Zomboss Test Lab I
Zomboss Test Lab I was the first Zomboss Test Lab level of Far Future in the Chinese version of Plants vs. Zombies 2. In this level, there were plants on the lawn, and the player had to defeat them in order to beat the level. They could "plant" zombies to overcome and eat all the plants, similar to I, Zombie in the original game. However, unlike I, Zombie, the player had to defeat all the plants on the screen to win the level, instead of eating the brains. Every defeated plant gave the player 150 sun. When this level was finished for the first time, the player got a star.
This Brain Buster requires a very careful approach before directly placing a zombie on-screen. Like a military base that is impenetrable, study the pattern of the plants. Look for any passages to breach the base perimeters, then execute the final act. Now, the player must find ways to eat all the plants. Also, the player must have a good understanding of the abilities of both plants and zombies. For example, if a row has only a few Peashooters, it is safe to say that planting a Future Buckethead Zombie or a Shield Zombie will earn the player enough sun for another attack, and make them closer to completing the level. The player cannot take back zombies they placed, so they must plan wisely according to their amount of sun. Otherwise, the player will end up losing.
By Iamarepeater
Note: This was done under this setup. (You start off with 250 sun)
Lightning Reed | Repeater | Wall-nut | Potato Mine | Plantable square | Plantable square | Plantable square | Plantable square | Plantable square |
Repeater | Repeater | Repeater | Tall-nut | Plantable square | Plantable square | Plantable square | Plantable square | Plantable square |
Threepeater | Threepeater | Threepeater | Spring Bean | Plantable square | Plantable square | Plantable square | Plantable square | Plantable square |
Potato Mine | Potato Mine | Potato Mine | Potato Mine | Plantable square | Plantable square | Plantable square | Plantable square | Plantable square |
Melon-pult | Snow Pea | Peach | Wall-nut | Plantable square | Plantable square | Plantable square | Plantable square | Plantable square |
Steps done:
- Plant a Future Zombie on the top lane to take down the Potato Mine. You should have 350 sun now.
- Plant the second Future Zombie on the fourth row to remove the first Potato Mine on that row. You now have 450 sun.
- Plant a Future Zombie on the middle row, let it activate the frontmost Spring Bean and then quickly plant a Future Buckethead Zombie and a Conehead Zombie to defeat it. You now have 700 sun.
- Plant 3 Future Zombies on the fourth row to take out the 3 remaining Potato Mines. You now have 1000 sun.
- Plant 2 Buckethead Zombies and a Future Zombie on the top row.
- Plant 2 Buckethead Zombies and a Shield Zombie on the bottommost row. You now have 1075 sun.
- At this point, spam Bucketheads and Shield Zombies on the second row. You will win.
- * A gate can be unlocked with a key after completing this level
^ Conjectural name