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Hi there! I'm MysteryKing, your typical wikia user! I'm like roleplaying.

Plant Ratings

See Plant Ratings

Wiki Relationships


  • Buzzy Buzz - My first wiki friend. Back in the days when the OBB was still moddable, me and Buzzy would find ways to edit stuff in the OBB.
  • Garney the Garnet Dragon - We became friends in my first roleplay thread. He's my artifact artist for the comic.
  • NightFury299 - We also became friend in my roleplaying thread, even though he hates alliances, we're still friends.


None! Hopefully it will stay that way.

MK's guide to modding

See MK's guide to modding

The Mod Team

I created this team specifically for the great modders of this wiki! My modder's rank is Master Modder.


  • 1Zulu - The Intellectual Modder. Thanks to him, modding and texture unpacking is now possible!
  • Ballistic Planet - The Average Modder. Likes to mod various stuff.
  • ErnestoAM - The Average Modder. Doesn't mod much but has normal knowledge of modding.

Former Members:

  • Buzzy Buzz - The used-to-be Master Modder. But quit modding long ago.

The Mysterious Adventures of MysteryKing

Comin' soon

Words of Wisdom

"No matter how popular something is, there's always haters of it."


"Perhaps it's not death you're afraid of, it's the painful experience before you actually die. No one wants pain."


"Opinions on the internet don't matter. There's always a flame war no matter how nicely you say that opinion. But in the end, no one wins."


My Chat Shows

This is my list of chat shows i do randomly on chat.

Pondering with MysteryKing

This is where we ponder questions about anything.

The Chat

This is a reality chat show that shows the daily stuff that happens on chat. I signify when it's the beginning, the climax, or the end.


  1. E1 - Mod Interviews
  2. E2 - Revival Theories
  3. E3 -

The Code of King

This is the 10 rules i made myself to avoid doxxing, invasion of privacy, annoyance, and untolerableness.

1. The king hates to be annoyed, so if he does not want to talk to you, then you can't force him to.

2. Invading the king's privacy is forbidden, if commited, you will be sentenced in the hands of high authority (the admins.)

3. Cyberbullying is not tolerated, this is much worse than invasion of privacy. If commited, you will be sentenced to not just the hands of high authority, but an even higher authority (wikia staff).

4. You cannot steal the king's crown. If attempted, you will be shocked and paralyzed digitally.

5. Huge amounts of spamming in PM is forbidden, and again, you will be sentenced to authority.

6. Constantly hugging the king is forbidden, unless the king allows it.

7. Attempting to hunt the king's information or "doxxing" is not tolerated. If you commit it, well, you know what happens.

8. The king does not do crimes against the internet, unless by accident, and neither will you.

9. Be nice and i will, break the code and i will break you.

10. I am, and will always be the king of mysteries.