User:TheHandsomePlant/FD MC Project

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FCMD Day 1

Stage: Modern Day
Level type: Normal
Slider placements: C8R4, C4R3 (both pointing up)
Zombies: Basic Zombie2.png Conehead Zombie2.png Buckethead Zombie2.png Cave Zombie2.png Cave Conehead Zombie2.png Cave Buckethead Zombie2.png

The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost lane.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Note(s)
1 Basic Zombie2.png3 Cave Zombie2.png4 None
2 Basic Zombie2.png Cave Conehead Zombie2.png3 None
3 Buckethead Zombie2.png4 Cave Zombie2.png1 Cave Zombie2.png5 None
4 Basic Zombie2.png1 Conehead Zombie2.png2 Cave Zombie2.png3 Cave Conehead Zombie2.png4 None PortalFC.png spawns at C7R2
5 Buckethead Zombie2.png1 Cave Buckethead Zombie2.png1 None
6 Basic Zombie2.png3 Conehead Zombie2.png2 Buckethead Zombie2.png5 Cave Conehead Zombie2.png4 None
7 Buckethead Zombie2.png5 Buckethead Zombie2.png5 Cave Conehead Zombie2.png Cave Conehead Zombie2.png None
8 Conehead Zombie2.png3 Conehead Zombie2.png3 Conehead Zombie2.png3 Cave Conehead Zombie2.png4 Cave Conehead Zombie2.png4 Cave Conehead Zombie2.png4 None PortalFC.png spawns at C6R1
9 Basic Zombie2.png Conehead Zombie2.png Buckethead Zombie2.png Cave Zombie2.png Cave Conehead Zombie2.png Cave Buckethead Zombie2.png None PortalFC.png spawns at C5R5
10 Basic Zombie2.png1 Basic Zombie2.png4 Conehead Zombie2.png2 Conehead Zombie2.png2 Buckethead Zombie2.png3 Buckethead Zombie2.png5 Cave Conehead Zombie2.png1 Cave Conehead Zombie2.png2 Cave Conehead Zombie2.png3 Cave Conehead Zombie2.png4 Cave Conehead Zombie2.png5 None

FCMD Day 2

Stage: Frostbite Caves
Level type: Special Delivery

  • Moonflower: 2
  • Dusk Lobber: 10
  • Nightshade: Infinite

Slider placements: C6R1 (down), C6R5 (up), C8R2 (up), C8R4 (down)
Zombies: Basic Zombie2.png Conehead Zombie2.png Buckethead Zombie2.png Newspaper Zombie2.png Cave Zombie2.png Cave Conehead Zombie2.png Cave Buckethead Zombie2.png Hunter Zombie2.png

The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost lane.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Note(s)
1 Basic Zombie2.png1 Cave Zombie2.png5 None
2 Basic Zombie2.png1 Conehead Zombie2.png4 Cave Zombie2.png2 Cave Zombie2.png3 None
3 Buckethead Zombie2.png3 Cave Conehead Zombie2.png2 Cave Conehead Zombie2.png4 None Freezing Winds occur on row 2; 100% Plant Food
4 Hunter Zombie2.png1 Hunter Zombie2.png5 None
5 Newspaper Zombie2.png3 Cave Conehead Zombie2.png1 Cave Conehead Zombie2.png2 Cave Conehead Zombie2.png4 Cave Conehead Zombie2.png5 None
6 Basic Zombie2.png1 Basic Zombie2.png5 Cave Zombie2.png1 Cave Zombie2.png5 Cave Buckethead Zombie2.png2 Cave Buckethead Zombie2.png4 None Freezing Winds occur on row 2; Hot Potato2.png is added
7 Newspaper Zombie2.png Newspaper Zombie2.png Cave Conehead Zombie2.png Cave Conehead Zombie2.png Cave Conehead Zombie2.png Snowstorm! (They go to columns 5-6)
8 Buckethead Zombie2.png3 Buckethead Zombie2.png3 Hunter Zombie2.png1 Hunter Zombie2.png2 Hunter Zombie2.png4 Hunter Zombie2.png5 None 100% Plant Food
9 Newspaper Zombie2.png3 Newspaper Zombie2.png3 Cave Buckethead Zombie2.png1 Cave Buckethead Zombie2.png2 Cave Buckethead Zombie2.png4 Cave Buckethead Zombie2.png5 None Freezing Winds occur twice on row 4
10 Basic Zombie2.png Conehead Zombie2.png Buckethead Zombie2.png Newspaper Zombie2.png Cave Zombie2.png Cave Conehead Zombie2.png Cave Buckethead Zombie2.png Hunter Zombie2.png Basic Zombie2.png Basic Zombie2.png Basic Zombie2.png Basic Zombie2.png Basic Zombie2.png Basic Zombie2.png Snowstorm! (they go to column 4)
11 Buckethead Zombie2.png2 Buckethead Zombie2.png2 Buckethead Zombie2.png2 Newspaper Zombie2.png3 Newspaper Zombie2.png3 Cave Buckethead Zombie2.png4 Cave Buckethead Zombie2.png4 Cave Buckethead Zombie2.png4 Hunter Zombie2.png1 Hunter Zombie2.png1 Hunter Zombie2.png5 Hunter Zombie2.png5 None

