User blog:RonjackSilver/PVZ2 Zombie Ideas: Part 2

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Here are some more behavior ideas for more of the PVZ1-only Zombies. This time as a blog.

Jack In The Box Zombie No Box.png

Jack-in-the-Box Zombie

Only shows up in Modern Day. He will appear the same. The only difference is that he has a creepy smile and his constantly twitches. However, his behavior is changed. The jack-in-a-box no longer has a handle and instead has a lit fuse on it, which slowly starts to wind down to the jack-in-a-box. If it explodes, he explodes with it and many other plants. However, just like in the classic game, his jack-in-a-box can be stolen by a Magnet-shroom (PvZ2), and the fuse can be stopped by Winter-Mint family plants.

Almanac entry: Since 2009, he's been playing that jack-in-a-box like crazy. He also seemed to have never taken off the straightjacket ever since he became a zombie.

Digger Zombie

Digger Miner Zombie HD.png

Only shows up in Wild West. He will act the same, digging under the ground to get to the other side of the lawn, but can still be stopped by Potato Mine (PvZ2). However, in this game, Magnet-shroom (PvZ2) will magnetize his mining helmet and pull him up to the surface. Also, if he goes under a plant, he will drag it down with him and eat it while off-screen.

Almanac entry: He was the least helpful zombie Dr. Zomboss could find. His brain was swapped out with a torn apart pickaxe. He doesn't even tries to get inside to eat some brains.

Pogo Zombie

HDplus pogo.png

He will only show up in Modern Day. He will try to bounce over your defenses. However, just like in the first game, Magnet Shroom can steal the pogo stick. Additionally, using Umbrella Leaf will bounce him off the lawn.

Almanac entry: Just don't blame him for constantly bouncing. He's just got it as a childhood toy and never wanted to give it up when he got older.

Bungee Zombie

Bungee Zombie.png

He can be detected that he's coming, indicated him swinging over your plants, trying to grab them. However, in this game, Blover (PvZ2) will blow him away, while Umbrella Leaf can block him like in the first game.

Almanac entry: He's 65 years old. Pretty sure bungee jumping is getting too dangerous for him.

Ladder Zombie

HDplus ladder.png

He will act the same as in his debut, with the same weaknesses.

Almanac entry: It's not his fault he wants to eat brains. He actually just wants to fix roofs. It's a bit of a shame that his ladder can only reach 5 inches high. It's not his fault the taller ladders cost 87 dollars.

Catapult Zombie

HDplus basketball.png

He will act the same, except for the fact that his basketballs, when colliding with pult characters, will be reflected back at him.

Almanac Entry: He's been cleaning that stupid high-school basketball court ever since 1994, and now he wants to teach his new students (the Plants) how to properly play basketball, the wrong way.

The Zombotany Zombies

They will act the same.

Almanac entry: This is what Dr. Zomboss gets for accidentally melding Plant DNA with Zombie DNA to think that they would make better minions for him.