User:Tile Denial/Funny Almanac entries/Zombies

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They can be tough nuts to crack.
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Welcome to the funny Almanac entries page that specializes in Zombies. The purpose of these funny Almanac entries pages is to remix pretty much all of the Almanac entries in Plants vs. Zombies 2, kinda like giving them a fresh coat of paint, while also including some custom zombies for creative purposes. Zombots not included.

You may notice a huge amount of contribution to this page. That's because I prefer to edit each section separately instead of all at once because of how big and annoying it is. This is my page anyway, so don't report me for fluff editing.

Player's House/Modern Day

Browncoat Zombie

SPEED: Basic

Regular intelligence-lacking Zombie from Present Day Neighborville. The fact that he's the first zombie you encounter could make him kinda nostalgic, but not really.

Basic Zombie has been worrying about the future lately. He’s paranoid that no-one will give him any attention now that there are more supreme, challenging zombies such as Octo Zombie, Roman Healer and ZCorp HelpDesk. Another thing he’s paranoid about is his future wife, children and in-laws, in which he believes he's not ready to handle that kinda drama, despite having to deal with all that before during his past life as a human. Well, he has been around for over a decade now, so of course, he should expect this kinda stuff to happen again. Life’s complicated and so is afterlife.

Conehead Zombie

TOUGHNESS: Protected
SPEED: Basic

His traffic cone headpiece makes him twice as tough as normal intelligence-lacking zombies. He also played the role of Kevin in the 1990 film, Cone Alone.

Conehead Zombie loves safety. And ice cream. He believes that, as long as the cone is on his head, he'll be immune to any sign of danger that overcomes him. One time, he and some of his friends were crossing the road and they expected the cars to automatically stop when they saw the cones on their heads. But of course, Conehead Zombie and his buddies weren't aware that the text on the screen said "DON'T WALK!", resulting in a massive car accident to occur. Nowadays, Conehead Zombie would take that knowledge from what he experienced, and use it to make sure that the new Conehead Zombies to come along, won't make the same mistake as him. Obey all traffic laws.

Buckethead Zombie

SPEED: Basic

His bucket hat makes him extremely tough to damage.

Back in 2009, many other zombies believed that Buckethead Zombie's Buckethead strategy was really clever, and they took that knowledge and went on to influence other zombies like the Coneheads. Unfortunately, new headwear technology has been continuously developed throughout the years, leaving the headgear future to lie within the hands of Fossilheads, Bust Heads and Brickheads. Because of the next generation taking over, the only thing Buckethead Zombie's bucket is good for now is for a backup toilet whenever he invites too many party guests.

Brickhead Zombie

SPEED: Basic

Brickhead Zombie is so tough that not even the Big Bad Wolf, Blover, Hurrikale or Draftodil can do any sort of harm to it. He took the concept of adaptation to the next level.

Brickhead Zombie was once a test subject when former U.S. President Donald Trump wanted to see what kind of bricks he should use for The Wall. However, when he discovered STEEL walls, he went off to experiment those, leaving Brickhead Zombie out in the cold, with no paycheck. Brickhead Zombie felt like he wanted to hit himself with a brick afterwards.

Flag Zombie

SPEED: Basic

His flag marks the zombie arrival onto your dastardly doorstep.

Flags have continuously shaped Flag Zombie's life throughout the years. In his childhood, he would non-stop play Capture the Flag, while other people played Capture the Taco. For LGBTQ Pride Month, he made his own Pride flags to give out to members of the community. His first job after graduating college was as a race flag waver. He then went on to become a popular celebrity, owning his Flag Collection of 500 Different Flags and his very own flagship. And that's where we enter today, where Flag Zombie is still working at his current job as part of the ever expanding zombie army. He LOVES all the flags he owns, except for the surrender flag. It's even worse that he got that for his Birthday in 2009, as a gift from Dr. Zomboss.

Rally Zombie

TOUGHNESS: Protected

Rally Zombies' got the need, the need for brain-munching speed. He's not as fast as your regular All-Star Zombie but he constantly speed-shuffles across the lawn to get to that sweet juicy lump of brain in your head and to catch up with his idol, Flag Zombie.

Let's face it, he only wants to catch up with his idol, Flag Zombie, just so he can sign his autograph. Even if Rally Zombie has a beautiful purple and golden flag with a little energy boost, he's not as rally as fast as him.

Female Zombie

SPEED: Basic

Regular feminized neighborhood zombie. Usually seen with attractive purple hair.

Is it weird that we haven't seen any female zombies prior to PvZ2? Some say yes. Some say no. Some say that's offensive to female zombies. Others try to point out those random female zombies that previously appeared in Chinese ads and promotional material. Either way, Female Zombie is used to breaking new ground. She's not afraid to go where no woman zombie has gone before. You could call her a pioneer. You could call her a hero. You could even call her a Karen and say that eating food-based plants are bad for her health.

Female Conehead

TOUGHNESS: Protected
SPEED: Basic

Her genderless cone makes her twice as tough as her female counterparts, which is saying something because she doesn't really look that tough with that purple hair, to be honest.

Female Conehead and Conehead Zombie make a perfect couple. Mostly it was because ice cream was the key to their relationship's beginning. Conehead used to date another ice cream loving zombie but she liked her ice cream in a bowl, not in a cone. The best part about ice cream is that Female Conehead can't even get a brain freeze because she lacks a brain... yeah.

Female Buckethead

SPEED: Basic

Her metal bucket makes her extremely resistant to attacks but not resistant to simps who can't stop thinking about her beautiful stylized purple hair.

Female Buckethead's bucket with it's paint dripping on the side made others think that she actually died her pretty hair purple. Some even point out that she might not even be female, but rather the regular Buckethead Zombie crossdressing. It began to make sense to zombies since purple is a more femenine colour, making it seem that Buckethead Zombie was clueless how not to present her as a girly girl. The truth? Female Buckethead just likes dying her hair crazy colours.


SPEED: Hungry

The Imp is a sneaky little sneaker graduating from the SSSFSSSSSS, the Super Secret Sneak Facility of Sneakingly Sneaking Sneakers in Sneaky Snakes’ Showers. He is hurled over most Plants and then shuffles towards the house.

Imp loves combining words with his name. He combined Impulsive, Impossible, Impterruption, Imposter, Imp-particular, Impfusion, Impternet, Imptergalactical and Improvise. Oh, and Simp. But we're not gonna talk about that.


SPEED: Hungry

Gargantuar is nothing but a big pile of problems.

Damage: crushes plants with pole
Special: throws Imp when damaged

Gargantuar is a massive brute who won't hesitate to do a little smashin' if necessary. Although that does make him sound reminiscent to The Incredible Hulk, he doesn't have the same shade of green as him, no matter how hard he tries to tan himself. Though, he has been wondering why his telephone connection is always so stuffy.

Newspaper Zombie

SPEED: Basic

Newspaper protects the zombie, who is then enraged when it is shredded into a million pieces.

"Of course it's, um, alright. "23 Down, something you want the most". Hmmm... let me think. More crosswords? No, too long. New hairstyle? No, too long as well. Ah, sedative. Damn, no "R" in there. Come on, what is it? Oh, oh, I think I get it now, but does it fit in there? "B", R is there, "A", "I"..." Following a terrible tragedy one second after this exact moment, Newspaper Zombie had given up on his entire crossword career. And that was all the news could talk about that night.

Sunday Edition Zombie


The newspaper protects the zombie, who becomes even more enraged when it is shredded by a shredder-shredding shredder, destroying his everlasting crossword career.

Sunday Edition Zombie only buys the newspapers just so he can read the comics section, because he seems to love the antics of Garfield and stuff like that. He wouldn't even care about what's going on in Neighborville, until it's too late.

Balloon Zombie

SPEED: Speedy

Balloon carries Zombie over the lawn, but the tallest-blocking plants and blowers like Draftodil are he ones that screw up his flight tests the most.

Don't tell anyone this, but the reason why there's a face on the balloon is because, Balloon Zombie doesn't have any real friends and didn't want people to think that he is lonely. So, he drew the face on the balloon to make it look like he had a friend. The problem, however, is the fact that Balloon Zombie is really attached to the balloon (No pun intended), which would make the other zombies think he has a homosexual relationship with a male balloon. He's also seen too many adaptations of Steven King's "It". That's the second reason why he drew a face on the balloon, so he knows which one is truly his without accidentally taking one from a creepy failure clown who gets beating up by children.

All-Star Zombie


A heavy-duty zombie who is the lead singer of Smash Mouth. He used to play football.

All-Star Zombie once auditioned to play a role in Shrek but he wasn't really what the filmmakers were looking for. Now, 20 years after the Ogre-led meme movie came out, All-Star looks back on his former dream and sighs in relief that he didn't star in the movie after all. Because he would've became a major embarrassment in Internet culture if he did.

Super-Fan Imp

SPEED: Speedy

Your typical sports fan who's fueled with enthusiasm. He saw the big game last night, and you probably didn't.

Super-Fan Imp has been to every Sports Game in Neighborville yet, but every so often, he gets a bit too excited and ends up getting the boot. No, seriously, that's what happens to him in the game. Sometimes he even helps out on the field by doing well with the "ball". Because in most cases he IS the ball.

Imp Pear Imp

SPEED: Hungry

Intelligent-lacking zombies who come across Imp Pear get de-aged down to Imp age, forcing them to start their afterlife all over again.

When a sudden Zombie gets chosen to be reborn by Imp Pear, they end up losing the memories they had back in their previous life, resulting in all the other Zombies to try and show Imp Pear Imp the ways of life all over again. And it sure drives them crazy teaching Imp Pear Imp everything they know, too.

Ancient Egypt

Mummy Zombie

SPEED: Basic

Regular toilet-papered zombie.

Following the events of COVID-19, Mummy Zombie sure hopes things will "wrap up" soon. He knows for a fact that there's only a few seconds left before people look at him and will start to get desperate.

Conehead Mummy

TOUGHNESS: Protected
SPEED: Basic

His Egyptian-stylized cone makes him twice as tough as normal toilet-papered Zombies.

You'd think he'd use his cone as a holder whenever he ends up having ice cream for "desert".

Buckethead Mummy

SPEED: Basic

His bucket full of sand greatly protects him from damage, but doesn't really protect his eyes very well.

Buckethead Mummy Zombie loves playing in the sand. Everyone loves sand. He even likes making sand structures. Except to be fair, he would be in for a bad time if he wondered into an ACTUAL sand structure, also known as the Pyramid. Traps everywhere, man.

Pyramid-Head Zombie

SPEED: Basic

His pyramid-shaped headgear provides triangular noggin protection within the Egyptian Pyriod.

Pyramid Head Zombie secretly works for the Illuminati. Except no-one knows because he painted his pyramid head yellow before his death on arrival.

Flag Mummy Zombie

SPEED: Basic

Uses his flag to make Zombies wanna rise out of the sand dunes and follow him towards you so they can commit your sand-DOOM!

Egyptian Flag Zombie is so far behind, since the other zombies like running across the battlefield really fast, leaving him in the dust, which always makes him stranded and sanded.

Egypt Rally Zombie

TOUGHNESS: Protected
SPEED: Speedy

An Ancient Atrocity that races across the battlefield, hoping more zombies will following him so they can commit more sand-DOOM on you.

Egypt Rally Zombie upgraded from Egypt Flag Zombie so he could finally catch up with the rest of the zombies. Therefore, no longer being stranded or sanded. "EAT MY DUST!"

Ra Zombie

SPEED: Basic

Tries to steal sun, just to give him an actual purpose other than some random "Ra" sayings.

Special: Tries to steal sun, but what's the point of repeating what I just said!?

Apparently, a bunch of Almanac entries focused on Ra Zombie have already been done for you. Unless you really like what was said up above.

Camel Zombies

TOUGHNESS: Protected
SPEED: Creeper

"Camels" that travel in groups.

Special: Ignores the fact that camels can only have two humps maximum

Just give each Camel Zombie a love interest with two big humps and you're all set. Talk about matchmaking, which is funny because Camel Zombies pretty much invented the matching cards game.

Explorer Zombie

SPEED: Hungry

Carries a torch to make the Egyptian environment even more sweaty hot than usual.

Damage: torch destroys a plant on contact
Weakness: cold attacks extinguish torch

Wood you like to hear some more torcherous jokes? C'mon! Guess you can "flame" me for all the stupid jokes I've recently done so far, but you're just gonna have to "stick" with them for now. Man, I'm on "fire" with these Luan Loud wannabe jokes, aren't I? Well, I can't help but keep "exploring" some humor I can use for these Almanac entries.

Torchlight Zombie

TOUGHNESS: Protected
SPEED: Flighty

Carries a torch that instantly makes the entire Egyptian environment even more hotter than the SUN.

All the jokes were pretty much said in the last Almanac entry. I couldn't think of any "bright" ideas for this one, but at least it was better than being left in the dark.

Tomb Raiser Zombie

SPEED: Basic

Has a "bone" to throw bones across the lawn, creating tombstones.

Special: creates tombstones on the lawn

Indiana Tombstones and Tomb Raisers of the Lost Bark.

Pharaoh Zombie

SPEED: Basic

His sarcophagus greatly protects him but slows down a rather fast zombie.

Speed Details: moves like a hungry zombie once free

He was sick of being carried around by a bunch of coffin dancers, so he knew that, if you wanted something done right, you had to do it yourself, causing him to walk himself across the lawn. Don't even ask me how he can see where he's going.

Imp Mummy

SPEED: Hungry

Thrown over most of your defenses until his toilet paper wraps around a pole, reeling him back, then walks like an Egyptian onward.

Imp Zombie knows he's too old to wear a cat costume like a kid on Halloween. But he doesn't care. Let the others judge. His spirit animal is a cat, and he feels closer to his true self when he's dressed like this.

Mummified Gargantuar

SPEED: Hungry

Massive zombie from a royal line of mummies.

Damage: crushes plants with sarcophagus (Just when Pharaoh Zombie was safe from all the coffin dancing)
Special: launches Imp Mummy when damaged

Mummified Gargantuar sees himself as a mighty king, living in his golden throne room with all his valuable stuff inside a booby-trapped pyramid. Even with all the gold and riches he has, there's only one thing that's missing to Mummified Gargantuar- a nose. After spending a thousand years being made fun of, he commanded his subjects to try and find the former nose of the Sphinx so he can be made fun of no longer. Unfortunately, Mummified Gargantuar's subjects never got that far on their quest, because they ended up dying thanks to the traps in the Gargantuar's pyramid on their way to the exit. The only person other than Mummified Gargantuar who is in the pyramid now is his head assistant, Tile De-Nile, who is Tile Denial's great (x57) grandfather.

Pirate Seas

Pirate Zombie

SPEED: Basic

Regular deck-swabbing scallywag zombie. He usually spends 23 hours cleansing swashbuckling weaponry, fine dining and the Captain Deadbeard's shelf full of 900 trophies made out of stolen solid gold and 1 hour dealing with plants on the enemy ship nearby.

Yaarr hardy har har! The reason why people call him Pirate Zombie is because he secretly pirates movies online without having to pay them. It makes the companies who made the movies infuriated, demanding immediate payment from Pirate Zombie. So I guess you could say that the companies are the REAL pirates if they want his money so badly.

Conehead Pirate

TOUGHNESS: Protected
SPEED: Basic

His historically inaccurate cone makes him twice as tough as normal pirates.

Don't bother asking Conehead Pirate Zombie why the cone existed in this time period, as that is a question that I will answer myself. You see, Conehead Pirate Zombie wanted to stop the enemy pirate ships from following him and the rest of his crew after stealing a metal crate full of golden rubber ducks, by using his supply of cones he "found" on a cursed island called Dead Zombie's Cove, home of the rainbow waterfall. Unfortunately, after he placed all the cones on the water, they started to sink, because the water would fill up inside the cones, increasing their mass or something. That's when the enemy ship fired the banana peel on a rock and the entire Zombie ship flipped upside down and crashed into the ocean. Cones were supposed to stop a crash from happening, not cause a crash.

