2

link=Rustbolt 100px Good Game! (created by Pryp'yatMineralGamer)

PvZH Brainy Icon.png PvZH Hearty Icon.png
This deck is a Sports deck, focusing on Team Mascot, Zombie Coach, and Camel Crossing. Go to the Football (a.k.a PvZH) game with this deck!
Arm WrestlerH.png x3 Baseball ZombieH.png x4 Camel CrossingH.png x4 Paparazzi ZombieH.png x4 Lurch for LunchH.png x4
Sumo WrestlerH.png x4 Brain VendorH.png x2 Team MascotH.png x4 Drum MajorH.png x4 Mad ChemistH.png x2
Zombie CoachH.png x2 Shieldcrusher VikingH.png x1 Undying PharaohH.png x1 Wizard GargantuarH.png x1 Rodeo GargantuarH.png

link=Rustbolt 100px Strategy Sport (created by KirbiMiroir)

PvZH Brainy Icon.png PvZH Hearty Icon.png
Rustbolt has three areas that he can do well in - Sports Zombies, Science Zombies and Tricks. This deck cleverly mixes these three strategies in with a couple of more unique strategies, such as using Wizard Gargantuar and Rodeo Gargantuar together. If you'd like, you can make the deck focus a bit more on one of the three particular fields of speciality.
Baseball ZombieH.png x1 Camel CrossingH.png x3 Paparazzi ZombieH.png x2 Rolling StoneH.png x2 Beam Me UpH.png x2
ConeheadH.png x2 Flag ZombieH.png x1 TerrifyH.png x2 Zombot Drone EngineerH.png x2 ElectricianH.png x2
Rocket ScienceH.png x2 Team MascotH.png x3 Trash Can ZombieH.png x1 Weed SprayH.png x2 BucketheadH.png x1
Mad ChemistH.png x1 MedicH.png x3 Zombie CoachH.png x1 Gadget ScientistH.png x1 Hail-a-CopterH.png x2
Wizard GargantuarH.png x1 Knight of the Living DeadH.png x1 Rodeo GargantuarH.png x1 TricksterH.png x1

link=Rustbolt 100px Trickbolt (created by CopyUniverse)

PvZH Brainy Icon.png PvZH Hearty Icon.png
This deck makes large use of tricks to deal with a wide variety of Plants on the board, with some Zombies to disrupt Trick usage for Plants, and Tricksters to finish the job. However, this deck has difficulty dealing with 3-attack plants, particularly Amphibious ones.
Rolling StoneH.png x4 TeleportH.png x4 Beam Me UpH.png x4 Lurch for LunchH.png x2 TerrifyH.png x2
Fun-Dead RaiserH.png x4 Gentleman ZombieH.png x2 Rocket ScienceH.png x4 Weed SprayH.png x4 Defensive EndH.png x2
Hail-a-CopterH.png x4 TricksterH.png x4

link=Rustbolt 100px Free2Sports (created by NgThang)

PvZH Brainy Icon.png PvZH Hearty Icon.png
This is a budget deck with many cards that are easy to craft. Gain an early advantage by Arm Wrestler and Mountain Climber, then unleash Rodeo Gargantuar for a finisher.
Arm WrestlerH.png x4 Rolling StoneH.png x2 Pool SharkH.png x2 Sumo WrestlerH.png x4 Mountain ClimberH.png x3
Brain VendorH.png x3 Medulla NebulaH.png x3 Cosmic Sports StarH.png x4 Team MascotH.png x4 Zombie CoachH.png x4
Primeval YetiH.png x3 Rodeo GargantuarH.png x4

link=Rustbolt 100px My Name Is Blob (created by Shpore)

PvZH Brainy Icon.png PvZH Hearty Icon.png
This deck was created by Captain Hack. Rustbolt has a new friend named Blob and wants to introduce him to the plants.
Escape through TimeH.png x3 TeleportH.png x4 Zombie Middle ManagerH.png x2 Zombology TeacherH.png x3 Cryo-BrainH.png x4
Lurch for LunchH.png x3 Regifting ZombieH.png x3 Teleportation ZombieH.png x3 Brain VendorH.png x4 Going ViralH.png x3
Medulla NebulaH.png x4 Zom-BlobH.png x4

link=Rustbolt 100px Gargantuar Assault (created by RandomzSunfish23901)

