User blog:GamerNerd i/Transcript: With Great Power...

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//From now on, I'm going to have two forms of "me" in these blog posts and their respective comments. Similarly to Lily's threads, anything stated under these double slashes is the "true" me. Everything else is the me that receives these messages. Anything I say, "do," or "think" that does NOT show up under double slashes is viable to be used by these characters. Line breaks "break" the effects of the slashes.

//And yes, I know this isn't necessarily PvZ related, but bear with me. I need to get this out there so that you have a good idea of what's going on when I do start that; it's going to get real PvZH Crazy Icon.pngCrazy, real fast.


So... It happened again. Another recording. Although this time, it was digital and hopefully will NOT have a negative effect like, I don't know, blowing up in my face. But enough from me. I know you guys didn't come here to hear me complain. I think.

I came across it yesterday and spent most of the day transcribing it. My original intent was to beat Act V of D3, but this is probably more important. I noticed a new file on my desktop, titled "Beginnings." I opened it, thinking it was related to the other recording.

"Is this thing on? (The mic is, but not the camera.) That doesn't make any sense. The camera and the mic are the same."

Video footage appears. In front of me I see a black-haired boy's face a bit too close for comfort. He steps back and I notice a girl who seems to be about the same age. She's got golden hair and ridiculously green eyes. Both look like high schoolers, but they seem to be dressed like magi.

"Ah, there we go! Remember us? (Assuming that this is the same person...) Pretty sure it will be. I managed to pinpoint where the thing is now with the tracker. Anyway, you should remember our voices. Now that you're actually seeing us we're probably not what you expected."

You can say that again, I think.

"So... Yeah we got cut off last time for reasons we'll get into eventually. I'm sure you want to know a lot more about us before that. Like why the heck we're your age but can teleport an audio recorder into your backpack."

Okay, what? How the heck does he know my age? And that was actually correct... This is getting weird.

"A bit of forewarning though, what you're about to see won't make much sense to you. N, why don't you start?" The girl approaches the screen.

"I will. And I guess since you won't let it up, I'll keep going calling you Ai... Cuz' that's what you are. (Hey!) I told you to stop! Anyway, my name's actually Nadia. And he's Aidan." She smirks mischievously.

//For the author's purposes, "Ai" is to be pronounced like the letter A. The "i" was added to distinguish it from the article "a" that may begin some sentences.

So your names are just reversed? That doesn't seem like coincidence.

"Like we said before, we call ourselves Recreators. We protect your world, from the craziness that is 'fiction,'" She makes quotes in the air as if the heavy sarcasm in his voice was insufficient. "What we didn't say is how we do it. Funny thing is, we fight fire with fire . My specialty is literature. So for example..."

She pauses for a second to focus on an open book she's picked up. To my surprise a rift opens up between the pages. Glowing blue dust, as if arcane energy, surrounded by small symbols, flows through and takes form. Within seconds a stick, no, a wand, is floating above her open hand. It's awfully familiar; chestnut colored with many bulges as if it were a string of pearls.

"The Elder Wand. A relic from Death himself, a third of the Deathly Hallows. Owned once by Albus Dumbledore, then stolen by Voldemort." She clutches the Elder Wand. "I can even use it." She quickly turns to Ai and thrusts the wand at him. "Imperio!" The poor guy straightens up suddenly. "Now slap yourself!" He does so, and she laughs.

"Seriously? Why that one? It's even the illegal one!"

"There's a worse illegal spell, so stop complaining. Anyway, If you haven't noticed, fictional characters are becoming a lot more 'aware' than before. We're here to keep them in line."

I guess so. But personally, that seems really fun...

"You might think that having fiction become reality sounds fun, but have you really considered what might happen if they entered your world? I mean, Deadpool killed the whole Marvel Universe once, so... Yeah. Not a good thing."

I never really considered that... but AGAIN with the mind reading! What is this?

Ai gets up in the background and pushes Nadia aside. He looks really mad.

"You know how much I hate losing control, right? (Of course. That's why I did it.) Pff.... Fine. So, her specialty is literature, mine is gaming. Here, my demonstration will be a bit more... dramatic."

He projects a holographic screen from a small implement on his glasses. Similarly to N, he channels an energy, but this time it looks pixelated rather than arcane. The particles take form, and in seconds he too is holding a fictional item: a green, cartoony mushroom with eyes. He consumes it, and power seems to course through him. Then he turns to N.

"Use that lethal spell on me."

Suddenly N sounded very concerned, quite a contrast to the mischievous bickering that I'd been growing used to. I mean, that's understandable, considering that Ai basically asked to be killed.

"Are you crazy? That mushroom you ate won't help."

Ai rolls his eyes.

"Just do it. Trust me on this. (I swear, I'll never forgive myself.) My gosh, just-"

"Avada Kedavra!"

A green bolt fires from off camera, striking Ai. He falls to the floor. N rushes into view, panicking. She checks Ai's vital signs. The corpse literally dissolves into code in her arms, and the digital characters float away. N is in shock.

"Oh my god, what did I just do..." She begins to tear up.

A rift opens behind her and she turns toward it. In what is the most WTF moment of this whole video, Ai walks out. Calmly, he turns around, seals up the zigzag-shaped rift, and sits down beside N.

