User:MysteryKing/MK's Guide to Modding

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Most of these hacks are from Chompy The Great, and some hacks are from Ballistic Planet, so i credit them. I'll add some hacks of my own.

Important notes

Before hacking, make a backup of your .obb file in case you end up doing the hack wrong and subsequently crashing the game, or else, you'll have to re-download the game. You may need to keep five copies, just in case.

It is should be noted that you should always open HxD Hex Editor and open the .obb file with it, so it isn't included in the instructions.

As of the 3.4.4 update, the OBB has been compressed, but an awesome user named 1Zulu has released a tool to that patches the OBB. To download it, go here. You can edit all post-3.4 OBBs!

Credits to 1Zulu, Chompy the Great, Ballistic Planet for making all of this possible!

NOTE: This was copied from Ballistic Planet, and hacks are from Chompy The Great. So i credit them both.


Editing the Game's Text

Edit the game text, that includes, almanac entries, plant names, zombie names, trophy names, but not achievement names.

  1. Search for the exact name of the game text. That means, "Ctrl + F", and remember to check the Unicode box in the search box before searching. Editing game text is different than editing others, this time, you don't search code names. Example: Don't search "holonut", search "Infi-nut" instead.
  2. Now edit it, but keep the dots. One small mistake and all game text goes "<MISSING>"
  3. Now this is the hard-to-explain part: If your edited text is shorter than the original, nullify the remaining, but in nullifying, the other hex codes are not 00, but is 0A. Try to find the pattern starting from the end of the originally nullified code. For example, the original nullifying pattern is (starting backwards) is 00 0A 00 0A, just keep that pattern going until you get to the edited text. For almanac entries, for the ending letter, the code next to the nullified "00", next to the letter, must be 2E.

Zombot Spawning

Edit what the Zombots summon.

  1. Search for "ZombossSpawnJump" until you find something about future zombies. (for example: future, future_armor1) Just press F3 to continously search for it.
  2. Once you find it, go here. That is where the code names of all zombies are.
  3. Now replace. Remember to nullify extra space if you want to replace something that has less number of letters than the original one.

Note: There is currently no way to edit what Zombot Dark Dragon summons, this only works for the four-legged cyclop zombots.

Sun Costs

Edit the game's sun costs. NOTE: This hack is explained through HxD Hex Editor.

  1. Search for {PlantName}Default. (IE: BonkChoyDefault)
  2. If you see POPANIM_PLANT_{PLANTNAME} shortly after it, you're in the wrong place. Press F3, (or search again if not using HxD) to search for the next time this phrase is used.
  3. Find the nearest $ sign after {PlantName}Default.
  4. Change the next two bytes to the hex values below.

For a list of plants internal names, see here.

For example, to make Banana Launcher cost 150 sun, change "24 F4 03 91"  to " 24 96 01 91" (in hex) after BananaDefault.

This method is for plants costing 150-600 sun.

Hexadecimal value Sun cost
96 01 150
AF 01 175
C8 01 200
E1 01 225
FA 01 250
93 02 275
AC 02 300
C5 02 325
DE 02 350
F7 02 375
90 03 400
A9 03 425
C2 03 450
DB 03 475
F4 03 500
8D 04 525
A6 04 550
BF 04 575
D8 04 600

The method is slightly different for plants that cost 125 sun and below. Due to how the game works, plants that normally cost 125 sun and below have their sun costs stored in a single byte, rather than two like plants that cost 150 or above.

For example, to make Peashooter cost 75 sun, change "24 64 91"  to " 24 4B 91" (in hex) after PeashooterDefault.

For plants that cost 125 and below, use this table:

Hexidecimal value Sun cost
00 0
19 25
32 50
4B 75
64 100
7D 125

Different recharge speeds

Name Length Hexidecimal value
Instant 0 seconds 80 00
Fast 7.5 seconds A0 40
Mediocre 15 seconds 70 41
Sluggish 30 seconds A0 41
Slow 50 seconds 0C 42
Very slow 67.5 seconds 70 42

Search for {PlantName}Default and change the two selected bytes on this picture (it's not always " @", it can be " A", " B", "pA" or "pB") to the hex values above.

Zombot Battles with New Plants

Edit plants in conveyor belts.

  1. Search for "zombossmech_{choose either "egypt", "pirate", "cowboy", "future", "dark", or "beach"}
  2. When you find it, scroll up and down until you see some list of plants.
  3. Edit them. Remember to nullify if the new plant has less letters than the original.

Note: This is for Zomboss Battles only, editing plants on other conveyor-belt levels is still possible, but i still don't know what to search to find your desired conveyor-belt level, aside from boss battles.


Remove Chomper's chewing time.

