User blog:Plant Protecter/Plant Protecter's PvZ Stories: And the Currants Come Rolling In!

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For my first PvZ Story, see here,

Special thanks to Fairy27 for suggesting me to write this.

And the Currants Come Rolling In!

  • The episode starts at the Zomburger, where the main plant and zombie characters are eating lunch.

Bikini Zombie: It's nice how Zomburger Artist is now making burgers for the Plants.

Glitter Zombie: Well, he did partner up with Chompizza to sell more food, and part of the deal was that he needed to sell to Plants now, and that Plants could not attack him, set him on fire or eat him. Same goes for Assistant Manager Bitey.

Zomburger Artist: Baaa! (translation: "It's a living.")

  • Suddenly, the characters hear a voice in the distance.

Unknown: HEY!!!

Parasol Zombie: Did you hear that?

  • Shrinking Violet, who is sitting next to Imp Mermaid Zombie, hears who is yelling.

Shrinking Violet: Look, it's Electric Blueberry!

  • Just then, Electric Blueberry arrives carrying an envelope on her head.

Imp Mermaid Zombie: Hi Electric Blueberry!

Electric Blueberry: Guess what? My brothers have sent me a letter!

Weasel Hoarder: I don't know you have brothers.

Electric Blueberry: They travel a lot. Now let's see what they wrote.

  • She opens the letter and begins reading.

Electric Blueberry: (reading) Dear Electra. Remember how we used to call you that before you wanted to be called Electric Blueberry? Those were the days.

Sweet Potato: (interrupts) Your real name is Electra?

Electric Blueberry: I don't like that name. And please don't interrupt.

Sweet Potato: Oh, sorry.

Electric Blueberry: (continues reading) Well anyway, we, Eric and Al (if you forgot our names) are coming to visit you! It has been a while, and we wanted to find out how you are going in life. From your brothers, Eric and Al.

Gold Leaf: That's nice of them.

Electric Blueberry: Wait. There's more, but it is smudged. (tries to read) PS: We have been thinking, and we are waiting to fight the zombies in your area.

Imp Mermaid Zombie: (swallows) "Waiting to fight the zombies in your area."?!?

Electric Blueberry: Oh no, I forgot they dislike zombies. A LOT.

Zombie Commander: What should we do?

Parasol Zombie: I suggest the zombies should hide until they leave. When are they arriving?

Electric Blueberry: (looks at letter and panics) Today!

Weasel Hoarder: Does it say what time?

Electric Blueberry: 11 AM. What's the time now?

Zombie Commander: (looks at her watch and becomes frightened) 10:55 AM!

  • The zombies (except for Parasol Zombie) start muttering in surprise, shock and panic.

Parasol Zombie: Don't worry, we have plenty of time. Electric Blueberry, how are they coming to Suburbia?

Electric Blueberry: By their boat, called the "King of Red Currants".

Bikini Zombie: (frightened) The same "King of Red Currants" that is over there?!?

  • Everyone looks to see that the boat is coming.

Parasol Zombie: How about half of us go and hide in one of the time periods, while the other half stays and watches the Currants from a distance, just in case there is trouble they can't handle?

  • Imp Mermaid Zombie, Weasel Hoarder and Bikini Zombie take a step back.

Parasol Zombie: Glitter Zombie, Zombie Commander, looks like you are with me.

Glitter Zombie: (panicked) Wait, what?

Electric Blueberry: (notices the boat) Quick, hide! I will talk to him. Plants, you can come if you want.

  • The Zombies hide or leave for a time period, while the Plants go with Electric Blueberry to the docks, where the King of Red Currants is docking. The Currants then greet the Plants.

Electric Currants: Hey Electra!

Electric Blueberry: You know I don't like that name!

Eric: We know. That's why we call you that, little sister!

Electric Blueberry: (annoyed) I am older than you! Just because you two had your growth spurts early doesn't make you my older brothers.

Al: Sure...

Electric Currants: Wait. We're coming down to meet you.