"So, yeah. Mario's 1-Up mushroom. Extra life. Although I didn't expect to resurrect in a Suburbian respawn pit. Luckily Lily didn't see me, otherwise this info would've gotten out much earlier." He smirks as he turns to N. "Also, your reaction is priceless."

N is struggling with conflicting emotions; her eyes indicate relief, while the rest of her features show just how ticked off she is.

"Don't EVER make me kill you again. That didn't feel right, and it never will."

"I don't intend to, but I had to get you back somehow. So, anyway..." N rolls her eyes as Ai turns back toward the camera. "You've seen what we can do. But how is a different story. First thing: our natural talents. We are both proficient in our specialties. We know a lot about both the technical stuff, and the content, the worlds from which we pull from.

Second: our wardrobe. These clothes we're wearing are weaved from the very essence of imagination, an energy so powerful that it can literally make dreams reality. Or in this case, cross dimensions to pull replicas of any object, function and all, from their world. They look like mage robes, but those are just heaped with enchantments. This? This is naturally powerful.

The third thing are our focuses. In my case, it's this Google Glass-like thing on my glasses, the Vision. N has that book, the Tome. The thing about our abilities is that we need the source material in front of us in order to pull from it. Therefore, I've got a screen that I can pull any game up that I need, and N's book becomes whatever text she needs. Both also have secondary functions. Mine doubles as an aid to sizing up opponents or situations, great for strategic analysis. N's is also a general spell book that includes any given magic utilized by literary characters. You saw the two Potter spells earlier; it's stuff like that." He turns to N. "Is that all the stuff? I think that's it. (You missed shapeshifting.) Oh right, that." He suddenly looks very sullen. "Could you do this one? They called it something else, too." He moves over and N focuses the camera on her.

"It's called persona channeling. The idea is that we can become a character, but still be us. We assume their appearance, abilities, and even biology. It's incredibly powerful. But there are cons. One of the things we inherit is their worldview and personality. Sometimes it clashes with our own, and we struggle to control them. Occasionally they will take over completely, and the only way to stop it is to allow it to burn out." She glances at Ai briefly.

"It also takes a lot out of us, depending on how long we hold it. We feel the character's fatigue on top of our own, and our fatigue only takes effect when we dissolve the persona or when we've been pushed too hard. Holding the illusion for half an hour is okay, but past an hour things get sketchy. Going for even three hours is really bad. Especially when we lose control, we need to rest for a long time to recover fully. And when you consider our double lives, that's not good."

Ai approaches the camera again hesitantly. N's face softens and she frowns in sympathy. He speaks slowly and carefully. "I... The reason we know about the losing control thing because... It's personal experience. Mine, the first time I channeled. The character was a Worgen - Blizzard's werewolves. His name is King Genn Greymane. Usually he can shapeshift back and forth while maintaining control, but I... I let my emotions get the best of me. The Worgen's feral nature overtook us both; Our two consciences weren't enough to stop me from raging. I don't remember anything past it wearing off. N told me I was on and off for a week."

N intercedes, due to Ai's discomfort. "Let's stop here. Once Ai figures out how to get the camera to follow us around, we'll send you another. Until then... See you. Don't forget to transcribe this for the others." She reaches out and the footage goes black.

Final Note

And so ends my second run-in with the Recreators. Like they asked me, I've transcribed it best I can. Although I may have inserted my personal commentary as well, but I'm pretty sure you guys won't mind. Besides, it'll help you understand what I'm feeling as this is happening. I just hope that I won't have to... participate... in it. I'm fine being a middleman.

Also, if you've got any questions, comment them below. They saw my original post, so I have no doubt that they'll see this one too.

Trivia / Explanations of References

  • //This does not yet confirm that this takes place in Lily's canon. Just wait guys, trust me, this is going to be epic!
  • The Elder Wand is said to have been fashioned by Death himself, thus N's referring to it as a "relic from Death himself."
    • It is one of three objects that make up the Deathly Hallows; the other two are the Cloak of Invisibility and the Resurrection Stone (which is said to return the dead to life).
  • As demonstrated by the link, an alternate Deadpool (named Dreadpool) DID actually kill the entire Marvel Universe. He did this because he grew insane after being convinced that he was a fictional character. He therefore set out to kill everyone to "free" them from their fictional existence.
  • The 1-Up Mushroom, as demonstrated, resurrects the user when they die. Why Ai was resurrected in Suburbia is unknown.
  • The Imperius and Killing Curses really are illegal in the Potter universe. They are two of three such curses; the last is Cruciatus Curse, or the Torture curse.
  • Ai's experience is not unique. Worgens, especially those who were recently bitten, have a tendency to lose control of their humanity at times.
    • The unusual part about him losing control is that Greymane, as said, has more solid grip on his Worgen side than others. His fluid shapeshifting has led to him being called "master of his curse"

<poll> What did you think? Great! Keep it up! Story sounds good, but format is meh. Good stuff, but probably best not to keep going. It's so bad, IT'S TIME TO STOP! Keep going. Maybe it'll get better. I'd like it better if the format was better. tl;dr :/ </poll>