User blog:Plant Protecter/Plant Protecter's PvZ Stories: Queen Mermaid

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I have decided that I will now create one transcript for my PvZ stories and put it in a blog each month. You can still send in requests, and if this "one story a month" thing is too much, then tell me and I will change it.

For the other transcripts I have made, see here and here.

Queen Mermaid

  • The episode starts in Parasol Zombie's house, where Parasol Zombie has some news.

Parasol Zombie: Ladies and gentlemen...

Excavator Zombie: Um, I am the only male person here.

Parasol Zombie: Fine. Ladies and gentleman, using the chemistry kit I got for my birthday, I have created a new potion.

  • Parasol Zombie holds a yellow potion in her right hand.

Glitter Zombie: What does it do?

Parasol Zombie: (looking at a book) According to the instructions, it is supposedly a "Growth Potion".

  • Imp Mermaid Zombie hears this, and starts thinking.

Imp Mermaid Zombie: (thinking) If I had that potion, I will finally be able to grow bigger. Then I will finally be tall like the others. (smiling) Then I can finally go on all the rides at the amusement park.

  • Imp Mermaid Zombie then has an idea, and a sinister look appears on her face.

Imp Mermaid Zombie: Parasol Zombie, can I please look at that new potion of yours?

Parasol Zombie: Hmmm. Oh, OK, but be careful. It is still untested.

  • Parasol Zombie gives Imp Mermaid Zombie the growth potion, who then runs out the front door.

Parasol Zombie: Hey! Come back!

Excavator Zombie: Stop!

  • The rest of the Plants and Zombies start chasing Imp Mermaid Zombie.

Sunflower: Why would she do this?

Parasol Zombie: I think I know. She's an Imp, and you know how short they are compared to other Zombies.

Sweet Potato: (gasps) Do you think she's going to use it to become taller?

Parasol Zombie: Most likely. I just hope there are no side effects...

  • Imp Mermaid Zombie hops into a Portal leading to the Modern Day, and everyone follows her into the Portal.

Bikini Zombie: Oh no. She could be anywhere now.

Shrinking Violet: Hey look, she's over there!

  • Everyone looks in the direction Shrinking Violet is pointing in, and Imp Mermaid Zombie is then seen catching her breath near a house.

Electric Blueberry: Imp Mermaid Zombie! Stop!

Imp Mermaid Zombie: No! You don't understand!

Parasol Zombie: It's about your height, isn't it?

  • Imp Mermaid Zombie then sits down against a nearby tree.

Imp Mermaid Zombie: (sighs) It's just not fair. You all get to be tall and get to do things I can't because of my height.

Parasol Zombie: But your height is what makes you you. It makes you special. It's what makes Imps noticeable.

Imp Mermaid Zombie: I suppose...

Blooming Heart: And besides, you're young. You will grow eventually.

Imp Mermaid Zombie: You're right. (takes off the cork on top of the bottle) But with this, I can grow now!

Parasol Zombie: NOOO!

  • Imp Mermaid Zombie drinks the potion and places the empty bottle on the ground.

Sunflower: Uh oh.

Gold Leaf: This won't be good.

Imp Mermaid Zombie: Ugh... My head hurts... (she sits down and then closes her eyes)

Parasol Zombie: Imp Mermaid Zombie?

  • There is no reply. Everyone is tense and unsure of what will happen.

Parasol Zombie: Imp Mermaid Zombie? Are you OK?

Imp Mermaid Zombie: (scary voice) Oh yes... I am better that OK. (she stands up and opens her eyes to reveal her pupils have turned red) I am way better than OK!

Parasol Zombie: Imp Merm-maid Z-zombie?

Imp Mermaid Zombie: That was my old name now you can call me... Queen Mermaid!

  • Queen Mermaid then starts growing, due to the growth potion.

Parasol Zombie: (surprised and scared) ...Remind me to never create this potion ever again...

  • Queen Mermaid then grows bigger than a house.

Electric Blueberry: Uh... We should move away from her feet, so we don't get squashed.

Parasol Zombie: You're right. RUN!!!

  • The Plants and Zombies then start running away from Queen Mermaid, who has now the size of a skyscraper and has stopped growing.

Queen Mermaid: Finally, I am tall! And now I will destroy all of those who have opposed me! (looks at the large skyscraper in the middle of the city) If I were to destroy that, then no one would dare defy me! (she then starts walking to the skyscraper, creating miniature earthquakes with every step.)