  • Eric and Al jump off the boat, but, instead of landing on the pier, they fall into the ocean.

Eric: Don't worry, we can swim.

  • 15 minutes later, the Currants reach the shore.

Sweet Potato: I thought you said you could swim.

Al: We did. We just can't swim well.

  • The camera cuts to Parasol Zombie, Glitter Zombie and Zombie Commander, who are hiding in the bushes, watching them.

Glitter Zombie: At least the Currants are alright.

Parasol Zombie: Yes, but shouldn't they have just moved the boat closer to the dock so that they could actually jump onto the pier?

Zombie Commander: I don't know about you two, but this bush is making my nose itch. Aa...

Glitter Zombie: Wait, what are you doing?

Zombie Commander: Aaaah...

Parasol Zombie: No! You'll give our position!

Zombie Commander: AAAACHOOO!!!

  • The bushes they are hidden in then rustles, and leaves fly everywhere. The Plants then look at the bush.

Shrinking Violet: Uh oh...

Electric Currants: What was that?

Sunflower: (lying) A swarm of locusts?

Eric: It can't be locusts. It must be...

Al: Giant rock lobsters! We knew this would happen! Stay back!

  • The Currants jump into the bushes and starts attacking the Zombies.

Parasol Zombie: OW!

Electric Currants: What? Zombies?

Gold Leaf: Oh no.

Electric Currants: We...

Glitter Zombie: (frightened) This is very bad!

Electric Currants: We...

Zombie Commander: (scared) This is not how I thought it would end.

Electric Currants: We...

Parasol Zombie: (thinking) Hurry up and get it over with!

Electric Currants: LOVE Zombies!

Electric Blueberry: Wait, what?

Eric: Didn't you read our letter?

Sweet Potato: Yes, but it said you are waiting to fight zombies.

Al: Oh, I must of accidentally spilled "Sour Grape Juice (TM)" onto the letter, and it smudged our writing. We wanted to be FRIENDS with zombies in your area, Electra!

Shrinking Violet: Why?

Eric: We were climbing Mount Severest, and we were caught in an avalanche.

Parasol Zombie: How did that happen?

Al: We were in the middle of a yodelling contest.

Electric Blueberry: Of course.

Eric: Suddenly, a giant hook grabbed us and pulled us into a cave before we were hurt.

Al: When we looked around, we found a zombie who wore claiming equipment, had braided hair and held a flag with a brain.

Glitter Zombie: Wait. That sounds like...

  • The Plants and Zombies look at a zombie, who perfectly fits the description, ordering something from the Zomburger. The zombie notices them and waves.

Unknown zombie: Hallo! (translation: Hello!)

Electric Currants: Mountain Climber! How are you?

Mountain Climber: Gut. (translation: Good.)

Eric: (to the Plants and Zombies) She may speak some weird language, but she is pretty nice.

Al: We were about to attack her when we figured out she saved us.

Eric: Her act of kindness gave us a newfound respect for zombies, what ever that means.

Electric Blueberry: Wow. I had no idea. Are you alright?

Electric Currants: Yep. After that, we went a few places and decided to visit you!

Sweet Potato: What an interesting story.

Electric Blueberry: Hey Eric, Al, do you want me to show you around Suburbia?

Electric Currants: Sure, little sister.

Electric Blueberry: OK. Follow me!

  • The Plants and Zombies follow Electric Blueberry, who is talking to Eric and Al about the places in Suburbia. After they leave, Mountain Climber walks towards the camera.

Mountain Climber: Dies ist das Ende dieser Folge. Auf Weidersehen! (translation: This is the end of this episode. Goodbye!)


  • The name of this episode is a reference to the American gospel hymn When the Saints Go Marching In.
  • The King of Red Currants is a reference to the "King of Red Lions", a talking boat from the video game The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker.
  • "Mount Severest" is a portmanteau of "Mt Everest", the tallest mountain in the world and "sever," meaning to decide by cutting or slicing.