Last Stand I (Kongfu World)
Last Stand I was the first Last Stand level of Kongfu World in the Chinese version of Plants vs. Zombies 2. It had black holes after each wave of zombies, pulling the player's plants forward. This level also introduced the Admiral Helmet Zombie. These zombies remained exclusive to the Last Stand levels. When this level was finished for the first time, the player received a star.
- Lobber plants are advised for Hammer Zombies.
- Instant kills such as Potato Mine or Squash are excellent against groups of zombies.
- Fire Gourds also prove to be of good use here due to their good crowd control. They should be placed closer to the right but still be adequately protected.
- The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost lane.
By Iamarepeater
This strategy has no need for level 2 (or above) plants (although if you have them, it will be much easier).
Plants needed:
- Snapdragon
- Cabbage-pult
- Radish
- Power Lily (but it might be possible to clear this stage without needing it)
You can bring other plants to act as fillers.
Set up your lawn as shown below.
CP | CP | CP | CP | SD | X, R | X, R | X | X |
CP | CP | CP | CP | SD | X, R | X, R | X | X |
CP | CP | CP | CP | SD | X, R | X, R | X | X |
CP | CP | CP | CP | SD | X, R | X, R | X | X |
CP | CP | CP | CP | SD | X, R | X, R | X | X |
- CP = Cabbage-pult
- SD = Snapdragon
- R = Radish
- X = Tiles where Weapon Stands might pop up
You should be left with 1750 sun. Use the extra sun to replace lost Radishes and Power Lilies. Use Snapdragon's Plant Food effect to thin out the zombie waves, especially on the final wave.
See also
- * A gate can be unlocked with a key after completing this level
^ Conjectural name