Buckethead Pirate

SPEED: Basic

His sturdy NON-METAL bucket full of seaweed provides excellent protection from damage and scurvy swashbuckling enemies.

Buckethead Pirate Zombie is unaware that the bucket actually belongs to Pirate Zombie. You wanna know something worse? It's that the bucket that Pirate Zombie uses for cleaning is also the backup toilet. So that basically means Pirate Zombie has been scrubbing the deck with shit water and that Pirate Buckethead Zombie has been wearing that smelly thing on his head whenever he goes into battle. One could say the smell COULD kill the enemies upon first scent, but plants don't even have noses.

Barrelhead Zombie

SPEED: Basic

Barrelhead Zombie's swashbuckling barrel provides astounding protection for the pirating army.

Barrelhead Zombie couldn't find any legit headgear to wear into battle, so he just dumped all the Imps in Barrel Roller Zombie's Barrel into the water and wore it on his head. But that was definitely not a barrel load of fun when Barrel Roller Zombie rolled into the scene and rolled his barrel across the battlefield, unaware that Barrelhead Zombie was still in it, where his head snapped off after going 360 a few times. All that did was make him wanna barf on the deck, giving Pirate Zombie more muck to swab up. Don't bother asking him "Arrr you okay?"

Flag Pirate Zombie

SPEED: Basic

Marks the arrival of a huge salty "wave" of zombies, ready to fire their heavy-duty cannons on the pirating enemies. This guy ADORES the cannon's violent explosions.

Flag Pirate Zombie hates introducing himself, because he cannot trust anyone in case his pirate colleagues work for the enemy. He doesn't trust people but he doesn't thrust swords, either. Which is why you should just shut up and move on to the next almanac entry. Arrr you gone yet? COME ON, LEAVE YOU BLASTED IDIOTS!

Jolly Roger Zombie

TOUGHNESS: Protected
SPEED: Speedy

Jolly Roger Zombie marks the arrival of his menacing pirate colleagues ready to take action and avenge all of the heavy-duty cannons that have failed them.

Despite the name, Jolly Roger Zombie is barely jolly. He spends his days at the top of the pirate ship waiting to signal the approach of the enemies. As much as pirates usually don't like it when THEIR stuff is stolen, Jolly Roger hopes his never-ending job gets stolen one day so he can party with his friends, drink a bunch of root beer and have something to be jolly about.

Swashbuckler Zombie

SPEED: Basic

Swings into the battlefield from the top of the ship, ready to raid the raiding raiders and swashbuckle the swashbuckling swashbucklers, other than himself. He could've gotten himself a sword, but his hands are full.

Special: rare chance this swashbuckling moron will break his back on the plank and fall into the ocean

He swashes. He buckles. He protecc. He attacc. But most importantly, he ain't givin' any of ye gold bacc. He also spends his Saturdays filming opening sequences for SpongeBob SquarePants at Nickelodeon Studios. Except the studio right next to the SpongeBob one is a bit too loud, if you know what I mean.

Seagull Zombie

SPEED: Speedy

The funny Pixar bird carries a failed swashbuckling zombie as they both cross watery gaps without a plank and fly over low plants.

Weakness: Blover, Hurrikale and Dradftodil can blow this guy away super fast, despite the mass that the zombie's got

It makes legit absolute NO SENSE as to how a single puny seagull is capable of carrying a zombie who drank too much root beer last night in the Captain's Root Beer Cellar. But who cares about historical accuracy, all that matters in a pirate story is ACTION, DEATH AND DRAMA.

Pelican Zombie

SPEED: Flighty

Pelican Zombie can do what Seagull Zombies CAN'T- carry a heavy zombie full of root beer across a bunch of planks and enriching defenses. And yet, Seagull Zombies are able to do this anyway, despite the zombie's mass. I mean, he's not a Pelican't Zombie after all.

Weakness: Seagulls go crazy for food, especially when the sushi is in the Pelican's mouth. You don't know what I'm referring to.

When arriving into the battlefield, Pelican Zombie would swoop down and look like he's about to gulp someone up. Some people would say "duck!", others would say, "That's not a duck, it's a PELICAAAAAAAAANNNN!!"

Barrel Roller Zombie

SPEED: Hungry

His rolling barrel crushes plants and provides excellent protection.

Damage: crushes plants with barrel (HEY LOOK, WE'RE UNESSECARILY REPEATING OURSELVES)
Special: imps thrown from barrel when destroyed

The reason why Barrel Roller Zombie looks like a clown is because he is secretly one of the Carnie Zombies, but forgot to get plastic surgery to make him more pirate-looking before his Almanac Photoshoot. He predicted the Carnies. You know it's true.

Imp Pirate Zombie

SPEED: Hungry

The booty hunting Imp gets booted across the lawn and then shuffles on forward, hoping that there isn't a loose plank on where he's walking. He also pickpockets but he can't pick which pockets to store the loot because he has no pockets.

Imp Pirate knows that he's too old to wear a pirate costume like a kid on Halloween. But he doesn't care. Let the others judge. His spirit being is a pirate and he feels closer to his true self when he's dressed like this.

Imp Cannon


The Imp Cannon fires Imps instead of cannonballs, mostly because Imps are more harder to get rid of than cockroaches. But it's hard to do any collateral damage when you take out all the cool explosions.

Special: fires imps to mid-lawn (REPEATING OURSELVES AGAIN)
Special: explodes into a shower of imps if not destroyed quickly

During the early development stages of Plants vs. Zombies 2, Imp was hoping for a canon return in the game. This is not what he had in mind.

Pirate Captain Zombie

SPEED: Stiff

Also known as Captain Deadbeard, Pirate Captain Zombie and his annoying parrot assistant Lago, can make plants get swooped up and flown away from your defenses, despite the mass that comes with it.

Special: parrot pet steals plants (PIRATES BE REPEATIN' THEESELVES)

Pirate Captain Zombie isn't actually the main captain of the ship or the pirate crew. He's secretly second in command to the true scurvy scallywag, Dr. Zomboss, who wanted a backup pirate captain so he could have more time trying to bury a treasure chest full of delicious Pop Smarts so his lackeys' won't get to it. But that parrot watches Zomboss like a hawk. Which doesn't make any sense, because, well, it's a PARROT.

Zombie Parrot

SPEED: Flighty

This annoying but also clever bird swoops in and steals plants under the commands of Captain Deadbeard.

Weakness: The Zombie Parrot is easily distracted by snacks, ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU OFFER HIM A BOX FULL OF CRACKERS!!

He's a salty little bugger, ain't he? He usually likes to squawk his way out of his problems by yelling what Captain Deadbeard says into the non-existent ears of his lackwit pirate crew. "SCRUB HERE THEE DECK, YA MOTHER(SQUAWK)ERS!"

Gargantuar Pirate

SPEED: Hungry

Gargantuar Pirate is the biggest, baddest, most devastating monster you'll ever sea within the 7 and a half seas. He is such an enormous zombie brute on the pirate crew who eats and drinks root beer, sharks and shark bait for breakfast. He even wrestles sharks.

Damage: crushes plants with Jaws' great (x57) grandfather
Special: shoots Imp Pirate Zombie's when damaged

Gargantuar Pirate is usually summoned into battle, but not because of his massive strength and shark-fighting abilities. Captain Deadbeard just wants him to get off the ship before his mass sinks it. Like the generic saying goes, they're gonna need a bigger boat.

Wild West

Cowboy Zombie

SPEED: Basic

Regular rough and tough Western zombie with a Southern accent on a Tuesday morning. His 1880s leather hat provides lackluster protection against bullets.

Cowboy Zombie's got a snake in his boot. You're his favourite deputy. Someone poisoned the watering hole. It was a Shadow-Shroom. Well, don't just sit there, you people next to the campfire! PLAY THE COMEDIC BANJO MUSIC!! Yay so Tanner can see.

Conehead Cowboy

TOUGHNESS: Protected
SPEED: Basic

His rawhide roadcone with an extra orange leather layer wrapped around it provides tough protection from the shattering green alcohol bottles in the bar.

Back in good ol' 1885, cars didn't exist. Instead, carts were being pulled by horses, just like in the Dark Ages. But the lack of cars wasn't gonna stop Conehead Cowboy Zombie here from making his mark. He began placing cones all over town, but when he was finished, he realized he didn't had to do all of that. In the cartoon universe, Western towns are depicted as a long grocery store isle, and that's it. Except without an isle, it's buildings. So it didn't really matter to have cones since the horses are only gonna go up or down and no other direction. He might happen to be the most impulsive zombie in the West.

Buckethead Cowboy

SPEED: Basic

Buckethead Cowboy's iron cylinder provides excellent noggin protection against whatever threats the Western lands has to throw at him.

Being a blacksmith, Buckethead Cowboy was in charge of building together tools and horse shoes for the Western society to use. His experimental blacksmith work led to him making the bucket, which he wore on his head. He forgot that the iron was still hot, and that's how he ended up with that wavy mark on his forehead, just like the one all the other zombies have. He also collects soup cans because that's all he can afford. And the cans are empty. When he realized, he felt like he'd been robbed.

Cart-Head Zombie

SPEED: Basic

Cart-Head Zombie's wearable weaponizing wagon provides, without a doubt, an extra four-wheeled heavy-duty protection from all rockslides and dynamite.

Cart-Head Zombie used to work in the mines with the Digger Zombie from the Chinese version of Plants vs. Zombies 2. After discovering the gold, he quickly did a headstand and rolled off with the bag in between his legs... yeah. When he arrived at the bank to have the gold put in his bank account, he realized that the gold was fools gold. Things got worse when the bank employees called the sheriff on Cart-Head, because apparently, his bag in his hand made it look like he was about to committ a robbery. Ad thus, Cart-Head Zombie rolled away from town, and he rolled away for a very long time... until he fell off a cliff and landed in a cactus field.

Flag Cowboy Zombie

SPEED: Basic

Flag Cowboy Zombie marks the arrival of a protesting wave of zombies with torches and pitchforks. The Lone Brainer leads the way.

Ever since the town's bell on top of the clock tower stopped working, Flag Cowboy Zombie has been using the flag to indicate what time it is. One day he ripped his flag on a Cactus, and started using a red leather banner as a replacement. But even though he wasn't in Spain, Flag Cowboy Zombie knew that he was in for a massive smackdown once the bull stampede came running in.

Cowboy Rally Zombie

SPEED: Speedy

Cowboy Rally Zombie marks the arrival of a massive torch and pitchfork army of Southern accent zombies on a Wednesday morning. Some even bring cotton candy to the riot.

Cowboy Rally Zombie is so darn fast that he once competed in a horse race. He didn't even get in trouble as zombies in the crowd couldn't even tell the difference between the horses and Cowboy Rally Zombie. He waved his flag as he crossed the finish line to victory, but one look at the brain on his flag made all of the zombies in the bleachers come after him. Even the bulls piled on top of him despite the flag not being red.

Prospector Zombie

SPEED: Stiff

Prospector Zombie's slowly approach your defenses until their dynamite strapped to their chest blows them over to your house, where they then proceed to go back to where they came from. The dynamite doesn't blow him up because screw explosive physics.

Special: appears on the left side of your lawn when dynamite explodes

Zombies appreciate Prospector Zombie's dynamite demolition work, but they don't seem to understand why he can't just keep moving forward after he gets to the house instead of walking back into town, chewing through defenses from behind. He's the key to the zombies' success, but Prospector Zombie is old and broken down and really isn't using his powers to his full potential.

Poncho Zombie

SPEED: Basic

Poncho Zombie wears a poncho, which may contain an iron grate hidden behind it. Magnet-shrooms can be used to pull the metal bits out from underneath.

Special: randomly wears a protective metal grate

Metal grates aren't the only things Poncho Zombie hides behind his poncho. He hides all sorts of goods, such as gold ingots and delicious soup cans. He might even have some brains stored behind there, but he ain't gonna tell anyone. Even if they do find out, there's not much Poncho Zombie would be able to do to defend himself. He may be called "Poncho" Zombie, but he can't punch. Yes, he believes that's what poncho means.

Pianist Zombie

SPEED: Creeper

The most annoying musician in all the West. Pianist Zombies roll into town, crushing your defenses with the vintage piano, while the music hypnotizes zombies into square dancing and switching lanes. However, they never seem to square dance properly. This guy is the greatest threat to any 8-year old playing this game. One switch to a lane with no lawnmower and the brains are all theirs.

Damage: crushes plants with piano
Special: causes cowboy zombies to switch lanes

Pianist Zombie learnt how to play the piano so good to the point that he doesn't even need to look at the paper to memorize the musical notes. Which is very off, considering that he doesn't even have a brain. He's hoping to learn how to compose his own original music, but so far he's only got solitude in E minor.

Chicken Wrangler Zombie

SPEED: Hungry

Chicken Wrangler Zombie is another big motherclucking threat that unleashes a flock of chickens once his baling wire is broken.

Special: summons zombie chickens when damaged

The reason why Chicken Wrangler Zombie has chickens strapped to his chest are because he's been treating himself like their great big mother bird ever since last Thanksgiving dinner. He hates to see his feathered friends get chopped up and eaten with a side of Pop Smart-flavoured baked beans on toast. That and the green eggs and ham.

Zombie Chicken

SPEED: Flighty

When Chicken Wrangler Zombie's baling wire is destroyed, a mad swarm of chickens speed past your defenses to take you down like a bunch of wild dogs, pecking your plants' brains so easily. The only way to stop these motherflockers is to either shrink them to oblivion or zap them with electricity, but good luck doing that when we're in the Western era.

The more chickens that are killed in the past, the more popular Colonel Sanders gets with his KFC business.

Zombie Bull

SPEED: Stiff

Zombie Bulls stomp their way towards your house, despite not being red, and fling their Bull Riders over the plants whenever they come to a screeching halt.

Special: launches a low flying imp rider over plants
Weakness: Tall-nut blocks flying imp

When it was time for Dr. Zomboss to create the bull for his evil Western schemes, he remembered the time he and his good partner, Derek Allardfautch, went to a country fair and saw a mechanical bull ride. So Dr. Zomboss created a replica of it for the Cowboy Zombies to use in the past. Unfortunately, since Zomboss was so focused on trying to capture every detail about the mechanical bull, he ended up adding a coin slot. All that did was increase the level of bank robbery activity in town in order to pay 1 minute for the bull and that's how the town become the most poorest in all the West.

Rodeo Legend Zombie

SPEED: Hungry

Rodeo Legend Zombie rides increasingly fast like the wind, smashes anything that irritates it, red or not, and tosses a Bull Rider past most of your defenses.

When Dr. Zomboss discovered that the Zombie Bull had been causing problems with the town's budget, Zomboss knew the only way to fix the issues was to make the bull go faster. He still kept the coin slot, because he was making brilliant money off of that thing. He spent all of his earnings on the new Pop Smarts brand, "Pop Smarts That'll Make Your Mind Pop Open!".

Zombie Bull Rider

SPEED: Hungry

The Zombie Bull Rider gets thrown by most mechanical bulls, Rodeo Legends and Wild West Gargantuars, and creeps on forward.

Zombie Bull Rider had always been mistreated and made fun of for his height compared to his taller more muscular cowboy companions. He may not be as great as them, but he does hold a reputation for being very sneaky. He once broke out of prison by crawling through 500 yards of Pop Smart-smelling foulness I can't even imagine. Unless I don't want to.

Wild West Gargantuar

SPEED: Hungry

Humongous zombie of Gargantuan proportions marches into the scene, emphasizing the "wild" in Wild West.

Damage: crushes plants with brand
Special: launches Bull Rider when damaged

Nothing has changed over the years. He still likes candy.