  1. Search for "ChewTimeSeconds".
  2. There you see dots, then 2 weird symbols, then dots again.
  3. Nullify the 2 weird symbols.

Seed-Choosing Zombots

Make zomboss battles seed selection levels.

To do this mod, go here:


Switch the places of plants or zombies in the almanac and the seed selection screen. Not really a beneficial hack, but you can do it anyway.

  1. Search for "TypeOrder."
  2. You should see a list of plants first. (zombies are in the bottom)
  3. Edit the names. You can only edit plants or zombies with the same number of letters. So for example, switch Torchwood with Chili Bean.

Note: Never in under any circumstances edit a plant to be a plant that is already there. For example, there's already a Chili Bean, and you replace Torchwood with Chili Bean, there cannot be 2 same plants, or else it crashes.

New credits

Edit the credits.

  1. Search for names or stuff in the credits. No need to "codify" it. Just for the pure word, it means it has spaces with the right capital letters if needed.
  2. Press the case sensitive option (only if you type the exact thing in the credits.)
  3. Replace the names with yours, no need to type in code, just type normal. (it means with space)

Restore Power Pinch

  1. Search for "Make new powerups"
  2. Scroll down a bit until you find the exact words "PowerupFlickzombie" (must include the capital F and P)
  3. Replace the "Flick" part with "Pinch"

NOTE: as of an indeterminate version, Power Pinch has been removed from the game. This hack no longer works as of version 3.6.1

Weakening the Jester

Edit what Jester Zombie deflects.

  1. Search for "JuggleableProjectiles"
  2. Below there you should see projectile names.
  3. Now replace one of the projectiles with the one you want.

Note: You can only replace and remove, not add, so you have to make him vulnerable to a projectile he originally can deflect and make him immune to projectiles he can't deflect.

The Great Spring Bean

Super Springer

This increases Spring Bean's bouncing power.

  1. Search for "SpringBeanDefault"
  2. Press F3.
  3. Below, you should see "KnockbackOffset"
  4. In the "B" part of the KnockbackOffset, turn the "B" into a capital "C".

Always Awake

Spring Bean will never sleep after springing.

  1. Search for "SpringBeanDefault"
  2. Press F3.
  3. Below you should see "AttackRecoveryTime"
  4. In "AttackRecoveryTime".. A..", nullify "A" and the space before "A"

Zeus Reed

Make Lightning Reed's PF cloud deal insanely big amounts of damage, make it fly faster, make Lightning Reed's chain lightning have more bounces. Basically, this mod makes Lightning Reed one powerful zeus-like plant.

Mega Chains

Lightning Reed's lightning will arc to more zombies.

  1. Search "lightningreeddefault".
  2. Press F3.
  3. Below you should find "NumShotBounces$".
  4. The dot next to the dollar sign's hex code is "03", now change it to "0A".

Speedy Cloud

Lightning Reed's PF cloud will move faster.

  1. Search "lightningreeddefault".
  2. Press F3.
  3. Below you should find "PlantFoodCloudSpeed"..úC.."
  4. Now change "C" to "D".

The Wrath of Zeus

Lightning Reed's PF cloud will do more damage.

  1. Search for "lightningreeddefault".
  2. Press F3
  3. Below you should find "PlantFoodLightningBoltDamage".. A.."
  4. Now change "A" to "B".

Note: When changing the letters, it is important for it to be capital letter, using small letters makes a huge difference.

Unlock Marigold

Search for "IsZenGardenTreasurePlant" and nullify it.

Free Tile Turnips

^ Title says all.

  1. Search for "PowerPlant" until you will see "SecondTileCost" and "$" after that.
  2. Change the numbers after "$" to "80 00" and your turnips will be free.

Infinite Puffs

Puff-shroom will never disappear.

  1. Search for "ExpirationDurationSecond$<"
  2. Delete the "<"

Free Extra Endless Zone Card

^ Nuff' said

  1. Search for "ExtraCardCost$"
  2. Delete the "$"

Infinite Chard Guard Leaves

Chard Guard will never lose it's leaves.

  1. Search for "PushesPerLeft$"
  2. Change the "." next to the "$" from 01 to 7F.

Insta-growth Sun-shroom

  1. Search for "TimeToGrowInSeconds"
  2. There should be a "$" afterwards, followed by a ".". Nullify the ".". This'll get it to grow to stage 2 instantly.
  3. Afterwards, find the next "$". Nullify the character right after the "$". This'll get it from stage 2-3 instantly. If you did the previous step, Sun-shroom should be stage 3 right when you plant it!

Useless hacks

There's no point to these, but they're possible!

  • To remove all costumes, search "CostumeList" and nullify it. This method removes all costumes, there's no way to choose which costumes to keep or to remove. Also, since the 2.9 update, you may not want to do this.