FCMD Day 3

Stage: Modern Day
Level type: Normal with objectives

  • Never have more than 12 plants
  • Don't lose more than 2 plants

Slider placements: C8R1 (down), C6R2 (down), C8R5 (up), C6R4 (up)
Zombies: Basic Zombie2.png Conehead Zombie2.png Buckethead Zombie2.png Balloon Zombie2.png Cave Zombie2.png Cave Conehead Zombie2.png Cave Buckethead Zombie2.png Blockhead Zombie2.png

The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost lane.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Note(s)
1 Blockhead Zombie2.png1 None
2 Basic Zombie2.png2 Blockhead Zombie2.png5 None
3 Basic Zombie2.png3 Basic Zombie2.png3 Cave Zombie2.png3 None 100% Plant Food
4 Conehead Zombie2.png2 Cave Conehead Zombie2.png4 None PortalFC.png spawns at C7R1
5 Buckethead Zombie2.png1 Cave Buckethead Zombie2.png5 None
6 Conehead Zombie2.png1 Balloon Zombie2.png3 Cave Conehead Zombie2.png5 Blockhead Zombie2.png2 Blockhead Zombie2.png4 None First flag; 100% Plant Food
7 Conehead Zombie2.png1 Conehead Zombie2.png5 Cave Conehead Zombie2.png2 Cave Conehead Zombie2.png4 Blockhead Zombie2.png3 None PortalFC.png spawns at C7R5
8 Conehead Zombie2.png3 Buckethead Zombie2.png4 Balloon Zombie2.png1 Cave Buckethead Zombie2.png5 Blockhead Zombie2.png2 None
9 Buckethead Zombie2.png3 Buckethead Zombie2.png2 Balloon Zombie2.png5 Cave Buckethead Zombie2.png1 Blockhead Zombie2.png4 None
10 Conehead Zombie2.png1 Conehead Zombie2.png5 Balloon Zombie2.png2 Balloon Zombie2.png4 Cave Conehead Zombie2.png3 None 100% Plant Food
11 Basic Zombie2.png Conehead Zombie2.png Buckethead Zombie2.png Balloon Zombie2.png Cave Zombie2.png Cave Conehead Zombie2.png Cave Buckethead Zombie2.png Blockhead Zombie2.png None PortalFC.png spawns at C6R3
12 Basic Zombie2.png1 Conehead Zombie2.png1 Buckethead Zombie2.png1 Balloon Zombie2.png3 Balloon Zombie2.png3 Balloon Zombie2.png3 Cave Zombie2.png5 Cave Conehead Zombie2.png5 Cave Buckethead Zombie2.png5 Blockhead Zombie2.png5 None Final flag

FCMD Day 4

Stage: Frostbite Caves
Level type: Snowstorm Strike

  • Fire Peashooter: 4
  • Chard Guard: 5
  • Moonflower: 3
  • Rotobaga: Infinite
  • Nightshade: Infinite