Frostbite Caves

Cave Zombie

SPEED: Basic

Regular frozen pole-licking zombie and the first of his kind to walk the tundra-like earth.

Cave Zombie is satisfied on how his talented art career is gonna eventually grow into his future ancestors. Unfortunately, if he were frozen in time and made his way to the Renaissance Age, he'd then see just how overly talented everyone else is compared to him. There's obviously no way that Cave Zombie would ever be able to compete against those enriching artists.

Cave Conehead Zombie

TOUGHNESS: Protected
SPEED: Basic

His trophy hunting schemes make him twice as tough as normal ice breaking zombies.

Cave Conehead Zombie was the first zombie to invent the cone. This was before Jurassic Marsh even became canon, so why are you bothering? Anyways, he wanted to use his horn cone to alert his kind when prehistoric beasts began to invade their grounds. Turned out that the horn actually attracts the swarm of mammoths.

Cave Buckethead Zombie

SPEED: Basic

His stone "bucket" provides great protection from frozen damage but can be magnetized for no reason whatsoever.

Cave Buckethead Zombie likes rocks. He likes rocks A LOT. He strapped a rock to his head and called it a bucket. None of the other Cave Zombies know a "bucket" is, but they like his style. This was before Jurassic Buckethead became canon. He was obviously a Jurassic Marsh zombie who got stuck in a block of amber and was set free in Frostbite Caves. That's the only logical explanation. Except don't ask why he was in Jurassic Marsh in the first place if humans never happened back then.

Blockhead Zombie

SPEED: Basic

It's in his name. He blocks off frozen vegetables from attacking him.

Rumors have been going around that Blockhead Zombie was the guy who started that saying where if you make a disturbing face, it'll freeze that way. Well technically Blockhead Zombie wasn't lying when he first told people that, as he did learn from his personal experience. It just depends on if zombies were paying attention or not. Actually, the saying has to be true, because what other way to explain why 80% of the zombies have the same face?

Tuskhead Zombie

SPEED: Basic

Tuskhead Zombie's mammoth skull, plus some hair to reference where he got it from, provide tremendously tough protection from both frozen vegetables and the tundra wasteland.

When Tuskhead Zombie got the mammoth skull, he wanted to keep the tusks so he could scare off his prehistoric predators. Unfortunately, having tusks has its downsides, where Tuskhead Zombie would constantly get his tusks stuck in icy glaciers and have a hard time trying to get them unstuck. He could just take off the headgear but Tuskhead Zombie ain't gonna go out hunting for food unless he wears protection so he doesn't have to worry about BECOMING food. It's eat or be eaten.

Cave Flag Zombie

SPEED: Basic

Indicates that a huge mammoth stampede is about to break the icy platform you're standing on.

Cave Flag Zombie waves the flag to make sure everyone stays on their survival schedule. Breakfast, lunch and dinner, he always tells the zombies when it's time to feast on food, whether there is any raw animal meat or not. Sometimes, saber-tooth tigers will catch glimpse of their kind's fur being used to craft the flag, and they'll be the ones to rip the ZOMBIES into meat.

Cave Rally Zombie

SPEED: Basic

Cave Rally Zombie marks the arrival of the Ice Age's most treacherous beasts, and to declare war on them.

Cave Rally Zombie is the fastest zombie of his own kind, so thankfully he doesn't have to worry about becoming a dinner special. Not even the sabretooth tiger can catch up with him. "EAT MY DUST, DINGO!" Don't bother asking why he has a futuristic looking flag when we're still in the Ice Age.

Hunter Zombie

SPEED: Creeper

Hunts for prehistoric ice age beasts, but only uses the materials to decorate his man cave. I wasn't kidding when I said he's a vegetarian.

Hunter Zombie loves hunting just for sport. He could just play ice hockey with the rest of the gang, but he's not gonna break the laws of physics of time and space, nor is he gonna break the ice that the group play on. Truth is, Hunter Zombie just wants to avoid those guys because they know he's a fraud.

Dodo Rider Zombie

TOUGHNESS: Protected
SPEED: Speedy

Imp wearing non-prehistoric winter gear flies a dodo bird across the lawn. The dodo bird suffers from unintelligence, frostbite, and is practically about to lay some mounds of eggs which is why he looks like he's really heavy when he attempts to spread his wings.

The Dodo Bird gives you 50% off on all discounts. He also miscounts the amount of eggs he's about to lay all over your plants. Which is ironic, since he's suppose to be a male.

Yeti Imp

SPEED: Hungry

Camouflages in with the snow then sneaks up to your cave, craving for cave critters.

Yeti Imp knows he's too old to wear a yeti costume like a kid on Halloween. But he doesn't care. Let the others judge. His spirit creature is a yeti and he feels closer to his true self when he's dressed like this.

Sloth Gargantuar

SPEED: Hungry

The cold brew of despair that has over a million of animal layers because he's an actual hungry beast more than the beasts in all of the Ice Age. He throws three Yeti Imps instead of one because I don't know why they wanted to shake things up with this frozen fool. His birthname is Sid, by the way.

Damage: crushes plants with icicle
Special: fire off Yeti Imps when damaged

His nickname "Sloth Gargantuar" actually makes sense in terms of how slow the Gargantuar actually is. He's even more slow when you give him a cooldown, even more than the cooldown he's already getting. He's also known as the Frostbite Fury. He also raised three dinosaurs and is the most annoying thing that ever walked the face of the frozen earth.


SPEED: Basic

Troglobite pushes mounds of frozen glaciers with a rare chance they'll contain some not-so rare species, Yeti Imps. He spends 23 hours a day pushing a bunch of ice blocks and 1 hour huddling around a campfire in his warm cave. He works, regardless of how chilly the temperature is.

Damage: crushes plants with frozen blocks

Due to continental drift and all that other Ice Age junk, the glaciers eventually would crumble within the world of Frostbite Caves. The Cave Zombies were entirely clueless on how they could prevent themselves from extinction, but then Troglobite, who was just getting into putting on some muscle, said "We need to take the glaciers, and PUSH THEM somewhere else!" But everybody was too focused on brains than survival. As soon as continental drift was over, Troglobite was the only one left, as all of his friends were frozen by the ice. Troglobite figured he might as well get started on pushing the glaciers away, to prepare himself for the NEXT Ice Age disaster, Collision Course.

Tundra Stabber Zombie

SPEED: Basic

Tundra Stabber Zombie breaks the ice with a large icicle strapped to his hand, creating a slider tile in its place, ready to shuffle any zombie that steps on it.

When continental drift began, Tundra Stabber Zombie felt like he wanted to help his cousin, Troglobite, by breaking the enormous glaciers so Troglobite didn't have to worry about using up all of his muscular strength. After continental drift ended, Tundra Stabber Zombie found himself stuck in a small cave guarded by 172 layers of 5 feet thick glaciers. Breaking the ice has never been such a cold brew for him. By the time he's freed, Collision Course would've begun.

Weasel Hoarder

SPEED: Basic

A prehistoric FEMALE Zombie hiding in a log with a pack of snow weasels. When she logs out of her log, the weasels weasel out.

Special: Releases zombie ice weasels when damaged

Due to a supreme lack of hair all over her body, Weasel Hoarder saw herself as the odd one out compared to all of her masculine facial-haired friends. But Weasel Hoarder wasn't gonna let her lack of hair keep her from staying warm for the rest of her life in Frostbite Caves. After weaseling out a bunch of weasels from their underground dinosaur home, Weasel Hoarder started to feel the warmth on her skin and even spent the rest of her life wearing a log just in case. The only problem is that she gets about 200 splinters every month and the fact that there's no arm holes made her entirely useless during plant battles. Yes, this all happened fur real.

Ice Weasel

SPEED: Flighty

After being weaseled out of the comfort of their log home, Ice Weasels brake through the icy field and make their way towards the house.

The Ice Weasel is a primitive version of a kettle. No joke. Just compare the ear-bleeding squeals and there you go.

Lost City

Adventurer Zombie

SPEED: Basic

Regular comedic mustached zombie.

He's not actually lost, he has a map in his backpack. Except he lost his backpack, nor can he read a map. He already lost his sense of direction. He's gonna lose his sanity next. He wouldn't even be surprised if the Lost City was really just a giant Lost and Found box.

Conehead Adventurer

TOUGHNESS: Protected
SPEED: Basic

His once lost, now found cone makes him twice as protected when it comes to dealing with the saying, Survival of the Stupidest.

He uses the cone for expedition traffic to make sure that jungle plants move out of his way when he's coming through. Except Spikeweeds aren't fast enough to move out of the way. But it did lead to an advantage for Conehead Adventurer into making a great discovery- that Spikeweeds hurt more than 50 year-old shoes that were worn by over 82 different zombies throughout history.

Buckethead Adventurer

SPEED: Basic

His hardened bucket he kept for safe keeping proves to the world that Crazy Dave is not the only moron who wears a pot on his head.

Buckethead Adventurer cooks a delicious brain stew in the pot for dinner every night, but the disadvantage is the fact that nearby plants can sniff out the smell so they automatically know that a zombie is approaching their grounds.

Relichead Zombie

SPEED: Basic

His shiny solid gold relic face provides a glimmering amount of protection against the wild inhabitants of the jungle.

Growing up, Relichead Zombie has always been fascinated about the story where this guy has the ability to turn anything into solid gold with the touch of his hand. Relichead Zombie wanted to have that power so he didn't have to spend the next few months trying to find gold in the Lost City like everyone else. He eventually did find some gold, but instead of a hand, it was a head. Relichead Zombie then put it on his head like a helmet, but as soon as he put it on, he couldn't remove it, believing that his head got turned into gold itself. Relichead Zombie's best friend does have a cure for this terrible tragedy, but Relichead has been running away ever since. There's a reason why his best friend is called Relic Hunter Zombie.

Emeraldhead Zombie

SPEED: Basic

His shinier than shiny green emerald helmet protects him from all the gold hoarding hoarders in the juvenile jungle. He is green with style and green with envy.

While you could say that the reason why Emeraldhead Zombie has an emerald on his head is the same as what happened to Relichead Zombie, that's not the case. After he realized that there were even more valuable things than gold and diamonds, Emeraldhead Zombie set out to find himself some emeralds. He thankfully didn't need to compete against all the other zombies on the gold rush to the Lost City. Emeraldhead Zombie eventually found himself in a village, where he was traded some emeralds for everything in his bag, and his clothes. He wanted to cover himself with the emeralds, but after realizing they're see-through, he thought maybe looking for gold wasn't a bad idea after all.

Flag Adventurer Zombie

SPEED: Basic

His flag indicates that he is lost and needs help finding his way ASAP.

Flag Adventurer Zombie usually plants red flags in the ground all over the jungle so he can keep an eye on his landmarks, since zombies can't read maps. Unfortunately, he lost the flags, which resulted in him to get out the white flag as a signal that he had given up all hope- both in finding the Lost City and finding his way back to where he started his journey, which WAS the Lost City.

Lost Rally Zombie

SPEED: Basic

His flag indicates that he is even more lost than he already is.

When his British cousin, Flag Adventurer Zombie got lost in the jungle, at least he still had his map, compass, GPS, some Pop Smart snacks, shelter, some books, a telescope and his white surrender flag, even if he couldn't read. Lost Rally Zombie on the other hand, had NONE of those things. I mean, there's a reason why he's so darn fast, and that's because he's not even carrying anything in his backpack.

Lost Pilot Zombie

TOUGHNESS: Protected
SPEED: Basic

An early skydiver. Gets stuck in trees and then plops onto the ground.

The only reason he got a business of jumping out of planes was so he could catch a glimpse of the Lost City's whereabouts through a bird's perspective. But once he lands in the twisted jungle, he soon forgets where the Lost City was located. He's currently hanging on the branch by his underwear and he just needs to hang in there before someone finds him and rescues the rescuer... unless they need rescuing themselves.

Bug Zombie

SPEED: Speedy

Giant oversized bug carries zombies past defenses.

Bug Zombie could just lift the Adventurer Zombie over the trees so they could get a better shot at finding the Lost City, but they ain't risking getting hit by any skydiving Lost Pilot Zombies. But it could be worse. As soon as the Pilot Zombies land, their plane crashes 20 yeards away. So let's not let this be the end of A Zombug's Life.

Excavator Zombie

TOUGHNESS: Protected
SPEED: Speedy

Digs up plants and throws them behind him, even though the plants aren't actually connected to the dirt. He also digs holes for his personal business, or to just look of hidden relics.

Damage: blocks incoming projectiles, but is vulnerable to lobbed shots

Excavator Zombie didn't want everyone else to know that he was looking for the Lost City, too, so he decided to get there by digging tunnels underground. Unfortunately, it's so dark down there that Excavator Zombie may never know if someone already made it to the Lost City before him. It's a flaw that he can't even dig out of himself. He can't dig it, but Can YOU Dig It?

Parasol Zombie

TOUGHNESS: Protected
SPEED: Hungry

Umbrella Leaf leaked for Plants vs. Zombies 2, but she's a zombie. She brings the parasol to protect her soul from souless soiled plants.

Many zombies believe that Parasol Zombie should bring her parasol to the Rainforest and not the Brainforest, which is this Heaven-like forest she's been looking for for quite a while. She tried brainstorming where it was, but she couldn't figure it out because 1) Zombies don't have brains and 2) A thunderstorm was approaching quickly. And in terms of Parasol Zombie, that could be a real threat to her only source of protection.

Lost City Imp Zombie

SPEED: Hungry

The leader of the expedition pack and the man who wants to find the Lost City more than anyone else.

During the expedition, Lost City Imp promised his comrades and supporters that if they succeeded in finding the Lost City, they'd take home an equal amount of gold and brains each. Secretly deep down, he's not keeping that promise.

Porter Gargantuar

SPEED: Hungry

Makes sure no-one dares to attempt to complete THEIR expedition to find the Lost City.

Damage: crushes plants with torch
Special: throws Lost City Imp when damaged

Some say it's a huge problem that Porter Gargantuar brang a huge torch with him on the expedition. If that thing was lit, it would've easily burnt the entire jungle. But that would be an advantage for the zombies, as they'd be able to spot the Lost City easier. But all it's really gonna do is cause a massive fight over who gets there first.

Imp Porter

TOUGHNESS: Protected
SPEED: Basic

Carries everyone else's supplies in a bottomless backpack which also turns into a tent to provide natural and environmental protection for hundreds of zombies inside of it.

Imp Porter could just wait until he got to the house to set up his tent, because that would totally turn into a full-on Trojan Horse scenario. Except he only uses his powers to trap zombies in his backpack to keep them from getting ahead of him in order to find the Lost City. But even if he got there, he couldn't put the gold in his backpack because that'll just make it too much of a stress on the journey home.

Relic Hunter Zombie

SPEED: Stiff

Basically Swashbuckler Zombie wearing an Indiana Jones costume for a cosplay convention. He's called "Relic" Hunter Zombie to avoid confusion over Hunter Zombie.

When he got to the Lost City after swinging across a Spikeweed Patch, he carefully replaced the relic with a bag of sand and hoped that it wouldn't set off the traps. If only he knew there was nothing in the bag. Without the mass, the platform didn't detect anything and the traps came rolling in. Literally. Get it?

Turquoise Skull Zombie

TOUGHNESS: Protected
SPEED: Basic

He may be too old to be exploring out in the dangerous jungles in search for the Lost City, but he shows those who disrespect him that he has the crystalized power that any ancient relic could possibly have.

Damage: destroys one plant on the 4 tiles in front of him after attempting to steal sun
Special: tries to steal sun
Special: beam range is increased when more sun is stolen
Special: stolen sun cannot be retrieved

Everyone assumed that no-one before has ever found the Lost City and that's why they wanna find it more than anyone else so they can make that claim. Truthfully, the point is, Turquoise Skull Zombie already knows where the Lost City is as he went on an expedition long before any of the other zombies were born. (Or deceased, I dunno) But he ain't gonna tell anybody.

