User blog:ShroomstagramUser/East Sea Dragon Palace: International version.

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I'm kinda in the mood for a PvZO related blog, so why not make and international version of their underwater world.

Basic differences

  • It will be renamed to Underwater Castle to sound more international.


Head down into the oceans of China, where Zomboss is experimenting with sea life, spreading zombies into the ocean and destroying the food chain. Can the plants save the oceans from a zombie attack and live to tell the tale?

Difficulty: 4 Jalapenos

Levels: 32

Main mechanic: The plants are in the water. Unless they are near an air source, they will drown.

When in time did it take place: In between Dark Ages and Pirate Seas.


There will be 6 plants introduced on the map, and no premiums tied into it.

Breathe Bulb

Breathe Bulbs allow plants to survive underwater.

Sun cost: 25

Recharge: Fast

Obtained: Beating Underwater Castle - Day 1

Notes: Exclusive to Underwater Castle

Area: 3x3

Plant food: Area of air expands to a 5x5 area for 30 seconds

Almanac entry: Breathe Bulb was born with her ability to give air underwater. Intensive Carrot helped her perfect it.

Bubble Flower

Bubble Flowers blow bubble that cover zombies

Sun cost: 125

Recharge: Fast

Range: Straight

Obtained: Beating Underwater Castle - Day 5

Special: Can be used in tangent with Electric Coral for more damage

Damage: Light (0.25; normal bubble); moderate (2.5; electric bubble)

Plant Food: Covers all zombies on screen with bubbles, dealing heavy damage.

Almanac entry: She loves entertaining the kids with her bubble blowing tricks.

Electric Coral

Electric Corals shoot electric balls at enemies

Sun cost: 200

Recharge: Mediocre (10 seconds)

Range: Straight

Obtained: Beating Underwater Castle - Day 10

Special: Can be used in tangent with Bubble Flower for more damage

Damage: Moderate (1.5 alone; 3 with Bubble Flower)

Plant Food: Shoots an electric ball that explodes in a 3x3 area after making contact with a zombie/obstacle

Almanac entry: He's confused on how his electricity powers are usable underwater. The other electric plants never give him viable answers as to why. Electric Blueberry stutters too much and Lightning Reed is too busy hanging out with Magnifying Grass.

Sea Anemone

Sea Anemones are lobbed-shot plants that shoot down 3 lanes

Sun cost: 200

Recharge: Fast

Range: Lobbed

Obtained: Beating Underwater Castle - Day 17

Damage: Normal (2 damage for being lobbed-shot)

Plant Food: Shoot big gold doubloons that do six times more damage than normal gold doubloons

Almanac entry: Sea Anemone gets mad when someone says she's a sunflower. It's understandable, too. She used to be called Sea Sunflower as a sprout, even though it was proven none of her DNA matched that of a sunflower.

Mine Fruit

Mine Fruits shoot slow moving explosives to the closest zombie to your house.

Sun cost: 450

Recharge: Mediocre

Range: Anywhere on lawn (essentially Full Board)

Obtained: Beating Underwater Castle - Day 23

Damage: Heavy (45, but attacks every 10 seconds)

Plant Food: Creates an explosive wall surrounding it that destroys zombies that touch it

Almanac entry: He doesn't mean to blow up things. He just likes firing torpedoes.

Magma Fruit

Magma fruits are defensive plants that explode when defeated

Sun cost: 100

Recharge: Sluggish (25 seconds)

Toughness: High (80 bites)

Obtained: Beating Underwater Castle - Day 25

Damage: Massive (when defeated, does 60 damage)

Plant food: Creates imploding armor that does moderate damage when destroyed (also doubles the plant's total health to 160)

Almanac entry: A lot of people look at him funny for having horns. Contrary to popular belief, they are natural. They run in his family.


Starfish roll down a lane and knocks armor off of zombies

Sun cost: 0

Recharge: Slow

Obtained: Beating Underwater Castle - Day 28

Damage: On physical zombies, Normal (1 nds)

Usage: Instant

Almanac entry: He's not grumpy. He's currently in a frowning competition.


Excluding the basic variants, Gargantuar and Imp variant, and Zomboss, there are 5 special zombies (one of which is a Heroes zombies I put in for good measure)

Sea Zombie

Regular zombie under the sea

Toughness: Average (10 HP)

Speed: Basic

First encountered: Underwater Castle - Day 1

Almanac entry: The fish skeleton on his head for good luck, he claims. No one believes him.

Shrimphead Zombie

Shrimps make good cone substitutes

Toughness: Protected (28 HP)

Speed: Basic

First encountered: Underwater Castle - Day 1

Almanac entry: That shrimp on his head is merely a skin from a recently molted shrimp.

Shellhead Zombie

Giants shells on your head are apparently, only as strong as buckets

Toughness: Hardened (65 HP)

Speed: Basic

First encountered: Underwater Castle - Day 1

Almanac entry: That giant shell on his head is a but too much for him to carry, sometimes.

Flag Seahorse Zombie

Marks a huge wave of sea zombies while riding a seahorse

Toughness: Average (10 HP)

Speed: Hungry

First encountered: Underwater Castle - Day 1

Almanac entry: He's a professional seahorse jockey.

Jellyfish Zombie

Jellyfish helps zombie over all but the tallest of plants

Toughness: Protected (18 for jellyfish; 10 for zombie)

Speed: Speedy

First encountered: Underwater Castle - Day 2

Almanac entry: The zombie and the jellyfish are roommates. It's a "love/hate" relationship.

Clamshell Zombie

Is vulnerable to damage, but can protect herself with clamshell

Toughness: Machined (75 clamshell, 16 zombie)

Speed: Hungry

Special: Stays still when protecting herself

First encountered: Underwater Castle - Day 6

Almanac entry: She's had the clamshell since childhood. She refuses to give it up, even for cleaning.