PvZH Brainy Icon.png PvZH Hearty Icon.png
In this F2P deck, the goal is to keep a Gargologist alive until Turn 3 or 4 to unleash the Gargantuars! Should the win condition be Gargantuar Mime and Coffee Zombie or Wizard Gargantuar and Lurch for Lunch? Why not both? If that fails, it will be hard to lose when two Defensive Ends are in play.
Arm WrestlerH.png x4 Black HoleH.png x1 Healthy TreatH.png x4 Planetary GladiatorH.png x3 Rolling StoneH.png x4
Lurch for LunchH.png x4 GargologistH.png x4 Regifting ZombieH.png x3 Gargantuar MimeH.png x2 Coffee ZombieH.png x2
Defensive EndH.png x4 Wizard GargantuarH.png x4 Rodeo GargantuarH.png x1

link=Rustbolt 100px A Pharaoh's Wish (created by TohkaYatogami21)

PvZH Brainy Icon.png PvZH Hearty Icon.png
Scared of dying? Why not call a Pharaoh and a Gladiator, and once they've done your work, give them a healthy treat. Use Parasol Zombies to protect them from tricks like Sizzle and Berry Blast, and get some comeback with Knockout and Rolling Stone.
Healthy TreatH.png x4 Leprechaun ImpH.png x4 Planetary GladiatorH.png x3 Rolling StoneH.png x4 Escape through TimeH.png x4
Teleportation ZombieH.png x4 Going ViralH.png x2 KnockoutH.png x2 Lost ColosseumH.png x4 Parasol ZombieH.png x4
Intergalactic WarlordH.png x2 Undying PharaohH.png x3

link=Rustbolt 100px When Athletes Attack (created by Potatofan017)

PvZH Brainy Icon.png PvZH Hearty Icon.png
This sports deck is about making sure the plant hero won’t have a good comeback,Use Terrify and Sumo Wrestler to move plants to lanes with zombies like Arm Wrestler and All-Star Zombie,Team Mascot pumps up your team’s morale,Zombie Coach protects your team,While Cosmic Sports Star gives you players for a substitution,And Rodeo Gargantuar or Knight of the Living Dead makes a good finisher.
Arm WrestlerH.png x4 Rolling StoneH.png x3 Brain VendorH.png x3 TerrifyH.png x3 Sumo WrestlerH.png x3
Team MascotH.png x4 Black HoleH.png x3 Weed SprayH.png x1 Zombie CoachH.png x4 All-Star ZombieH.png x2
Mountain ClimberH.png x3 Drum MajorH.png x2 Thinking CapH.png x2 Rodeo GargantuarH.png x2 Knight of the Living DeadH.png x1

link=Rustbolt 100px Science Just Went Viral! (BUDGET) (created by TheMajesticStork)

PvZH Brainy Icon.png PvZH Hearty Icon.png
Want to know how to make a Science deck even better? Add Going Viral. With this change, you get a board buff without requiring a hit from one of your Zombot Drone Engineers, and Frenzy! Grow your Science horde out of control with ZDE and Gadget Scientists. Going Viral ensures the scientific crew can grow intensely, able to take out any Plant, then if they try to front it, they use their Frenzy advantage and do bonus attacks, boosting them even more! The big finish comes in the shape of Tricks. Play a Hail-a-Copter as a small surprise. It's already a behemoth on Turn 6, all you need is to play Going Viral and it shreds easier than a paper shredder.
Zombot Drone EngineerH.png x4 Gadget ScientistH.png x4 Kite FlyerH.png x4 Going ViralH.png x4 Beam Me UpH.png x4
Hail-a-CopterH.png x4 Lurch for LunchH.png x2 Cosmic ScientistH.png x3 Wizard GargantuarH.png x3 Camel CrossingH.png x3
Primeval YetiH.png x3 Escape through TimeH.png x2

link=Rustbolt 100px Transformation Museum (created by TitaXsuXforXgooX)