Far Future

Note: Contains references to cryptocurrency and NFTs for humorous reasons only. I do not support these things.

Future Zombie

SPEED: Basic

Regular brightly-coloured spandex zombie, who is the future descendant of Browncoat Zombie. The future never looked so brighter for his clothing.

There are times when Future Zombie's shoes would go unvelked, and people he's passing by would try to tell him to fix them up. Unfortunately, even in the future, zombies are stupid. Deaf and stupid.

Future Conehead Zombie

TOUGHNESS: Protected
SPEED: Basic

His brightly orange-painted gadget-decorated cone makes him twice as tough as normal 2424 zombies. The reason why his roadcone cannot be magnetized is because the future developed a non-magnetism serum or something during the world's transition into the new normal.

Ever since flying cars became a thing, Future Conehead Zombie went to the scientific government ran by a chicken to discuss the idea of creating new hover cones called SkyCones to keep vehicles in midair from crashing into each other and causing a giant purple plasmaball explosion, especially with the new Taco Space Station that's under construction. He also wanted to complain that flying cars were polluting the air with toxic chemicals, but the government rejected his plans for a new skyscraper that specializes in NFT development. Future Conehead started to wonder if he is getting to old to be excited about what to expect in the future.

Future Buckethead Zombie

SPEED: Basic

His pure clean chrome bucket provides metallic protection from his past and present, but who knows what he might encounter in the future.

When the government ditched painting tools for new holograms that can change their colour to anything in the hexagonal colour palette, Future Buckethead Zombie started collecting all the paint tools from the past, including all the paint buckets. He started wearing them on his head, not to protect himself from lasers and plasmaballs, but so he could get zombies to remember the picture perfect past that they had forgotten. The official almanac wasn't kidding when it said that he is nostalgic.

Antennahead Zombie

SPEED: Basic

His shiny robotic quartz helmet provides excellently strong protection against plasmaballs and leaking electricity from above.

No-one knows for sure why Antennahead Zombie's helmet has an antenna on top of it. Someone believed Antennahead Zombie's got a platypus controlling him. Truthfully, he uses the antenna to gain access to cryptocurrency. Don't even ask how that works, since you need a high IQ to understand the future.

Holo Head Zombie

SPEED: Basic

Holo Head Zombie's persistent purple cube provides perfectionally perfect protection against major technological threats.

One day while Dana Terrace was getting coffee, a Future Zombie infiltrated her workspace and stole a purple shrinking cube prop used for Dana's Owl House show. He took the cube back to the future with him and realized that the invincible cube was perfect for his future stylized rivalry against the plants. Holo Head Zombie wouldn't even be affected if the cube started shrinking around his head, since zombies don't breathe oxygen anyway.

Future Flag Zombie

SPEED: Basic

Marks the arrival of an extra-terrestrial hoard of zombies in brightly-coloured spandex.

Future Flag Zombie is hoping to use the holographical flag to warn the citizens of futuristic Neighborville when a sinister spaceship suddenly arrives to start committing an invasion. Little does he know that after everything Neighborville had been through in the last few decades, invasions aren't really that rare anymore.

Robo-Rally Zombie

TOUGHNESS: Protected
SPEED: Speedy

Robo-Rally Zombie marks the arrival of a resurgent group of spandex wearing zombies from near and far.

The reason why Robo-Rally Zombie is so fast is because during the world's transitioning into the new normal, scientists had developed these fast running shoes that the government greenlighted a few years after they were made. Nobody can tell that Robo-Rally Zombie's shoes are doing all the hard work instead of giving it all he's got.

Jetpack Zombie

SPEED: Speedy

Jetpack Zombies use powerful jetpacks to fly over grounds infested with plants but wind conditions such as Blover, Hurrikale and Draftodil and the tallest threats keep them from zooming past.

Special: floats over low plants, boosts over most other plants
Weakness: tall blocking plants

When the government greenlighted jetpacks, less zombies had actually learnt to walk, thus making futuristic Neighborville the laziest generation so far. It's possible the lazy effect spread onto the zombies following Nate Timely and his thoughts about dinosaurs with jetpacks. Remember folks, dinosaurs with jetpacks is ALWAYS the first thing Nate's thinking about!

Blastronaut Zombie

TOUGHNESS: Protected
SPEED: Flighty

Blastronaut Zombie uses blastronomic power to boost their way across the lawn, but their cruising speed is interrupted by Blovers, Hurrikales and Draftodils across the area, alongside holographic shields and tall buildings.

Special: floats over low plants, boosts over most other plants
Weakness: tall blocking plants

Blastronaut Zombie's the kind of guy who is in it for a blast! All his years of collecting cosmetic energy to power his flammable thrusters surely paid off- until Blastronaut Zombie crashed into a chemical factory and all the Bunsen burners let loose.

Shield Zombie

TOUGHNESS: Protected
SPEED: Basic

Shield Zombie uses purple holographical technology to simulate a shield of protection for him and spandex zombies from behind.

Special: creates a shield to protect from incoming attacks

Shield Zombie's persistent projectors work perfectly at keeping the electrical hazards from breaking through into his cockpit.

Robo-Cone Zombie

SPEED: Stiff

The Robo-Cone's oversized orange robot of triangular tyrannical terror provides strong persistent protection for its driver.

The Robo-Cone was made with special plasmaball turrets to blast a hovercar with whenever it violated a parking limit or crashed into a construction site. The turrets are barely used because they're not cannons, or even canon to the game's story. Future Conehead Zombie's began to protest against the machine for its anti-safety measures.

Disco-tron 3000

SPEED: Basic

The Disco-tron 3000 is the latest in nostalgic disco dancing disaster here to strike down the remaining inhabitants with its Disco Jetpack Zombie Summoning System and a laser light show that is sure to hurt your eyes.

Special: summons Disco Jetpack Zombies

It's funny how Back to the Future II had an 80s Café for nostalgic reasons, when the Disco-tron 3000 also exists in the future and maintains its groovy and stylish personality from Neon Mixtape Tour's 80s-styled Neighborville. Too bad Robert Zemeckis got 2015 wrong.

Disco Jetpack Zombie

SPEED: Speedy

Stylish old school zombies that wear futuristic jetpacks to get past the partygoers on the ground, only to get kicked out of the party by Blovers, Hurrikales and Draftodils and out of bounds areas. Talk about mixing the past with the present. Or in this case, future.

Special: floats over low plants, boosts over most other plants.
Weakness: tall blocking plants

Disco Jetpack Zombie didn't hesitate to get all groovy with his shimmering and shining disco tunes of the 80s in the year 2424, just like his forever deceased ancestor, Billy Shimmers. He wanted to dress up as Michael Jackson, but when he discovered that copyright infringement increased ridiculously over the decades, he couldn't. So it looks like he's gonna have to beat it. Just beat it.

Mecha-Football Zombie

SPEED: Basic

Mecha-Football Zombie pushes plants off the lawn to create more space for the shufflin' spandex wearers to come in.

Special: pushes plants left instead of eating

Thanks to the government, even sports has changed in 2424. Football players now play their games in these machines called Mecha-Footballs, armed with three big metal spikes on the front of them. Unfortunately, when the Mecha-Footballs first came rolling in, they caused all sorts of problems. Now football players must try and drive those machines all over the field, but with 20 of those things on it, they end up taking up too much space. Another problem is that the football can just get popped by the spikes. The government's been trying to see if they can make a bigger field that's the size of FIVE football fields. Just shy of half a mile.

Bug Bot Imp

SPEED: Hungry

Bug Bot Imps use these miniature machines with spider legs to hop their way towards your house.

Bug Bot Imp didn't realize that the machine he was using wasn't fully finished and that it contained a bunch of bugs itself. Because of that, he didn't get far, and that's how he ended up having to walk just like his ancestors. When he finally made it to his destination, Bug Bot Imp cursed his ancestors for not having hover scooters and other advanced technology back in 2009.

Gargantuar Prime

SPEED: Stiff

Gargantuar Prime is a technological reimagining of the classic 2009 Gargantuar, manufactured with laser yes, double-crushing telephone poles, heavy duty armour and a Bug Bot Imp deploying system.

Damage: crushes plants with arms
Damage: randomly burns tiles with laser eyes
Special: launches Bug Bot when damaged

During the transition into the new normal, most of the Gargantuars were wiped out. That's when one Imp decided to build the Gargantuar Prime in order to keep a part of the Gargantuars alive, blatantly named after an old Transformer. And he was happy with the result, too. After all those years of being tossed by Gargantuars, he was lucky that he had finally moved up on the totem pole.

Dark Ages

Peasant Zombie

SPEED: Basic

Regular medieval-dwelling zombie. Works 23 hours on the local farm and 1 hour dealing with plants.

He can't seem to tell the difference of appearance between himself and all the other lousy Peasant zombies around him thanks to the uniform decree settled by the king. But it doesn't really matter since most of the zombies look the same anyway. He also forgets to leave his lights on outside of his home whenever it's nighttime and he's in town. None of the zombies do. He would be living the life he deserves if anyone was willing to give him some Emeralds.

Conehead Peasant

TOUGHNESS: Protected
SPEED: Basic

His castle-shaped cone provides protection for any scrap craving beasts that roam the village in the night.

Conehead Peasant Zombie always wanted to be a witch. After being doubted by plenty of people, he went to the thrift store and bought back with him a witch's hat and robe. It only took Conehead Peasant Zombie two minutes to realize that the stuff he was wearing was actually just a regular bathrobe, and the dirtiest traffic cone he had ever seen. After realizing that his witch's hat was a cone, he realized that there were a lot better things to be in life than a witch. And that's how he became the Conehead Peasant Zombie.

Buckethead Peasant

SPEED: Basic

His disgusting and smelly farm bucket provides protection, both from his enemies and horse manure.

Buckethead Peasant believes that the bucket was just a primitive version of the more popular knight helmets. With that said, he's pretty disappointed that the bucket one day was a symbol of protection and then the next it's practically reused as a container for animal shit.

Knight Zombie

SPEED: Basic

His medieval armor provides protection for both himself and his lousy King.

When the King first called him Knight Zombie, he didn't really know which word he was referring to- either "Knight" with a K or "Night" without a K. But he was OK with that, and believed that he was a Night Zombie- a zombie who sleeps during the day and is only awake at night. Except he got cornered by a bunch of village infiltrators and Knight Zombie got KO. He should've just stuck with farming.

Castlehead Zombie

SPEED: Basic

Wears a castle on his head to provide protection to his very own kingdom. And yet he's ruling a kingdom inside a kingdom.

Castlehead Zombie recently lost all hope in ever living high up in a luxury castle just like his cousin, the unfunny, low-brow, sell-out and un-entertaining Jester Zombie. So Castlehead decided that he might as well just use the next best thing. While he does have his castle, he's still missing food, riches, more food, obviously brains, his shield, his empty Queen throne, his entertainers, his creepy jesters and he has an idea for his next decree but he doesn't know how to write.

Peasant Flag Zombie

SPEED: Basic

Indicates that kingdom intruders are only 30 seconds from getting to the village and launching cannons at the wall.

As much as everyone appreciates Peasant Flag Zombie for being the zombie who informs everyone that they're close to dying, they think it would be much more appreciative if he actually went out and fought alongside the Knight Zombie Army. Even when everyone gets inside, he'll still be out there waving the flag, making him the invaders' first primary target.

Peasant Rally Zombie

SPEED: Basic

Indicates that those malicious kingdom intruders are literally scaling the wall surrounding the kingdom at this very moment.

Peasant Rally Zombie is even more hopeless than his second rate brother, Peasant Flag Zombie. He's basically your unnecessary second reminder of the chaos that's happening and it just ticks you off because you know you're not stupid to automatically forget. But some zombies just are.

Medieval Shield Zombie

TOUGHNESS: Protected
SPEED: Creeper

An amethyst-encrusted metal shield provides astonishing protection for the King's dimwitted knights in not-so shining armour.

After getting word on the Knight Zombie's failure with their rusty metal helmets, the King of the Dark Ages ordered some major changes to their medieval organizations. The King provided his knights with these expensive medieval shields and wished them good luck in the war against the plant kingdom. Unfortunately, the shields didn't come with swords, so there's only so much a shield can do in a battle, especially when the King only cared about their visuals rather than their strength.

Jester Zombie

TOUGHNESS: Protected
SPEED: Basic

Gets dizzy showing off anti-table manners, tells blatantly bad jokes and is the primary key to turning the King's Castle into a madman's Loud House. Hahahahahahaha! Get it!?

He's trying to be funny on purpose, and that involves him attempting to screw up 100% of the time. But he should just be satisfied that he actually gets to spend his time in a luxury castle instead of telling bad jokes out on the streets of the village.

Frightful Entertainer

TOUGHNESS: Protected
SPEED: Basic

Frightful Entertainer Zombie spins around, tossing plants all over the lawn. He also creates even more of a mess and becomes a fun distraction for the little kids who want to see just how horrific he really is.

Frightful Entertainer Zombie still finds it pretty harsh to see that zombies are still running away from him, just like his audience once did when he used to tell his lame old jokes in front of the King. Yes, it's sad to see that no-one loves him... but he's pretty good at being annoying now. DANCE, B*TCH!

Imp Monk Zombie

SPEED: Basic

Basically just the Medieval Shield Zombies' and Knight Zombies' last line of defense.

The Chinese version of Plants vs. Zombies 2 already has an Imp named Imp Monk, and that is why they switched the words around to avoid International/Chinese lawsuit or something, I don't care. But anyway, Imp Monk has seen a lot of films where the tough buff guy can't lift a sword out of a stone but the weakling can. He tried it himself, but failed because he obviously knew it was Hollywood crap anyway.

Dark Ages Gargantuar

SPEED: Hungry

The Dark Ages Gargantuar is The Smash's medieval ancestor and dares to punish those who have disgrace written all over them within the village. He could throw anvils if he wanted to, but he doesn't need to put on more weight than the weight he already gained through exercise in the King's dungeon.

Damage: crushes plants with hammer - That sounds pretty normal
Special: launches Imp Monk when damaged

Dark Ages Gargantuar's expressions make it seem like the kind of zombie who's about to rip someone to shreds in 2 seconds. Truthfully, he just wants to get people to stop taking cartoons for real and realize that that's not how an anvil is suppose to work.

Wizard Zombie

SPEED: Creeper

Also known as Merlin the Moron, Wizard Zombie transforms plants into passive sheep. It's not really that BAAAAAAA-D, but it is annoying. Now Bo Peep doesn't even need to find her original sheep.

The only reason he can't just turn plants into more zombies is because he lost his spellbook right after he successfully nailed the sheep-transformation spell. He could use a spell to teleport his spellbook back to him, but hasn't mastered that spell and hasn't even practiced. He didn't even practice the sheep-transformation spell and yet it worked.

Hexecutioner Zombie

SPEED: Creeper

Hexecutioner Zombie uses devastating hexes to transform plants into Medieval Shield Zombies, while also making himself temporarily immune to attacks. He's also the most powerful Hexecutioner on the Brainy Isles.

Hexecutioner Zombies' spellbounds know no bounds. But even though he's widely known throughout the kingdom as the Wizarding Weirdo, many speculate that he could just use his powers to teleport the brain-wielding species to him. Though he does have the magic, he doesn't really use his spellbound powers to his full potential. Same would go in situations where he's not even using magic. He wanted to come up with a shorter way to write the King's saying, "No seeds are gonna stop us." because he hates literacy. He ended up shortening it with "Noceda gonna stop us.".

Zombie King


Lives in a castle, surrounded by food, riches, more food, no brains, his shield, his empty Queen throne, his entertainers, his creepy jesters and his latest decree is that all zombies will have a holiday every eighth day of each week. (So basically never)

Zombie King truthfully doesn't even care what happens in his broken kingdom. As long as he has gold, food and shelter, he's glad he fudged the results to become king. Although it did cost him to lose his wife. She was used solely for that purpose. Except the only gold he doesn't have on his chessboard is the brains.