Slider placements:

  • Up: C8R2, C6R2, C7R5, C5R5
  • Down: C8R4, C6R4, C7R1, C5R1

Zombies: Basic Zombie2.png Conehead Zombie2.png Buckethead Zombie2.png All-Star Zombie2.png Super-Fan Imp2.png Cave Zombie2.png Cave Conehead Zombie2.png Cave Buckethead Zombie2.png Dodo Rider Zombie2.png

The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost lane.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Note(s)
1 Cave Zombie2.png Basic Zombie2.png Basic Zombie2.png Cave Zombie2.png Cave Zombie2.png Snowstorm! (column 9)
2 Basic Zombie2.png Basic Zombie2.png Cave Conehead Zombie2.png Cave Zombie2.png Snowstorm! (columns 8-9)
100% Plant Food
3 Cave Conehead Zombie2.png Basic Zombie2.png Basic Zombie2.png Cave Zombie2.png Dodo Rider Zombie2.png Snowstorm! (column 8)
4 Conehead Zombie2.png Conehead Zombie2.png Conehead Zombie2.png Cave Conehead Zombie2.png Cave Conehead Zombie2.png Snowstorm! (columns 7-8)
5 Cave Buckethead Zombie2.png Basic Zombie2.png Buckethead Zombie2.png Cave Zombie2.png Cave Conehead Zombie2.png Snowstorm! (column 7)
6 Buckethead Zombie2.png Basic Zombie2.png Basic Zombie2.png Basic Zombie2.png Cave Zombie2.png Dodo Rider Zombie2.png Dodo Rider Zombie2.png Snowstorm! (columns 6-7)
7 Dodo Rider Zombie2.png Basic Zombie2.png Basic Zombie2.png Buckethead Zombie2.png Cave Zombie2.png Cave Zombie2.png Cave Buckethead Zombie2.png Snowstorm! (column 6)
100% Plant Food
8 Super-Fan Imp2.png3 All-Star Zombie2.png3 Super-Fan Imp2.png Super-Fan Imp2.png Super-Fan Imp2.png Super-Fan Imp2.png Super-Fan Imp2.png Super-Fan Imp2.png Super-Fan Imp2.png Super-Fan Imp2.png Snowstorm! (columns 5-6)
9 Cave Conehead Zombie2.png Cave Conehead Zombie2.png Conehead Zombie2.png All-Star Zombie2.png All-Star Zombie2.png Cave Conehead Zombie2.png Cave Conehead Zombie2.png Cave Conehead Zombie2.png Snowstorm! (column 5)
10 Conehead Zombie2.png Conehead Zombie2.png Basic Zombie2.png Basic Zombie2.png Conehead Zombie2.png Conehead Zombie2.png Dodo Rider Zombie2.png Dodo Rider Zombie2.png Dodo Rider Zombie2.png Dodo Rider Zombie2.png Snowstorm! (columns 4-5)
11 Cave Buckethead Zombie2.png Cave Buckethead Zombie2.png Conehead Zombie2.png Conehead Zombie2.png Buckethead Zombie2.png Buckethead Zombie2.png Cave Conehead Zombie2.png Cave Conehead Zombie2.png Cave Buckethead Zombie2.png Cave Buckethead Zombie2.png Snowstorm! (column 4)
100% Plant Food
12 Buckethead Zombie2.png Buckethead Zombie2.png Super-Fan Imp2.png Super-Fan Imp2.png Super-Fan Imp2.png Super-Fan Imp2.png Super-Fan Imp2.png Super-Fan Imp2.png Super-Fan Imp2.png Super-Fan Imp2.png Cave Buckethead Zombie2.png Cave Buckethead Zombie2.png Snowstorm! (columns 3-4)
13 Dodo Rider Zombie2.png Dodo Rider Zombie2.png All-Star Zombie2.png All-Star Zombie2.png All-Star Zombie2.png All-Star Zombie2.png Cave Buckethead Zombie2.png Cave Buckethead Zombie2.png Cave Buckethead Zombie2.png Cave Buckethead Zombie2.png Snowstorm! (column 3)