PvZH Brainy Icon.png PvZH Hearty Icon.png
It's on to get the most powerful Zombie before the Plant hero wrecks your team! You start short with a couple of Planetary Gladiators and other things, then grow big with a Team Mascot! What's even better, you can play Transformation Stations and Evolutionary Leaps to make your zombies even stronger!
Planetary GladiatorH.png x4 TeleportH.png x4 Flag ZombieH.png x3 Team MascotH.png x3 KnockoutH.png x3
Black HoleH.png x3 Beam Me UpH.png x4 Parasol ZombieH.png x4 Primeval YetiH.png x4 Zombie KingH.png x2
Transformation StationH.png x2 Evolutionary LeapH.png x4

link=Rustbolt 100px We are the champions (created by Chase Hart)

PvZH Brainy Icon.png PvZH Hearty Icon.png
This deck shows the plants who's the real champion! Use Coach Zombie to protect your Team Mascot so he can get your teammates out of control! Use Brain Vendor to get Rodeo Gargantuar and Sumo Wrestler to make way for more damage as Cosmic Sports Star gives you good and cheap conjures! This deck is easy to build and you'll have a wild ride with it!
Team MascotH.png x4 Brain VendorH.png x4 Arm WrestlerH.png x4 Sumo WrestlerH.png x4 Zombie CoachH.png x4
Cosmic Sports StarH.png x4 Medulla NebulaH.png x4 Monster MashH.png x4 Rodeo GargantuarH.png x4 Mountain ClimberH.png x4

link=Rustbolt 100px Swarm Moon Rising (created by A Winner Fan)

PvZH Brainy Icon.png PvZH Hearty Icon.png
This Swarm deck combines the power of Swarm and Bad Moon Rising! Medulla Nebula gives you extra brains while your Zombology Teacher decreases the cost of your Bad Moon Rising while you protect it with your Healthy Treat and Parasol Zombie, and Flag Zombie helps you pressure your opponent as you play small but powerful minions! When you're done preparing for the opportune moment, unleash the true power of your minions with Bad Moon Rising and amp up their power with a Going Viral!
Zombology TeacherH.png x4 Flag ZombieH.png x4 Zombie Middle ManagerH.png x4 Genetic ExperimentH.png x3 Jurassic FossilheadH.png x3
Going ViralH.png x3 Bad Moon RisingH.png x3 Parasol ZombieH.png x3 Teleportation ZombieH.png x3 Healthy TreatH.png x3
Medulla NebulaH.png x4 Rocket ScienceH.png x3

link=Rustbolt 100px The Power of Chadster (created by NoAuthor)

PvZH Brainy Icon.png PvZH Hearty Icon.png
This is the ultimate late-game control deck! Get control early with beam me up, landscaper, and weed spray. Put down the plants that are out of control with rocket science and cut down to size.Draw the cards to keep the advantage. Then let your kitchen boys and cheap tricksters seal the deal.
Rolling StoneH.png x3 TeleportH.png x4 Black HoleH.png x4 Beam Me UpH.png x3 Sumo WrestlerH.png x3
Weed SprayH.png x3 KnockoutH.png x2 Fun-Dead RaiserH.png x4 LandscaperH.png x3 Rocket ScienceH.png x1
Kitchen Sink ZombieH.png x3 Rodeo GargantuarH.png x3 TricksterH.png x4

link=Rustbolt 100px Hardcore Gameplay (created by RandomSnowbun)

PvZH Brainy Icon.png PvZH Hearty Icon.png
Hardest deck yet, was first made for fun but works pretty well against mushroom user. not recommend against heavy healer class like rose or sunflower. This deck contain almost all armored zombie which will reduced the taken damage. And while the plants struggle to get through that, quickly use some Going Viral to freak them out even more!
Planetary GladiatorH.png x4 ConeheadH.png x4 Cryo-BrainH.png x4 Escape through TimeH.png x2 Flag ZombieH.png x2
Going ViralH.png x4 Bonus Track BucketheadH.png x4 BucketheadH.png x4 MedicH.png x2 All-Star ZombieH.png x4
Defensive EndH.png x2 Kitchen Sink ZombieH.png x2 Knight of the Living DeadH.png x2