Parasol Zombie: (crying) This is all my fault! I released a monster onto the city and I never should have made that potion in the first place!

Zombie Commander: It's OK, everyone makes mistakes sometimes.

Parasol Zombie: (sniffs) Thanks.

Glitter Zombie: We have to stop Queen Mermaid!

Sunflower: But how?

Parasol Zombie: (smiles) I have an idea! Follow me!

  • Parasol Zombie leads the Plants and Zombies back to the Lost City to her house.

Parasol Zombie: (grabs a book and starts flipping through the pages) If I am correct, there should be... Aha! There! (points to a purple potion) That is the Shrinking Potion, which is the antidote for the Growth Potion.

Shrinking Violet: Why can't I just, well, shrink her?

Parasol Zombie: Because you might shrink us as well, and I won't make more Growth Potions.

Shrinking Violet: Good point.

Parasol Zombie: OK, everyone please exit my lab. I need to work on this alone.

  • Parasol Zombie pushes the Plants and Zombies out the lab door, closes the door and starts working.

Sweet Potato: I hope she doesn't take long to do it.

  • 30 seconds later...

Parasol Zombie: (opens the lab doors) DONE!!!

Gold Leaf: That was fast.

Parasol Zombie: Now let's go save the city!

  • The Plants and Zombies run out of Parasol Zombie's house, go back through the portal and reach the edge of the city.

Excavator Zombie: There she is!

  • Everyone looks and Queen Mermaid is seen at the top of the skyscraper.

Parasol Zombie: We have to get her to drink the potion, but how?

Sunflower: Wait. What was Imp Mermaid Zombie's favourite food?

Parasol Zombie: Lollipops. Why?

Sunflower: Look.

  • They look at a destroyed building, and next to it is a giant artificial lollipop.

Shrinking Violet: (sad) Awww. She destroyed the candy store.

Parasol Zombie: That's good for us. (opens the bottle and pours the contents on the lollipop).

  • They wait.

Parasol Zombie: (thinking) Come on.

  • They wait some more.

Parasol Zombie: (thinking) Come on!

  • Even more waiting.

Parasol Zombie: (thinking) COME ON! SHRINK ALREADY!

  • The lollipop then shrinks to the size of a normal lollipop.

Parasol Zombie: YES! Follow me!

  • The Plants and the Zombies go into the skyscraper and, after 3 minutes of waiting in the elevator, they make it to the top floor.

Parasol Zombie: Hey Queen Mermaid!

Queen Mermaid: Hmmm?

Parasol Zombie: (holding the lollipop) Do you want a lollipop before you destroy the city?

Queen Mermaid: GIVE ME!!!

  • Parasol Zombie throws the lollipop into the air, and Queen Mermaid eats it.

Parasol Zombie: I just hope this works.

Queen Mermaid: Do you have any more lollipops?

Parasol Zombie: No.

Queen Mermaid: Then you shall be destroyed after I... (her stomach gurgles) Ugh... I don't feel so good...

Zombie Commander: (to Parasol Zombie) Do you think it's working?

Parasol Zombie: Yes.

  • Queen Mermaid then roars loudly, before shrinking back to her normal size.

Queen Mermaid: I will... destroy... y-you...

  • Queen Mermaid lets go of the top of the antenna on top of the skyscraper.

Sunflower: (gasps)

Shrinking Violet: (faints)

Parasol Zombie: NOOO! (she thinks, and then smiles)

  • Parasol Zombie holds her parasol above where Queen Mermaid is going to fall. Queen Mermaid then lands in the parasol and bounces into the air. Parasol Zombie closes her parasol, puts it on the ground and then catches Queen Mermaid with her arms.

Imp Mermaid Zombie: (yawns and stretches her arms) Morning. (looks around) Wait. (surprised) WHERE AM I?!?

Parasol Zombie: It's a long story, but the good thing is you're safe.

Imp Mermaid Zombie: (hugs Parasol Zombie) Thank you.

Zombie Commander: I know this is a very touching moment, but can we please get down from here?

Parasol Zombie: OK. Let's get down from here.

  • The Plants and Zombies, except for Shrinking Violet, begin to go to the elevator.

Shrinking Violet: (waking up) What happened? (notices the Plants and Zombies entering the elevator) Hey! Wait for me! (enters the elevator)

Imp Mermaid Zombie: Now, can someone tell me what happened?



  • The episode's name is a reference to the 1933 movie "King Kong".