FCMD Day 6

Stage: Frostbite Caves
Level type: Locked and Loaded

  • Hot Potato2.png Pepper-pult2.png Stunion2.png Moonflower2.png Dusk Lobber2.png Shrinking Violet2.png

Slider placements:

  • Up: C7R2, C5R5
  • Down: C6R3

Zombies: Basic Zombie2.png Conehead Zombie2.png Buckethead Zombie2.png Balloon Zombie2.png Super-Fan Imp2.png All-Star Zombie2.png Cave Zombie2.png Cave Conehead Zombie2.png Cave Buckethead Zombie2.png Dodo Rider Zombie2.png Weasel Hoarder2.png

The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost lane.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Note(s)
1 Cave Zombie2.png None
2 Basic Zombie2.png Cave Zombie2.png None Freezing winds affect row 1
3 Cave Conehead Zombie2.png None
4 Conehead Zombie2.png Cave Conehead Zombie2.png None
5 Weasel Hoarder2.png Weasel Hoarder2.png None Freezing winds affect row 5
100% Plant Food
6 Buckethead Zombie2.png Dodo Rider Zombie2.png Dodo Rider Zombie2.png None
7 Cave Buckethead Zombie2.png3 Super-Fan Imp2.png1 Super-Fan Imp2.png2 Super-Fan Imp2.png4 Super-Fan Imp2.png5 None
8 Buckethead Zombie2.png1 Cave Buckethead Zombie2.png5 Balloon Zombie2.png Balloon Zombie2.png All-Star Zombie2.png None First flag
Freezing winds affect rows 1 and 5
9 Conehead Zombie2.png1 Conehead Zombie2.png4 Cave Conehead Zombie2.png2 Cave Conehead Zombie2.png5 Balloon Zombie2.png3 Balloon Zombie2.png3 Basic Zombie2.png Conehead Zombie2.png Cave Zombie2.png Cave Conehead Zombie2.png Snowstorm! (goes to columns 6-7)
10 Conehead Zombie2.png1 Conehead Zombie2.png1 Cave Conehead Zombie2.png5 Cave Conehead Zombie2.png5 Dodo Rider Zombie2.png2 Dodo Rider Zombie2.png3 Dodo Rider Zombie2.png4 None 100% Plant Food
11 Weasel Hoarder2.png4 Weasel Hoarder2.png4 Super-Fan Imp2.png2 All-Star Zombie2.png2 None Freezing winds affect row 2
12 Basic Zombie2.png Basic Zombie2.png Cave Zombie2.png Cave Zombie2.png Balloon Zombie2.png1 Balloon Zombie2.png2 Balloon Zombie2.png3 Balloon Zombie2.png4 None
13 Conehead Zombie2.png Conehead Zombie2.png Cave Conehead Zombie2.png Cave Conehead Zombie2.png Dodo Rider Zombie2.png1 Dodo Rider Zombie2.png2 Dodo Rider Zombie2.png3 Dodo Rider Zombie2.png4 Dodo Rider Zombie2.png5 None Freezing winds affect row 4
14 Buckethead Zombie2.png1 Cave Buckethead Zombie2.png5 Weasel Hoarder2.png2 Weasel Hoarder2.png2 Weasel Hoarder2.png4 Weasel Hoarder2.png4 Conehead Zombie2.png Cave Conehead Zombie2.png Dodo Rider Zombie2.png Dodo Rider Zombie2.png Snowstorm! (goes to column 6)
100% Plant Food
15 Basic Zombie2.png Conehead Zombie2.png Buckethead Zombie2.png Balloon Zombie2.png Super-Fan Imp2.png All-Star Zombie2.png Cave Zombie2.png Cave Conehead Zombie2.png Cave Buckethead Zombie2.png Dodo Rider Zombie2.png Weasel Hoarder2.png None
16 Buckethead Zombie2.png3 Gargantuar2.png2 Cave Buckethead Zombie2.png3 Dodo Rider Zombie2.png2 Dodo Rider Zombie2.png5 Balloon Zombie2.png1 Balloon Zombie2.png4 None Final flag
Freezing winds affect rows 2 and 4