Imp Dragon Zombie

SPEED: Basic

Imp Dragons burn your defenses up in flames, then they proceed to burn down your medieval house. You have no shield, no drawbridge, no mushrooms that are at Max Mastery, so there's nothing you can do about this flammable substance.

Special: Immune to fire damage

If his costume was FLAMMABLE, you'd be in real heat right now.

Neon Mixtape Tour

Neon Zombie

SPEED: Basic

Regular party crashing and Friday Night Funkin'-Out zombie.

Neon Zombie usually never gets invited to any special 80s-styled parties and always ends up just playing laser tag in a dark room with a cardboard cutout enemy target. When he did eventually receive his first invitation, he was hoping that he would be hired as the DJ. Unfortunately, the party went crazy because everyone was high on brain juice and Pop Smarts snacks. Especially Dr. Zomboss, who started laying some insane moves on the dance floor. But when Neon Zombie went crazy, he literally crashed the party to bits and everything went down. He hasn't been invited to any parties ever since. Not even his grandmothers' 80th birthday. He's the oddball in his family anyway.

Neon Conehead

TOUGHNESS: Protected
SPEED: Basic

His 3-decades younger cone adds a bit of style to his ruined jacket, while also being useful to hold up his sunglasses since he has no pockets.

Neon Conehead wanted to start a band, but he couldn't band together enough money to buy actual instruments. After collaborating with Neon Buckethead, he decided to make his cone a trumpet and Buckethead's bucket the drum. The two-man band soon banded together an angry mob who weren't satisfied with the awful taste in music and eventually had their instruments banned from 80s-Styled Neighborville. Neon Conehead figured it was best to just stick with louder instruments like a guitar, but that didn't help him when he got blasted by a giant speaker after setting everything too high.

Neon Buckethead

SPEED: Basic

Buckets provide protection from juvenile stragglers ready to beat someone up on the not-so-neon streets of town, and is also an easy way of taking your instruments with you.

To Neon Buckethead Zombies, basically anything cylinder-shaped is a drum. He once wanted to do an epic drum solo with Crazy Dave's pots and pans in his wardrobe, but he made too much noise that he eventually got one in the face.

Neonhead Zombie

SPEED: Basic

Neonhead Zombie's neon wireframe in the shape of an 80s bad lookin' Zombie provides an eye-soring glow, ready for a laser lightshow and heavy protection for young grooving grooverstons. The light of the neon head is even more glowey than a pair of glowey specs.

Secretly, Neonhead Zombie is afraid of the dark. When he first realized that, he wanted to get himself some nightlights, but they were all out of stock, so he just stole some neon sign at the top of a building one Friday night and put it over his head. His eyes may forever be blinded by the high levels of light and shine, but at least he doesn't have to fear about being left alone in the dark. Don't bother asking how he can see where he's going.

Neon Flag Zombie

SPEED: Basic

The leader of the chaotic Friday Night Party and indicates when the group are about to crash YOUR party. They'll take all the snacks and CDs for themselves, and probably take a brain or two.

Neon Flag Zombie wanted people to know when it was time for the raging party to stop, so he got the flag to make sure everyone would know when it was time to leave. The zombies did eventually leave the party one night but not because of the flag, but because Crazy Dave and The Fresh Beet Band were having another party across the street. Neon Flag Zombie waved the flag to get the zombies to come back to his awesome party, but sometimes, some people have no taste in music, considering that Crazy Dave's rapping montage had clueless lyrics.

Party Crasher Zombie

SPEED: Basic

Party Crasher Zombie marks the arrival of a bunch of loose partygoers who don't hesitate to live it up and have an even more wilder time. They're gonna crash your party and literally bring your house down.

Party Crasher Zombie was originally called Party Pooper Zombie because he always did that one embarrassing thing at a party that would ruin the experience for everyone else. He once fell in a cake, other times he tried to be a DJ, but nobody else liked K-Pop. He eventually just gave up and decided to go AGAINST parties instead. He formed an alliance known as the Party Crasherz, ready to crash any party that happened within 80s styled Neighborville. But when they crashed a party at Mulchburger's Fast Food and screwed around with the kitchen ovens, it was no longer a laughing matter.

Punk Zombie

SPEED: Hungry

Hard core rock fan who went overboard with piercings that kicks plants outta his way, with all claims confirmed about him being a real "bad boy".

Weakness: Magnet Shrooms are attracted to this guy, which is interesting since Magnet-shrooms are male... WAIT A MINUTE, I SENSE A HOMOSEXUAL RELATIONSHIP HERE!!

Punk Zombie is your average 80s juvenile delinquent who literally sets the world on fire leaving behind him a trail to rocking hell. Don't tell anyone but the real reason why he's so good a kicking was because he was once All-Star Zombies' coach. This was before Shrek came along.

Glitter Zombie

SPEED: Basic

Roller skates outside of the roller-skating rink illegally, trying not to bump into some other party crashing zombie while also showing off her glamorous rainbows. She's always chasing rainbows. She also uses the rainbow glitter to promote pride.

This K-Pop artist who frequently collaborates with Rainbow Glitz has a real iCandy obsession and she isn't afraid to show that to the world, whether they think K-Pop sucks or not. She also got in trouble when she was heading to an 18+ party on St. Patrick's Day and people under 18 followed her there because they thought the rainbow would lead them to a pot of gold. The officer even told her that K-Pop sucked. #RespectforK-Pop

MC Zom-B

SPEED: Hungry

This crappy rapper shows off his sick and slickness by twirling his microphone before eventually hitting some guy in the head. He shows up weekly at a party every Friday Night to enter a rap battle against his opponent, Crazy Dave.


MC Zom-B has released some very cringe-worthy rap CDs over the years, proving to everyone that this guy is just another reason why music sucks nowadays. Truthfully, MC Zom-B doesn't even know how to rap properly and only entered that rap battle competition just so he could steal the daughter of some demon rapper and get cash. At least MC Zom-B's sickin' annoying career wasn't the worst thing that came out of Neighborville's music and dance history. Keep in mind we still got a LOT to talk about regarding Nate Timely's lame contribution to the disco contest from the 1970s.


SPEED: Hungry

Basically your average 80s juvenile but a thousand times more intimidating, sneaky, devastating and mischief.

Imp Zombie knows he's too old to wear a punk costume like a kid on Halloween. But he doesn't care. Let the others judge. His spirit job is a punk, and he feels closer to his true self when he's dressed like this.

Hair Metal Gargantuar

SPEED: Hungry

He's got hair, he's got metal piercing's, and he's turning the dastardly volume UP TO SIXTEEN with his axe-like guitar and soundwave-emitting speakers of hellish proportions.

Damage: crushes plants with guitar - also crushes guitar during his rage
Damage: bashes sonic blast when metal music plays
Special: launches juvenile Impunk when damaged

Hair Metal Gargantuar is the absolute show-stealer. He smashes buildings, he performs heavy metal heavily, and everyone just goes crazy for him, completely unaware that they're homeless now.

Breakdancer Zombie

SPEED: Hungry

Shows off his terribly embarrassing dance moves on the dance floor on top of MC Zom-B's horrible rapping and will probably smash into your speakers and snack stands working like a miniature tornado. Also, he's actually Jester Zombie's 80s delinquent ancestor.

When signing up for ability auditions for Neon Mixtape Tour - Side B, Breakdancer Zombie was having a hard time choosing an ability that would work good for him and was 42% original. Soon, he stumbled upon Punk Zombie as he was raging across the stage, kicking all the speakers down. It was at that moment where a spark of inspiration was planted (how ironic) in Breakdancer's mind and he said, "Kicking!? I WANNA DO SOME KICKING!"

Arcade Zombie

SPEED: Hungry

Pro 80s gamer who at the top of the gaming tournament league hoards around an Arcade Machine, so he doesn't have to waste his time looking for quarters on the ground somewhere and using all that energy to walk back to the arcade. At least he's strong though.

Damage: crushes plants with arcade machine

Before all the days of Sus Imposters, Falling Beans, Rap Battles, and Squid Games, there was a time when video games where in these tall machines that required money to play. Arcade Zombie liked the concept of playing video games at home instead of in a dark room with plenty other zombies, so that's what he did. And it was a good thing he did, too, because it payed off once Quarantine hit. But with his interests in games like "Don't Blink" and "Capture the Taco", don't expect him to vent anytime soon.

8-Bit Zombie

SPEED: Basic

Pixelated zombie straight from a classic video game finally decided to make a PvZ/Minecraft Crossover when the game he was in was generated into reality. Also comes with Cones and Buckets but thankfully not Bricks.

8-Bit Zombie is not the only pixelated zombie that can be generated due to coding. You can also generate zombies in 128 bits (Regular Basic Zombie), 64 bits, 32 bits, 16 bits, 8 bits, 4 bits, 2 bits, 1 bit, half bit and quarter bit. Prepare to get some eye damage from blurry images.

8-Bit Brickhead

SPEED: Basic

8-Bit Brickheads are the new pixelated zombies on the block. Their coded brick headgear provide such highscore levels of toughness.

8-Bit Brickhead likes to datamine into Super Mario 64 and steal some of the brick platforms he can use for his headgear. He also likes spaghetti, but only the brain-flavoured kind. He could just steal the powerup mushrooms and grow super huge, but it'll take too long for all his pixels to be rendered. He'll also have to digest more spaghetti before he's 100% full. He sometimes wishes he was the voice actor of Mario in the 2022 Mario Movie instead of Chris Pratt.

Girlfriend Imp

SPEED: Hungry

Girlfriend Imp drops down on a speaker that shoots arrows, shuffling plants from their positions. She's gettin' freaky on a Friday Night, yeah!

After spending a long time being pushed over by her ugly-lookin' demon parents, Girlfriend Imp found herself a cute short boi, where the two of them constantly show their love for each other, participating in crappy Rap Battles. They've fought Spooky Kids, Lemons, Funni Pico Man, a pixelated Simp, and a Funni Tank Man. Though, that's hard to say, considering that she's only in it for the music, especially that disgusting thing people call K-Pop. But what really triggers her is when people confuse Friday Night Funkin' for Five Nights at Freddy's. Ugh.

Boombox Zombie

SPEED: Basic

Boombox Zombies* hold up boomboxes to let people know where the music is coming from. He can also cause plants to be completely distracted by the power ballad.

Special: Boom box* (*=Wait, why is it spelt like this?) has no effect on ground plants and Phat Beets

The last thing Boombox Zombie needs is to be nailed by a bunch of explosive substances. Then his Boom box will become a KA-BOOM box! So hide in a cardboard box when that happens, okay?

Jurassic Marsh

Jurassic Zombie

SPEED: Hungry

Regular door-opening, getting on the floor, dinosaur-walking zombie from the prehistorically inaccurate past. His existence in a world where humans have yet to happen means he's tampering with the stability of the space time continuum.

Why does this guy even EXIST!? Humans NEVER co-existed with dinosaurs in the past. Dinosaurs were the first species on the planet, according to science, and humans didn't begin to walk until the Stone Age. So it does raise about 65 million questions as to why Jurassic Zombie and his primitive friends are inhabiting in the lost world, and this is the kind of historical inaccuracy that makes you question if PopCap actually has the brain of a modern and intelligent being themselves. Don't be surprised if Electronic Arts is actually ran by a caveman.

Jurassic Conehead

TOUGHNESS: Protected
SPEED: Basic

His cretaceous cone made up of orange spiky thorns provides unique protection from the Jurassic jeporadizers.

Is he a carnivore or a herbivore? It's really hard to tell, considering that Jurassic Conehead eats the meat from your brains but eats the leaves from your plants. It's a mystery no archaeologist can seem to find the answer to.

Jurassic Buckethead

SPEED: Basic

His pre-Stone Age stone mold with a questionably good-looking carving of a bucket drawing on the front of it provides old age hardhat protection from the rockslides and mountains of the atrocious dinosaur age. For some reason, his rocky hat can be MAGNETIZED by inventions of the future, despite metal nor the Periodic Table of Elements not having been discovered yet.

Jurassic Buckethead Zombie was the first zombie to invent the bucket, but nobody knew until he got stuck in a piece of amber and stayed there until Frostbite Caves, where he appeared under the guise of Cave Buckethead Zombie. Funny enough, both Buckethead variants' buckets are made out of rocks. It's not technically a bucket since it doesn't have any handles. Chances are Jurassic Buckethead got his paint from multi-coloured swamps.

Jurassic Fossilhead

SPEED: Stiff

His fossilized tyrannical Triceratops skeleton hat provides bone-chilling protection against the fossil fuels and Cretaceous critters. The dead wearing the dead on his head never felt so dead.

Fossilhead Zombie with his hardened Triceratops skeleton sends shivers down the Jurassic Zombies' spines. Creepy ghouls that shock no souls, because zombies don't have any. If any Triceratops' discover that he's wearing the dead skull of their kind, Jurassic Fossilhead probably won't be having skele-tons of fun.

Amberhead Zombie

SPEED: Basic

Amberhead Zombie's crystallized amber shield provides drastically fantastic Jurassic protection from all elemental threats, besides the meteorite.

Scientists have previously discovered that combining the DNA of an Amberhead Zombie with the DNA of a frog will result in dinosaurs to be resurrected into the modern world. That's when science expert Trista Stargazer feared that if Amberhead Zombie combined his DNA with a Jurassic Gargantuar or any other insanely powerful zombie throughout history, things would definitely get out of hand. Doctor Strange and America Chavez legit traveled to the dinosaur dimension to see if this theory was true. And it was.

Jurassic Flag Zombie

SPEED: Hungry

Marks the arrival of a huge prehistoric prejudice wave of drastic Jurassic Zombies.

Jurassic Flag Zombie knew he needed to find a way to keep the boundaries between zombies and dinosaurs from causing Cretaceous chaos. And so, he stitched together a piece of orange fabric with a stick needle and tied it up with some "rope" to a large Tyrannosaurus Rex bone. He couldn't think of anything else to do with the invention, so he just started waving it around like an idiot. The waving caught the attention of prehistoric zombies and dinosaurs alike, but didn't do a good job at keeping the two species apart.

Jurassic Rally Zombie

SPEED: Speedy

Jurassic Rally Zombie marks the arrival of a tyrannical hoard of zombies.

Jurassic Rally Zombie is a very fast runner. He could outrun a T-Rex if he was able to. Imagine if he was outrunning the giant monster in those ridiculous high heels. That would be too much for him to deal with, especially if they broke.

Jurassic Imp

SPEED: Speedy

Jurassic Imp is hurled over most defenses and then shuffles on forward to your Jurassic quarters.

Jurassic Imp is the pre-historic monkey that likes to cause mischief for all the other inhabitants of the Jurassic Jungle. Being the sneaky little critter himself, Jurassic Imp likes to climb up trees and nail someone in the distance with a coconut. He's also insane and pretty much eats whatever he sees. He keeps his information in his travel log. Literally. He travels in a log.

Jurassic Gargantuar

SPEED: Stiff

Massive muscular beast of tyrannical terror that marches his way across the prehistoric lands, crushing bones and crushing dinosaurs with bones. He is the T-Rex of the zombie race.

Damage: crushes plants with bone
Special: launches Jurassic Imp when damaged

Jurassic Gargantuar has been building on his strength ever since his human spirit arrived in his deceased body. His muscular strongman-like body has been used to fight dinosaurs just like King Kong. Which does beg the question- Why are there dinosaurs in King Kong?

Jurassic Bully

SPEED: Stiff

Jurassic Bullies are slow and stupid but rather more muscular and more uglier than regular Jurassic Zombies lacking meat on their bones, who can't be pushed back by Primal Peashooter's primitive projectiles.

