User:MysteryKing/Plant Ratings

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  • Peashooter: 3/10 - Only useful for the start, gets useless soon.
  • Sunflower: 8/10 - Essential for every level, but replaced by Twin Sunflower/Sun-shroom as you advance.
  • Wall-nut: 6/10 - Important for starting levels, but Infi-nut is better.
  • Potato Mine: 5.5/10 - A substitute for Squash, but has to arm.
  • Overall rating: 4/10 - Most of these plants are going to be replaced soon anyway.

Ancient Egypt

  • Cabbage-pult: 4/10 - Only good for Ancient Egypt.
  • Grave Buster 1/10 - Why waste a seed slot for this when you can put a better offensive plant on it that can easily destroy graves?
  • Twin Sunflower 12/10 - Why? Because it's 2 sunflowers in one! +2 bonus points because it doesn't need to be planted on Sunflowers anymore.
  • Repeater 6/10 - Better than it's younger brother, but also gets useless soon.
  • Bloomerang 8.5/10 - Absolutely better than Repeater, being able to hit 3 zombies, twice! How cool is that!? But since the arrival of Laser Bean, this has become useless.
  • Bonk Choy 4/10 - Good when combined with Wall-nut and Snapdragon, but useless in later worlds.
  • Iceberg Lettuce 15/10 - A good plant for any world, plus plant food effect is great! +5 points for being SUPER CUTE!
  • Overall rating: 7.3/10 - It has some pretty good plants, some pretty bad ones, some one them can also get replaced.

Pirate Seas

  • Kernel-pult: 7/10 - Yay for stunning butter! Goes great with other offensive plants!
  • Spikeweed: 4.5/10 - Don't use it that much. Good combo with Chard Guard.
  • Cherry Bomb: 9/10 - Lifesaver for mass Wizards. Also because of his awesome costumes!
  • Spikerock: 5.5/10 - Same as Spikeweed's reason.
  • Threepeater: 3.8/10 - Peashooter is already useless, and it's better to use a Melon-pult for 25 extra sun.
  • Snapdragon: 5.2/10 - I do like dragons, but this plant is not as powerful as i thought.
  • Coconut Cannon: 4.7/10 - Expensive, and can't even kill a Buckethead.
  • Spring Bean: 9/10 - Only good for Pirate Seas, but when Blover came along, this guy became powerful.
  • Overall rating: 6.5/10 - Most of these plants aren't going to be used on hard Endless Zones, except for Cherry Bomb.

Wild West

  • Split Pea: 4.1/10 - Only good in the Beginning of Wild West, but after getting Winter Melon, this guy becomes useless.
  • Tall-nut: 7.3/10 - Strong! Better than Wall-nut, but Infi-nut is alot better.
  • Melon-pult: 8/10 - Better than Threepeater, and it just costs 25 sun more!
  • Winter Melon: 500/10 - BECAUSE CHILLING SPLASH DAMAGE. That's why!
  • Chili Bean: 8.4/10 - It's like a better version of Potato Mine, with a bonus stun fart! Gross, but cool!
  • Lightning Reed: 100/10 - Lightning is awesome, it kills chickens quickly, and CHAIN ATTACKS! How awesome is that?!
  • Pea Pod: 5.5/10 - Ehh. Too expensive, I'd rather use Melon-pult than spend 625 sun for 5 peas doing no splash damage at all.
  • Overall rating: 7.5/10 - Although bad plants outnumber the one good plant, Winter Melon will still be very powerful on endless zones.

Far Future

  • Blover: 9/10 - This plus Spring Bean equals WIND OF DEATH!
  • Laser Bean: 500/10 - Do i even need a reason for this?
  • Citron: 7/10 - Powerful, but slow, really really slow. It can overkill basic zombies.
  • E.M.Peach: 5.5/10 - Only useful on Far Future, but useful for Yeti killing.
  • Infi-nut: ∞/10 - Because INFINITY!
  • Magnifying Grass: 6.9/10 - 50 sun for overkilling basic zombies? Nope. It can be a weakener, but not a main offense. Can't even kill a Conehead in 1 shot.
  • Tile Turnip: 7/10 - This and Power Lily are deadly. But it gets too expensive. +2 points for bringing Power Tiles to all words!
  • Overall rating: 9.5/10 - Far Future has given us the most powerful plants for Endless Zones.