FCMD Day 7

Stage: Modern Day
Level type: Save Our Seeds

  • Two Nightshade2.png at tiles C6R2 and C6R4

Slider placement: Down at C5R1, Up at C5R5
Zombies: Basic Zombie2.png Conehead Zombie2.png Buckethead Zombie2.png Newspaper Zombie2.png Super-Fan Imp2.png All-Star Zombie2.png Cave Zombie2.png Cave Conehead Zombie2.png Cave Buckethead Zombie2.png Hunter Zombie2.png Troglobite2.png

The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost lane.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Note(s)
1 Basic Zombie2.png2 Cave Zombie2.png4 Super-Fan Imp2.png1 None
2 Basic Zombie2.png2 Cave Zombie2.png4 Super-Fan Imp2.png5 None
3 Basic Zombie2.png2 Cave Zombie2.png4 Super-Fan Imp2.png3 Super-Fan Imp2.png3 None
4 Conehead Zombie2.png1 Hunter Zombie2.png2 Hunter Zombie2.png4 None 100% Plant Food
5 Conehead Zombie2.png1 Cave Conehead Zombie2.png5 Troglobite2.png(1)2 Troglobite2.png(1)4 Newspaper Zombie2.png3 None First flag
6 Buckethead Zombie2.png1 Cave Conehead Zombie2.png4 Hunter Zombie2.png5 Troglobite2.png(2)3 All-Star Zombie2.png2 None
7 Cave Buckethead Zombie2.png1 Buckethead Zombie2.png5 Hunter Zombie2.png3 Newspaper Zombie2.png2 Troglobite2.png(2)4 None
8 Conehead Zombie2.png1 Cave Conehead Zombie2.png2 Conehead Zombie2.png3 Cave Conehead Zombie2.png4 Conehead Zombie2.png5 None PortalFC.png spawns at C6R1
9 Conehead Zombie2.png1 Conehead Zombie2.png5 Cave Conehead Zombie2.png1 Cave Conehead Zombie2.png5 Hunter Zombie2.png2 Hunter Zombie2.png3 Hunter Zombie2.png4 None 100% Plant Food
10 Buckethead Zombie2.png1 Gargantuar2.png3 Newspaper Zombie2.png2 Newspaper Zombie2.png4 Cave Buckethead Zombie2.png5 None Second flag
11 Conehead Zombie2.png3 Conehead Zombie2.png5 Cave Conehead Zombie2.png4 Troglobite2.png2 Troglobite2.png4 All-Star Zombie2.png1 None 100% Plant Food
12 Conehead Zombie2.png1 Conehead Zombie2.png3 Cave Conehead Zombie2.png2 Super-Fan Imp2.png2 All-Star Zombie2.png2 Newspaper Zombie2.png4 Newspaper Zombie2.png4 Super-Fan Imp2.png5 Super-Fan Imp2.png5 Super-Fan Imp2.png5 None
13 Newspaper Zombie2.png1 Newspaper Zombie2.png2 Newspaper Zombie2.png3 Newspaper Zombie2.png4 All-Star Zombie2.png5 None PortalFC.png spawns at C6R5
14 Basic Zombie2.png Conehead Zombie2.png Buckethead Zombie2.png Newspaper Zombie2.png Super-Fan Imp2.png All-Star Zombie2.png Cave Zombie2.png Cave Conehead Zombie2.png Cave Buckethead Zombie2.png Hunter Zombie2.png Troglobite2.png None
15 Gargantuar2.png2 Hunter Zombie2.png1 Hunter Zombie2.png3 Hunter Zombie2.png5 Super-Fan Imp2.png4 All-Star Zombie2.png4 None Final flag

FCMD Day 8

Stage: Frostbite Caves
Level type: Normal with objectives

  • Produce at least 3000 sun
  • Don't let the zombies trample the flowers (between 3rd and 4th column)