Special: immune to Primal Peashooter’s knockback

Jurassic Bully likes to showcase how Jurassic Zombies can evolve from their skinny and weak bodies into something more menacing and muscular, but nobody seems to take him seriously, mostly because he's called "Jurassic Bully". They're worried he's gonna put a spear in his bones and then crush their body with rocks. Truthfully, he's not going to. That's what Jurassic Gargantuars are for.

Jurassic Rockpuncher

SPEED: Stiff

Jurassic Rockpuncher crushes the stone part of the Jurassic era with his powerful rock hands, leaving a scorched tile in its place. He also cannot be knocked back by Primal Peashooters.

Damage: crushes plants with rocks tied to his hands
Special: immune to Primal Peashooter’s knockback

Jurassic Rockpuncher upgraded from the Jurassic Bully, because he knew that he was gonna need a better ability than just be immune to one plant and that's it. Unfortunately, crushing plants with rocks was the only best thing he could think of as it is very hard to come up with a Jurassic Marsh Zombie that has a good ability. Well, thank goodness we have Flint Imp from ECLISE and Rock Carrier from Reflourished.

Big Wave Beach

Pompadour Zombie

SPEED: Basic

Regular Tiki Paradising partygoer zombie.

Pompadour Zombie's tropical life on Tourist Trap Island is the dream life for any zombie that wants to kick back and relax without having to worry about taking orders from the work-addictive Dr. Zomboss. Pompadour Zombie has been staying at Tourist Trap Island for the last 16 months, and he certainly doesn't see any point in returning to work. Pompadour Zombie isn't the only zombie out there using the island to slack off, and that's why Dr. Zomboss is currently trying to build a robotic volcano on the island so he can signal his employees that it's time for their vacation to end.

Pompadour Conehead

TOUGHNESS: Protected
SPEED: Basic

His enlarged ice cream cone he got from the boardwalk with an aquatic starfish on it for decoration, makes him twice as tough as regular tropical pedestrians.

Pompadour Conehead Zombie liked going onto the boardwalk near the beach and buying ice cream scoops for his cone hat. Unfortunately, every time he made his way back to the beach, the ice creams would always melt and when he got to his spot, there'd be mostly nothing left. So Pompadour Conehead decided to buy more ice cream scoops so that the scoops above can shield the scoops at the very bottom and keep them from melting. Unfortunately, Pompadour Conehead's plan didn't work out, but he kept trying. After 9 weeks of this, there was a giant puddle of over 40 ice-cream flavours mixed together smack in the middle of the beach. And once the Imps and the seagulls started to take over to drink everything that was left, everyone knew they had to stay out of their way and ditched the shores for BBQ Beach in Neighborville. Conehead Pompadour should've just bought Crazy Dave's unmeltable ice cream when he had the chance. And now thanks to him, Big Wave Beach got "desserted".

Pompadour Buckethead

SPEED: Basic

His metal beach bucket hat provides tremendously tropical protection from the sandy shores and creatures of the devastating deep.

Buckethead Pompadour Zombie is excellent in sandcastle constructivity. He has a blue, red and green ribbon for every sandcastle building competition he has ever entered. Which was three. Anyways, Pompadour Buckethead was thinking about nicknaming himself the Sandman or the Sandcastleman. When he entered his fourth sandcastle building competition, Pompadour Buckethead was going smooth with his karma and the sand he was using, until it began to rain. That made the competition VERY tough, because everyone was using as much wet sand as they could to glue their sandcastle pieces together. Buckethead did all he could do to dig up all the sand to finish his masterpiece to the point that he ended up digging up the ENTIRE beach. Once it was all over, there was only dirt, and the lack of sand revealed all sorts of fossils and coins that were buried in the sand for the longest of time. Buckethead did eventually win the competition, but now needs to figure out how to get the sandcastle back home.

Beach Flag Zombie

SPEED: Basic

Beach Flag Zombie marks the arrival of a huge wave of zombies. You may never know if what I said is figurativley or literally.

Beach Flag Zombie waves the flag to indicate to the tropical paradise pedestrians when it's time for them to stay away from the waters in response to a shark attack. Except no-one listens to him because they all know that his safety protocols are just drills and not for real. But then one day when there was a REAL emergency on the loose in the oceans, Beach Flag Zombie failed to save some lives. Some lifeguard he turned out to be.

Beach Rally Zombie

TOUGHNESS: Protected
SPEED: Speedy

Beach Rally Zombie marks the arrival of the Wild Side of the beach partygoers.

Beach Rally Zombie's fast movements resulted in him being nicknamed "QUICKsand". Well, he better watch out where he's going whenever he's running across the beach holding hands with his girlfriend, because he may never know what will show up on the shore that'll trip him over and end up ruining an aggressive group of children's sandcastle.

Bikini Zombie

SPEED: Basic

Regular hot seaside surprise zombie. Her official almanac entry really needs to be updated now that they made Weasel Hoarder the first female zombie you encounter. That is if you unlock Frostbite Caves first.

Bikini Zombie lies on a blanket with her sunglasses on and umbrella blocking the sunlight during her days at the beach. Poorly protecting her from fellow MILF fans, the Pompadour Zombies usually run up towards her, always trying to win her heart. Deep down inside, Bikini Zombie wishes to prove that she can be independent with no partner, just like how all the male zombies did way before the days of Big Wave Beach. It's very weird how manly zombies since 2009 managed to cope with being bachelors, but by the time Bikini Zombies rolled around, things really changed for them.

Bikini Conehead

TOUGHNESS: Protected
SPEED: Basic

Her enlarged ice cream cone with an aquatic star stuck to it makes her twice as tough as regular zombie women being flirted by the men.

Bikini Conehead Zombie didn't hesitate to tell the Pompadour Zombie's that were bribing her with jewelry and seashells that she already had a love interest, and that was Pompadour Conehead. Everyone despised Conehead Pompadour after the ice cream puddle incident, and told Bikini Conehead that what she needed was a REAL man. But Bikini Conehead likes Pompadour Conehead because he's kind to her and is sweet with a sweet tooth. She's also not very concerned about safety as much as other Coneheads. She wouldn't mind if some zombie was drowning in the ocean, because she'd be on her blanket, busy reading the Daily Neighborville Female Zombie Beauty Magazine.

Bikini Buckethead

SPEED: Basic

Her clamshelled bucket shells her head with great protection from damage, but sadly not simps. Something about being in a bikini really makes zombies go crazy for her and her friends.

Bikini Buckethead Zombie has admired the constructive sandcastle works of her boyfriend, Buckethead Pompadour. She suggests that Buckethead Pompadour is just assembling the sand structures to make her happy, because she's unaware that he's been entering these sandcastle building competitions. Some girlfriends are just clueless to what their dates get up to when there's not romance involved. There's a possibility that she and the rest of the Bikini Zombies are very unaware of the cursed fanart of them on DeviantArt, with their faces being given a glow up to make them look hotter.

Snorkel Zombie

TOUGHNESS: Protected
SPEED: Basic

Snorkel Zombie submergently shuffles from under the surface to avoid being ambushed by the madness above, sneaking up most your past defenses and possibly your girlfriend.

Special: submerges to avoid attacks

Snorkel Zombie may not be good at winning a love interest on the beach, but he sure knows how to make an entrance when he rises from the wet wet ocean. He likes 'em big. He likes 'em chunky. He looks around for seashells to sell at his gift shop. Somethin' somethin'.

Imp Mermaid Zombie

SPEED: Basic

Swims across the ocean with her one tail fin, then uses her legs to crawl on forward across the sandy shores.

Imp Mermaid Zombie doesn't seem to get bribed as much as the Bikini Zombies do, even though they look way uglier than her. Something about being half-sea creature must've disgusted the other zombies and so they ditched that aquatic atrocity for a real woman. Mermaid Imp wishes she could yell at the Pompadour Zombies for finding her disgusting and ugly, but she sold her voice in order to have the legs to walk. She only knows one word anyways, and that's "Brains".

Surfer Zombie

SPEED: Flighty

Surfer Zombie catches some radical waves, passing by all inhabitants of the beach, then shuffles on forward onto the surf-ace. He's livin' the cool paradise.

Damage: can crush a plant with his board

When Pompadour Conehead Zombie trashed the beach with the giant ice cream puddle, Surfer Zombie was one of the few who had to relocate to Neighborville's BBQ Beach. But when he got there, it was already crowded with humans, plants, Crazy Dave working at a taco stand, and those two irritating kids, Nate and Patrice soaking up the sun. Surfer Zombie knew there was no way he could hang 10 with all the seaside madness going on, so he and some of his surfing friends raided a water park in Neighborville to claim as their new surfing grounds. The Surfer Zombies made their way up the huge water slide in the park to ride down it on their surfboards. But there was only enough room for two Surfer Zombies to be surfing aside each other, and most of the surfers fell off the slide and landed in the Quicksand Zone. When he came to the slide's end, original Surfer Zombie was launched into midair, where he landed in BBQ Beach, 40 yards away. He landed smack in the middle of the ocean, along with all the surfboards from the other surfer zombies. One of them was grey, and when it floated back up to the surface, standing up, everybody thought it was a SHARK. And that's when Beach Flag Zombie was put to good use.

Deep Sea Gargantuar

SPEED: Hungry

Tremendously huge shell-shocking sea monster from the deep, who has risen from the reef to crash your beach party fun.

Damage: crushes plants with driftwood
Special: launches Imp Mermaid when damaged

Deep Sea Gargantuar has been dubbed the most tyrannical and ugliest sea creature in the deep, according to the Neighborville Aquatic Guidebook. His pink scales, yellow belly, monstrous face and Mermaid Imp companion will have paradising beachgoers screaming in agony the next time he tries to conquer the land. He's the King Triton of the Mermaid Imp's Ariel. Very generic, I know.

Fisherman Zombie


Fisherman Zombie reels in plants from the surface towards him, hoping that some venomous sea creature like a box jellyfish comes to end their life for good. And brains.

Special: Pulls plants to the right
Special: Plants next to him are tossed off the lawn

Fisherman Zombie had been trying to see if he could catch a monstrous shark for the seaside tiki paradising partygoers to feast on ever since the Surfer Zombie incident. All Fisherman Zombie had found so far were an old shoe, Crazy Dave's Hot Sauce, some seashells, the Kelptomaniac, a dolphin floaty, a Dolphin Rider Zombies' brightly-coloured spandex, Dr. Zomboss' sea-salt flavoured Pop Smarts, a bunch of lost jewelry and a pearl. Fisherman thought about giving the pearl to one of the Bikini Zombies to win them over, but Snorkel Zombie snatched the orb to give away in his gift shop. Definitive war of the Simps.

Octo Zombie

SPEED: Creeper

Octo Zombie is the most painfully annoying sea creature of the deep blue sea. When he rises to the surface with his squid and seaweed intact, he'll throw the octopi stuck to his face across the lawn and onto one of your plants. The octopi will then wrap your defenses like a beach blanket, keeping them from attacking this octopus overlord. His birthname is Octavius.

Special: bound plants are passive until their octopus is destroyed

Octo Zombie's got the body that every Pompadour Zombie on the beach wished they had. Big Wave Beach has proven to many inhabitants that this was the best chance for them to find love in the hot hot sun. His tentacular strength and oversized octopi have won the hearts of many Bikini Zombies, except for Bikini Conehead and Buckethead, who still desire to have a relationship with their preferred boyfriends. When Snorkel Zombie got ahold of Fisherman Zombie's pearl, Octo wanted to buy it for himself. But Snorkel Zombie wasn't a fair player. The price of the pearl was revealed to be $7000 in seashells. Octo knew he was gonna have to cheat his way out of the situation, and so that night, he used his octopi to camouflage himself from the authorities on the beach. He crawled through the open window of the gift shop and took the pearl. The next day, Octo Zombie went to a Bikini Zombie to give to her. But with that pearl out in the open, Fisherman Zombie, Snorkel Zombie and the Pompadours started fighting over it. That's when the octopi couldn't take the stress any longer and squirted their ink all over the beach. The poison wiped out the zombies, including the Bikini Zombie Octo's been trying to bribe. He picked her up and started screaming, "WHY!? WHHHHYYYYY!!??" Bikini Zombie slowly died in his arms, with her final words being, "You should join the Squid Games...". And that's what Octo Zombie went on to do. If only he knew that his Octopi also had to stay still during red light green light. They did a lousy job. He should've just camouflaged himself.

Lifeguard Tower Zombie


The lifeguard is on duty! Lifeguard Tower Zombie keeps beach folks behind the flags, "protects" plants from the sun with sunscreen and cherishes totally rad bypassing surfers.

Lifeguard Flag Zombie upgraded from Beach Flag Zombie, as his lousy service was no longer required when it was time for everyone to pack up and head to BBQ Beach. Unfortunately, he was too distracted by the Surfer Zombies' rampage at the water park to even alert anyone to get out of the water when the "shark" began to attack. Beach Flag Zombie was still there when it happened, and he did the hard work for Lifeguard Imp.

Ancient Rome

Roman Zombie

SPEED: Basic

Regular enslaved European soldier zombie from the stone-petrifying past. Spends 23 hours training to be a flawless Centurion and 1 hour dealing with plants. The Plants vs. Zombies Wiki legit predicted these guys in 2019.

Roman Zombie is not very proud of the Roman uniform decree made by General Caesar Imp. It makes him look like he's wearing a skirt, alongside all the other roaming and groaning zombie delinquents of the Roman Empire. He's not very sure if anyone in the legendary Centurion battles will ever take him seriously with the clothes he's wearing, and they're personally uncomfortable to him too. But if you want to see uncomfortable, watch all them gladiator movies that like to smear the stone surfaces with blood of the murderer's enemies. You're lucky this is a PG-rated game.

Roman Conehead

TOUGHNESS: Protected
SPEED: Basic

His marvelous marble roadcone piece with a mix of history and modernity provides tremendously tough protection from Gladiators and Centurions alike.

Throughout the Roman Age, there would be endless supplies of wars, with Centurions and Gladiators trying to defend their land from the deadly invaders. Roman Conehead Zombie put up with it for a few years, but after the petrifying results of war shook him, such as destruction and death, he knew he had to take action to keep the death sentences from messing with his afterlife. So Roman Conehead sculpt a piece of marble into an invention known as the cone and placed multiple of them around his house and all over his village so that the war stays off village grounds. Even if Conehead's plan worked, it didn't stop bombs from being thrown across the boundaries and blowing something up. Roman Conehead afterwards had to deal with his body being sculpt to create the Pillar of Failure, showing various stages of him trying to lift a pillar... with the fourth one showing him to have been crushed.

Roman BucketHead

SPEED: Basic

His metal and golden decorate bucket with a pinch of red and a Romanized Mohawk, provides fancy and fabulous protection from the historically inaccurate elements of Ancient Roman history.

Roman Buckethead Zombie used to be General Caesar Imps' Roman Armys' Commanding Officer. He made all the soldiers in the army wear buckets to make them highly resistant to whatever madness the war had in store. Unfortunately, the bucket over time had been reduced to something of animal use ever since new golden glamorous headgear, the Centurion helmets, were assembled. Just like most Buckethead Zombies throughout history, it hurt when Roman Buckethead had his reign of justice come to an end in favour for something new.

Centurion Zombie

SPEED: Basic

His shiny golden and red fancy centurion helmet of Roman resistance provides the perfectionally astonishing protection for any all-ready-for-battle zombie. Centurion Zombie was the owner of 20th Centurion Fox until he got bought by the greedy Caesar Corporation.

For centuries, Centurion Zombie has served as a war hero and because of all the participation and ceremony awards he's gotten over the centuries, there's no denying that he'd try to milk what is worth until bone dry. Believing that World War III awaited for him in the future, Centurion Zombie quickly packed his bags and headed towards Present Day Neighborville. Unfortunately, with them politicians around controlling the civilisation, it’s noticeable that Centurion Zombie is no longer the center of attention.