Her pet octopus can turn allies into mini-Octo Zombies

Toughness: Protected (20 HP)

Speed: Creeper

First encountered: Underwater Castle - Day 11

Almanac entry: Don't tell her dad, but Neptuna has no plans of being queen of the sea, but rather to be on land with zombie legs and a zombie prince.

Sea Yaksha Zombie

Uses his trident to slow plants in his lane

Toughness: Dense (HP)

Speed: Stiff

First encountered: Underwater Castle - Day 17

Almanac entry: Likes football, but his team always loses.

Turtle Zombie

In addition to having high health, he can also move into a random lane

Toughness: Hardened (75 HP)

Speed: Basic

Weakness: Starfish can knock him on his back, stunning him for 10 seconds

First encountered: Underwater Castle - Day 23

Almanac entry: Contrary to his name, he can't stuff his limbs and head into his shell.

Fish Imp

Is thrown past your defenses, then swims onward

Toughness: Average (10 HP)

Speed: Hungry

First encountered: Underwater Castle - Day 6

Almanac entry: He hates his school of fish and wants to be with the Underwater soldiers.

Crab Gargantuar

Giant underwater zombie who should really be taken seriously.

Toughness: Great (180 HP)

Speed: Hungry

Special: Crushes plants with anchor; throws fish imp when damaged

First encountered: Underwater Castle - Day 12 (or 16)

Almanac entry: The only reason he does his job is for free money.

Zombot Sea Serpent of Destruction

And you thought a giant mechanical shark was bad.

Toughness: Undying (1,400 HP)

Special: Uses bubble to summon zombies; make earthquakes to destroy plants; fires torpedoes to destroy plants

Speed: Hungry

Fought: Underwater Castle - Day 32

Almanac entry: Zomboss found himself redesigning the Dark Dragon after his medieval defeat. All he did was make it water proof and give a Chinese dragon look to it.


Pretty much the online stuff



Placeholders: Bikini Conehead2.png = Neptuna; Imp Mermaid Zombie2.png = Fish Imp; Deep Sea Gargantuar2.png = Crab Gargantuar.

Day Plants Zombies Flags First reward Notes
Chosen Available
Underwater Castle - Day 1 Choice Two Oxygen AlgaeO.png; Two Sunflower2.png; Cabbage-pult2.png Peashooter2.png Phat Beet2.png Laser Bean2.png Magnet-shroom2.png Underwater Soldier ZombieO.png Shrimp Soldier ZombieO.png Shell Soldier ZombieO.png Seahorse ZombieO.png Two Breathe Bulb All preplaced plants except for the 2 Sunflowers are placed outside of the Breathe Bulb's area of air.
Underwater Castle - Day 2 Choice with Oxygen AlgaeO.png Underwater Soldier ZombieO.png Shrimp Soldier ZombieO.png Shell Soldier ZombieO.png Seahorse ZombieO.png Jellyfish ZombieO.png Two Money bag Introduction of Jellyfish Zombie
Underwater Castle - Day 3 Strawburst2.png Oxygen AlgaeO.png Underwater Soldier ZombieO.png Shrimp Soldier ZombieO.png Shell Soldier ZombieO.png Seahorse ZombieO.png Jellyfish ZombieO.png Three Money Bag Special Delivery
Underwater Castle - Day 4 Choice Underwater Soldier ZombieO.png Shrimp Soldier ZombieO.png Seahorse ZombieO.png Jellyfish ZombieO.png Three Gift Box
Underwater Castle - Day 5 Choice with Primal Sunflower2.png Oxygen AlgaeO.png Blover2.png Split Pea2.png Underwater Soldier ZombieO.png Shrimp Soldier ZombieO.png Shell Soldier ZombieO.png Seahorse ZombieO.png Jellyfish ZombieO.png One Bubble Flower Objective: Survive with most plants picked for you.
Underwater Castle - Day 6 Sun-shroom2.png Bubble FlowerO.png Oxygen AlgaeO.png Sap-fling2.png Lava Guava2.png Underwater Soldier ZombieO.png Shrimp Soldier ZombieO.png Shell Soldier ZombieO.png Seahorse ZombieO.png Jellyfish ZombieO.png Imp Mermaid Zombie2.png Clamshell God ZombieO.png Two Money Bag Locked and Loaded
Underwater Castle - Day 7 Choice Underwater Soldier ZombieO.png Shrimp Soldier ZombieO.png Seahorse ZombieO.png Jellyfish ZombieO.png Clamshell God ZombieO.png Imp Mermaid Zombie2.png Three Gift Box
Underwater Castle - Day 8 Choice Underwater Soldier ZombieO.png Shrimp Soldier ZombieO.png Shell Soldier ZombieO.png Seahorse ZombieO.png Clamshell God ZombieO.png Imp Mermaid Zombie2.png Four Money Bag Objectives: Don't let the zombies trample the flowers. (4th column)
Underwater Castle - Day 9 Twin Sunflower2.png Oxygen AlgaeO.png Threepeater2.png Dandelion2.png Underwater Soldier ZombieO.png Shrimp Soldier ZombieO.png Shell Soldier ZombieO.png Seahorse ZombieO.png Imp Mermaid Zombie2.png One Money Bag Locked and Loaded
Underwater Castle - Day 10 Choice with Electric Sea PineO.png Underwater Soldier ZombieO.png Shrimp Soldier ZombieO.png Seahorse ZombieO.png Jellyfish ZombieO.png Imp Mermaid Zombie2.png Two Electric Coral

More coming soon