Zombies: Basic Zombie2.png Conehead Zombie2.png Buckethead Zombie2.png Newspaper Zombie2.png Balloon Zombie2.png Cave Zombie2.png Cave Conehead Zombie2.png Cave Buckethead Zombie2.png Troglobite2.png Weasel Hoarder2.png
Slider placements: C7R1 (down), C7R2 (up), C3R3 (down), C6R4 (down), C8R5 (up)

The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost lane.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Note(s)
1 Basic Zombie2.png Cave Zombie2.png None
2 Cave Conehead Zombie2.png None Freezing Winds occur in lanes 1, and 2
3 Basic Zombie2.png Cave Zombie2.png Basic Zombie2.png Cave Zombie2.png Snowstorm! (goes to column 7)
4 Conehead Zombie2.png1 Cave Conehead Zombie2.png5 Troglobite2.png(1)2 None First flag; 100% Plant Food
5 Basic Zombie2.png Cave Zombie2.png Weasel Hoarder2.png2 Weasel Hoarder2.png4 None Freezing Winds occur in lanes 2, and 3
6 Basic Zombie2.png Balloon Zombie2.png Cave Zombie2.png Conehead Zombie2.png Cave Conehead Zombie2.png Snowstorm! (goes to column 6)
7 Newspaper Zombie2.png Cave Buckethead Zombie2.png None Freezing Winds occur in lanes 1, and 3
8 Troglobite2.png(2)1 Troglobite2.png(2)3 Weasel Hoarder2.png4 Weasel Hoarder2.png Weasel Hoarder2.png Second flag; Snowstorm! (goes to column 7)
9 Newspaper Zombie2.png Cave Conehead Zombie2.png Cave Conehead Zombie2.png None Freezing Winds occur in lanes 4, and 5; 100% Plant Food
10 Weasel Hoarder2.png2 Weasel Hoarder2.png3 Weasel Hoarder2.png4 Balloon Zombie2.png Cave Buckethead Zombie2.png Snowstorm! (goes to column 6)
11 Balloon Zombie2.png3 Balloon Zombie2.png3 None Freezing Winds occur in lanes 4, and 5
12 Newspaper Zombie2.png1 Newspaper Zombie2.png3 Sloth Gargantuar2.png5 None Third flag
13 Troglobite2.png2 Troglobite2.png3 Troglobite2.png4 None Freezing Winds occur in all lanes; 100% Plant Food
14 Buckethead Zombie2.png Buckethead Zombie2.png Cave Buckethead Zombie2.png Cave Buckethead Zombie2.png Newspaper Zombie2.png Newspaper Zombie2.png Snowstorm! (goes to column 5)
15 Basic Zombie2.png Conehead Zombie2.png Buckethead Zombie2.png Newspaper Zombie2.png Balloon Zombie2.png Cave Zombie2.png Cave Conehead Zombie2.png Cave Buckethead Zombie2.png Troglobite2.png Weasel Hoarder2.png None Freezing Winds occur in all lanes
16 Sloth Gargantuar2.png1 Sloth Gargantuar2.png3 None Final flag

FCMD Day 9

Stage: Modern Day
Level type: Last Stand

  • Sun given: 3000

Zombies: Basic Zombie2.png Conehead Zombie2.png Buckethead Zombie2.png Newspaper Zombie2.png Super-Fan Imp2.png All-Star Zombie2.png Cave Zombie2.png Cave Conehead Zombie2.png Cave Buckethead Zombie2.png Blockhead Zombie2.png Weasel Hoarder2.png
Slider placements: C7R2 (down), C7R4 (down), C5R3 (down), C5R5 (up), C4R4 (up), C3R1 (down), C3R3 (up) | | V | | | | | | | | | | | | V | | | | ^ | V | | | | | | | ^ | | V | | | | | | ^ | | | |