Bust Head Zombie

SPEED: Basic

His pure white petrifyingly ugly sculpture helmet of a Greek Goon provides such high marvelous levels of protection. For some reason, General Caesar Imp never bothered to greenlight these unbustable molds for his everlasting empire.

Truthfully, no-one knows where Bust Head Zombie got the Bust from. In reality, Bust Head Zombie didn’t find the Bust, but stole it from the Neighborville Museum overnight, which was already on display. Don’t ask me how he broke into the museum. He just seemed to manage to get away with it without getting BUST-ed.

Roman Flag Zombie

SPEED: Basic

Roman Flag Zombie marks the arrival of a huge Centurion and Gladiator army of... well, Centurions and Gladiators, ready to make their movement into a bloodthirsty war!

Roman Flag Zombie does what he can to make sure that the Roman Army's defenses are the best of the best and are in the perfect position once the enemy invaders show up. Well, he does a pretty good job signaling the Centurions and Gladiators when it's time to charge, but he does a very lousy job participating in the war as an absolute weapon that likes to frontstab and backstab any European invader like Centurion Zombie. Instead, Roman Flag Zombie just roams around the battlefield, while all the other muscular men fight. He could at least use the flag to promote some encouragement.

Roman Shield Zombie

TOUGHNESS: Protected
SPEED: Creeper

Roman Shield Zombies use ruby-encrusted and gold shining and shimmering splendness to block off deadly attacks, either from upfront or above.

Roman Shield Zombie is debatably the best weapon a Centurion Zombie can have in a fight, but if you put it this way, the Roman Shield only PROTECTS the doofus behind it. It doesn't do anything against the devastating criminal invaders in order to stop them. Truthfully, the best weapon a man can ever have in a fight is a gun. But all we have right now are spears and knives. Like that'll do any damage to a Gladiator Gargantuar.

Gladiator Gargantuar

SPEED: Stiff

Massive Coliseum-dwelling beast from the revolting Roman era arrives to crush the enemies of war, all while going on his Romanized Rampage. He crushes obstacles standing in his way with the column and throws a puny lion and a net when damaged. For some reason, the red text is not here like it was with all the other Gargantuars prior to him.

General Caesar Imp wasn't risking getting his Centurion's killed whilst trying to find a real lion, so he decided to go with the next good thing and bring in one of his Gladiator Gargantuars to do the job. RELEASE THE BEAST!!!

Roman Imp

SPEED: Hungry

Mischievous Imp in a lion costume for Halloween is thrown across the bloody battlefield onto one of your plant soliders, ties them up in a questionably-strong net, and then shuffles on forward on his hind legs. He is a pain in the neck, and I ain't lion'.

Roman Imp is a legit animal, just like the fearless lion whom he wears the dead skin of. He's practically insane, very annoying to deal with, and feasts on people's screams without using his hands. Roman Imp wishes he had long fingernails so he could scratch his enemies' faces, but like I said, this is a PG-rated game. Blood doesn't exist.

Healer Zombie

SPEED: Creeper

Roman Healer Zombie uses strangely mysterious and hissstorically inaccurate magic to heal the wounds of injured Centurion Zombies with a golden staff and one of Medusa's snakes. He is legitimately the Octo Zombie of the 2020s decade and the zombie equivalent of Aloe.

Roman Healer Zombie has been dubbed one of the worst zombies throughout history because of his rigged nature according to the Neighborville Guidebook on the Absolute Rigged and too Powerful Zombies Throughout the Historically Inaccurate History (Chronological Timeline). Well, at least people won't have to worry about him for long. His long grey beard and bald head indicate that he doesn't have much time left.... Unless he heals his dying corpse...

Zcorpion Zombie

SPEED: Basic

Zcorpion Zombie is a ballistic Ballista that launches Vasebraker vases on a slingshot, which smash on the battlefield to reveal a ridiculously large zombie stuffed inside a tiny fragile vase. Vases may contain normal Roman Zombies, Coneheads, Bucketheads, Centurions, Bust Heads, Roman Shields and Imps, but thankfully not Gargantuars. Wait until ZCorp Corporation in Present-Day Neighborville creates the ZCorpion and then you'll be in serious trouble.

Zcorpion Zombie gets all his ammo from all the leftover vases that weren't touched during various Vasebreaker games. Though he has to remember to remove the Plant Vases before he starts firing. He could use the collection of Gargantuar Vases, but there's a reason why PopCap sometimes doesn't go any further with making zombies the toughest of the tough.

Zombie Medusa

SPEED: Basic

Has a stone heart, pushes stone blocks, and made a cameo in a Cone Alone mockbuster entitled "Stone Alone". Just wants to give the Plants a piece of her own MEDUS-cine!

Back in Ancient Roman Empire, Medusa Zombie's job was to deliver stone blocks to Sculptor Imp. However, she accidentally pushed one off the balcony one day, which ended up CRUSHING General Caesar Imp. It took her a moment to realize that she just made a grave HISSS-stake!

Roman Caesar Zombie

SPEED: Creeper

The rightful ruler of the Roman Empire, who loves the taste of delightful salad and refuses to hesitate in front of his subjects. Fun Fact: Mayonnaise is not an instrument. Horseradish is not an instrument either.

"Centurions! Head straightforward into the battlefield, you know what to do!" Yells General Caesar. "Those pesky Plants are no match for my Gladiators within my Empire! MAYO be silenced by my decree, Plants!"

ZCorp Incorporated Inc

Fixed Gargimp Legal and Head Office Impgantuar belong to Melvin12042007. Credit goes to him.

ZCorp New Hire

SPEED: Basic

Regular ZCorp Incorporated Inc employee. Spends 23 hours trying to balance his work life and personal life and 1 hour dealing with plant business rivalry. Hired on August 4, 2020. Fired on August 28, 2020.

ZCorp New Hire indulges in his daily routine. He wakes up, gets dressed, has his Pop Smart breakfast and shuffles on forward to work, until suddenly getting chewed out by his boss for being 30 minutes late. He then spends most of his work hours trying to turn on his computer, and when he does, he is given a new 800 word essay to write about why brains are good for your health. The first word he always writes is "The" and then his mind goes blank, as we all know that you can't run a business without a brain. He types one keyboard button every 10 minutes, until he asks his boss, "Where's the space bar again?". It goes on like this for six hours, with one 15-second lunch break during the fifth hour. He then attends an afternoon meeting with his boss to discuss how to push sales and New Hire suggests that they start an NFT market. The boss then swirls his swivel chair around and pushing him out the window. ZCorp New Hire's new work life is very rough, but his orientation to get into the office of overcomplication was worth it.

ZCorp Conehead

TOUGHNESS: Protected
SPEED: Basic

His blue notebook with a giant orange pin stabbing into it makes him twice as tough as regular ZCorporation Zynergizers. He frequently browses Pinterest, the most pinteresting website on the Pinternet.

ZCorp Conehead Zombie really despises staplers because he's worried that an imbecile isn't gonna pay attention to what they're doing, and ZCorp Conehead will be dead. Technically, he's already dead, but that joke is starting to get generic, and by now you should porbably get the point. Anyways, when meeting up with the head of ZCorp Incorporated Inc, Scott Murkalin, he presented his ideas on new traffic safety measures to ensure more protection from chaos with a new roadcone model called the ZCone. Scott asked why ZCorp Conehead couldn't just call it the "ACone" or the "BCone", but Conehead knew that Z represented zombies more. That's when Scott stole ZCorp Conehead's ideas and kicked him out of the meeting and said "CCone ya later!". ZCorp Conehead is disappointed he got kicked out, because he was about to tell Scott about his plans to have an ice cream dispenser in the employee lounge.

ZCorp Buckethead

SPEED: Basic

His recycled recycling bin hat provides extraordinary excellence in ZCorp headgear branding.

Instead of wasting materials to make a new bucket, ZCorp Buckethead decided to reuse an old recycling bin he found in the office. Little did he know that by doing that, he saved the environment. Be reminded that plants are the zombies enemies, so it's kinda ironic if you put everything that was just said together. The only problem with having a recycling bin for a bucket is that people started calling him "Trash Can Zombie" for obvious reasons- He wears a recycling bin on his head, he smells like trash and his co-workers treat him like trash.

ZCorp Contractor

SPEED: Basic

Regular female ZCorp employee who hates vaccines and believes the Earth is flat. Whenever Dr. Zomboss' boss music is playing while she's around, you're in trouble.

She wanted to speak to the manager so she could report to her that a bunch of Imps ran into the wall with a photocopier. It turns out SHE was the manager all along.

ZCorp Contractor Conehead

TOUGHNESS: Protected
SPEED: Basic

Her blue notebook that she uses to keep track on everything wrong about ZCorp Incorporated Inc, plus a giant orange pin stabbing through the pages, makes her twice as tough as regular Karen Zombies. It also makes her resistant to any insults Scott Murkalin has to throw at her.

ZCorp Contractor Conehead Zombie was very irritated when she discovered that Scott Murkalin ditched ZCorp Conehead's plans to have the ice cream dispenser in ZCorp Incorporated Inc's lounge. She went to speak to the company manager, ZCorp Contractor, and with one Karen manipulating the other, they both turned against Scott for his employee treatment. ZCorp Contractor Conehead wanted Scott to sign a contract that would punish him into paying for her taxes and parking tickets for the next six months. Scott fired both Karen Zombies and ever since then, ZCorp Contractor Conehead has been trying to sue the corporation for their discrimination.

ZCorp Contractor Buckethead

SPEED: Basic

Her reasonably recycled scrap metal provides environmentally-friendly protection for the green and her health. The scrunched-up paper bucket makes her highly resistant to any business decliners who desire to take out the trash.

Every time someone calls ZCorp Contractor Buckethead a piece of trash, she straight up goes to the manager to complain. Unfortunately, following the firing of both ZCorp Contractor and her Conehead variant, Scott Murkalin became the new manager of ZCorp. However, Contractor Buckethead still didn't hesitate to argue with the man who fired the previous two Karen Zombies, but Scott Murkalin brang in his Head Office Gargantuars to throw her into the dumpster outside the building for a garbage truck to unload and take her away. Scott needed to take her out anyway following the Conehead controversy.

ZCorp Flag Zombie

SPEED: Basic

ZCorp Flag Zombie marks the arrival of a huge "brand" of zombies to promote such blatant product placement to overshadow Bloom and Doom Seed Co.

When ZCorp Flag Zombie orientated to work at ZCorp Incorporated Inc, Scott Murkalin promoted him to become ZCorp's entire marketing strategy. Once he was dubbed responsible for the promotional material, ZCorp Flag Zombie began developing his ZCorp Incorporated Inc Flags for the ZCorp New Hires to go around the streets of Neighborville with them and wave them in front of the humans' faces, spreading the word of the company's existence. Unfortunately, the marketing team turned out to be a big flaw to Scott when he opened the doors of the headquarters to a bunch of PLANTS. Scott realized that sometimes, it was better to just keep the business private.

ZCorp Rally Zombie

TOUGHNESS: Protected
SPEED: Speedy

ZCorp Rally Zombie marks the arrival of a grand reopening of zombies and introduces much more sinister products.

It's speculated that caffeine is what gives ZCorp Rally Zombie the hyper motivation to run very fast. Unfortunately, the coffee effects don't last long and by the time ZCorp Rally Zombie is finished getting ready for work, his quick speed disappears. It sucks to him, because he could really use the coffee abilities to get to work on time.

Imp Legal

SPEED: Basic

Shortened ZCorp employee is thrown across the office, then sneaks on forwards to check on his business establishers.

Head CEO and founder of ZCorp Incorporated Inc, Scott Murkalin, has provoked a lot of time and energy into developing what the business should be all about. Scott originally wanted to make ZCorp an assassination business, revolving around ZCorp employees being hired to kill people that screwed the zombie customers over when they were alive, but after discovering that his concept sounded too similar to a certain independent cartoon, he had to scrap those plans in favour of a normal boring business that specializes in stonks and computing. He also likes to pretty much fire anyone who insults him and calls him a Simp.

Head Office Gargantuar

SPEED: Hungry

Oversized office object who is a world-time baseball champion disguised as a regular ZCorp Businessman. His gigantic baseball bat that looks like a wine bottle makes him look like he's been drinking too much.

Brian "Ugly" Dickshot used to be known as the greatest Zombie Athlete in the Neighborville's Sports Almanac 2009-2020 Baseball Edition. Unfortunately, Brian's athletic career came to an end when he went up against the nefarious Baseball Zom-Bats, which were too much for Brian to handle. That's when he came to an agreement that he would never play baseball again and quickly adopted a new alias to keep longtime baseball fans from finding him and persuading him to come back onto the field. Unfortunately, he hasn't fully adapted to his boring business lifestyle yet, as he mostly forgets his briefcase back at his apartment and he has to go get it back as soon as he arrives at ZCorp. So I guess you can say that's a HOME RUN!! Insert sports crowd clapping.

ZCorp Consultant

SPEED: Hungry

ZCorp Consultant tableflips, flips tables when she loses in a game of checkers, consults for ZCorp and insults her fellow employees.

Amy Zcrapli is Scott Murkalin's head assistant at ZCorp Incorporated Inc, and his girlfriend on the side, just to keep the ZCorp New Hires from going crazy for that overloaded office beauty. Pointing is very rude and you'd think that someone would let ZCorp Consultant know. Except whenever someone tries to get her to stop, she ends up switching from the pointing finger to the middle finger as a sign that she doesn't give an incorporated crap about it.

ZCorp HelpDesk

TOUGHNESS: Protected
SPEED: Basic

ZCorp HelpDesk drops down in digital cables like a 2009 Bungee Zombie and shows off his video game rage by throwing his laptop across the desktop. He's also an imfamous hackerman and looks like he was hired off the streets.

For some reason, he's slacking off during work hours, playing Friday Night Funkin' on his laptop when he's supposed to be researching for his "100 Years Ago" essay. Except he doesn't have a brain nor can read a book, so how are he to know what the Earth was like 100 years ago? Damn it, Dr. Zomboss has a FREAKIN' TIME MACHINE! ZCorp HelpDesk is here to help, but when will he help himself get untangled from the cables? He also needs mental help but it won't help Scott Murkalin who believes he ain't helpful. Truthfully, the world needs help.

ZCorp Chair Racer

SPEED: Stiff

ZCorp Chair Racer wheels across the overloaded office, until he comes to a screeching halt that flings him off the chair and onto the floor, where he proceeds to shuffle on forwards.

When relocating from Tokyo to the United States in order to take part in Scott Murkalin's ZCorporative team full of ZCorp branding and ZCorporative greed, ZCorp Chair Zombie didn't hesitate to bring along with him a piece of Japanese tradition with him, case in point, chair racing. He practically lives in his office chair that he uses it like a wheelchair, even though he can walk. Scott Murkalin brang ZCorp Chair Racer to his office one day and yelled, "You need to get off that chair already!". ZCorp Chair Racer was expecting him to say "You've been sitting in that chair for 24 hours, go outside and TOUCH SOME GRASS!". With ZCorp Chair Racer racing across the office, it made it hard for any businessgoers to concentrate. Another problem with him was that since he originated from Japan, there's no surprise he's a weeb. He once drew the ZCorp Consultant as an Anime-esque human. And he got the table flipped over him afterwards.

Backyard Big Top

Carnie Zombie

SPEED: Basic

Regular circus-runaway zombie. He and his unfunny friends were predicted by three things- Plants vs. Zombies: The Greatest Show Unearthed, Barrel Roller Zombie's almanac icon and Tile Denial's circus Zombot from 2020. Polka dot, polka dot, polka dot, afro.

