Orion Acaba

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Orion Acaba is the voice of Crazy Dave in Plants vs. Zombies and Plants vs. Zombies 2. He has also been the voice of many characters in other popular franchises, such as Rico Rodriguez in Just Cause 4 and Apollo Justice in Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice.

QnA session

Q&A session with various users from The Lawn Discord server that took place on July 18, 2020,[1] with questions being asked in a different channel ahead of time.[2]

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What do you think of the saga as of right now, and how it expanded to other game genres?
I enjoyed the first two Plants VS Zombies and Garden Warfare. I haven't kept up with the final productions of the last couple games. Overall I think the games are fun to play.
What's your opinion on PvZ3, personally?
Haven't played it yet, so I couldn't tell ya.
How do people react when you tell them you voiced Crazy Dave?
When people find out I voiced Crazy Dave, there's always an initial chuckle, which I always enjoy. Then I'll bust out the voice for them, just so I can hear them laugh more. It's pretty rad.
What kind of tacos do you like?
I love carne asada tacos first, carnitas second!
What's your favourite of Crazy Dave's lines?
My favorite Crazy Dave lines are actually quite a funny thing, there was an actual scrip for the games; however, I was directed to improv all the gibberish. One of my favorite lines was "Hey, don't disrespect my taco!" I couldn't stop laughing.
What was it like getting the role for Crazy Dave in the first place?
Getting the role for Crazy Dave was weird and awesome, just because I knew what to do for some reason lol.
How did you get into voice acting and are there any VA roles you took that you really enjoyed?
I got into voice acting because, as a gamer nerd, I wanted to be in games. I took a class, made a demo, and formulated a plan.

Two of my favorite roles that I really enjoyed were Nine from FF Type-0 and Rico from JC4.
What do you think is essential for anyone wanting to become a voice actor? Any tips you'd like to share, or experiences that helped you grow?
Some things essential for anyone to become a VA is getting coached, getting good gear, and preparing yourself for massive failure and rejection until you reach some kind of success.

Tips: GET A MENTOR!!! Learn from your mistakes. Don't give up.
Do you like pie and if so what is the best flavor of pie?
I do like pie! The best flavor is cherry pie, with blueberry as my second favorite. Hold up. Are we talking about cheesecake too? If so, this is a bigger conversation than I can handle.
What is your favorite plant of all time? (if you play the game of course)
My favorite PvZ plants of all time are Chompers and Walnuts 4lyfe
What is it like knowing that not a lot of PvZ fan know nothing about you every if you are one of the only characters who talks?
As for how it is knowing I'm a main character that no one knows about: welcome to the life of a voice actor.
Whats your Favorite Zombie?
My favorite zombies are All-Star zombies just because of how silly they are.
Which pvz game is your favorite?
My favorite PvZ game is 2 all the way.
What's working with PopCap like?
Working with PopCap is: no comment.
Do you like where the series went after PvZ 1?
I do like where the series went after PvZ 1. I think they nailed it with PvZ 2.
Any behind the sence of Crazy Dave's voice?
Behind the scenes of Crazy Dave: as I mentioned before, the games were written with entire dialogue scripts. During one of the takes for PvZ 2, there was a very long and dramatic monologue that was hilarious that took me 5-6 takes to actually do. I and everyone else were laughing too hard to get all the way through because I was improvising all of this with Crazy Dave gibberish.
What series would you like to do voice work for that you haven't already?
A series I would like to do voice work for that I haven't already: Star Trek somehow. I fucking love Star Trek.
What did you think of the "Wabby Wabbo" parody song?
Wabby Wabbo? I haven't seen it, but now I have something to look forward to watching today.
Did you have to shout as loud as Apollo Justice when auditioning for his role?
How much do you enjoy Crazy Dave as a character?
I enjoy Crazy Dave as a character a bunch. He's in my top ten favorite voices of my career.
What direction did popcap give you for doing the gibberish talk? Did they just say "talk like a caveman?"
Direction that PopCap gave me for gibberish: it was pretty minimal. I came with the crazy, they loved it, and told me to keep running with it.
How would you feel if Apollo Justice didn't end up as chicken-haired as he ended up being and instead went with any of his concept designs?
Apollo Justice: I like all variations of his hair and suit designs! If I could rock any of those hairstyles, I would absolutely do it in a heartbeat.
If there was one thing you could change about crazy dave, what would it be? If there even is anything you'd like to change.
I wouldn't change anything about Crazy Dave! HE'S PERFECT!!!
Did you actually talk and then distort it or did you just record and put it in?
Crazy Dave is my voice, no distortions or filters.
Do you think ea should be improving?
Everyone should be improving, including myself.
What was your most memorable experience voicing?
My most memorable experience in voice acting is: the first day I walked on set of Just Cause 4 and being a lead in motion capture for the first time.
Have you played any video games recently? If yes, what are they?
I play video games all the time! I usually play Fallout 76, WoW, and Star Trek Online. Occasionally I'll throw on an old game for nostalgia or try something new... I do have a problem.
Do you feel some kind of affection to a character you've voiced?
I rarely feel affection towards a character I voice. There's only been a few instances that I feel a deep connection towards a character the first being Rico from JC4 and the second is a game that's not out yet (therefore I can't talk about it).
How much does the role of Crazy Dave mean to you?
The role of Crazy Dave does mean something to me. It was the first role where the vast majority of everyday and casual gamers knew who that character was, not just hardcore gamers.
What are your plans in the near future when it comes to voice acting?
My plans in the future for voice acting: keep auditioning and cross my fingers.
Do you think voicing Dave can make people crazy as well?
Does Dave make people crazy? No, the water's fine. Jump in!
Have you ever worn a pot on your head in order to pretend to be Dave as a joke?
Have I ever worn a pot on my head to be Dave as a joke? Yes, yes I have.
What is your theory on why Dave is crazy?
Why is Dave crazy? I think he was deprived of tacos too long in the early stage of his life.
What is your favorite version of Dave?
My favorite version of Dave is when he wakes up in the morning and has a sexy, smokey voice...

See also

External links