The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost lane.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Note(s)
1 Conehead Zombie2.png2 Cave Conehead Zombie2.png4 None
2 Conehead Zombie2.png5 Cave Conehead Zombie2.png3 Weasel Hoarder2.png2 None
3 Blockhead Zombie2.png1 Basic Zombie2.png3 Weasel Hoarder2.png4 Cave Zombie2.png5 None
4 Conehead Zombie2.png3 Newspaper Zombie2.png5 Weasel Hoarder2.png2 Weasel Hoarder2.png4 None
5 Conehead Zombie2.png5 Buckethead Zombie2.png1 Cave Conehead Zombie2.png5 Weasel Hoarder2.png4 None PortalFC.png spawns at tile C6R2
6 Conehead Zombie2.png4 Newspaper Zombie2.png5 Cave Conehead Zombie2.png2 Blockhead Zombie2.png3 None
7 Conehead Zombie2.png5 Conehead Zombie2.png5 Super-Fan Imp2.png2 Super-Fan Imp2.png2 Super-Fan Imp2.png2 Cave Buckethead Zombie2.png4 None
8 Buckethead Zombie2.png2 Super-Fan Imp2.png4 Super-Fan Imp2.png4 Super-Fan Imp2.png4 All-Star Zombie2.png3 Cave Conehead Zombie2.png1 Cave Conehead Zombie2.png1 None
9 Buckethead Zombie2.png1 Newspaper Zombie2.png2 All-Star Zombie2.png5 Cave Zombie2.png1 Blockhead Zombie2.png4 Weasel Hoarder2.png3 None
10 Conehead Zombie2.png4 Newspaper Zombie2.png1 Newspaper Zombie2.png5 Cave Conehead Zombie2.png4 Blockhead Zombie2.png2 Weasel Hoarder2.png3 None PortalFC.png spawns at tile C6R4
11 Buckethead Zombie2.png2 Super-Fan Imp2.png3 All-Star Zombie2.png3 Weasel Hoarder2.png5 Cave Buckethead Zombie2.png2 Blockhead Zombie2.png1 None
12 Buckethead Zombie2.png4 Newspaper Zombie2.png5 Super-Fan Imp2.png5 All-Star Zombie2.png5 Cave Buckethead Zombie2.png4 Weasel Hoarder2.png1 None
13 Newspaper Zombie2.png3 Super-Fan Imp2.png1 All-Star Zombie2.png1 Weasel Hoarder2.png2 Weasel Hoarder2.png4 Blockhead Zombie2.png5 None
14 Sloth Gargantuar2.png2 Sloth Gargantuar2.png5 None
15 Newspaper Zombie2.png1 Newspaper Zombie2.png3 Newspaper Zombie2.png4 Blockhead Zombie2.png1 Blockhead Zombie2.png3 Blockhead Zombie2.png4 None PortalFC.png spawns at tile C4R5

FCMD Day 10

Stage: Frostbite Caves
Level type: Ultimate Battle

  • Plants: Hot Potato2.png Pepper-pult2.png Chard Guard2.png Stunion2.png Rotobaga2.png Moonflower2.png Nightshade2.png Shadow-shroom2.png Dusk Lobber2.png Grimrose2.png

Zombies: Basic Zombie2.png Conehead Zombie2.png Buckethead Zombie2.png Newspaper Zombie2.png Balloon Zombie2.png Super-Fan Imp2.png All-Star Zombie2.png Gargantuar2.png Cave Zombie2.png Cave Conehead Zombie2.png Cave Buckethead Zombie2.png Hunter Zombie2.png Blockhead Zombie2.png Dodo Rider Zombie2.png Troglobite2.png Weasel Hoarder2.png Sloth Gargantuar2.png
Slider placements:
| | | | | | V | | | | | V | | ^ | | | | | ^ | | | ^ | | | | | | | | ^ | | | | | | | | ^ |