Carnie Zombie has been running away with the circus for as long as he can remember, which was two months at the latest. What? You can't expect zombies to remember things longer than that since they have no brains. Anyways, Carnie Zombie loathed his life in London being trained by his strict stepmother to become a gentlemen, just like his ancestor from the Steam Ages. But Carnie Zombie's greatest dream was to join the circus, believing that he could bring something new of comedic substance to the table. Carnie Zombie eventually got his wish, and now he's living the life he always dreamt of, travelling the world with a bunch of literal clowns and a bunch of animals. Ringmaster Dr. Zomboss didn't even care if he was a runaway or not, because he needed extra assistance anyways. He's living the life Nate Timely wishes he could.

Carnie Conehead

TOUGHNESS: Protected
SPEED: Basic

His questionably normal-sized decorated cone provides jokingly juvenile protection against the booing crowds when his act falls apart. You'd think that if he was gonna be a clown, he'd wear a cone that's twice the size of his head.

Before his days with the carnies, Carnie Conehead used to live in the sewers of Neighborville, handing out free red balloons to any unsuspecting children who dare to peek through the gutters underneath the sidewalks. He would then pull the victim down the gutter and eat their brains. He also drove a comedically-small car. Carnie Conehead was hired to join the Backyard Big Top Circus when Ringmaster Dr. Zomboss saw him entering a whipped cream pie-eating contest, which turned into a pie-throwing contest. Zomboss adored Carnie Conehead's performance, and he became the head of Backyard Big Top's Clowning Around act. "Children LOVE clowns!" said Zomboss. What he said turned out not to be true when Carnie Conehead made his first live performance in the town of Derry.

Carnie Buckethead

SPEED: Basic

His circus-themed bucket decorated to look like a drum, plus an elephant plushie on top, provides a trunkload of hardened protection from people in the bleachers who persuade him to be eaten by his cowardly lion.

When he got hired to be in the Backyard Big Top Circus, Carnie Buckethead couldn't think of a possible act, until he started thinking of Chicken Wrangler Zombie and Weasel Hoarder. He believed that if they could easily train chickens and weasels into doing their commands, he could control animals into doing what HE wants, too. So he signed up to be an animal trainer, hoping to show the zoo creatures how to do some neat tricks. His animals consisted of two elephants, a cheetah, a seal, a lion, a zebra, a hippo, a giraffe, Ringmaster Dr. Zomboss' pet goldfish bowl Ziggy, Mr. Stubbins and a bunch of monkes. The only downside was that Carnie Buckethead had to ride in the back of the circus train in the animals' barn with the animals whenever the circus was transporting to a new location. Buckethead began to train the animals, but unfortunately for him, the monkeys went totally bananas and wouldn't calm down no matter how much Buckethead tried. He taught the animals how to jump through flaming hoops, juggle beach balls and obey commands, but spending too much time with those animals made Carnie Buckethead start to BECOME one himself. He started going crazy whenever the animals didn't do what he said so Zomboss legit had to put him in a cage to avoid tearing his circus down. Nowadays, Carnie Buckethead is the main animal attraction of the circus. He'll jump through a flaming hoop on all fours and Zomboss will give him a Pop Smart snack as a treat.

Magic Box Zombie

SPEED: Basic

His not-so magical wooden box prop provides majestically machined protection against circumstanced threats.

Magic Box Zombie used to be Magician Zombie's assistant in his very poorly entertaining magic act. At one moment, Magic Box Zombie had to become the victim of the good ol' saw-someone-in-half trick. Truthfully, he didn't know what to expect until Magician Zombie began to saw him in half. He could legit feel the sharp metal on his body, and he quickly rolled off the stage, but took the saw with him. Magic Box Zombie is now stuck in the magic box 24/7, and has to remember to walk slowly in case his rushing movements loosen the saw stuck in the box and slides into his head.

Grinderhead Zombie

SPEED: Basic

Grinderhead Zombie's grinded grinderbox helmet provides such high-wire levels of circus catastrophe prevention. When the grinderbox is destroyed, a mechanical monke comes running at your defenses. The monkes were cool before the Bored Apes started overflowing the NFT market.

Grinderhead Zombie practically lives with the monke members of Backyard Big Top. He eats bananas, he plays "Monkey See, Monkey Do", he smells like a monkey house, and he pretty much speaks their language. When the Carnie Zombies began to make their mark on the Plants vs. Zombies Wiki, Grinderhead's almanac image hadn't been uploaded yet. So Tile Denial quickly screenshotted footage from ZackScottGames and uploaded it. Better a JPEG of that than another poorly drawn Zombie Monke. People go bananas for NFTs and that's not a good thing.

Carnie Flag Zombie

SPEED: Basic

Marks the arrival of Backyard Big Top comin' into town, ready for the frightening entertaining to begin!

"Come one, come all, to BACKYARD BIG TOP! Only the most delicious- I mean, SPECTACULAR show you'll ever see! In order to save yourself a spot in the tent to watch our entertaining performances, your entry requires one ticket! And by ticket, I mean one juicy intelligent brain! NO REFUNDS and absolutely no circumstances for giving us your brains! JUST DO IT!" Carnie Flag Zombie needs to get a big promotion for being the circus' entire marketing team.

Circus Rally Zombie

TOUGHNESS: Protected
SPEED: Speedy

Circus Rally Zombie marks the arrival of a much more entertaining Backyard Big Top Circus act.

Circus Rally Zombie promises such a high-speed performance that cannot be beaten or eaten! Just indulge in his everyday running fashion and it should be enough to entertain your desperate needs containing something fun and out of the ordinary. He provides non-stop fast zany dancing to entertain people who are lining up to enter the tent. Comedic chaos is underway.

Carnie Cannon

SPEED: Basic

The Carnie Cannon blasts a dastardly Daredevil Imp across the circus tent, landing on a different lane from the lane he was fired from, with such a dazzling performance intact! His colourful headgear provides excellent protection from brick walls in case his landing cushion backfires.

The Daredevil Imp's blastastic cannon fires such daredevilish mischief across the circus grounds, but only when the Imp actually wants to be shot from the cannon. Dr. Zomboss has been very infuriated with his past involving Coconut Cannons, so he decided to fight fire with fire. He already tried to capitalize on the Coconut Cannon with the swashbuckling Imp Cannon, but Zomboss knew he needed to create a cannon that was more comedic and family-friendly for his circus of catastrophe. The problem is, Daredevil Imp is afraid of heights. But he didn't want to tell Zomboss and risk getting yelled at for being a coward, so he just decided to go along with it. He's thankful that he's wearing a helmet, but sometimes wishes he had a stunt double, which is weird coming from the person who's actually supposed to be doing these crazy stunts.

Carnie Imp

SPEED: Hungry

A dimwitted Daredevil Imp in brighty-coloured purple and orange spandex who is afraid of heights is launched from the blastastic cannon across most your defenses, then shuffles on forward. Don't worry, folks, he's wearin' a helmet!

Carnie Imp frequently goes by the latter name, Daredevil Imp, and Imp Cannon Clone, but his most personal favourite name is the Imp-possibility Imp-plicator. Even without blasting himself from a cannon, the Imp-possibility Imp-plicator did all kinds of whacky stunts within Backyard Big Top. Some mad acts of his include him riding a motorized unicycle over 60 broken down RVs through a flaming hoop and a Cactus field. But the Imp-possibility Imp-plicator's greatest stunt of all was the time he tried to jump over a cliff to the other side of Mount Steep with a bunch of rocket boots. He didn't make it.

Carnie Imp Twins

SPEED: Hungry

Two Imps in one latex costume and two wigs are hurled into the circus' performance area, then crawl on forwards. When enough damage to their costume is done, the two Imps will split up. Two can be as bad as one, it's the loneliest number since the number one.

The Carnie Imp Twins appear to have trained their act very well to the point that one Imp never tramples on the other Imp's foot and they both fall down. Sharing a costume is bad enough, but what's even worse is that, since nobody at the circus has been doing their laundry lately, the Carnie Imp Twins have to borrow Imp Pear Imp's underwear. No joke. Then again, the circus can't always be able to cleanse their clown clothing because of how they're always travelling.

Carnie Imp Split

SPEED: Hungry

Your basic Carnie Imp Twins that have been divided by two. The funny part is, you may never know which Carnie Imp Twin this is. Could be Lefty or Righty. But that would draw plenty confusion for someone looking at them from a different perspective.

Whenever apart, the Carnie Imp Twins go on their own solo adventures that don't even connect to each other. But when they form into the two-headed Carnie Imp, they end up making the most ambitious crossover you'll ever see. The only problem with being separated, is that they have no-one to accompany with. One definitely is the loneliest number.

Strongman Gargantuar

SPEED: Hungry

Strongman Gargantuar puts on the heavy tons for an all-out weight-lifting performance. His increased strength gives him the capability to smash anyone that criticizes his act with his giant barbell, and throws two Carnie Imps in their latex costumes and weird hair mechanics when they get frustrated. If PopCap were smart, the Gargantuar could've had a Carnie Cannon attached to his back which fired a Daredevil Imp, kinda like the Pirate Seas Gargantuar.

Sometimes, when Backyard Big Top is focused on its tent and current show running, the Strongman Gargantuar will practice weight-lifting pieces of the circus train, even getting down on his back and rolling the train carts with his legs. Unfortunately, the problem with working out too much is that everything ends up become light for Strongman Gargantuar whenever he touches something. When he put the last cart back together with the rest of the train, he gently lifted it up to put it back on the tracks. He thought it would be heavy, so he gave it all his strength but it was damn light as a feather that he ended up launching it into the sky and it crashed onto the ground. When Ringmaster Dr. Zomboss found out, he had to use all of the circus' earned fundings from the show to fix the train. But once the train went moving, Strongman Gargantuar was too tired to even get on. And Dr. Zomboss made this an opportunity to leave him behind. He had become too strong to the point that he's not even being challenged anymore. It took him a while to catch up with the train afterwards, and even though he was strong, he was not a good runner.

Magician Zombie

SPEED: Creeper

Magician Zombie uses smoke and mirrors, otherwise known as "faux magic" to perform a show run by the questionable art of teleportation. He teleports his crowd up close so they can get a huge glimpse of his astonishing powers. How does he do it? Well, a good magician never reveals his secrets. If you give him your brain, he might.

When Backyard Big Top came into Neighborville over the summer, Crazy Dave, Nate Timely, Patrice Blazing and the plants went to the show, with Crazy Dave ordering a giant honey-covered cotton candy, which blocked Nate's view, so he went onto the stairs to watch the show. At this time, Magician Zombie was about to begin his lame magic act, and he asked for a volunteer from the audience. However, since Nate was standing up, Magician Zombie saw the opportunity and took it. "You! Young man with the delicious looking brai- I mean, delicious looking pizza socks, come here!" He announced. Nate made his way towards the stage and he was too excited about the magic act than Patrice telling him to get back in his seat, knowing it was a trap. Nate thought that the Magician Zombie was gonna magic up some dinosaurs with jetpacks, because that's ALWAYS the first thing he's thinking about. When Nate was in Magician Zombie's magic zone, he stuffed him in a wheeled box and began to saw him in half. Patrice was worried that the Magician Zombie was gonna cut Nate in half, opening his body so he could reach in and grab his brain. Patrice commanded the plants to attack, but the plants in the bleachers had DISAPPEARED. Everyone was watching Patrice make a fool out of herself, but that's when Magician Zombie felt something underneath his hat. When he took it off, a mountain of plants were on top of his head, weighing him down. A bunch of Hocus Crocuses then used their REAL magic to make Magician Zombie and Nate switch places. Crazy Dave and the rest of the gang left the circus after that, and with Magician Zombie's magic wand all bent up and infested with flowers, he couldn't get stuck out of the box. Only Imitater was the one who was entertained while everyone criticized the zombie for not doing anything during his whole 30-minute act.

Firebreather Zombie

TOUGHNESS: Protected
SPEED: Basic

Firebreather Zombie blows torcherous flames at nearby audiences, traumatizing them with his flammable substance. He doesn't breathe oxygen, he breathes FIRE!

Firebreather Zombie was granted his hot hot breath when he once chewed into an entire Fire Peashooter, completely unaware that he needed to cool it off first before he ate it. He also swallowed a blowtorch that night. The flames of Firebreather Zombie's mouth is what got him hired to join the good ol' Backyard Big Top Circus. With him around, zombies no longer need matchsticks to light the animal hoops on fire. During the circus' travel across the globe, Firebreather Zombie is responsible for keeping the train's steam engine running. All he does is blow into the coal furnace and that's that. Though his act does raise an interesting question- Couldn't his fire easily burn down the tent? Well, it's a good thing he's got a backup fire extinguisher. Some have been starting to wonder if there's a fine line between serious damage and clowning around.

Stiltwalker Zombie

SPEED: Speedy

Stiltwalker Zombie uses long wooden stilts to walk over most things standing in his way, including Tall-nuts. His stilts provide excellent protection from projectiles below but will clutter to pieces when it's taken damage or is shrunken down.

Stiltwalker Zombie is very privileged with using his circus props outside of the circus. He uses the stilts in order to get on carnival rides that have such a stupid height requirement, but that's not all he's planning to do to put his stiltwalking illusions to good use. He's legit waiting for Backyard Big Top to perform in his hometown so his mother can compliment on how tall he has gotten.

Cotton Candy Zombie

TOUGHNESS: Protected
SPEED: Flighty

Cotton Candy Zombie speeds across the lawn, tossing cotton candy at other zombies from behind, increasing their speed.

Special: immune to sticky attacks, such as Sapfling's sap and Gumnut's gum

Some call her sweet. Others call her a goddess. Cotton Candy Zombie's sticky sweetness provides such flavourable sales at the Backyard Big Top snack shack. Her cotton candy brings such hyper sugar effects to any zombies that consume her sweetness. But unknowingly to her, there's a side effect. As long as the zombies in the bleachers have their sugar high, there's a chance that they'll provide a more wackier circus performance than the actual source of entertainment. They might even surpass the monkeys as the most wildest animals and tear down the entire Backyard Big Top operation. Plus, a lot of zombies already have sour teeth and the cotton candy will just add to their toothaches. Whenever people complain to Cotton Candy Zombie about her food, she stuffs her non-existent ears with cotton candy, because seriously, it's hurting her business.

Butterfinger Zombie

SPEED: Basic

Butterfinger Zombie splashes deep-fried butter from a corn dog at plants, slowing them down in a buttery puddle. He is immune to being frozen by butter, but will still take damage. Sometimes, he'll throw buckets of popcorn at plants, attracting a swarm of Zombie Doves.

Special: immune to butter imbolization
Special: Zombie Doves will eat plant with spilt popcorn
Butterfinger Zombie without a doubt lives up to his name. With such slippery hands, it's a miracle he can hold his corn dog on a stick with deep-fried butter running down onto his arm. Delicious, yet disgusting, Butterfinger Zombie makes a killing selling both corn dogs and popcorn to provide the zombies with something to feast on while they're watching the big show. Too bad they're not brain-flavoured. He'll also tell you a corny joke if you give him an extra 25 cents.

I know I said I didn't wanna do Zombots, but I'm making an exception of this one, because personally, I predicted this guy. You know it's true.

Zombot Catastro-liope

SPEED: Hungry

As the first-ever Zombot to be encountered since the tyrannical Zombot Dinotronic Mechasaur, the Zombot Catastro-liope is the new frightening source of entertainment on the block, ready for an all-out performance to give Backyard Big Top its epic finale! His comedic masterpiece was foreshadowed in 2020 by Tile Denial with his interpretation of a Circus Zombot. You think this is a joke? No it ain't!

Special: can launch Cannonball Imps

"You know, the best thing about running away with the circus, is that we get to make our own decisions!" Said Dr. Zomboss to Assistant Ringmaster Derek Allardfautch and his former college drama club friends, Billy Shimmers, William Fakespeare and Phineas Fullvolume. Frogpantz miserably groaned as Zomboss continue to go on and on with his speech, until Zomboss finally cracked. "Whaddya mean this circus hold such a lousy performance!? Of course not! These are the lousiest Circus Zombies in the whole world and they're gonna make me rich!"

Tile Denial's Stuff

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