User blog:GamerNerd i/PvZH - Strongest Hero Synergies

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Like the title says, an analysis of each Hero's options for strong synergy-based deck. A * beside a hero's name indicates that I do nut currently own said hero, and therefore all tactics associated with that hero are theoretical, loosely based on the information available from (1) personal experience, (2) this Wiki, and (3) logical reasoning. A ^ beside a synergy type indicates the one I would recommend using, for varying reasons.

One more thing, on terminology. Since I'm a native Hearthstone player, I WILL use some (okay, a lot - but a good amount are self-explanatory BUT for the sake of completeness they're here anyway) terms to those unfamiliar with the genre. They are few, but here they are anyway:

  • combo - refers to a combination of cards with strong effects; values indicate the combined stats for all cards in a combo, and in the best-case scenario. (i.e. Repeater-Torchwood is a 4SunPvZH.png (3+1) 8StrengthPvZH.png (2+2 * 2) / 5HeartPvZH.png (2+3) combo)
  • synergy - refers to how cards work together; not restricted to tribe-based (Smackadamia) or status-based (Winter Squash) effects. (i.e. Neptuna can both spam weak units and buff their health, so her classes have a dangerous synergy when used correctly)
  • value - refers to how much "bang for your buck" you get for a given situation. (i.e. Podfather-Sting Bean often has more value than Podfather-Pea Pod due to Sting Bean having +1HeartPvZH.png, PvZH Truestrike Icon.png, and Amphibious)
  • board, field - used interchangeably; refers to the area of play. A board clear refers to mass removal of teammates, often those of the other team. (however, some classes are capable of clearing the board completely, ridding it of even friendly teammates - I call such board clears system resets, although for the most part PvZH doesn't see this type of clear)
  • Play styles (tl:dr versions)
    • (Board) Control - exactly what it sounds like; control the board in your favor, generally by removal or freezing in this case. Best Hero example: Rose
    • Aggro - slang for "aggressive;" generally achieved by swarms of small teammates to get a battle over with quickly. Best Hero example: Impfinity
    • Defense - again, self-explanatory; out last the opponent with healing, tanky teammates, or both. Best Hero example: Wall-Knight
    • Midrange - combination of Aggro and Defense; arguably the most balanced of the above. Generally paired with a specialty such as Gravestones or buffing. Best Hero example: Neptuna

Let's get started, shall we?

Plant Heroes

Green Shadow


Being a Peashooter, Peas are naturally the first synergy most would think of, especially if you like to theme your decks around a hero's design or personality (guilty as charged). Not only do peas grant a nice theme, but the Smarty and Mega-Grow classes synergies well too. Mega-Grow and Smarty usually require a decent amount of Tricks to properly and effectively counter, and as such Black-Eyed Pea may become very strong. Both the Smarty Threepeater and Snow Pea belong to this tribe, and grant some nice versatility to the deck. Threepeater especially is quite the heavy hitter if buffed by The Podfather - an 8SunPvZH.png 9StrengthPvZH.png/9HeartPvZH.png combo, and even gets +6StrengthPvZH.png for +1SunPvZH.png if played with Torchwood. Snow Pea's freeze effect also synergies well with both Winter Squash and Snowdrop. That being said...


Snowdrop's reaction to freezing makes it a good to augment or even replace some Mega-Grow cards. Winter Squash's ability to destroy Frozen Zombies may rival that of cards like Solar's Squash or Kabloom's Sizzle. Generally Freeze cards are much cheaper than the above mentioned, although the 4SunPvZH.png Winter Squash must be on the field as well. Freeze is also great for board control - a personal favorite of mine.


Similarly to GS's Pea synergy, Beans can be found in both Mega-Grow and Smarty (obviously) classes. The Mega-Grow cards especially are heavy hitters - Black-Eyed Pea (with dual Bean/Pea synergy as well) will make Zombie Heroes hesitant to use their tricks, while Espresso Fiesta awards a plant a ridiculous 3 bonus attacks. (For what it does however, the value is not very high with Green Shadow.) Sow Magic Beans is a very good card as well, giving you even more beans to use and some very powerful teammates (1SunPvZH.png 4StrengthPvZH.png/4HeartPvZH.png and draw a card? Value MAX right there!).

Solar Flare










Zombie Heroes

Super Brainz