The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost lane.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Note(s)
1 Basic Zombie2.png2 Basic Zombie2.png3 Cave Zombie2.png1 Cave Zombie2.png2 None Freezing Winds affect rows 4 and 5
2 Buckethead Zombie2.png4 Cave Buckethead Zombie2.png5 None Grimrose2.png is added
3 Conehead Zombie2.png1 Newspaper Zombie2.png4 Cave Conehead Zombie2.png2 None Freezing Winds affect rows 3 and 5
4 Weasel Hoarder2.png2 Weasel Hoarder2.png3 Weasel Hoarder2.png4 None Freezing Winds affect rows 1 and 5
5 Conehead Zombie2.png2 Conehead Zombie2.png2 Blockhead Zombie2.png1 Basic Zombie2.png Basic Zombie2.png Basic Zombie2.png Cave Zombie2.png Cave Zombie2.png Cave Zombie2.png Snowstorm! (goes to column 7)
6 Dodo Rider Zombie2.png3 Dodo Rider Zombie2.png4 Dodo Rider Zombie2.png5 None First flag; Grimrose2.png is removed; Shadow-shroom2.png is added
7 Buckethead Zombie2.png1 Newspaper Zombie2.png4 Cave Buckethead Zombie2.png2 Hunter Zombie2.png3 None 100% Plant Food
8 Blockhead Zombie2.png1 Troglobite2.png(2)1 Troglobite2.png(2)2 Weasel Hoarder2.png3 Weasel Hoarder2.png4 Weasel Hoarder2.png5 None Freezing Winds affect rows 3, 4, and 5
9 Balloon Zombie2.png4 Balloon Zombie2.png5 Super-Fan Imp2.png1 Super-Fan Imp2.png1 Super-Fan Imp2.png1 Troglobite2.png(1)3 None Shadow-shroom2.png is removed; Stunion2.png is added
10 Super-Fan Imp2.png2 Super-Fan Imp2.png2 Super-Fan Imp2.png2 All-Star Zombie2.png1 Hunter Zombie2.png3 Hunter Zombie2.png5 Troglobite2.png(1)4 Conehead Zombie2.png Conehead Zombie2.png Conehead Zombie2.png Cave Conehead Zombie2.png Cave Conehead Zombie2.png Cave Conehead Zombie2.png Snowstorm! (goes to column 6); 100% Plant Food
11 Conehead Zombie2.png3 All-Star Zombie2.png2 Gargantuar2.png1 Cave Conehead Zombie2.png4 Troglobite2.png(1)5 None Freezing Winds affect rows 1, and 2
12 Balloon Zombie2.png1 Balloon Zombie2.png2 Dodo Rider Zombie2.png1 Dodo Rider Zombie2.png2 Weasel Hoarder2.png3 Weasel Hoarder2.png4 Weasel Hoarder2.png5 None Second flag
13 Newspaper Zombie2.png1 Newspaper Zombie2.png2 Super-Fan Imp2.png3 Super-Fan Imp2.png4 Super-Fan Imp2.png5 None 100% Plant Food
14 All-Star Zombie2.png3 All-Star Zombie2.png4 All-Star Zombie2.png5 Blockhead Zombie2.png1 Blockhead Zombie2.png2 None Freezing Winds affect rows 1, and 2
15 Troglobite2.png(2)1 Troglobite2.png(2)2 Troglobite2.png(1)3 Troglobite2.png(1)4 Troglobite2.png(1)5 Buckethead Zombie2.png Buckethead Zombie2.png Buckethead Zombie2.png Cave Buckethead Zombie2.png Cave Buckethead Zombie2.png Cave Buckethead Zombie2.png Snowstorm! (goes to column 5); 100% Plant Food
16 Hunter Zombie2.png1 Hunter Zombie2.png2 Blockhead Zombie2.png3 Blockhead Zombie2.png5 Sloth Gargantuar2.png4 None Freezing Winds affect rows 1, 2, 3, and 5, twice
17 Basic Zombie2.png Conehead Zombie2.png Buckethead Zombie2.png Newspaper Zombie2.png Balloon Zombie2.png Super-Fan Imp2.png All-Star Zombie2.png Cave Zombie2.png Cave Conehead Zombie2.png Cave Buckethead Zombie2.png Hunter Zombie2.png Blockhead Zombie2.png Dodo Rider Zombie2.png Troglobite2.png Weasel Hoarder2.png None 100% Plant Food
18 Super-Fan Imp2.png1 All-Star Zombie2.png1 Super-Fan Imp2.png2 All-Star Zombie2.png2 Super-Fan Imp2.png3 All-Star Zombie2.png3 Super-Fan Imp2.png4 All-Star Zombie2.png4 Super-Fan Imp2.png5 All-Star Zombie2.png5 None Final flag