Dark Ages

  • Sun-shroom 9.5/10 - Better than Sunflower, and became more useful because it doesn't need Coffee Bean anymore. +1.5 points for having a new third growth stage with bigger sun!
  • Puff-shroom 5/10 - Now it disappears? That's bad. Just bad. But it's plant food effect is awesome!
  • Fume-shroom 5.5/10 - Basically a cheaper Laser Bean with a smaller range.
  • Magnet-shroom 6/10 - Good for Arthur's Challenge, Plant Food effect is crazy awesome!
  • Sun Bean 8/10 - This + Knight Zombie = SUN PARTY!

Big Wave Beach

  • Lily Pad 10/10 - Essential. Nuff' said.
  • Tangle Kelp 7/10 - It's like Squash, but for water. Plant Food effect is creepy, but useful.
  • Bowling Bulb 7.5/10 - Weak, but great for starting levels of Big Wave Beach. Plus, +2 points for bringing back Wall-nut Bowling!
  • Guacodile 6.8/10 - Mainly, it's Peashooter, but when attacked, it's like a Laser Bean firing a few lasers worth of damage.
  • Banana Launcher 7.2/10 - A reincarnation of Cob Cannon who only needs 1 space? Cool! But it's banana only damages 1 tile? Not cool.
  • Overall rating: 7/10 - Most of these plants are weak, except for Banana Launcher.

Frostbite Caves

  • Hot Potato 7/10 - Essential for early levels, but you don't need it once you get Pepper-pult or buy Fire Peashooter.
  • Chard Guard 6/10 - A wall-nut combined with a Spring Bean? Bad. But a good zombie distraction when paired with Sweet Potato.
  • Stunion 3/10 - Creating an Iceberg Lettuce but using Chili Bean's farts? SO ORIGINAL PopCap.
  • Rotobaga 4/10 - A weaker Starfruit? No, just no.
  • Overall rating: 4/10 - These plants aren't useful independently. Good when paired with other plants.


  • Snow Pea 6/10 - Good for early worlds, but not worth buying because you get Winter Melon anyway.
  • Squash 8/10 - Better than Potato Mine. I recommend buying this.
  • Torchwood 5/10 - Used to be good until Fire Peashooter came along. +1 point for amazing blue fire PF effect.
  • Jalapeno 7/10 - Laser Bean's PF effect simulates Jalapeno, but he is useful for Frostbite Caves.
  • Imitater 8/10 - What can i say? Twice the plant, twice as fast recharging time.
  • Starfruit 4/10 - Why buy this when you can get Rotobaga for free?
  • Hypno-shroom 7.5/10 - Hypnotize Knights = Cool, but Hypnotized Gargantuar = AWESOME!
  • Chomper 5/10 - Not worth buying. Slow chewing, and his PF is weak as well.
  • Power Lily 9/10 - This and Imitater is extremely needed in Endless Zones.
  • Pea-nut 0.5/10 - Seriously PopCap? Combining 2 weak starter plants, and making them cost money? It could have been gemium instead.
  • Overall rating = 7.5/10 - They have their ups and downs.


  • Ghost Pepper 10/10 - Can be planted on Water? Check. Can't be eaten. Check. Counter for Wizards and Octos? DOUBLE CHECK. #CuteAndSpooky
  • Homing Thistle 9/10 - A better reincarnation of Cattail. Nuff' said.
  • Sweet Potato 3.5/10 - Overpriced. But good when combined with Chard Guard and Spikerocks.
  • Sap-fling 5/10 - Good for Icebound Battleground because Winter Melons are useless on it.
  • Hurrikale 8/10 - It's one of the good combined plants. (Blover + Snow Pea) And a great counter for Explorers. Somehow Hurrikale reminds of Chilly Pepper, but with extra blowing effect.
  • Fire Peashooter 6/10 - Unoriginal name, but can save you real money. Buy this instead of Torchwood!
  • Dandelion 3/10 - Bad. Just bad. 275 for a weak all-lane attack? I'd rather use Melon-pult for an extra 50 sun.
  • Lava Guava ???/10 - Did not use yet.
  • Overall rating: 9/10 - Gemiums are better than premiums themselves.