User blog:Lily8763cp/Top 10 best and worse PvZ2C/PvZO plants

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So pretty much...a ton of people including me has made a version for PvZ2 or PvZ1 but now it's time to complement (or hate) on China's creations in their version of PvZ2 and their online version.

The Best

  • 10.Pyro-shroom-And this is why it's top 10, too hard to make top 15. This isn't bad but not really good but it IS creative, grows like Sun-shroom but its brother is better.
  • 9.Cryo-shroom-And here it is, Cryo-shroom! Better plant food, has a slowing effect and pretty much makes Pyro-shroom pointless. Moving on...
  • 8.Banana Tree-First Plants vs. Zombies Online plant and once again, a Bloomerang clone though this one balances between THAT and that good or not, WHO KNOWS?!? It shoots two bloomerang-ish projectiles and it costs 100 sun? Seems better right? Well it has Fume-shroom's range and when 1/2 way eaten it fires slower and has no extra health because it has a fast recharge. OP? No. Powerful? Not really. Balanced? Yes.
  • 7.Acidic Lemon/Magic Vine/Pomegranate-Same thing, 3 plants (seriously, China made THREE of these guys) and what do these 3 do? Do extra damage to armor. While this doesn't seem like much, the international version REALLY needs a plant like this, maybe most like Acidic Citrus in terms of speed and like Magic Vine in terms of plant food. Also Magic Vine's design is...interesting.
  • 6.Sunflower Singer-This thing is great, cute, good sun making and animation boosts are cute, however in reality it's a mix of two plants.
  • 5.Pumpkin Witch-Turns out it's a girl, anyways, "She" is a pretty powerful plant, hypnotizing mostly every zombie expect Gargantuars, Castle in the Sky Zombies and Robot Zombies (wow "shocker") and while it seems OP at first, it gets balanced by having to recharge hypnotizing and once the hypnotized zombie is unhypnotized, it goes back to trying to kill you.
  • 4.Lotus Pod-Wow, China did a good job on making their 2 china-only BWB plants, they really did. While Lotuspot only has a full purpose in BWB, it has a creative idea, plant on land for normal and on water for stronger, a couple of PvZCC plants are like this (one tile makes it stronger) but this is the only plant in the series to ever do this and the International version REALLY needs something this unique (though you COULD count Red Stinger in a way)
  • 3.Chestnut Squad-Another "small" plant, this plant is ALSO unique, creating an army of little guys who constantly hit zombies and are near-invincible. It's mostly this high for uniqueness, (ok) plant food and how balanced it is. Because the chestnuts are near-invincible, they can't go on water or slider tiles (I think) and are all crushed by things like Gargantuars.
  • 2.Anthurium-Ok, I'm going to quickly say this plant most likely has had the HIGHEST hate-love thing, this was my least favorite shown when it was first shown in the Castle in the Sky trailer for looking unoriginal, boy was I wrong. It balances a gimmick in the world, has a good plant food and actually is a DECENT counter (because some things made only for countering can stink). While not the best, it's still good and you pretty much need at least one of these in any level with Lightning Gun Zombies.
  • 1.Magic-shroom-Oh lord this thing, while it simply deals 2.5 damage and can hit behind like a Split Pea, what "breaks" this plant is the costumed plant food, the thing that makes other straight-hitting plants like Peashooter pretty much worthless. It creates some bucketheads and TWO OR THREE GARGANTUARS to fight for you and remember level 4 sometimes activates the ability without plant can get that boost sometimes if you just simply plant it. Enough said, see it battling the Chinese Zombots, see what I mean.

Gallery of the Best

The Worst it bad that I was excited to put these down because MAN, China, sometimes you stink at your job.

  • 10.Ganoderma-I was hyped for this thing and seeing what it did but it was disappointing. It's just a +25 sun peashooter that's also a counter to a certain zombie (gee, reminds me of something...), it doesn't even attack behind it with that other head (similar to Ampthurium) like seriously, what? O_o Also its plant food heals...ok then...
  • 9.Narcissus-Aka the cheaper Repeater, seriously, this thing deals the same damage as a Repeater apparently. While it IS ok, I'd rather have Snow Pea as my anti-fire weapon in the game it's in (Online). Also I think it can't breath underwater in the East Sea Dragon Palace even though it had a puddle when planted. O_o
  • 8.Durian-This one is mostly on here for is. It hurts zombies (slowly like Endurian but more HP apparently) so...what makes it weird? The sun cost and plant food. It costs...135? And the plant food...kills itself? If Online had boosts then that'll make it a -15 sun Cherry
  • 7.Nitro-shroom-Because having one peashooter clone in your online far future (the other was Ganoderma) wasn't enough...MAKE ANOTHER! This one doesn't even have an excuse, the things it shoots just act like projectiles and just...WHY. This is only number 7 though >_<
  • 6.Rose Swordfighter-I love the design but's bad, can't lie. It attacks like a Bonk Choy but how it works is confusing. It deals fast but weak damage when zombies have high HP but deals slow but heavy damage when they have low HP? Just deal the same damage all the time! The plant food looks amazing though and the bad*** upgrade photosRose Swordfighter Upgrade 1.png...NEED I SAY MORE?
  • 5.Mischief Radish-Ok, I give this credit, it's strong but did they REALLY need to copy off our A.K.E.E.? They could've just buffed that. It's only number 5 for how strong it is and the plant food missile thing. (But isn't 425 a little overpriced?)
  • 4.Winter Melon-No, not our Winter Melon, there's another *cricket chirps* Yeah...I know. This one is just a weaker Jalapeno on paths (not PvZA paths, PvZO paths), compare it to Sea Starfruit however only on paths not water. Both are weak Jalapeno clones, if I added PvZJttW plants, that would be joined with this. Also why is it called Winter Melon? I'll quote directly from the triva on the page "a lot of Chinese players thought it was a Olive" WHY NOT CALL IT OLIVE THEN?!?! YOU PUT THE REAL WINTER MELON IN THE GAME ANYWAYS, YOU THINK PEOPLE ARE BLIND!?!?
  • 3.Pineapple-pult/Rafflesia-Carrot Rocket is...meh...but AIM OVER TO THE ZOMBIE EATING YOU! But it only costs 25 more sun than a peashooter so it's ok...I guess BUT WHY DID YOU MAKE 2 PLANTS THAT COST 200 AND 350 SUN FOR THE SAME THING?!?! Spinnapple Cannon is even in the same game! There was no need! Rafflesia I get, first time in PvZ2(C) but seriously? Why 350 sun? It attacks so slow anyways!
  • 2.Most of the castle in the sky plants-Seriously, these 4 are unoriginal. Loquat? Temporary Sweet Potato (permanent when costumed). Asparagus? Slow Threapeater clone. Saucer? Stunion turned Squash clone. Pineapple? ANTI-PROJECTILE WALL-NUT (and now has a burn it with fire design)! Seriously, wtf? Horsebean is original, Anthurium is amazing and Ground Cherry, while also a clone has a good plant food, these others have no good things for them and are only saved by the "father" of bad stuff.
  • 1.Bamboo Bro-Oh dear lord this guy. So...what does he do? Apparently heals like a Infi-nut but well...I don't see healing, he only knocks zombies back during his plant food and I don't see ANY point towards him. Also "longer to adhere to the time" WTF?!?! YOU DON'T SAY? CHOMPER, SWEET POTATO AND EVEN SPRING BEAN ARE LAUGHING AT YOU!

Gallery of the Worst

And there it is, my top 10 best and worst Chinese plants :3