User blog:GamesterD/PvZH Saga Issue 14: A Schooling at Zombie U

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Thank very active fanbase for 2 votes for this. If you haven't started, read the first PvZH Saga here. GW2 sagas are here. PvZ2 belongs to here. PvZH and PvZ2 links are in my userpage. Sorry, too lazy to post them here.


  • Zombie University, Z-Tech HQ*

Professor Brainstorm: *In front of The Smash*Alright Smash, how does the alphabet work?

The Smash: Umm...A, Brainz, C...

Professor Brainstorm: No no no!*Zaps The Smash with lightining*Try again.

The Smash: A, B, Cattail!

Professor Brainstorm: You idiot.*Tries to summon more lightining but fails*What the...

Gadget Scientist: Sir, I got a call from Zomboss saying that you used your zapper too many times.

Professor Brainstorm: But I used them to get rid of those pesky Black Eyed Peas, what's so wrong about that?

Gadget Scientist: You're draining the Zombie Electricity Power to teach the students. And we already lost 82 Gigavolts on the Jurassic Bully before he was able to move 3 inches. Zomboss decided to give you those nearly useless dancers and gave the Electrobolt to Z-Mech.

Professor Brainstorm: Ugh...*Looks at the Backup Dancers*Go do something to him.

Backup Dancer #7584320580: Yes sir.*Both zombies begins kicking The Smash but it doesn't do anything*

Professor Brainstorm: ...This can't get any worse.

Gadget Scientist: Oh and he said to teach Impfinity and Rustbolt as well.

Professor Brainstorm: NOOOOOO...

  • Plant HQ, Suburbia*

Green Shadow: *Looking through a telescope at Zombie University*So Wall-Knight and Chompzilla were correct about a zombie school. And guess who we had to thank.*Glares at Solar Flare*

Solar Flare: It was just a prank!

Green Shadow: *Shoots a pea at her*What an A-Hole.

Grass Knuckles: At least you female have an attitude.

Green Shadow: Shut up.

Spudow: Guys, can we just go invade the school. I don't like the idea of smart zombies.

Grass Knuckles: Well I got a boxing match to do so I...

Green Shadow: *Grabs him by the mask*You're going for being a d*** the last time. Now let's go.

Grass Knuckles: But...

Green Shadow: NOW!!!*Runs off with the hero*

  • Sometime later in the university*

The Smash: So is this how I speak right?

Professor Brainstorm: Yes. FINALLY!!!

Rustbolt: Why am I even in place?

Professor Brainstorm: Zomboss said you need to stop dropping bolts in his machines. Now get the screwdriver.

Rustbolt: Alright.*Summons a magnet and attracts a screwdriver, a head, a fan, a computer, and a pineapple*What the...

Spineapple #9234: Sup. *Reveals a tracking device within his leaves*You're all screwed now.*Get's shrunk and stomped on by Rustbolt*

Rustbolt: God dang it, the plants know where we are now.

Professor Brainstorm: Don't worry my apprentices, as long as we have 2 minutes to spare, we can repel them. First off, Impfinity...wait, where's Impfinity?

  • In the basement*

Impfinity: *With a couple of his clones eating cupcakes*YUMMY!

Rustbolt: *Peeking out the door*We're dead again.

  • 2 minutes and 1 second later*

Grass Knuckles: *Punches the door off the school*In we go!

Spudow: Dude, did you have to get rid of the door? It would've been less louder if we just opened it.

Grass Knuckles: But there could've been traps.

Green Shadow: Oh shut up you two.

Spudow: Anyway, the tracker was last seen in that direction.*Points at a classroom nearby*It may be best if we walk right in.*Spudow proceeds to rip his head off and throw it at the classroom, blowing it up*

Green Shadow: And you said we had to open it.

Rustbolt: *With his Shrink Ray ready along with Impfinity and The Smash*That would've been a better entrance honestly.

Spudow: So you zombies are learning huh? Did you learn how to play Hot Potato?

The Smash: So is this how I speak right?

Green Shadow: *Slightly stunned*Yeah, so.

Impfinity: Yeah, teaching worked! Now Professor will kick your butts.

Grass Knuckles: *Looks at his rear end*But we don't have any butts.

Professor Brainstorm: *Walks towards them*Oh, he didn't mean literally hero. You should go back to school my friend.

Grass Knuckles: Why you little...

Professor Brainstorm: But you are too late. These zombies are now some what educated and we're not alone.

Green Shadow: But you're the only zombies here.

Professor Brainstorm: True.*Walks over to a machine and pulls it's lever*But I can bring others.*The machine proceeds to spit out an All-Star, a Conehead Zombie, and a Newspaper Zombie*Good luck.

Spudow: How did...

Green Shadow: Don't ask. Just strategize how to deal with these zombies.

Grass Knuckles: DIE!!!*Throws a Grave Buster at the Newspaper Zombie, punches at the Conehead, and fires a Shamrocket at the All-Star but it misses*

All-Star: Try harder dude, use your teammates.*Grabs Rustbolt and kicks him toward the plants*Like this!

Rustbolt: I CONTROL YOU YOU IDIOT!!!*Lands on top of Spudow's head which explodes and sends Rustbolt flying*

Spudow: Well, maybe like that.*Regrows his head*But we've taken out 3 of your zombies. What's going to happen next? *Get's hit by a a bucket of fish*What the...

Green Shadow: Brainstorm's got more reinforcements.*Points at him which reveals a Buckethead Zombie, an Exploding Imp, and a Supernova Gargantuar*It's more dangerous now. Why didn't he just start this in the first place.

Professor Brainstorm: It's random you idiot. If I could, I would swarm you with Tricksters.

Grass Knuckles: Idiot!?! *Starts throwing random stuff at him including a pot, a pan, and an Impfinity clone*

Impfinity Clone #8392375904: WHEEEEEEEEE!!!*Disappears as soon as he hits the machine which slightly sparks it*

Impfinity: This is boring. I'm going to eat cake again.*Starts going down*

Professor Brainstorm: What, COME BACK!!!*Impfinity shuts the door*Gosh dang it! Now it's only me, our reinforcements, and The Smash.*Notice The Smash is gone with a note reading "Is this how I speak right?"*...fantastic.

Green Shadow: Get him!*Brings out a jar of Plant Food along with Grass Knuckles and both eat it. Green Shadow begins to shoot a barrage of peas*

Professor Brainstorm: Oh no.*Rapidly presses the machine's button but they all summon random useless zombies*Where are you Undying Pharaoh?!!?

Grass Knuckles: *Tossing in some light at Green Shadow*You can do it weakling!!!

Green Shadow: Say that again and I'll redirect this to your mouth.

Grass Knuckles: Oh not that again.

Professor Brainstorm: *Still smashing the button which is summoning better zombies at the second but he's not satisfied*Has to be here somewhere!!!*Undying Pharaoh finally comes out*Finally!*Teleports the zombie away to another room*Now...*Get's hit by a barrage of peas*I'!

Spudow: But you can be tortured.*Grabs his head and throws it at Brainstorm*

Professor Brainstorm: EEEP!*Grabs a random zombie body from the ground and throws it. The head explodes which propels the head toward the machine which sparks a bit*

Spudow: Wait a second. I know what to do.*Regrows his head and throws it again this time at the machine. The machine than explodes*Problem solved!

Professor Brainstorm: *Looking at the plants helpslessly*Umm...*Presses his normally zapper button which spawns in Back-Up Dancers instead*fight me?

  • Exactly 7 seconds later*

Professor Brainstorm: *Writing on the walls "I will not teach zombies how to eat brains."*I hate my unlife.

Spudow: *Holding a bomb in his hand*You'll hate it more if you start talking more.

Grass Knuckles: Why are we not just beating him up?

Green Shadow: Because he's a smart one so we'll just have him do something to challenge him.

Professor Brainstorm: I can hear you and this is no challenge.*Get's blown up*If there wasn't this fat potato in my way.*Get's blown up again*

Spudow: Would you like me to bring the Grapes of Wrath? Cause I can and I wi...*Get's knocked over by goo from a Gadget Scientist with a Goo Blaster*

Gadget Scientist: Get out of this school and leave the professor alone.

Grass Knuckles: Oh you get out!!!

  • Exactly 7 seconds later*

Grass Knuckles: Well...*Looking at the chalkboard which now reads "K"*he did what I said.

Green Shadow: He's gone with Brainstorm. We might not have to worry about just other heroes now. First that pirate, and that All-Star, and now this. What do we do?

Spudow: *Trying to get up of fails*How do we start with that?

???: I can start you up.

  • All the plants look at the window to reveal a corn with corn cob hands on the window*

???: Tell everyone Kernel Corn is back from his voyage.

The End.


  • The fact Brainstorm's electric zapper is replaced is a refrence of the exact same scenario of the real game.
  • Impfinity eating cake is a refrence to the animated PvZH trailer.
  • Hot Potato is a game where you pass something with a time limit and whoever has it once the time limit ends is out. This one is played with a literal hot potato though.
  • Guess what will happen soon.